Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.OpenMolcas

import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG
from pysisyphus.xyzloader import make_xyz_str

[docs] class OpenMolcas(Calculator): conf_key = "openmolcas" _set_plans = ( ("rasorb", "inporb"), "jobiph", ) def __init__( self, basis, inporb, rasscf=None, gateway=None, mcpdft=None, track=True, **kwargs, ): super(OpenMolcas, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert self.pal == 1, ( "RI SA-CASSCF analytical gradients do not work correctly in " "parallel (yet). Consider using pal=1 instead of the current " f"pal={self.pal}!" ) env = os.environ if not ("MOLCAS" in env): warnings.warn( "$MOLCAS environment variable is not set! Couldn't find it in the " "environment!" ) self.basis = basis inporb = Path(inporb).absolute() self.inporb = inporb if rasscf is None: rasscf = {} self.rasscf = rasscf if gateway is None: gateway = {} self.gateway = gateway if mcpdft is None: mcpdft = {} self.mcpdft = mcpdft self.track = track self.to_keep = ("RasOrb", "out", "in", "JobIph", "rasscf.molden") self.jobiph = "" self.inp_fn = "" self.out_fn = "openmolcas.out" self.float_regex = r"([\d\.\-E]+)" self.openmolcas_input = """ >> copy {inporb} $Project.RasOrb &gateway coord {xyz_str} basis {basis} group nosym {gateway_kwargs} &seward doanalytical &rasscf charge {charge} spin {mult} fileorb $Project.RasOrb {rasscf_kwargs} {mcpdft} >> copy $Project.JobIph $CurrDir/$Project.JobIph {rassi} {alaska} """ self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "grad": self.parse_gradient, } self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd()
[docs] def reattach(self, last_calc_cycle): self.inporb = self.make_fn("RasOrb", last_calc_cycle) self.jobiph = self.make_fn("JobIph", last_calc_cycle) self.log(f"restarted. using {self.inporb}, {self.jobiph}")
[docs] def build_str_from_dict(self, dct): strs = list() for key, val in dct.items(): if val is None: val = "" strs.append(f"{key}\n{val}") return "\n".join(strs)
[docs] def build_gateway_str(self): return self.build_str_from_dict(self.gateway)
[docs] def build_rasscf_str(self): return self.build_str_from_dict(self.rasscf)
[docs] def build_rassi_str(self): # In the first iteration self.jobiph isn't set yet. if (not self.track) or (self.calc_counter == 0): return "" else: # JOB001 corresponds to the current iteration, # JOB002 to the previous iteration. return f""" >> copy $Project.JobIph JOB001 >> copy {self.jobiph} JOB002 &rassi track """
[docs] def build_mcpdft_str(self): if not self.mcpdft: return "" mcpdft_kwargs = self.build_str_from_dict(self.mcpdft) return f"&mcpdft\n{mcpdft_kwargs}"
[docs] def get_pal_env(self): env_copy = os.environ.copy() env_copy["MOLCAS_NPROCS"] = str(self.pal) return env_copy
[docs] def prepare_coords(self, atoms, coords): coords = coords * BOHR2ANG return make_xyz_str(atoms, coords.reshape((-1, 3)))
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type): self.log(f"using inporb: {self.inporb}") xyz_str = self.prepare_coords(atoms, coords) alaska_str = "&alaska\npnew" if calc_type == "grad" else "" inp = self.openmolcas_input.format( inporb=self.inporb, xyz_str=xyz_str, basis=self.basis, charge=self.charge, mult=self.mult, gateway_kwargs=self.build_gateway_str(), rasscf_kwargs=self.build_rasscf_str(), mcpdft=self.build_mcpdft_str(), rassi=self.build_rassi_str(), alaska=alaska_str, ) return inp
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, calc_type="energy"): inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type) add_args = ("-clean", "-oe", self.out_fn) env_copy = self.get_pal_env() env_copy["MOLCAS_PROJECT"] = f"{}_{self.calc_counter}" kwargs = { "calc": calc_type, "add_args": add_args, "env": env_copy, } results =, **kwargs) return results
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords): return self.run_calculation(atoms, coords, "energy")
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords): return self.run_calculation(atoms, coords, "grad")
[docs] def get_root(self): ras = self.rasscf return int(ras.get("mdrlxroot", ras.get("rlxroot", 1)))
[docs] def parse_energies(self, text): if self.mcpdft: root_re = r"PDFT Root\s*\d+\s*Total energy:\s*" + self.float_regex matches = re.findall(root_re, text) root_energies = np.array(matches, dtype=float) root = self.get_root() energy = root_energies[root - 1] else: # Energy of root for which gradient was computed energy_regex = r"RASSCF state energy =\s*" + self.float_regex energy = float(, text).groups()[0]) # All state average energies root_re = "RASSCF root number.+Total energy.+?" + self.float_regex matches = re.findall(root_re, text) root_energies = np.array(matches, dtype=float) return energy, root_energies
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): with open(path / self.out_fn) as handle: text = energy, _ = self.parse_energies(text) return { "energy": energy, }
[docs] def parse_gradient(self, path): results = {} gradient_fn = os.path.join(path, self.out_fn) with open(gradient_fn) as handle: text = # Search for the block containing the gradient table regex = r"Molecular gradients(.+?)--- Stop Module:\s*alaska" floats = [self.float_regex for i in range(3)] line_regex = r"([A-Z\d]+)\s*" + r"\s*".join(floats) mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) gradient = list() for line in mobj.groups()[0].split("\n"): # Now look for the lines containing the gradient mobj = re.match(line_regex, line.strip()) if not mobj: continue # Discard first column (atom+number) gradient.append(mobj.groups()[1:]) gradient = np.array(gradient, dtype=float).flatten() if self.track and self.calc_counter > 0: self.parse_rassi_track(path) energy, _ = self.parse_energies(text) results["energy"] = energy # results["sa_energies"] = sa_energies results["forces"] = -gradient return results
[docs] def parse_rassi_track(self, path): gradient_fn = path / self.out_fn with open(gradient_fn) as handle: text = track_re = ( r"Initial root:\s*(\d+)\s*Overlaps with current " r"states:(.+)New root:\s*(\d+)" ) # overlap_re = "OVERLAP MATRIX FOR THE ORIGINAL STATES:(.+?)##" mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) initial_root, overlaps, new_root = mobj.groups() overlaps = np.array(overlaps.strip().split(), dtype=float).reshape(-1, 2) # Filters for overlaps > 10% (0.1**2 ~ 0.31622) thresh = 0.1 inds = np.where(np.abs(overlaps[:, 1]) > thresh**0.5) ov_perc_str = ", ".join([f"{nr:.0f}: {ov**2:.2%}" for nr, ov in overlaps[inds]]) self.log( f"Overlaps between previous root {initial_root} and " f"new roots bigger {thresh:.0%}: {ov_perc_str}. Will " f"use root {new_root} for the following gradient calculation." ) if new_root != initial_root: self.log("Found a root flip!") self.mdrlxroot = new_root
def __str__(self): return "OpenMolcas calculator"