Source code for pysisyphus.drivers.rates

# [1]
#     Heavy-Atom Tunneling in Organic Reactions
#     Castro, Karney, 2020
# [2]
#     Theory and simulation of atom tunneling in chemical reactions
#     Kästner, 2014
# [3]
#     Eyringpy
#     Dzib, Merino et al, 2018
# [4]
#     Johnston, Heicklen, 1961
# [5]
#     A Method of Calculating Tunneling Corrections For Eckart Potential Barriers
#     Brown, 1981

from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import sin
from typing import Optional

import jinja2
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy.integrate as integrate

from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL, AU2SEC, C, KB, KBAU, PLANCK, PLANCKAU
from import geom_from_hessian

[docs] @dataclass class ReactionRates: from_: str barrier: float # in E_h barrier_si: float # in kJ mol⁻¹ temperature: float # in K imag_wavenumber: float # in cm⁻¹ imag_frequency: float # in s⁻¹ rate_eyring: float # in s⁻¹ kappa_eyring: float rate_wigner: Optional[float] = None # in s⁻¹ kappa_wigner: Optional[float] = None rate_bell: Optional[float] = None # in s⁻¹ kappa_bell: Optional[float] = None rate_eckart: Optional[float] = None # in s⁻¹ kappa_eckart: Optional[float] = None
RX_RATES_TPL = """ From: {{ "{: >18s}".format(rxr.from_) }} to TS Barrier: {{ "{: >18.6f}".format(rxr.barrier) }} E_h ( {{ rxr.barrier_si|f2 }} kJ mol⁻¹) Temperature: {{ "{: >18.2f}".format(rxr.temperature) }} K Transition vector: Wavenumber: {{ "{: >18.2f}".format(rxr.imag_wavenumber) }} cm⁻¹ Frequency: {{ "{: >18.6e}".format(rxr.imag_frequency) }} s⁻¹ Type kappa rate / s⁻¹ rate / h⁻¹ comment ------- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------------ {{ rate_line("Eyring", rxr.kappa_eyring, rxr.rate_eyring) }} {%- if rxr.rate_wigner %} {{ rate_line("Wigner", rxr.kappa_wigner, rxr.rate_wigner, "1d tunnel corr.") }} {%- endif %} {%- if rxr.rate_bell %} {{ rate_line("Bell", rxr.kappa_bell, rxr.rate_bell, "1d tunnel corr.") }} {%- endif %} {%- if rxr.rate_eckart %} {{ rate_line("Eckart", rxr.kappa_eckart, rxr.rate_eckart, "1d tunnel corr.") }} {%- endif %} ------- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------------ """
[docs] def render_rx_rates(rx_rates: ReactionRates) -> str: def rate_line(name, kappa, rate, comment=""): rate_h = rate * 3600 return f"{name: <12s} {kappa: >8.4f} {rate: >12.8e} {rate_h: >12.8e} {comment: >18s}" env = jinja2.Environment() env.filters["f2"] = lambda _: f"{_:.2f}" env.filters["f4"] = lambda _: f"{_:.4f}" env.filters["f6"] = lambda _: f"{_:.6f}" env.filters["e8"] = lambda _: f"{_: >16.8e}" tpl = env.from_string(RX_RATES_TPL) rendered = tpl.render(rxr=rx_rates, rate_line=rate_line) return rendered
[docs] def eyring_rate( barrier_height: float, temperature: npt.ArrayLike, trans_coeff: float = 1.0, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Rate constant in 1/s from the Eyring equation. See "Reaction Rates and Barriers" on p. 3234 and eq. (8). Parameters ---------- barrier_height Barrier height (energy, enthalpy, gibbs energy, ...) in Hartree. temperature Temperature in Kelvin. trans_coeff Unitless transmission coefficient, e.g., obtained from Wigner or Eckart correction. Returns ------- rate Eyring reaction rate in 1/s. """ temperature = np.array(temperature, dtype=float) prefactor = trans_coeff * KB * temperature / PLANCK rate = prefactor * np.exp(-barrier_height / (KBAU * temperature)) return rate
[docs] def harmonic_tst_rate( barrier_height: float, temperature: float, rs_part_func: float, ts_part_func: float, trans_coeff: float = 1.0, ) -> float: """Rate constant in 1/s from harmonic TST. See, chapter 5. Contrary to the Eyring rate this function does only takes a scalar temperature as the partition functions are also functions of the temperature and would have to be recalculated for different temperatures. A possible extension would be to also support multiple rs/ts partition functions, one for each temperature. Parameters ---------- barrier_height Barrier height (energy, enthalpy, gibbs energy, ...) in Hartree. rs_part_func Partition function of the reactant state. ts_part_func Partition function of the transition state. temperature Temperature in Kelvin. trans_coeff Unitless transmission coefficient, e.g., obtained from Wigner or Eckart correction. Returns ------- rate HTST reaction rate in 1/s. """ rate_eyring = eyring_rate(barrier_height, temperature, trans_coeff) rate = ts_part_func / rs_part_func * rate_eyring return rate
[docs] def wigner_corr( temperature: float, imag_frequency: float, ) -> float: """Tunneling correction according to Wigner. See eq. (12) and for the original publication. Parameters ---------- temperature Temperature in Kelvin. imag_frequency Imaginary frequency in 1/s. Returns ------- kappa Unitless tunneling correction according to Wigner. """ kappa = 1 + 1 / 24 * (PLANCK * abs(imag_frequency) / (KB * temperature)) ** 2 return kappa
[docs] def bell_corr( temperature: float, imag_frequency: float, ) -> float: """Tunneling correction according to Bell. See eq. (1) and eq. (2). Parameters ---------- temperature Temperature in Kelvin. imag_frequency Imaginary frequency in 1/s. Returns ------- kappa Unitless tunneling correction according to Bell. Negative kappas are meaningless. """ u = PLANCK * abs(imag_frequency) / (KB * temperature) kappa = (u / 2) / sin(u / 2) return kappa
[docs] def eckart_corr( fw_barrier_height: float, bw_barrier_height: float, temperature: float, imag_frequency: float, ) -> float: """Tunneling correction according to Eckart. See [3], [4] and [5]. The correction should be independent of the order fw_barrier_height/bw_barrier_height. Parameters ---------- fw_barrier_height Barrier height in forward direction in Hartree. bw_barrier_height Barrier height in backward direction in Hartree. temperature Temperature in Kelvin. imag_frequency Frequency in 1/s of the imaginary mode at the TS. Returns ------- kappa Unitless tunneling correction according to Eckart. """ kBT = KBAU * temperature # Hartree two_pi = 2 * np.pi imag_frequency = abs(imag_frequency) * AU2SEC # Convert from 1/s to 1/au hnu = PLANCKAU * imag_frequency u = hnu / kBT # unitless v1 = fw_barrier_height / kBT v2 = bw_barrier_height / kBT alpha1, alpha2 = [ two_pi * barrier / hnu for barrier in (fw_barrier_height, bw_barrier_height) ] quot = 1 / (1 / np.sqrt(alpha1) + 1 / np.sqrt(alpha2)) d = 1 / two_pi * np.sqrt(np.abs(4 * alpha1 * alpha2 - np.pi ** 2)) cosh_d = np.cosh(two_pi * np.abs(d)) def eps(E): return (E - fw_barrier_height) / kBT def ai(E, vi): epsilon = eps(E) return np.sqrt(2 * (epsilon + vi) / (np.pi * u)) * quot def _a1(E): return ai(E, vi=v1) def _a2(E): return ai(E, vi=v2) def eckart_probability(E): a1 = _a1(E) a2 = _a2(E) plus = np.cosh(two_pi * (a1 + a2)) minus = np.cosh(two_pi * (a1 - a2)) return (plus - minus) / (plus + cosh_d) def eckart_func(E): epsilon = eps(E) P = eckart_probability(E) return P * np.exp(-epsilon) # Integration limits E_low = max(0, fw_barrier_height - bw_barrier_height) E_max = 1 # 1 Hartree max kappa, _ = integrate.quad(eckart_func, E_low, E_max, limit=250) # Make kappa unitless again by dividing by kBT, as we integrated over the energy. kappa /= kBT return kappa
[docs] def tunl(alph1: float, alph2: float, U: float, strict: bool = False): """Eckart correction factor for rate constants according to Brown. Python adaption of the TUNL subroutine in 4. Appendix of [5]. Parameters ---------- alph1 Unitless barrier height descriptor. 2π V1 / (h nu*); see (2) in [5]. alph2 Unitless barrier heigth descriptor. 2π V2 / (h nu*); see (2) in [5]. u Unitless curvature descriptor. h nu* / kT; see (2) in [5]. strict If enabled, arguments are bound checked. Will raise AssertionError if they are out of bonds. TUNL was found to yield accurate results when the arguments are within bounds. Returns ------- G Unitless tunneling correction according to Eckart. """ if strict: alphs = np.array((alph1, alph2)) assert (0.5 <= alphs).all() and (alphs <= 20).all() and 0 < U <= 16 if (alphs >= 8).all(): assert U <= 12 if (alphs >= 16).all(): assert U <= 10 # Quadrature arguments x = np.array((-0.9324695, -0.6612094, -0.2386192, 0.2386192, 0.6612094, 0.9324695)) w = np.array((0.1713245, 0.3607616, 0.4679139, 0.4679139, 0.3607616, 0.1713245)) pi = np.pi upi2 = U / (2 * pi) C = 0.125 * pi * U * (1 / np.sqrt(alph1) + 1.0 / np.sqrt(alph2)) ** 2 v1 = upi2 * alph1 v2 = upi2 * alph2 D = 4 * alph1 * alph2 - pi ** 2 DF = np.cosh(np.sqrt(D)) if D >= 0 else np.cos(np.sqrt(-D)) ez = -v1 if (v2 >= v1) else -v2 eb = min( C * (np.log(2.0 * (1.0 + DF) / 0.014) / (2 * pi)) ** 2 - (v1 + v2) / 2, 3.2 ) em = (eb - ez) / 2 ep = (eb + ez) / 2 # Original loop E = em * x + ep A1 = pi * np.sqrt((E + v1) / C) A2 = pi * np.sqrt((E + v2) / C) fm = np.cosh(A1 - A2) fp = np.cosh(A1 + A2) G = (w * np.exp(-E) * (fp - fm) / (fp + DF)).sum() # Outside the loop G = em * G + np.exp(-eb) return G
[docs] def eckart_corr_brown( fw_barrier_height: float, bw_barrier_height: float, temperature: float, imag_frequency: float, ) -> float: """Tunneling correction according to Eckart. Wrapper for the TUNL subroutine as given in the appendix of [5]. Parameters ---------- fw_barrier_height Barrier height in forward direction in Hartree. bw_barrier_height Barrier height in backward direction in Hartree. temperature Temperature in Kelvin. imag_frequency Frequency in 1/s of the imaginary mode at the TS. Returns ------- kappa Unitless tunneling correction according to Eckart. """ kBT = KBAU * temperature hnu = PLANCKAU * imag_frequency * AU2SEC u = hnu / kBT def alpha(barr): return 2 * np.pi * barr / hnu alpha1 = alpha(fw_barrier_height) alpha2 = alpha(bw_barrier_height) kappa = tunl(alpha1, alpha2, u) return kappa
[docs] def get_rates(temperature, reactant_thermos, ts_thermo, product_thermos=None): G_TS = ts_thermo.G imag_wavenumber = ts_thermo.org_wavenumbers[0] assert imag_wavenumber < 0.0 imag_frequency = ( imag_wavenumber * C * 100 ) # Convert from wavenumbers (1/cm) to (1/s) kappa_wigner = wigner_corr(temperature, imag_frequency) kappa_bell = bell_corr(temperature, imag_frequency) Gs_reactant = [thermo.G for thermo in reactant_thermos] G_reactant = sum(Gs_reactant) fw_barrier_height = G_TS - G_reactant fw_rate_eyring = eyring_rate(fw_barrier_height, temperature) if product_thermos: Gs_product = [thermo.G for thermo in product_thermos] G_product = sum(Gs_product) bw_barrier_height = G_TS - G_product bw_rate_eyring = eyring_rate(bw_barrier_height, temperature) kappa_eckart = eckart_corr( fw_barrier_height, bw_barrier_height, temperature, imag_frequency ) else: kappa_eckart = None def make_rx_rates(from_, barrier, rate_eyring, kappa_eyring=1.0): kwargs = {} if kappa_wigner and not np.isnan(kappa_wigner): kwargs.update( { "kappa_wigner": kappa_wigner, "rate_wigner": kappa_wigner * rate_eyring, } ) if kappa_bell and kappa_bell > 0.0: kwargs.update( { "kappa_bell": kappa_bell, "rate_bell": kappa_bell * rate_eyring, } ) if kappa_eckart and not np.isnan(kappa_eckart): kwargs.update( { "kappa_eckart": kappa_eckart, "rate_eckart": kappa_eckart * rate_eyring, } ) rx_rates = ReactionRates( from_=from_, barrier=barrier, barrier_si=barrier * AU2KJPERMOL, temperature=temperature, imag_wavenumber=imag_wavenumber, imag_frequency=imag_frequency, rate_eyring=rate_eyring, kappa_eyring=kappa_eyring, **kwargs, ) return rx_rates reactant_rx_rates = make_rx_rates("Reactant(s)", fw_barrier_height, fw_rate_eyring) rx_rates = [ reactant_rx_rates, ] if product_thermos: product_rx_rates = make_rx_rates( "Product(s)", bw_barrier_height, bw_rate_eyring ) rx_rates.append(product_rx_rates) return rx_rates
[docs] def get_rates_for_geoms(temperature, reactant_geoms, ts_geom, product_geoms): def get_thermos(geoms): return [geom.get_thermoanalysis(T=temperature) for geom in geoms] reactant_thermos = get_thermos(reactant_geoms) ts_thermo = get_thermos((ts_geom,))[0] product_thermos = get_thermos(product_geoms) return get_rates(temperature, reactant_thermos, ts_thermo, product_thermos)
[docs] def get_rates_for_hessians(temperature, reactant_h5s, ts_h5, product_h5s): reactant_geoms = [geom_from_hessian(h5) for h5 in reactant_h5s] product_geoms = [geom_from_hessian(h5) for h5 in product_h5s] ts_geom = geom_from_hessian(ts_h5) rates = get_rates_for_geoms(temperature, reactant_geoms, ts_geom, product_geoms) return rates