Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.MOPAC

import re
import textwrap

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG, AU2KCALPERMOL
from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import file_or_str

[docs] class MOPAC(Calculator): """""" conf_key = "mopac" MULT_STRS = { 1: "SINGLET", 2: "DOUBLET", 3: "TRIPLET", 4: "QUARTET", 5: "QUINTET", 6: "SEXTET", 7: "SEPTET", 8: "OCTET", } CALC_TYPES = { "energy": "1SCF", "gradient": "1SCF GRADIENTS", "hessian": "DFORCE FORCE LET", } METHODS = [ m.lower() for m in "AM1 PM3 PM6 PM6-DH2 PM6-D3 PM6-DH+ PM6-DH2 PM6-DH2X " # lgtm [py/non-iterable-in-for-loop] "PM6-D3H4 PM6-D3H4X PM7 PM7-TS".split() ] def __init__(self, method="PM7", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.method = method assert ( self.method.lower() in self.METHODS ), f"Invalid method={self.method}! Supported methods are ({self.METHODS})" self.uhf = "UHF" if self.mult != 1 else "" _ = "mopac" self.inp_fn = f"{_}.mop" self.out_fn = f"{_}.out" self.aux_fn = f"{_}.aux" self.to_keep = ("mop", "out", "arc", "aux") self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "grad": self.parse_grad, "hessian": self.parse_hessian, } self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd() """ 1SCF: Do only SCF AUX: Creates a checkpoint file NOREO: Dont reorient geometry """ self.inp = textwrap.dedent( """ NOSYM {method} {mult} CHARGE={charge} {calc_type} {uhf} THREADS={pal} AUX(6,PRECISION=9) NOREOR {coord_str} """ ).strip() self.log(f"Created MOPAC calculator using the '{self.method}' method.")
[docs] def prepare_coords(self, atoms, coords, opt=False): coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) * BOHR2ANG # Optimization flag for coordinate of = 1 if opt else 0 coord_str = "\n".join( [ f"{a} {c[0]: 10.08f} {of} {c[1]: 10.08f} {of} {c[2]: 10.08f} {of}" for a, c in zip(atoms, coords) ] ) return coord_str
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type, opt=False): coord_str = self.prepare_coords(atoms, coords, opt) inp = self.inp.format( method=self.method, charge=self.charge, mult=self.MULT_STRS[self.mult], uhf=self.uhf, calc_type=self.CALC_TYPES[calc_type], coord_str=coord_str, pal=self.pal, # mem=self.mem, ) return inp
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "energy" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type) # with open("inp.mop", "w") as handle: # handle.write(inp) # import sys; sys.exit() results =, calc="energy") return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "gradient" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type, opt=True) results =, calc="grad") return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "hessian" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type, opt=True) results =, calc="hessian") return results
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): return self.get_energy(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs)
[docs] def read_aux(self, path): with open(path / self.aux_fn) as handle: text = return text
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): return self.parse_energy_from_aux(self.read_aux(path))
@staticmethod @file_or_str(".aux", method=False) def parse_energy_from_aux(text): energy_re = r"HEAT_OF_FORMATION:KCAL/MOL=([\d\-D+\.]+)" mobj =, text) energy = float(mobj[1].replace("D", "E")) / AU2KCALPERMOL result = { "energy": energy, } return result
[docs] def parse_grad(self, path): text = self.read_aux(path) # grad_re = "GRADIENTS:KCAL.+$\s+(.+)$" # mobj =, text, re.MULTILINE) grad_re = r"GRADIENTS:KCAL/MOL/ANGSTROM\[\d+]=\s+(.+)\s+OVERLAP_MATRIX" mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) # Gradients are given in kcal*mol/angstrom gradients = np.array(mobj[1].split(), dtype=float) # Convert to hartree/bohr gradients = gradients / AU2KCALPERMOL / BOHR2ANG forces = -gradients result = { "forces": forces, } result.update(self.parse_energy(path)) return result
[docs] def parse_hessian(self, path): return self.parse_hessian_from_aux(self.read_aux(path))
@staticmethod @file_or_str(".aux", method=False) def parse_hessian_from_aux(text): # Parse employed masses, as the given hessian is mass-weighted # and we have to un-weigh it. mass_re = re.compile( r"ISOTOPIC_MASSES\[(\d+)\]=\s*(.+?)ROTAT_CONSTS", re.DOTALL ) # mobj =, text, re.MULTILINE) mass_mobj = masses = np.array(mass_mobj[2].strip().split(), dtype=float) # This matrix is used to un-weigh the hessian M = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.repeat(masses, 3))) # For N atoms we expect 3N cartesian coordinates coord_num = masses.size * 3 hess_re = r" # Lower half triangle only\s+([\s\.\-\d]+)\s+NORMAL_MODE" tril_hess =, text)[1].strip().split() tril_hess = np.array(tril_hess, dtype=float) assert tril_hess.size == sum(range(coord_num + 1)) hessian_m = np.zeros((coord_num, coord_num)) tril_indices = np.tril_indices(coord_num) hessian_m[tril_indices] = tril_hess triu_indices = np.triu_indices(coord_num, k=1) hessian_m[triu_indices] = hessian_m.T[triu_indices] # Hessian is given in mdyn/(Å*amu). # In a first step we have to unweigh the hessian using the matrix # built from the parsed masses. hessian = M @ hessian_m @ M # Then we have to convert mdyn/Å to Hartree/Bohr² # mdyn/Å = 100 kg/s² # Hartree/Bohr² ~ 1556.8931 kg/s² # # 1 mydn/Å * (100 / 1556.8931 Hartree/Bohr² * Å/mydn) = 0.06423 Hartree/Bohr² hessian *= 0.06423 energy = MOPAC.parse_energy_from_aux(text)["energy"] result = { "energy": energy, "hessian": hessian, } return result def __str__(self): return f"MOPAC({})"