Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.Dimer

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import h5py
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.helpers import get_tangent_trj_str
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import rms
from pysisyphus.intcoords.helpers import get_weighted_bond_mode
from pysisyphus.linalg import perp_comp, make_unit_vec
from pysisyphus.optimizers.closures import small_lbfgs_closure
from pysisyphus.optimizers.restrict_step import get_scale_max

[docs] class RotationConverged(Exception): pass
[docs] class Gaussian: def __init__(self, height, center, std, N): = np.array(center) self.height = float(height) self.std = float(std) self.N = np.array(N) self.s0 =
[docs] def energy(self, R, height=None): if height is None: height = self.height return height * np.exp(-(( - self.s0) ** 2) / (2 * self.std**2))
[docs] def forces(self, R, height=None): if height is None: height = self.height s_diff = - self.s0 return ( height * np.exp(-(s_diff**2) / (2 * self.std**2)) * s_diff / self.std**2 * self.N )
def __str__(self): return ( f"Gaussian(height={self.height:.4f}, center={}, " f"s0={self.s0:.4f}, std={self.std:.4f}" )
# [1] # Original Dimer paper # Henkelmann, 1999 # [2] # Comparison of TS search methods # Olsen, 2004 # [3] # Comparison of Dimer and P-RFO # Heyden, 2005 # [4] # Superlinear Dimer method # Kästner, 2008
[docs] class Dimer(Calculator): def __init__( self, calculator, *args, N_raw=None, length=0.0189, rotation_max_cycles=15, rotation_method="fourier", rotation_thresh=1e-4, rotation_tol=1, rotation_max_element=0.001, rotation_interpolate=True, rotation_disable=False, rotation_disable_pos_curv=True, rotation_remove_trans=True, trans_force_f_perp=True, bonds=None, N_hessian=None, bias_rotation=False, bias_translation=False, bias_gaussian_dot=0.1, seed=None, write_orientations=True, forward_hessian=True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger("dimer") self.calculator = calculator self.length = float(length) # Rotation parameters self.rotation_max_cycles = int(rotation_max_cycles) rotation_methods = { "direct": self.direct_rotation, "fourier": self.fourier_rotation, } try: self.rotation_method = rotation_methods[rotation_method] except KeyError as err: print( f"Invalid rotation_method={rotation_method}! Valid types are: " f"{tuple(self.rotation_methods.keys())}" ) raise err self.rotation_thresh = float(rotation_thresh) self.rotation_tol = np.deg2rad(rotation_tol) self.rotation_max_element = float(rotation_max_element) self.rotation_interpolate = bool(rotation_interpolate) self.rotation_disable = bool(rotation_disable) self.rotation_disable_pos_curv = bool(rotation_disable_pos_curv) self.rotation_remove_trans = bool(rotation_remove_trans) self.trans_force_f_perp = trans_force_f_perp self.forward_hessian = forward_hessian # Regarding generation of initial orientation self.bonds = bonds self.N_hessian = N_hessian # Bias self.bias_rotation = bool(bias_rotation) self.bias_rotation_a = 0.0 self.bias_translation = bool(bias_translation) self.bias_gaussian_dot = float(bias_gaussian_dot) self.write_orientations = write_orientations restrict_steps = { "direct": get_scale_max(self.rotation_max_element), "fourier": None, } self.restrict_step = restrict_steps[rotation_method] self._N = None self._coords0 = None self._energy0 = None self._f0 = None self._f1 = None self.force_evals = 0 self.gaussians = list() # Set dimer direction if given self.N_raw = N_raw if self.N_raw is not None: msg = "Setting initial orientation from given 'N_raw'" if isinstance(self.N_raw, str) and Path(self.N_raw).exists(): fn = self.N_raw self.N_raw = np.loadtxt(fn) msg = f"Read initial orientation from file '{fn}'" N_raw = self.N_raw.copy() self.N = N_raw self.log(msg) self.N_init = None if seed is None: # 2**32 - 1 seed = np.random.randint(4294967295) np.random.seed(seed) msg = f"Using seed {seed} to initialize the random number generator.\n" print(msg) self.log(msg) @property def N(self): return self._N @N.setter def N(self, N_new): N_new = np.array(N_new, dtype=float).flatten() if self.rotation_remove_trans: N_new = self.remove_translation(N_new) N_new /= np.linalg.norm(N_new) self._N = N_new self._f1 = None @property def coords0(self): return self._coords0 @coords0.setter def coords0(self, coords0_new): self._coords0 = coords0_new self._energy0 = None self._f0 = None self._f1 = None @property def coords1(self): return self.coords0 + self.length * self.N @coords1.setter def coords1(self, coords1_new): N_new = coords1_new - self.coords0 self.N = N_new self._f1 = None @property def energy0(self): if self._energy0 is None: results = self.calculator.get_energy(self.atoms, self.coords0)["energy"] self._energy0 = results["energy"] return self._energy0 @property def f0(self): if self._f0 is None: results = self.calculator.get_forces(self.atoms, self.coords0) self.force_evals += 1 self._f0 = results["forces"] self._energy0 = results["energy"] return self._f0 @property def f1(self): if self._f1 is None: results = self.calculator.get_forces(self.atoms, self.coords1) self.force_evals += 1 self._f1 = results["forces"] return self._f1 @f1.setter def f1(self, f1_new): self._f1 = f1_new @property def f2(self): """Never calculated explicitly, but estimated from f0 and f1.""" return 2 * self.f0 - self.f1 @property def can_bias_f1(self): return ( self.bias_rotation and (self.N_init is not None) and (self.bias_rotation_a is not None) and (self.bias_rotation_a > 0.0) ) @property def should_bias_f1(self): """May lead to calculation of f0 and/or f1 if present!""" return self.can_bias_f1 and self.C > 0.0 @property def can_bias_f0(self): return self.bias_translation and (self.N is not None) @property def should_bias_f0(self): """May lead to calculation of f0 and/or f1 if present!""" return self.can_bias_f0 and self.C > 0.0 @property def f1_bias(self): # Apply bias force to f1 if desired. Dont apply bias if N_init is not (yet) # set. When N_raw was converged to a reasonable N_init we can add # the bias. assert self.bias_rotation_a >= 0.0, "This should not be negative!" fN = self.bias_rotation_a * self.length * * self.N_init return fN @property def rot_force(self): f1_perp = perp_comp(self.f1, self.N) f2_perp = perp_comp(self.f2, self.N) f_perp = f1_perp - f2_perp # Don't bias rotational force if curvature is already negative if self.should_bias_f1: f1_bias_perp = perp_comp(self.f1_bias, self.N) f_perp += f1_bias_perp return f_perp
[docs] def curvature(self, f1, f2, N): """Curvature of the mode represented by the dimer.""" return (f2 - f1).dot(N) / (2 * self.length)
@property def C(self): """Shortcut for the curvature.""" return self.curvature(self.f1, self.f2, self.N)
[docs] def get_gaussian_energies(self, coords, sum_=True): energies = [ for gauss in self.gaussians] if sum_: energies = sum(energies) return energies
[docs] def get_gaussian_forces(self, coords, sum_=True): forces = [gauss.forces(coords) for gauss in self.gaussians] if sum_: forces = np.sum(forces, axis=0) return forces
[docs] def add_gaussian( self, atoms, center, N, height=0.1, std=0.0529, max_cycles=50, dot_ref=None ): # Create new gaussian object with default height that will be # refined later. gaussian = Gaussian(height=height, center=center, std=std, N=N) if dot_ref is None: dot_ref = self.bias_gaussian_dot # Calculate real forces at inflection point of new gaussian infl_coords = center + gaussian.std * N infl_results = self.calculator.get_forces(atoms, infl_coords) self.force_evals += 1 infl_forces = infl_results["forces"] assert ( < 0 ), "We probably overstepped the TS. See Section 2.3 in the paper." forces = self.get_gaussian_forces(infl_coords) + infl_forces def get_dot(height): """Dot product of forces for a given height and orientation N.""" tmp_forces = forces.copy() tmp_forces += gaussian.forces(infl_coords, height=height) dot = return dot def can_break(dot): """Convergence indicator.""" return abs(dot - dot_ref) <= 1e-3 def bisect( min_, max_, ): for i in range(max_cycles): if abs(min_ - max_) <= 1e-10: raise Exception("min_ and max_ became too similar!") # Determie value at half of the internval height = min_ + (max_ - min_) / 2 dot = get_dot(height) if can_break(dot): break if dot > dot_ref: max_ = height elif dot < dot_ref: min_ = height return height # Determine appropriate height grow = 2 min_height = 0 assert get_dot(0) < dot_ref for i in range(max_cycles): dot = get_dot(height) if can_break(dot): break if 0 < dot < dot_ref: min_height = height height *= grow elif dot < dot_ref: height *= grow else: height = bisect(min_height, height) break dot = get_dot(height) gaussian.height = height self.gaussians.append(gaussian) self.log(f"Added gaussian with height={height:.6f}") self.log(f"There are now {len(self.gaussians)} gaussians.") return gaussian
[docs] def get_N_raw_from_hessian(self, h5_fn, root=0): with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: hessian = handle["hessian"][:] w, v = np.linalg.eigh(hessian) assert w[root] < -1e-3 N_raw = v[:, root] return N_raw
[docs] def set_N_raw(self, coords): self.log("No initial orientation given. Generating one.") if self.bonds is not None: N_raw = get_weighted_bond_mode(self.bonds, coords.reshape(-1, 3)) msg = "weighted bond mode" elif self.N_hessian is not None: N_raw = self.get_N_raw_from_hessian(self.N_hessian) msg = "first imaginary mode of HDF5 Hessian" else: msg = "random guess" N_raw = np.random.rand(coords.size) self.log(f"Obtained initial orientation from {msg}.") # Make N_raw translationally invariant and normalize self.N = N_raw # Now we keep the normalized dimer orientation self.N_raw = self.N
[docs] def remove_translation(self, displacement): # Average vector components over cartesian directions (x,y,z) # Sum over each direction should equal zero if translationally invariant average = displacement.reshape(-1, 3).mean(axis=0) if max(abs(average)) > 1e-8: self.log( f"N-vector not translationally invariant. Removing average before normalization." ) else: return displacement # Subtract the average component along each direction to make sum zero invariant_displacement = ( displacement.reshape(-1, 3) - average[None, :] ).flatten() return invariant_displacement
[docs] def rotate_coords1(self, rad, theta): """Rotate dimer and produce new coords1.""" return self.coords0 + (self.N * np.cos(rad) + theta * np.sin(rad)) * self.length
[docs] def direct_rotation(self, optimizer, prev_step): rot_step = optimizer(self.rot_force, prev_step) rot_step = self.restrict_step(rot_step) # Strictly speaking rot_step should be constrained to conserve the desired # dimer length (coords1 - coords0)*2. This step is unconstrained. # Later on we calculate the actual step between the old coords1 and the new # coords1 that have been reconstrained. self.coords1 = self.coords1 + rot_step
[docs] def fourier_rotation(self, optimizer, prev_step): theta_dir = optimizer(self.rot_force, prev_step) # Remove component that is parallel to N theta_dir = theta_dir - * self.N theta = theta_dir / np.linalg.norm(theta_dir) # Get rotated endpoint geometries. The rotation takes place in a plane # spanned by N and theta. Theta is a unit vector perpendicular to N that # can be formed from the perpendicular components of the forces at the # endpoints. C = self.C # Derivative of the curvature, Eq. (29) in [2] # (f2 - f1) or -(f1 - f2) dC = 2 * (self.f0 - self.f1).dot(theta) / self.length rad_trial = -0.5 * np.arctan2(dC, 2 * abs(C)) # self.log(f"rad_trial={rad_trial:.2f}") if np.abs(rad_trial) < self.rotation_tol: self.log(f"rad_trial={rad_trial:.2f} below threshold. Breaking.") raise RotationConverged # Trial rotation for finite difference calculation of rotational force # and rotational curvature. coords1_trial = self.rotate_coords1(rad_trial, theta) f1_trial = self.calculator.get_forces(self.atoms, coords1_trial)["forces"] self.force_evals += 1 f2_trial = 2 * self.f0 - f1_trial N_trial = make_unit_vec(coords1_trial, self.coords0) C_trial = self.curvature(f1_trial, f2_trial, N_trial) b1 = 0.5 * dC a1 = (C - C_trial + b1 * np.sin(2 * rad_trial)) / (1 - np.cos(2 * rad_trial)) a0 = 2 * (C - a1) rad_min = 0.5 * np.arctan(b1 / a1) # self.log(f"rad_min={rad_min:.2f}") def get_C(theta_rad): return a0 / 2 + a1 * np.cos(2 * theta_rad) + b1 * np.sin(2 * theta_rad) C_min = get_C(rad_min) # lgtm [py/multiple-definition] if C_min > C: rad_min += np.deg2rad(90) # C_min_new = get_C(rad_min) # self.log("Predicted theta_min lead us to a curvature maximum " # f"(C(theta)={C_min:.6f}). Adding pi/2 to theta_min. " # f"(C(theta+pi/2)={C_min_new:.6f})" # ) # TODO: handle cases where the curvature is still positive, but # the angle is small, so the rotation is skipped. # Don't do rotation for small angles if np.abs(rad_min) < self.rotation_tol: # self.log(f"rad_min={rad_min:.2f} below threshold. Breaking.") raise RotationConverged f1 = None # Interpolate force at coords1_rot; see Eq. (12) in [4] if self.rotation_interpolate: f1 = ( np.sin(rad_trial - rad_min) / np.sin(rad_trial) * self.f1 + np.sin(rad_min) / np.sin(rad_trial) * f1_trial + (1 - np.cos(rad_min) - np.sin(rad_min) * np.tan(rad_trial / 2)) * self.f0 ) self.coords1 = self.rotate_coords1(rad_min, theta) self.f1 = f1
[docs] def do_dimer_rotations(self, rotation_thresh=None): self.log("Doing dimer rotations") if rotation_thresh is None: rotation_thresh = self.rotation_thresh self.log(f"\tThreshold norm(rot_force)={rotation_thresh:.6f}") lbfgs = small_lbfgs_closure(gamma_mult=True) try: N_first = self.N prev_step = None for i in range(self.rotation_max_cycles): # lgtm [py/redundant-else] N_cur = self.N rot_force = self.rot_force rms_rot_force = rms(rot_force) if self.should_bias_f1: C_real = self.C C_bias = -self.bias_rotation_a * ( ** 2 C = C_real + C_bias C_str = f"C={C: .6f}, C_real={C_real: .6f}, C_bias={C_bias: .6f}" else: C_str = f"C={self.C: .6f}" self.log(f"\t{i:02d}: rms(rot_force)={rms_rot_force:.6f} {C_str}") if rms_rot_force <= rotation_thresh: self.log("\trms(rot_force) is below threshold!") raise RotationConverged coords1_old = self.coords1 self.rotation_method(lbfgs, prev_step) actual_step = self.coords1 - coords1_old prev_step = actual_step rot_deg = np.rad2deg(np.arccos( self.log(f"\t\tRotated by {rot_deg:.1f}°") else: msg = ( "\tDimer rotation did not converge in " f"{self.rotation_max_cycles}" ) except RotationConverged: msg = f"\tDimer rotation converged in {i+1} cycle(s)." self.log(msg) # self.log("\tN after rotation:\n\t" + str(self.N)) self.log() # Restrict to interval [-1,1] where arccos is defined rot_deg = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(max(min(, 1.0), -1.0))) self.log( f"\tRotated by {rot_deg:.1f}° w.r.t. the orientation " "before rotation(s)." )
[docs] def update_orientation(self, coords): # Generate random guess for the dimer orientation if not yet set if self.N is None: self.set_N_raw(coords) # Refine N_raw to N_init if not yet done if self.bias_rotation and self.N_init is None and self.C > 0.0: # Run initial sweep with a much softer convergence threshold self.log("Initial sweep to refine N_raw to N_init.") self.do_dimer_rotations(10 * self.rotation_thresh) if self.C > 0: self.N_init = self.N rot_rad = np.arccos( rot_deg = np.rad2deg(rot_rad) self.log(f"N_raw:\n\t{self.N_raw}") self.log(f"Rotated N_raw by {rot_deg:.1f}° to N_init") self.log(f"N_init:\n\t{self.N_init}") C = self.C self.log(f"Curvature after intial sweep is C={C:.6f}") self.log("Determining proper scaling factor for bias potential.") # Determine proper scaling factor for the quadratic bias potential # from the current curvature. scale_fact = 1.5 self.bias_rotation_a = scale_fact * self.C self.log(f"Using a={scale_fact}*C={self.bias_rotation_a:.6f}") else: self.log( f"Curvature after initial sweep C={self.C:.6f} is " "already negative. Not setting N_init and bias_rotation_a!" ) self.do_dimer_rotations()
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords): self.atoms = atoms self.coords0 = coords try: N_backup = self.N.copy() except AttributeError: N_backup = None if not self.rotation_disable: self.update_orientation(coords) if (N_backup is not None) and self.rotation_disable_pos_curv and self.C > 0: self.log( "Rotation did not yield a negative curvature. " "Restoring previous unrotated N." ) self.N = N_backup # Now we (have an updated self.N and) can do the force projections N = self.N # self.log(f"Orientation N:\n\t{N}") # Save orientation N in human-readable format, aka .trj # file in Angstrom. if self.write_orientations: trj_str = get_tangent_trj_str(atoms, coords, N) trj_fn = self.make_fn("N.trj") with open(trj_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(trj_str) self.log(f"Wrote current orientation animation to '{trj_fn}'") # Always save orientation in Bohr N_fn = self.make_fn("N") np.savetxt(N_fn, N) energy = self.energy0 self.log(f"\tenergy={self.energy0:.8f} au") f0 = self.f0 if self.should_bias_f0: self.log("Biasing translation forces") self.log(f"There are currently {len(self.gaussians)} gaussians present.") bias_energy = self.get_gaussian_energies(coords) energy += bias_energy bias_forces = self.get_gaussian_forces(coords, sum_=False) try: bias_norms = np.linalg.norm(bias_forces, axis=1) bias_norms_str = np.array2string(bias_norms, precision=4) self.log(f"\tnorm(bias_forces)={bias_norms_str}") except np.AxisError: self.log("Skipping calculation of norm(bias_forces)") f0 += np.sum(bias_forces, axis=0) norm_f0 = np.linalg.norm(f0) self.log(f"\tnorm(forces)={norm_f0:.6f}") f_parallel = * N norm_parallel = np.linalg.norm(f_parallel) self.log(f"\tnorm(forces_parallel)={norm_parallel:.6f}") # self.log(f"\tforce_parallel:\n\t{f_parallel}") f_perp = f0 - f_parallel norm_perp = np.linalg.norm(f_perp) self.log(f"\tnorm(forces_perp)={norm_perp:.6f}") # self.log(f"\tforce_perp:\n\t{f_perp}") # Only return perpendicular component when curvature is negative f_tran = -f_parallel curv_str = "positive" if self.C > 0 else "negative" force_str = "reversed parallel component of" if (self.C < 0) or self.trans_force_f_perp: f_tran += f_perp force_str = "full" self.log(f"Curvature is {curv_str}. Returning {force_str} f_tran.") # self.log(f"\tf_tran:\n\t{f_tran}") self.log() self.calc_counter += 1 results = {"energy": energy, "forces": f_tran} return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords): if not self.forward_hessian: raise Exception("Actual Hessian method not forwarded by Dimer calculator!") results = self.calculator.get_hessian(atoms, coords) return results