Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.AFIR

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from dataclasses import dataclass
import itertools as it
from typing import List

import autograd
import autograd.numpy as anp
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.elem_data import COVALENT_RADII
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers import complete_fragments
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import log
from import get_h5_group, resize_h5_group
from pysisyphus.linalg import finite_difference_hessian

[docs]@dataclass class AFIRPath: atoms: tuple cart_coords: np.ndarray energies: np.ndarray forces: np.ndarray opt_is_converged: bool
[docs]def get_data_model(atoms, max_cycles): coord_size = 3 * len(atoms) _1d = (max_cycles,) _2d = (max_cycles, coord_size) _3d = (max_cycles, coord_size, coord_size) data_model = { "cart_coords": _2d, "energy": _1d, "forces": _2d, "hessian": _3d, "true_energy": _1d, "true_forces": _2d, "true_hessian": _3d, } return data_model
[docs]def afir_closure( fragment_indices, cov_radii, gamma, rho=1, p=6, prefactor=1.0, logger=None ): """rho=1 pushes fragments together, rho=-1 pulls fragments apart.""" # See # Eq. (9) for extension to 3 fragments. assert len(fragment_indices) == 2 inds = np.array(list(it.product(*fragment_indices))) cov_rad_sums = cov_radii[inds].sum(axis=1) # 3.8164 Angstrom in Bohr R0 = 7.21195 # 1.0061 kJ/mol to Hartree epsilon = 0.000383203368 # Avoid division by zero for gamma = 0. if gamma == 0.0: alpha = 0.0 else: alpha = gamma / ( (2 ** (-1 / 6) - (1 + (1 + gamma / epsilon) ** 0.5) ** (-1 / 6)) * R0 ) rho_verbose = {1: ("pushing", "together"), -1: ("pulling", "apart")} w1, w2 = rho_verbose[rho] log( logger, f"Creating AFIR closure with α={alpha:.6f}, prefactor {prefactor:.6f}, " f"rho={rho}, {w1} framgents {w2}", ) def afir_func(coords3d): diffs = anp.diff(coords3d[inds], axis=1).reshape(-1, 3) rs = anp.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1) omegas = (cov_rad_sums / rs) ** p f = prefactor * alpha * rho * (omegas * rs).sum() / omegas.sum() return f return afir_func
[docs]class AFIR(Calculator):
[docs] def __init__( self, calculator: Calculator, fragment_indices: List[List[int]], gamma: npt.ArrayLike, rho: npt.ArrayLike = 1, p: int = 6, ignore_hydrogen: bool = True, complete_fragments: bool = True, dump: bool = True, h5_fn: str = "afir.h5", h5_group_name: str = "afir", **kwargs, ): """ Artifical Force Induced Reaction calculator. Currently, there are no automated drivers to run large-scale AFIR calculations with many different initial orientations and/or increasing collision energy parameter γ. Nontheless, selected AFIR calculations can be carried out by hand. After convergence, artificial potential & forces, as well as real energies and forces can be plotted with 'pysisplot --afir'. The highest energy point along the AFIR path can then be selected for a subsequent TS-optimization, e.g. via 'pysistrj --get [index] optimzation.trj'. Future versions of pysisyphus may provide drivers for more automatted AFIR calculations. Parameters ---------- calculator Actual QC calculator that provides energies and its derivatives, that are modified by the AFIR calculator, e.g., ORCA or Psi4. fragment_indices List of lists of integers, specifying the separate fragments. If the indices in theses lists don't comprise all atoms in the molecule, the reamining indices will be added as a separate fragment. If a AFIR calculation is carried out with 2 fragments and 'complete_fragments' is True (see below) it is enough to specify only the indices of one fragment, e.g., for a system of 10 atoms 'fragment_indices=[[0,1,2,3]]' is enough. The second system will be set up automatically with indices [4,5,6,7,8,9]. gamma Collision energy parameter γ in au. For 2 fragments it can be a single integer, while for > 2 fragments a list of gammas must be given, specifying the pair-wise collision energy parameters. For 3 fragments 3 gammas must be given [γ_01, γ_02, γ_12], for 4 fragments 6 gammas would be required [γ_01, γ_02, γ_03, γ_12, γ_13, γ_23] and so on. rho Direction of the artificial force, either 1 or -1. The same comments as for gamma apply. For 2 fragments a single integer is enough, for > 2 fragments a list of rhos must be given (see above). For rho=1 fragments are pushed together, for rho=-1 fragments are pulled apart. p Exponent p used in the calculation of the weight function ω. Defaults to 6 and probably does not have to be changed. ignore_hydrogen Whether hydrogens are ignored in the calculation of the artificial force. complete_fragments Whether an incomplete specification in 'fragment_indices' is automatically completed. dump Whether an HDF5 file is created. h5_fn Filename of the HDF5 file used for dumping. h5_group_name HDF5 group name used for dumping. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the Calculator baseclass. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.calculator = calculator # Update own charge and multiplicity with values from the wrapped # calculator. self.charge = calculator.charge self.mult = calculator.mult self.fragment_indices = fragment_indices assert len(self.fragment_indices) > 0 self.gamma = np.atleast_1d(gamma).astype(float) self.rho = np.atleast_1d(rho).astype(int) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.abs(self.rho), np.ones_like(self.rho)) self.p = p self.ignore_hydrogen = ignore_hydrogen self.complete_fragments = complete_fragments self.dump = dump self.h5_fn = self.out_dir / h5_fn self.h5_group_name = h5_group_name # We can't initialize the HDF5 group as we don't know the shape of # atoms/coords yet. So we wait until after the first calculation. self.h5_cycles = 50 if self.ignore_hydrogen: self.log("No artificial force contribution from hydrogens!") self.atoms = None self.calc_counter = 0 self.h5_group_initialized = False
"""We try to keep charge and multiplicity consistent between the AFIR calculator and the actual wrapped calculator. But we will always return the charge and multiplicity of the underlying calculator.""" @property def charge(self): return self.calculator.charge @charge.setter def charge(self, charge): try: self.calculator.charge = charge except AttributeError: pass self._charge = charge @property def mult(self): return self.calculator.mult @mult.setter def mult(self, mult): try: self.calculator.mult = mult except AttributeError: pass self._mult = mult
[docs] def init_h5_group(self, atoms, max_cycles=None): if max_cycles is None: max_cycles = self.h5_cycles self.data_model = get_data_model(atoms, max_cycles) h5_group = get_h5_group( self.h5_fn, self.h5_group_name, self.data_model, reset=True ) self.h5_group_initialized = True return h5_group
[docs] def dump_h5(self, atoms, coords, results): # Initialize if not done yet if not self.h5_group_initialized: h5_group = self.init_h5_group(atoms) # Write atoms only once h5_group.attrs["atoms"] = atoms h5_group = get_h5_group(self.h5_fn, self.h5_group_name) # Check if HDF5 datasets have to be resized cur_max_cycles = h5_group["cart_coords"].shape[0] need_resize = self.calc_counter > cur_max_cycles - 5 if need_resize: new_max_cycles = cur_max_cycles + self.h5_cycles resize_h5_group(h5_group, max_cycles=new_max_cycles) for k, v in results.items(): h5_group[k][self.calc_counter] = v h5_group["cart_coords"][self.calc_counter] = coords h5_group.attrs["cur_cycle"] = self.calc_counter h5_group.file.close()
[docs] def log_fragments(self): self.log(f"Using {len(self.fragment_indices)} fragments") for i, frag in enumerate(self.fragment_indices): self.log(f"Fragment {i:02d}, {len(frag)} atoms:") self.log(f"\t{frag}")
[docs] def write_fragment_geoms(self, atoms, coords): geom = Geometry(atoms, coords) for i, frag in enumerate(self.fragment_indices): frag_geom = geom.get_subgeom(frag) fn = self.make_fn(f"frag_geom_{i:02d}.xyz") with open(fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(frag_geom.as_xyz()) self.log(f"Wrote geometry of fragment {i:02d} to {fn}.")
[docs] def set_atoms_and_funcs(self, atoms, coords): """Initially atoms was also an argument to the constructor of AFIR. I removed it so creation becomes easier. The first time a calculation is requested with a proper atom set everything is set up (cov. radii, afir function and corresponding gradient). Afterwards there is only a check if atoms != None and it is expected that all functions are properly set. fragment_indices can also be incomplete w.r.t. to the number of atoms. If the sum of the specified fragment atoms is less than the number of atoms present then all remaining unspecified atoms will be gathered in one fragment. """ if self.atoms is not None: assert self.atoms == atoms return self.log("Setting atoms on AFIR calculator") self.atoms = atoms if self.complete_fragments: self.fragment_indices = complete_fragments( self.atoms, self.fragment_indices ) self.log_fragments() self.write_fragment_geoms(atoms, coords) if self.ignore_hydrogen: hydrogen_inds = [i for i, atom in enumerate(atoms) if atom.lower() == "h"] fragment_indices = list() for i, frag_inds in enumerate(self.fragment_indices): frag_inds_no_h = [j for j in frag_inds if j not in hydrogen_inds] fragment_indices.append(frag_inds_no_h) dropped_hydrogens = len(frag_inds) - len(frag_inds_no_h) self.log(f"Ignoring {dropped_hydrogens} hydrogen(s) from fragment {i}.") self.fragment_indices = fragment_indices self.cov_radii = np.array([COVALENT_RADII[atom.lower()] for atom in atoms]) self.log("Set covalent radii") self.afir_funcs = list() self.afir_grad_funcs = list() pairs = list(it.combinations(self.fragment_indices, 2)) prefactor = 1 / len(pairs) self.log( f"Doing AFIR with {len(pairs)} fragment pairs and prefactor={prefactor:.4f}" ) try: self.gamma = [float(self.gamma)] * len(pairs) except TypeError: assert len(self.gamma) == len(pairs) try: self.rho = [float(self.rho)] * len(pairs) except TypeError: assert len(self.rho) == len(pairs) self.log(f"Using gamma(s): {self.gamma}") self.log(f" Using rho(s): {self.rho}") for (frag1, frag2), gamma, rho in zip(pairs, self.gamma, self.rho): afir_func = afir_closure( (frag1, frag2), self.cov_radii, gamma=gamma, rho=rho, p=self.p, prefactor=prefactor, logger=self.logger, ) afir_grad_func = autograd.grad(afir_func) self.afir_funcs.append(afir_func) self.afir_grad_funcs.append(afir_grad_func) self.log("Created and set AFIR function & gradient function.")
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): self.set_atoms_and_funcs(atoms, coords) true_results = self.calculator.get_energy(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) true_energy = true_results["energy"] coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) # Iterate over all fragment pairs afir_energy = sum([afir_func(coords3d) for afir_func in self.afir_funcs]) self.log() results = { "energy": true_energy + afir_energy, "true_energy": true_energy, } if self.dump: self.dump_h5(atoms, coords, results) self.calc_counter += 1 return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): self.set_atoms_and_funcs(atoms, coords) true_results = self.calculator.get_forces(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) true_energy = true_results["energy"] true_forces = true_results["forces"] coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) afir_energy = 0.0 afir_forces = np.zeros_like(coords) # Iterate over all fragment pairs for afir_func, afir_grad_func in zip(self.afir_funcs, self.afir_grad_funcs): afir_energy += afir_func(coords3d) # Add negative of the gradient (the force) afir_forces += -afir_grad_func(coords3d).flatten() true_norm = np.linalg.norm(true_forces) afir_norm = np.linalg.norm(afir_forces) self.log( f"\ntrue_energy={true_energy:.6f} au\n" f"afir_energy={afir_energy:.6f} au\n" f" sum_energy={true_energy+afir_energy:.6f} au\n" f"norm(true_forces)={true_norm:.6f} au/bohr\n" f"norm(afir_forces)={afir_norm:.6f} au/bohr\n" ) results = { "energy": true_energy + afir_energy, "forces": true_forces + afir_forces, "true_forces": true_forces, "true_energy": true_energy, } if self.dump: self.dump_h5(atoms, coords, results) self.calc_counter += 1 return results
[docs] def afir_fd_hessian_wrapper(self, coords3d, afir_grad_func): coords = coords3d.flatten() def grad_func(coords): afir_grad = afir_grad_func(coords.reshape(-1, 3)) return afir_grad.flatten() fd_hessian = finite_difference_hessian(coords, grad_func, acc=4) return fd_hessian
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): self.set_atoms_and_funcs(atoms, coords) true_results = self.calculator.get_hessian(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) true_energy = true_results["energy"] true_hessian = true_results["hessian"] coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) afir_energy = 0.0 afir_hessian = np.zeros_like(true_hessian) # Iterate over all fragment pairs for afir_func, afir_grad_func in zip(self.afir_funcs, self.afir_grad_funcs): afir_energy += afir_func(coords3d) # AFIR Hessian from finite differences afir_hessian += self.afir_fd_hessian_wrapper(coords3d, afir_grad_func) results = { "energy": true_energy + afir_energy, "hessian": true_hessian + afir_hessian, "true_hessian": true_hessian, "true_energy": true_energy, } if self.dump: self.dump_h5(atoms, coords, results) self.calc_counter += 1 return results