Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.CFOUR

import re
import shutil
import textwrap

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator

# CFOUR doesn't use scientific notation for final energy or gradient.
cfour_float_regex = r"([-]?\d+\.\d+)"

[docs] def parse_cfour_energy(out_fn): with open(out_fn) as handle: text = regex = r'\s*The final electronic energy is\s*' + cfour_float_regex mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) energy = float(mobj.groups()[0]) return {"energy": energy}
[docs] def parse_cfour_gradient(grd_fn, out_fn, coords_pysis_frame_3d): results = {} gradient = np.loadtxt(grd_fn, skiprows=1) natoms = int(gradient.shape[0] / 2) gradient = gradient[natoms:, 1:] coords_comp_frame_3d = read_cfour_geom(out_fn) gradient_rotated = rotate_gradient( gradient, coords_pysis_frame_3d, coords_comp_frame_3d ).flatten() energy = parse_cfour_energy(out_fn)["energy"] results["energy"] = energy results["forces"] = -gradient_rotated return results
[docs] def read_cfour_geom(out_fn): with open(out_fn) as handle: text = regex = r"Coordinates used in calculation \(QCOMP\)(.+)Interatomic distance matrix" floats = [cfour_float_regex] * 3 # Element symbol, atomic number, then x, y, z in bohr line_regex = r"\s*[A-Z]+\s*\d+\s*" + r"\s*".join(floats) mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) geom = list() for line in mobj.groups()[0].split("\n"): mobj = re.match(line_regex, line.strip()) if not mobj: continue geom.append(mobj.groups()) coords_3d = np.array(geom, dtype=float) return coords_3d
[docs] def rotate_gradient(gradient, coords_pysis_frame_3d, coords_comp_frame_3d): # Following # Permalink: comp_frame_centroid = calc_centroid(coords_comp_frame_3d) pysis_frame_centroid = calc_centroid(coords_pysis_frame_3d) rot_matrix = calc_rot_matrix( coords_comp_frame_3d, coords_pysis_frame_3d, comp_frame_centroid, pysis_frame_centroid, ) return gradient @ rot_matrix.T
[docs] def calc_centroid(coords_3d): centroid = np.sum(coords_3d, axis=0) / coords_3d.shape[0] return centroid
[docs] def calc_rot_matrix( source_coords_3d, target_coords_3d, source_centroid, target_centroid ): H = (source_coords_3d - source_centroid).T @ (target_coords_3d - target_centroid) assert H.shape == (3, 3) U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(H) R = V @ U.T # Cover corner case if np.linalg.det(R) < 0: U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(R) V[:, 2] = V[:, 2] * -1 R = V @ U.T return R
[docs] class CFOUR(Calculator): conf_key = "cfour"
[docs] def __init__( self, cfour_input, wavefunction_dump=True, initden_file=None, **kwargs, ): """CFOUR calculator. Wrapper handling CFOUR ground state energy and gradient calculations. Parameters ---------- cfour_input : dict CFOUR keywords and values. Note: "on" must be encapsulated in quotes to avoid being translated to True by YAML. wavefunction_dump : bool, optional Whether or not to keep ground state SCF orbitals for each geometry step. initden_file: str, optional Path to an input initden file for use as a guess SCF density. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cfour_input = cfour_input self.inp_fn = "ZMAT" self.out_fn = "out.log" self.gradient_fn = "GRD" self.to_keep = ("out.log", "density:__den.dat") self.initden = None self.wavefunction_dump = wavefunction_dump if self.wavefunction_dump: self.to_keep = self.to_keep + ("MOLDEN*",) if initden_file: self.initden = initden_file self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd("cmd") self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "grad": self.parse_gradient, } # Convert pysisyphus keywords to CFOUR keywords # Explicitly not adding support for managing CFOUR parallelism - # user-configured cmd script in .pysisyphusrc should set either OMP_NUM_THREADS # or the environment variable they defined at compile-time for MPI parallelism cfour_input["MEM_SIZE"] = self.mem cfour_input["MEM_UNIT"] = "MB" cfour_input["CHARGE"] = self.charge cfour_input["MULT"] = self.mult
[docs] def prepare(self, inp): path = super().prepare(inp) if self.initden: shutil.copy(self.initden, f"{path}/initden.dat") return path
[docs] def keep(self, path): kept_fns = super().keep(path) try: self.initden = kept_fns["density"] except KeyError: self.log("den.dat not found!")
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type): xyz_string = self.prepare_coords(atoms, coords) cfour_keyword_string = "\n".join( f"{key.upper()}={str(value).upper()}" for key, value in self.cfour_input.items() ) grad_string = "DERIV_LEVEL=1\n" if calc_type == "grad" else "" # Note: CFOUR abhors blank lines between keywords. Make sure no extra whitespace is added between keyword lines. # First dedent, then format. # The extra newlines at the end are necessary to avoid crashes in certain development versions of CFOUR. input_str = textwrap.dedent("""\ CFOUR calculation {xyz_string} *CFOUR(UNITS=BOHR COORDINATES=CARTESIAN {grad_string}{cfour_keyword_string}) """ ).format( xyz_string=xyz_string, grad_string=grad_string, cfour_keyword_string=cfour_keyword_string, ) return input_str
[docs] def prepare_coords(self, atoms, coords): """Get 3d coords in Bohr Reshape internal 1d coords to 3d. Parameters ---------- atoms : iterable Atom descriptors (element symbols). coords: np.array, 1d 1D-array holding coordinates in Bohr. Returns ------- coords: np.array, 3d 3D-array holding coordinates in Bohr. """ coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) coords = "\n".join( [ "{} {:10.08f} {:10.08f} {:10.08f}".format(a, *c) for a, c in zip(atoms, coords) ] ) return coords
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): return self.run_calculation(atoms, coords, "energy", **prepare_kwargs)
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): return self.run_calculation(atoms, coords, "grad", **prepare_kwargs)
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): return parse_cfour_energy(path / self.out_fn)
[docs] def parse_gradient(self, path): return parse_cfour_gradient( path / self.gradient_fn, path / self.out_fn, self.pysis_frame_coords.reshape((-1, 3)), )
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, calc_type, **prepare_kwargs): # For use later to rotate CFOUR gradient to the pysisyphus frame self.pysis_frame_coords = coords inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type, **prepare_kwargs) results =, calc=calc_type) return results
def __str__(self): return f"CFOUR({})"