Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import struct
import textwrap

from jinja2 import Template
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.elem_data import KNOWN_ATOMS
from pysisyphus.constants import ANG2BOHR
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import chunks, file_or_str
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup_fast import find_bonds


[docs] def get_parser(widths): fmt = " ".join("{}{}".format(width, "s") for width in widths) fieldstruct = struct.Struct(fmt) parse = lambda line: tuple(s.decode() for s in fieldstruct.unpack(line.encode())) return parse
STRIP_RE = re.compile(r"[\d\s]*") # To remove numbers and whitespace NAME_MAP = { "hb": "H", "he": "H", "hh": "H", "hd": "H", "hg": "H", "so": "Na", } FULL_NAME = { " sod", " cla", " cal", }
[docs] def parse_atom_name(name): org_name = name assert len(name) == 4 name = name.lower() # Cases like " SOD" require special handling. Sticking to the PDB specification (!) # and using only the first two characters would result in S (sulphur). use_full_name = name in FULL_NAME if not use_full_name: name = name[:2] stripped = STRIP_RE.sub("", name).lower() if use_full_name: stripped = stripped[:2] try: mapped = NAME_MAP[stripped] except KeyError: assert stripped in KNOWN_ATOMS, f"Could not parse atom name '{org_name}'" mapped = stripped return mapped.capitalize()
@file_or_str(".pdb") def parse_pdb(text): atm_lines = list() for line in text.split("\n"): if line.startswith("HETATM") or line.startswith("ATOM"): atm_lines.append(line.strip()) continue elif line.startswith("MASTER"): master_line = line.strip() """ 0 Record name 1 serial 2 name 3 altLoc 4 ResName 5 chainID 6 resSeq 7 iCode 8 x 9 y 10 z 11 occupancy 12 tempFactor 13 element (14 charge), not parsed See """ atm_widths = (6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 11, 8, 8, 6, 6, 12) atm_parse = get_parser(atm_widths) """ 0 Record name 1 Num. of REMARK 2 "0" 3 Num. of HET 4 Num. of HELIX 5 Num. of SHEET 6 deprecated 7 Num. of SITE 8 numXform 9 Num. of atomic coordinates (HETATM + ATOMS) 10 Num. of CONECT 11 Num. of SEQRES """ master_widths = (6, 9, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) master_parse = get_parser(master_widths) try: master_fields = master_parse(master_line) except UnboundLocalError: master_fields = None print(f"Warning! No MASTER line found in PDB!") atoms = list() coords = list() fragments = {} atom_map = dict() for i, line in enumerate(atm_lines): # Charge is not considered right now ... fields = atm_parse(f"{line[:78]: <78}") res_name = fields[4].strip() chain = fields[5].strip() res_seq = int(fields[6]) frag = f"{chain}_{res_name}{res_seq}" xyz = np.array(fields[8:11], dtype=float) atom = fields[13].strip() if not atom.lower() in KNOWN_ATOMS: name = fields[2] atom = parse_atom_name(name) atoms.append(atom) coords.append(xyz) id_ = int(fields[1]) atom_map[id_] = i frag = fragments.setdefault(frag, list()) frag.append(i) # Verification using MASTER record, if present. if master_fields is not None: num_coord = int(master_fields[9]) try: assert len(atoms) == num_coord except AssertionError as err: if len(atoms) < 99_999: # See, e.g., 1HTQ raise err coords = np.array(coords, dtype=float) * ANG2BOHR return atoms, coords.flatten(), fragments, atom_map
[docs] def geom_from_pdb(fn, **kwargs): atoms, coords, fragments, _ = parse_pdb(fn) kwargs["fragments"] = fragments geom = Geometry(atoms, coords.flatten(), **kwargs) return geom
[docs] def get_conect_lines(atoms, coords): bonds = find_bonds(atoms, coords) # PDB indexing is 1-based bonds += 1 # Bring in a suitable order for CONECT entries bonds.sort(axis=1) bonds = sorted(bonds, key=lambda row: row[0]) conect = OrderedDict() for from_, to_ in bonds: conect.setdefault(from_, list()).append(to_) conect_lines = list() for from_, to_ in conect.items(): to_iter = chunks(sorted(to_), 4) for to_chunk in to_iter: conect_lines.append([from_] + to_chunk) return conect_lines
[docs] def atoms_coords_to_pdb_str(atoms, coords, fragments=None, resname="", conect=True): coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) coords3d_ang = coords3d / ANG2BOHR coord_fmt = "{: >8.3f}" * 3 # serial name altLoc chainID iCode # resName resSeq hetatm_fmt = "HETATM{: >5d} {: >4}{: >1}{: >3}{: >1} {: >4d}{: >1} " # xyz hetatm_fmt += coord_fmt # occupancy tempFactor atom hetatm_fmt += "{: >6.2f}{: >6.2f}" + 10 * " " + "{: >2s}" ter_fmt = "TER {: >5d} {: >3s} {:1s}{: >4d}" if fragments is None: fragments = [ range(len(atoms)), ] # Fixed for now altLoc = "" resName = resname chainID = "" iCode = "" occupancy = 1.0 tempFactor = 0.0 lines = list() serial = 1 for resSeq, fragment in enumerate(fragments, 1): for id_ in fragment: name = atoms[id_] xyz = coords3d_ang[id_] line = hetatm_fmt.format( serial, name, altLoc, resName, chainID, resSeq, iCode, *xyz, occupancy, tempFactor, name, ) lines.append(line) serial += 1 lines.append(ter_fmt.format(serial, resName, chainID, resSeq)) def fmt_conect_line(conect_line): return "CONECT" + ("{: >5d}" * len(conect_line)).format(*conect_line) if conect: conect_lines = get_conect_lines(atoms, coords) else: conect_lines = [] conect_str = "\n".join([fmt_conect_line(cl) for cl in conect_lines]) pdb_tpl = Template( textwrap.dedent( """\ REMARK 1 Created by pysisyphus {%+ for line in lines -%} {{ line }} {%+ endfor -%} {{- conect_str }} END""" ) ) pdb_str = pdb_tpl.render(lines=lines, conect_str=conect_str) return pdb_str
[docs] def geom_to_pdb_str(geom, detect_fragments=False, **kwargs): fragments = None if detect_fragments: try: fragments = geom.internal.fragments except AttributeError: geom_ = geom.copy(coord_type="redund") fragments = geom_.internal.fragments pdb_str = atoms_coords_to_pdb_str( geom.atoms, geom.coords3d, fragments=fragments, **kwargs ) return pdb_str