import numpy as np
import rmsd
from pysisyphus.stocastic.Pipeline import Pipeline
class Kick(Pipeline):
def __init__(self, geom, radius=0.5, **kwargs):
super().__init__(geom, **kwargs)
self.radius = radius
def get_kick(self):
# Interval [0, 1)
kick = np.random.random(4*self.coords_size)
# Stretch [0, 1) to [-r ... r)
kick = self.radius * (2*kick - 1)
kick = kick.reshape(-1, 3)
# Filter for kicks within a sphere with radius self.radius
kick_lengths = np.linalg.norm(kick, axis=1)
valid_kicks = kick[kick_lengths <= self.radius].flatten()
# Do a recursion when not enough valid kicks were found
if valid_kicks.size < self.coords_size:
valid_kicks = self.get_kick()
# Don't return more than we need
return valid_kicks[:self.coords_size]
def run_cycle(self, geom):
print(f"##### Cycle {self.cur_cycle:03d}, "
f"Micro Cycle {self.cur_micro_cycle:03d} #####")
opt_geoms = [self.run_kicked_geom(geom) for i in range(self.cycle_size)]
# Filter out None
opt_geoms = [geom for geom in opt_geoms if geom]
opt_num = len(opt_geoms)
print(f"{opt_num}/{self.cycle_size} optimizations converged.")
# Comparing to the initial geometry is only useful when the initial
# geometry is optimized. Otherwise all (small) kicks will converge
# to the same optimized structure, that is still very different from
# the initial one.
initial_rmsds = [
rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(self.initial_coords3d, ogeom.coords3d)
for ogeom in opt_geoms
print("Initial RMDS")
kept_geoms = self.get_unique_geometries(opt_geoms)
# cycle_str = f"{self.cur_cycle:03d}_{self.cur_micro_cycle:03d}"
# fn_base = f"cycle_{cycle_str}"
# trj_fn = f"{fn_base}.trj"
# with open(trj_fn, "w") as handle:
# handle.write(make_trj_str_from_geoms(opt_geoms))
# trj_filtered_fn = f"{fn_base}_filtered.trj"
# with open(trj_filtered_fn, "w") as handle:
# handle.write(make_trj_str_from_geoms(kept_geoms))
# for i, ogeom in enumerate(kept_geoms):
# fn = f"geom_{i:02d}_{cycle_str}.xyz"
# with open(fn, "w") as handle:
# handle.write(ogeom.as_xyz())
self.cur_micro_cycle += 1
return kept_geoms