import struct
import socket
import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.socket_helper import send_closure, recv_closure, get_fmts
def ipi_client(
addr, atoms, energy_getter, forces_getter, hessian_getter=None, hdrlen=12
atom_num = len(atoms)
# Number of entries in a Caretsian forces/coords vector
cartesians = 3 * atom_num
# Formats needed for struct.pack, to cast variables to bytes.
# Bytes needed, to store a forces/coords vector
floats_bytes = 8 * cartesians
# Virial is hardcoded to the zero vector.
VIRIAL = struct.pack("d" * 9, *np.zeros(9))
ZERO = struct.pack("i", 0)
fmts = get_fmts(cartesians)
# Unix socket is hardcoded right now, but may also be inet-socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
addr = str(addr)
send_msg = send_closure(sock, hdrlen, fmts)
recv_msg = recv_closure(sock, hdrlen, fmts)
counter = 0
while True:
# Lets start talking
recv_msg(expect="STATUS") # The server initiates with a STATUS
status = recv_msg(expect="STATUS")
if status == "NEEDPOS":
_ = recv_msg(4, fmt="int")[0] # Recive atom num from IPI
coords = np.array(
recv_msg(floats_bytes, "floats")
) # Receive current coords
assert coords.size % 3 == 0 # Assert Cartesian coordinates
send_msg(atom_num, "int")
# Just send back the current coordinates or translate all atoms in +X
coords.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0] += 1
send_msg(coords, "floats")
# When the optimization converged EXIT will be returned .. not documented!
if status == "EXIT":
# It seems we have to send READY two times ... not documented!
# The server then returns POSDATA.
# Receive cell vectors, inverse cell vectors and number of atoms ...
# but we don't use them here, so we don't even try to convert them to something.
sock.recv(72) # cell
sock.recv(72) # icell
ipi_atom_num = recv_msg(4, fmt="int")[0]
assert ipi_atom_num == atom_num
# ... and the current coordinates.
coords = np.array(recv_msg(floats_bytes, "floats"))
# Indicate, that calculation is possible
get_what = recv_msg()
# Acutal QC calculations
if get_what == "GETENERGY":
energy = energy_getter(coords)
print(f"Calculated energy: {energy:.6f}, counter={counter}")
send_msg(energy, "float")
if get_what == "GETFORCE":
forces, energy = forces_getter(coords)
print(f"Calculated energy & forces: {energy:.6f}, counter={counter}")
# Send everything to the server
send_msg(energy, "float")
send_msg(atom_num, "int")
send_msg(forces, "floats")
send_msg(VIRIAL, packed=True)
# We don't want to send additional information, so just send 0.
send_msg(ZERO, packed=True)
elif get_what == "GETHESSIAN":
hessian, energy = hessian_getter(coords)
hessian_packed = struct.pack("d" * cartesians ** 2, *hessian.flatten())
print(f"Calculated energy & Hessian: {energy:.6f}, counter={counter}")
# Send everything to the server
send_msg(energy, "float")
send_msg(atom_num, "int")
send_msg(hessian_packed, packed=True)
counter += 1
except Exception as err:
raise err
def calc_ipi_client(addr, atoms, calc, queue=None, **kwargs):
assert calc is not None, "Supplied calculator must not be None!"
def energy_getter(coords):
if queue is not None:
queue.put(("coords", coords))
results = calc.get_energy(atoms, coords)
energy = results["energy"]
return energy
def forces_getter(coords):
if queue is not None:
queue.put(("coords", coords))
results = calc.get_forces(atoms, coords)
forces = results["forces"]
energy = results["energy"]
return forces, energy
def hessian_getter(coords):
if queue is not None:
queue.put(("coords", coords))
results = calc.get_hessian(atoms, coords)
hessian = results["hessian"]
energy = results["energy"]
return hessian, energy
ipi_client(addr, atoms, energy_getter, forces_getter, hessian_getter, **kwargs)