Source code for pysisyphus.optimizers.RSA

from math import sqrt

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

from pysisyphus.optimizers.HessianOptimizer import HessianOptimizer

[docs] class RSA(HessianOptimizer): """The Importance of Step Control in Optimization Methods, del Campo, 2009."""
[docs] def optimize(self): energy, gradient, H, big_eigvals, big_eigvecs, resetted = self.housekeeping() assert big_eigvals.argmin() == 0 min_eigval = big_eigvals[0] pos_definite = min_eigval > 0.0 gradient_trans = # This will be also be True when we come close to a minimizer, # but then the Hessian will also be positive definite and a # simple Newton step will be used. hard_case = abs(gradient_trans[0]) <= 1e-6 self.log(f"Smallest eigenvalue: {min_eigval:.6f}") self.log(f"Positive definite Hessian: {pos_definite}") self.log(f"Hard case: {hard_case}") def get_step(lambda_): return -gradient_trans / (big_eigvals + lambda_) # Unshifted Newton step newton_step = get_step(0.0) newton_norm = np.linalg.norm(newton_step) # def on_trust_radius(step, thresh=1e-3): # return abs(self.trust_radius - np.linalg.norm(step)) <= thresh def on_trust_radius_lin(step): return 1 / self.trust_radius - 1 / np.linalg.norm(step) def finalize_step(lambda_): step = get_step(lambda_) step = predicted_change = + 0.5 * self.predicted_energy_changes.append(predicted_change) return step # Simplest case. Positive definite Hessian and predicted step is # already in trust radius. if pos_definite and newton_norm <= self.trust_radius: lambda_ = 0.0 self.log("Using unshifted Newton step.") return finalize_step(lambda_) # If the Hessian is not positive definite or if the step is too # long we have to determine the shift parameter lambda. rs_kwargs = { "f": lambda lambda_: on_trust_radius_lin(get_step(lambda_)), "xtol": 1e-3, # Would otherwise be chosen automatically, but we set it # here explicitly for verbosity. "method": "brentq", } def root_search(bracket): rs_kwargs.update( { "bracket": bracket, "x0": bracket[0] + 1e-3, } ) res = root_scalar(**rs_kwargs) return res BRACKET_END = 1e10 if not hard_case: bracket_start = 0.0 if pos_definite else -min_eigval - 1e-3 bracket = (bracket_start, BRACKET_END) res = root_search(bracket) assert res.converged return finalize_step(res.root) # Hard case. # First we try the bracket (-b1, ∞) bracket = (-min_eigval, BRACKET_END) res = root_search(bracket) if res.converged: return finalize_step(res.root) # Now we would try the bracket (-b2, -b1). The resulting step should have # a suitable length, but the (shifted) Hessian would have an incorrect # eigenvalue spectrum (not positive definite). To solve this we use a # different formula to calculate the step. without_first = gradient_trans[1:] / (big_eigvals[1:] - min_eigval) tau = sqrt(self.trust_radius ** 2 - (without_first ** 2).sum()) step_trans = [tau] + -without_first.tolist() step = predicted_change = + 0.5 * self.predicted_energy_changes.append(predicted_change) return step