import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2M, AU2J, AMU2KG
from pysisyphus.irc.IRC import IRC
from pysisyphus.TableFormatter import TableFormatter
# [1]
# Following Reaction Pathways Using a Damped Classical Trajectory Algorithm
# Hratchian, Schlegel, 2002
class DampedVelocityVerlet(IRC):
def __init__(self, geometry, v0=0.04, dt0=0.5, error_tol=0.003,
max_cycles=150, **kwargs):
super().__init__(geometry, max_cycles=max_cycles, **kwargs)
self.v0 = v0
self.error_tol = error_tol
self.dt0 = dt0
step_header = "damping dt dt_new error".split()
step_fmts = [".2f", ".4f", ".4f", ".3E"]
self.step_formatter = TableFormatter(step_header, step_fmts, 10)
def mw_grad_to_acc(self, mw_grad):
"""Takes care of the units for the mass-weighted gradient.
Converts units of a mass-weighted gradient [Hartree/(Bohr*amu)]
to units of acceleration [sqrt(amu)*Bohr/fs²]. The 1e30 comes
from converting second² to femto second²."""
return mw_grad * AU2J / AMU2KG / BOHR2M**2 / 1e30
def prepare(self, direction):
# In contrast to the paper we don't start from the TS geometry but
# instead do an initial displacement along the imaginary mode as for
# the other IRC classes. So there should always be a non-vanishing
# gradient after the prepare call.
acceleration = -self.mw_grad_to_acc(self.mw_gradient)
# init_velocity = acceleration
init_velocity, _ = self.damp_velocity(acceleration)
self.velocities = [init_velocity]
self.accelerations = [acceleration]
self.time_steps = [self.dt0]
def damp_velocity(self, velocity):
# Eq. (4) in [1]
damping_factor = self.v0 / np.linalg.norm(velocity)
self.log(f"Damping factor={damping_factor:.6f}")
damped_velocity = velocity * damping_factor
return damped_velocity, damping_factor
def estimate_error(self, new_mw_coords):
self.log("Error estimation")
# See Fig. 1 and Eq. (5) in [1]
cur_time_step = self.time_steps[-1]
prev_time_step = self.time_steps[-2]
time_step_sum = prev_time_step + cur_time_step
self.log(f"\tSum of cur. and prev. timestep: {time_step_sum:.6f} fs")
# Calculation of x' coordinates
# irc_mw_coords
# -1: current coords <- x_i-1 in the paper
# -2: previous coords <- x_i-2 in the paper
# velocities/accelerations
# -1: new velo./acc. for next time step
# -2: velo./acc. that yielded the proposed coords x_i
# -3: velo./acc. that yielded previous structure <- v_i-2 and a_i-2 in the paper
ref_coords = (
# TODO: This should probably be -3 but it seems to give inferior results
+ self.velocities[-2]*time_step_sum
+ 0.5*self.accelerations[-2]*time_step_sum**2
diff = new_mw_coords - ref_coords
diff /= np.sqrt(self.geometry.masses_rep)
largest_component = np.max(np.abs(diff))
norm = np.linalg.norm(diff)
# Take either the largest component of the difference vector
# or the norm of the difference vector.
self.log("\tdiff=Proposed coords - Reference coords")
# estimated_error = max(largest_component, norm)
estimated_error = max(largest_component, norm)
self.log(f"\testimated error={estimated_error:.6f}")
return estimated_error
def step(self):
prev_acceleration = self.accelerations[-1]
prev_velocity = self.velocities[-1]
time_step = self.time_steps[-1]
# Get new acceleration
acceleration = -self.mw_grad_to_acc(self.mw_gradient)
acc_normed = acceleration/np.linalg.norm(acceleration)
prev_vel_normed = prev_velocity / np.linalg.norm(prev_velocity)
ovlp = acc_normed @ prev_vel_normed
self.log(f"a @ v_i-1={ovlp:.8f}")
# Calculate new coords and velocity
# Eq. (2) in [1]
new_mw_coords = (self.mw_coords
+ prev_velocity*time_step
+ 0.5*prev_acceleration*time_step**2
# Update velocity
velocity = prev_velocity + 0.5*(prev_acceleration+acceleration)*time_step
# Damp velocity
damped_velocity, damping_factor = self.damp_velocity(velocity)
if self.cur_cycle == 0:
# No error estimation in the first step
estimated_error = self.error_tol
estimated_error = self.estimate_error(new_mw_coords)
# Get next time step from error estimation
new_time_step = time_step * (self.error_tol / estimated_error)**(1/3)
# Constrain time step between 0.0025 fs and 3.0 fs
new_time_step = min(new_time_step, 3.)
new_time_step = max(new_time_step, 0.025)
self.log(f"\tCur. time step={time_step:.6f} fs")
self.log(f"\tNext time step={new_time_step:.6f} fs")
# Set new coordinates
self.mw_coords = new_mw_coords