Source code for pysisyphus.trj

import argparse
import copy
import itertools as it
from pathlib import Path
import re
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rmsd as rmsd

from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG, AU2KJPERMOL
from pysisyphus.cos import *
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_fragments
from pysisyphus.intcoords.PrimTypes import prim_for_human
from pysisyphus.drivers.merge import hardsphere_merge as hardsphere_merge_driver
from pysisyphus.helpers import geom_loader, procrustes, get_coords_diffs, shake_coords
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import highlight_text
from pysisyphus.interpolate import *
from pysisyphus.intcoords.helpers import form_coordinate_union
from pysisyphus.intcoords.PrimTypes import normalize_prim_input, PrimMap
from import geom_to_pdb_str
from pysisyphus.stocastic.align import match_geom_atoms

    "idpp": IDPP.IDPP,
    "lst": LST.LST,
    "linear": Interpolator.Interpolator,
    "redund": Redund.Redund,
    "geodesic": Geodesic.Geodesic,

[docs] def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Utility to transform .xyz and .trj files.") parser.add_argument( "fns", nargs="+", help="Filenames of .xyz and/or .trj files (xyz and trj can be mixed).", ) action_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) action_group.add_argument( "--between", type=int, default=0, help="Interpolate additional images." ) action_group.add_argument( "--align", action="store_true", help="Align geometries onto the first geometry." ) action_group.add_argument( "--split", action="store_true", help="Split a supplied geometries in multiple .xyz files.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--reverse", action="store_true", help="Reverse a .trj file." ) action_group.add_argument( "--cleantrj", action="store_true", help="Keep only the first four columns of xyz/trj files.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--spline", action="store_true", help="Evenly redistribute geometries along a splined path.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--first", type=int, help="Copy the first N geometries to a new .trj file." ) action_group.add_argument( "--every", type=int, help="Create new .trj with every N-th geometry. " "Always includes the first and last point.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--center", action="store_true", help="Move the molecules centroid into the origin.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--centerm", action="store_true", help="Move the molecules center of mass into the origin.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--translate", nargs=3, type=float, help="Translate the molecule by the given vector given " "in Ångström.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--append", action="store_true", help="Combine the given .xyz files into one .xyz file.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--hsmerge", action="store_true", help="Merge two input geometries into one, while avoiding overlapping atoms " "via hardsphere-optimization.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--join", action="store_true", help="Combine the given .xyz/.trj files into one .trj file.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--match", action="store_true", help="Resort the second .xyz file so the atom order matches the " "first .xyz file. Uses the hungarian method.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--std", action="store_true", help="Move supplied geometry to its standard orientation.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--shake", action="store_true", help="Shake (randomly displace) coordiantes." ) action_group.add_argument( "--internals", action="store_true", help="Print automatically generated internal coordinates.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--internal-val", nargs="+", help="Print value(s) of given internal coordinate.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--get", type=int, help="Get n-th geometry. Expects 0-based index input." ) action_group.add_argument( "--geti", action="store_true", help="Decide on geometry interactively." ) action_group.add_argument( "--origin", action="store_true", help="Translate geometry, so that min(X/Y/Z) == 0.", ) action_group.add_argument( "--fragsort", action="store_true", help="Resort atoms by fragments." ) action_group.add_argument( "--topdb", action="store_true", help="Convert given geometry to PDB with automatic fragment detection.", ) shake_group = parser.add_argument_group() shake_group.add_argument( "--scale", type=float, default=0.1, help="Scales the displacement in --shake." ) shake_group.add_argument( "--seed", type=int, default=None, help="Initialize the RNG for reproducible results.", ) interpolate_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() interpolate_group.add_argument( "--idpp", action="store_true", help="Interpolate using Image Dependent Pair Potential.", ) interpolate_group.add_argument( "--lst", action="store_true", help="Interpolate by linear synchronous transit." ) interpolate_group.add_argument( "--redund", action="store_true", help="Interpolate in internal coordinates." ) interpolate_group.add_argument( "--geodesic", action="store_true", help="Geodesic interpolation. Requires the geodesic-interpolate package.", ) parser.add_argument( "--extrapolate", type=int, default=0, help="Number of geometries to extrapolate before and after initial and " "final geometries.", ) parser.add_argument( "--extrapolate-before", type=int, default=0, help="Number of geometries to extrapolate before the initial geometry.", ) parser.add_argument( "--extrapolate-after", type=int, default=0, help="Number of geometries to extrapolate after the final geometry.", ) parser.add_argument( "--extrapolate-damp", type=float, default=1.0, help="Factor to increase (> 1.0) or damp (< 1.0) extrapolation step size.", ) parser.add_argument( "--noipalign", action="store_false", help="Don't align geometries when interpolating.", ) parser.add_argument( "--noxyz", action="store_false", help="Disable dumping of single .xyz files." ) parser.add_argument( "--atoms", nargs="+", type=int, default=list(), help="Used with --internals. Only print primitives including the given atoms.", ) parser.add_argument( "--add_prims", type=str, default="", help="Used with --internals. Define additional primitives. Expects a " "string representation of a nested list that can be parsed as YAML " "e.g. [[10,30],[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]].", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def read_geoms( xyz_fns, coord_type="cart", geom_kwargs=None, ): if geom_kwargs is None: geom_kwargs = {} # Single filename if isinstance(xyz_fns, str): xyz_fns = [xyz_fns] names = [""] # Dictionary with names as keys and fns as values. elif isinstance(xyz_fns, dict): names, xyz_fns = zip(*xyz_fns.items()) # Create empty names for all geometries else: names = [""] * len(xyz_fns) geoms = list() for fn in xyz_fns: # Valid for non-inline coordinates if Path(fn).suffix or fn.startswith("pubchem:"): geoms.extend( geom_loader(fn, coord_type=coord_type, iterable=True, **geom_kwargs) ) # Set names for name, geom in zip(names, geoms): = name return geoms
[docs] def get_geoms( xyz_fns, coord_type="cart", geom_kwargs=None, union=False, same_prims=True, quiet=False, # Interpolation related interpol_kwargs=None, ): """Returns a list of Geometry objects in the given coordinate system and interpolates if necessary.""" if geom_kwargs is None: geom_kwargs = { "coord_kwargs": {}, } if union: assert coord_type != "cart", "union must not be used with coord_type == cart!" union_geoms = read_geoms(union, coord_type=coord_type) assert ( len(union_geoms) == 2 ), f"Got {len(union_geoms)} geometries for 'union'! Please give only two!" geom_kwargs["coord_kwargs"]["typed_prims"] = form_coordinate_union(*union_geoms) geoms = read_geoms( xyz_fns, coord_type=coord_type, geom_kwargs=geom_kwargs, ) if not quiet: print(f"Read {len(geoms)} geometr" + ("y" if len(geoms) == 1 else "ies") + ".") atoms_0 = geoms[0].atoms # atoms_strs = [" ".join(geom.atoms).lower() for geom in geoms] # atoms_0_str = atoms_strs[0] # assert all( # [atoms_str == atoms_0_str for atoms_str in atoms_strs] # ), "Atom ordering/numbering in the geometries is inconsistent!" # TODO: # Multistep interpolation (when more than two geometries are specified) # in internal coordinates may lead to a different number of defined coordinates. # Maybe the union between geom0 and geom1 contains 6 internals and the union # betweeen geom1 and geom2 contains 8 primtives. Then the number of coordinates # at all images in the final list may be non-constant. try: interpol_type = interpol_kwargs.pop("type") interpol_cls = INTERPOLATE[interpol_type] interpolator = interpol_cls(geoms, **interpol_kwargs) geoms = interpolator.interpolate_all() except AttributeError: pass except KeyError: if interpol_type is not None: print( f"Unsupported type: '{interpol_type}' given. Valid arguments are " f"{list(INTERPOLATE.keys())}'" ) # Recreate Geometries so they have the correct coord_type. There may # be a difference between the coord_type used for interpolation and # the desired coord_type as specified in the function arguments. if coord_type != geoms[0].coord_type: recreated_geoms = list() for geom in geoms: geom_kwargs_ = copy.deepcopy(geom_kwargs) try: typed_prims = { "typed_prims": geom.internal.typed_prims, } geom_kwargs_["coord_kwargs"]["typed_prims"] = typed_prims except AttributeError: typed_prims = None if coord_type == "cart": geom_kwargs_["coord_kwargs"] = {} geom = Geometry( geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords, coord_type=coord_type, **geom_kwargs_, ) recreated_geoms.append(geom) geoms = recreated_geoms if not same_prims or (coord_type == "cart"): return geoms geom_prim_inds = [geom.internal.typed_prims for geom in geoms] first_set = geom_prim_inds[0] same_prim_inds = all([ith_set == first_set for ith_set in geom_prim_inds[1:]]) # Recreate geometries with the same primitive internal coordinates if not same_prim_inds: typed_prims = form_coordinate_union(geoms[0], geoms[-1]) geom_kwargs["coord_kwargs"]["typed_prims"] = typed_prims geoms = [ Geometry(atoms_0, geom.cart_coords, coord_type=coord_type, **geom_kwargs) for geom in geoms ] assert all( [len(geom.internal.typed_prims) == len(typed_prims) for geom in geoms] ) return geoms
[docs] def standardize_geoms(geoms, coord_type, geom_kwargs, same_prims=True, union=False): atoms0 = geoms[0].atoms same_atoms = all([geom.atoms == atoms0 for geom in geoms[1:]]) if union and coord_type != "cart": union_geoms = read_geoms(union, coord_type=coord_type) assert ( len(union_geoms) == 2 ), f"Got {len(union_geoms)} geometries for 'union'! Please supply only two!" geom_kwargs["coord_kwargs"]["typed_prims"] = form_coordinate_union(*union_geoms) elif ( same_atoms and same_prims and (len(geoms)) > 1 and (coord_type not in ("cart", "cartesian")) ): # Use 'tric', if requested; otherwise always use 'redund' sp_coord_type = "tric" if coord_type == "tric" else "redund" geom_0 = geoms[0].copy(coord_type=sp_coord_type) geom_m1 = geoms[-1].copy(coord_type=sp_coord_type) typed_prims = form_coordinate_union(geom_0, geom_m1) geom_kwargs["coord_kwargs"]["typed_prims"] = typed_prims return [ Geometry(geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords, coord_type=coord_type, **geom_kwargs) for geom in geoms ]
[docs] def dump_geoms( geoms, fn_base, trj_infix="", dump_trj=True, dump_xyz=True, dump_pdb=False, ang=False, ): xyz_per_geom = [geom.as_xyz() for geom in geoms] if dump_trj: trj_str = "\n".join(xyz_per_geom) trj_fn = f"{fn_base}{trj_infix}.trj" with open(trj_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(trj_str) print(f"Wrote all geometries to {trj_fn}.") if dump_xyz: for i, xyz in enumerate(xyz_per_geom): geom_fn = f"{fn_base}.geom_{i:03d}.xyz" with open(geom_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(xyz) print(f"Wrote geom {i:03d} to {geom_fn}.") elif dump_pdb: for i, geom in enumerate(geoms): geom_fn = f"{fn_base}.geom_{i:03d}.pdb" pdb_str = geom_to_pdb_str(geom, detect_fragments=True) with open(geom_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(pdb_str) print(f"Wrote geom {i:03d} to {geom_fn}.") print()
[docs] def align(geoms): """Align all geometries onto the first using partical procrustes.""" cos = ChainOfStates.ChainOfStates(geoms) procrustes(cos) return [geom for geom in cos.images]
[docs] def spline_redistribute(geoms): szts = SimpleZTS.SimpleZTS(geoms) pre_diffs = get_coords_diffs([image.coords for image in szts.images]) szts.reparametrize() post_diffs = get_coords_diffs([image.coords for image in szts.images]) cds_str = lambda cds: " ".join([f"{cd:.2f}" for cd in cds]) print("Normalized path segments before splining:") print(cds_str(pre_diffs)) print("Normalized path segments after redistribution along spline:") print(cds_str(post_diffs)) return szts.images
[docs] def every(geoms, every_nth): # every_nth_geom = geoms[::every_nth] # The first geometry is always present, but the last geometry # may be missing. sampled_indices = list(range(0, len(geoms), every_nth)) if sampled_indices[-1] != len(geoms) - 1: sampled_indices.append(len(geoms) - 1) sampled_inds_str = ", ".join([str(i) for i in sampled_indices]) print(f"Sampled indices {sampled_inds_str}") # if every_nth_geom[-1] != geoms[-1]: # every_nth_geom.append(geoms[-1]) every_nth_geom = [geoms[i] for i in sampled_indices] return every_nth_geom
[docs] def center(geoms): for geom in geoms: geom.coords3d = geom.coords3d - geom.centroid return geoms
[docs] def centerm(geoms): for geom in geoms: geom.coords3d = geom.coords3d - geom.center_of_mass return geoms
[docs] def translate(geoms, trans): for geom in geoms: geom.coords3d += trans return geoms
[docs] def append(geoms): atoms = geoms[0].atoms * len(geoms) coords = list(it.chain([geom.coords for geom in geoms])) return [ Geometry(atoms, coords), ]
[docs] def hardsphere_merge(geoms): assert len(geoms) == 2 union = hardsphere_merge_driver(*geoms) return [ union, ]
[docs] def match(ref_geom, geom_to_match): rmsd_before = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(ref_geom.coords3d, geom_to_match.coords3d) print(f"Kabsch RMSD before: {rmsd_before:.4f}") matched_geom = match_geom_atoms(ref_geom, geom_to_match, hydrogen=True) # Right now the atoms are not in the right order as we only sorted the # individual coord blocks by atom. # This dictionary will hold the counter indices for the individual atom atom_type_inds = {atom: 0 for atom in ref_geom.atom_types} matched_coord_blocks, _ = matched_geom.coords_by_type new_coords = list() for atom in ref_geom.atoms: # Get the current counter/index from the dicitonary for the given atom cur_atom_ind = atom_type_inds[atom] # Select the appropriate atom from the coords block atom_coords = matched_coord_blocks[atom][cur_atom_ind] new_coords.append(atom_coords) # Increment the counter so the next time the same atom type comes up # we fetch the next entry of the coord block. atom_type_inds[atom] += 1 # Assign the updated atom order and corresponding coordinates matched_geom.atoms = ref_geom.atoms matched_geom.coords = np.array(new_coords).flatten() rmsd_after = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(ref_geom.coords3d, matched_geom.coords3d) print(f"Kabsch RMSD after: {rmsd_after:.4f}") return [ matched_geom, ]
[docs] def standard_orientation(geoms): [geom.standard_orientation() for geom in geoms] return geoms
[docs] def shake(geoms, scale=0.1, seed=None): for geom in geoms: geom.coords = shake_coords(geom.coords, scale=scale, seed=seed) return geoms
[docs] def get(geoms, index): # Convert to positive index. Right now this doesn't do anything useful. # Could be used to generated more meaningful filenames if we could somehow # also return a index number to generate the filename. if index < 0: index += len(geoms) return [ geoms[index], ]
[docs] class GotNoGeometryException(Exception): pass
[docs] def get_interactively(geoms): # Try to parse energies from geoms energy_re = re.compile(r"[-\.\d]+") energies = list() for geom in geoms: mobj = if mobj: energy = float(mobj[0]) else: energy = np.nan energies.append(energy) energies = np.array(energies) energies -= np.nanmin(energies) energies *= AU2KJPERMOL min_ind = np.nanargmin(energies) print(f"Minimum energy at index {min_ind}") print("(q) to quit\n(p) to plot energies") msg = f"Input index (0-{len(geoms)-1})/p/q: " while True: try: selection = input(msg) if selection == "q": raise GotNoGeometryException() elif selection == "p": fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(energies, "o-") ax.set_xlabel("Index") ax.set_ylabel("ΔE / kJ mol⁻¹") continue selection = int(selection) except ValueError: print("Invalid input!") continue en = energies[selection] print(f"ΔE at geometry {selection} is {en:+.2f} kJ mol⁻¹.") yn = input("Get this geometry (y/n)? ").lower() if yn == "y": return get(geoms, selection) else: continue
[docs] def origin(geoms): for i, geom in enumerate(geoms): print(f"{i:02d}: {geom}") geom.coords3d -= geom.coords3d.min(axis=0) print(f"\tmax(coords3d): {geom.coords3d.max(axis=0)}") return geoms
[docs] def frag_sort(geoms): sorted_geoms = list() for i, geom in enumerate(geoms): print(f"{i:02d}: {geom}") frags = get_fragments(geom.atoms, geom.coords) print(f"\tFound {len(frags)} fragments.\n" "\tResorting atoms and coordinates.") new_indices = list(it.chain(*frags)) new_atoms = [geom.atoms[i] for i in new_indices] new_coords = geom.coords3d[new_indices] sorted_geoms.append(Geometry(new_atoms, new_coords)) return sorted_geoms
[docs] def run(): args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.idpp: interpol_type = "idpp" elif args.lst: interpol_type = "lst" elif args.redund: interpol_type = "redund" elif args.geodesic: interpol_type = "geodesic" elif args.between: interpol_type = "linear" else: interpol_type = None interpol_kwargs = { "type": interpol_type, "between": args.between, "align": args.noipalign, "extrapolate": args.extrapolate, "extrapolate_before": args.extrapolate_before, "extrapolate_after": args.extrapolate_after, "extrapolate_damp": args.extrapolate_damp, } # Read supplied files and create Geometry objects geoms = get_geoms( args.fns, interpol_kwargs=interpol_kwargs, ) to_dump = geoms dump_trj = True dump_xyz = args.noxyz dump_pdb = False trj_infix = "" if args.between: fn_base = "interpolated" elif args.align: to_dump = align(geoms) fn_base = "aligned" elif args.split: fn_base = "split" dump_trj = False elif args.reverse: to_dump = geoms[::-1] fn_base = "reversed" elif args.cleantrj: fn_base = "cleaned" elif args.first: to_dump = geoms[: args.first] fn_base = "first" trj_infix = f"_{args.first}" elif args.spline: to_dump = spline_redistribute(geoms) fn_base = "splined" elif args.every: to_dump = every(geoms, args.every) fn_base = "every" trj_infix = f"_{args.every}th" elif to_dump = center(geoms) fn_base = "centered" elif args.centerm: to_dump = centerm(geoms) fn_base = "centeredm" elif args.translate: trans = np.array(args.translate) / BOHR2ANG to_dump = translate(geoms, trans) fn_base = "translated" elif args.append: to_dump = append(geoms) fn_base = "appended" elif args.hsmerge: to_dump = hardsphere_merge(geoms) fn_base = "hs_merged" elif args.join: to_dump = geoms fn_base = "joined" elif args.match: to_dump = match(*geoms) fn_base = "matched" elif args.std: to_dump = standard_orientation(geoms) fn_base = "standard" elif args.shake: to_dump = shake(geoms, args.scale, args.seed) fn_base = "shaked" elif args.get or (args.get == 0): to_dump = get(geoms, args.get) fn_base = "got" elif args.geti: try: to_dump = get_interactively(geoms) fn_base = "got" except GotNoGeometryException: return elif args.internals: print_internals(geoms, args.atoms, args.add_prims) return elif args.internal_val: print_internal_vals(geoms, args.internal_val) return elif args.fragsort: to_dump = frag_sort(geoms) fn_base = "frag_sorted" elif args.origin: origin(geoms) fn_base = "origin" elif args.topdb: fn_base = "as_pdb" dump_pdb = True dump_xyz = False # Write transformed geometries dump_trj = dump_trj and (len(to_dump) > 1) dump_geoms( to_dump, fn_base, trj_infix=trj_infix, dump_trj=dump_trj, dump_xyz=dump_xyz, dump_pdb=dump_pdb, )
if __name__ == "__main__": run()