import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.interpolate.Interpolator import Interpolator
# [1]
# [2]
class LST(Interpolator):
def __init__(self, *args, align=True, gtol=1e-4, silent=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, align=align, **kwargs)
self.gtol = float(gtol)
self.silent = silent
def cost_function(self, wa_c, f, rab, wab):
wa_c = wa_c.reshape(-1, 3)
rab_c = pdist(wa_c)
rab_i = rab(f)
wa_i = wab(f)
first_term = np.sum(((rab_i - rab_c) ** 2) / (rab_i**4))
second_term = 1e-6 * np.sum((wa_i - wa_c) ** 2)
return first_term + second_term
def interpolate(self, initial_geom, final_geom, **kwargs):
coords3d = np.array((initial_geom.coords3d, final_geom.coords3d))
# Calculate the condensed distances matrices
pdists = [pdist(c3d) for c3d in coords3d]
def rab_(f, pdist_r, pdist_p):
"""Difference in internuclear distances."""
return (1 - f) * pdist_r + f * pdist_p
rab = lambda f: rab_(f, pdists[0], pdists[1])
def wab_(f, coords_r, coords_p):
"""Difference in actual cartesian coordinates."""
return (1 - f) * coords_r + f * coords_p
wab = lambda f: wab_(f, coords3d[0], coords3d[1])
interpolated_geoms = list()
minimize_kwargs = {
"method": "L-BFGS-B",
"options": {
"gtol": self.gtol,
# We only have to interpolate between the two provided geometries.
# So we consider the total number of geometries (self.between + 2)
# to get the correct spacing, but we neglect the first and the last
# number (0 and 1), as they correspond to the two already known geometries.
for i, f in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, self.between + 2)[1:-1], 1):
x0_flat = wab(f)
res = minimize(
args=(f, rab, wab),
if not self.silent:
print(f"{i:03d}/{self.between:03d}: f={f:.04f}, success: {res.success}")
interpolated_geoms.append(Geometry(self.atoms, res.x))
return interpolated_geoms