# [1] https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1724823
# Hratchian, 2004
# [2] https://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.475419?class=pdf
# Thompson, 1998
from collections import deque
import h5py
import numpy as np
def taylor(energy, gradient, hessian, step):
"""Taylor series expansion of the energy to second order."""
return energy + step @ gradient + 0.5 * step @ hessian @ step
def taylor_grad(gradient, hessian, step):
"""Gradient of a Taylor series expansion of the energy to second order."""
return gradient + hessian @ step
class DWI:
def __init__(self, n=4, maxlen=2):
"""Distance weighted interpolation."""
self.n = int(n)
assert self.n > 0
assert (self.n % 2) == 0
self.maxlen = maxlen
assert self.maxlen == 2, \
"Right now only maxlen=2 is supported!"
# Using FIFO deques for easy updating of the lists
self.coords = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen)
self.energies = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen)
self.gradients = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen)
self.hessians = deque(maxlen=self.maxlen)
def update(self, coords, energy, gradient, hessian):
assert len(self.coords) == len(self.energies) \
== len(self.gradients) == len(self.hessians)
def interpolate(self, at_coords, gradient=False):
"""See [1] Eq. (25) - (29)"""
c1, c2 = self.coords
dx1 = at_coords - c1
dx2 = at_coords - c2
dx1_norm = np.linalg.norm(dx1)
dx2_norm = np.linalg.norm(dx2)
dx1_norm_n = dx1_norm**self.n
dx2_norm_n = dx2_norm**self.n
denom = dx1_norm**self.n + dx2_norm**self.n
w1 = dx2_norm_n / denom
w2 = dx1_norm_n / denom
e1, e2 = self.energies
g1, g2 = self.gradients
h1, h2 = self.hessians
t1 = taylor(e1, g1, h1, dx1)
t2 = taylor(e2, g2, h2, dx2)
E_dwi = w1*t1 + w2*t2
if not gradient:
return E_dwi
t1_grad = taylor_grad(g1, h1, dx1)
t2_grad = taylor_grad(g2, h2, dx2)
# The gradient of dx2_norm_n w.r.t the coordinates is formulated with
# **2n instead of **n, so the square root can be easily reduced.
# sqrt(x)**2n = x**(1/2)**2n = x**n
# Thats why we do the following calculations with n/2.
# of n.
n_2 = self.n // 2
dx1_norm_n_grad = 2 * n_2 * dx1_norm**(2*n_2-2) * dx1
dx2_norm_n_grad = 2 * n_2 * dx2_norm**(2*n_2-2) * dx2
w1_grad = (dx2_norm_n_grad*dx1_norm_n - dx1_norm_n_grad*dx2_norm_n) / denom**2
w2_grad = -w1_grad
# E_dwi = w1(x)*T1(x) + w2(x)*T2(x)
# dE_DWI / dx = dw1(x)*T1(x) + w1(x)*dT1(x) + dw2(x)*T2(x) + w2*dT2(x)
grad_dwi = w1_grad*t1 + w1*t1_grad + w2_grad*t2 + w2*t2_grad
return E_dwi, grad_dwi
def dump(self, fn):
data = {
"coords": np.array(self.coords, dtype=float),
"energies": np.array(self.energies, dtype=float),
"gradients": np.array(self.gradients, dtype=float),
"hessians": np.array(self.hessians, dtype=float),
with h5py.File(fn, "w") as handle:
for key, val in data.items():
handle.create_dataset(name=key, dtype=val.dtype, data=val)
handle.create_dataset(name="maxlen", data=self.maxlen, dtype=int)
handle.create_dataset(name="n", data=self.n, dtype=int)
def from_h5(fn):
with h5py.File(fn, "r") as handle:
coords = handle["coords"][:]
energies = handle["energies"][:]
gradients = handle["gradients"][:]
hessians = handle["hessians"][:]
maxlen = int(handle["maxlen"][()])
n = int(handle["n"][()])
dwi = DWI(n=n, maxlen=maxlen)
for c, e, g, h in zip(coords, energies, gradients, hessians):
dwi.update(c, e, g, h)
return dwi
def __repr__(self):
return f"DWI(n={self.n}, maxlen={self.maxlen})"