Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.AnaPotBase

from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from sympy import symbols, diff, lambdify, sympify

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.interpolate import interpolate
from pysisyphus.plotters.AnimPlot import AnimPlot

[docs]class AnaPotBase(Calculator): def __init__( self, V_str, scale=1.0, xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(-1, 1), levels=None, use_sympify=True, minima=None, saddles=None, ): super().__init__() self.V_str = V_str self.scale = scale self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim if levels is not None: levels = levels * self.scale self.levels = levels if minima is None: minima = list() self.minima = np.array(minima, dtype=float) if saddles is None: saddles = list() self.saddles = np.array(saddles, dtype=float) x, y = symbols("x y") if use_sympify: V = sympify(V_str) else: V = V_str dVdx = diff(V, x) dVdy = diff(V, y) self.V = lambdify((x, y), V, "numpy") self.dVdx = lambdify((x, y), dVdx, "numpy") self.dVdy = lambdify((x, y), dVdy, "numpy") dVdxdx = diff(V, x, x) dVdxdy = diff(V, x, y) dVdydy = diff(V, y, y) self.dVdxdx = lambdify((x, y), dVdxdx, "numpy") self.dVdxdy = lambdify((x, y), dVdxdy, "numpy") self.dVdydy = lambdify((x, y), dVdydy, "numpy") self.fake_atoms = ("X",) # X, dummy atom self.analytical_2d = True self.energy_calcs = 0 self.forces_calcs = 0 self.hessian_calcs = 0 # Dummies self.mult = 1 self.charge = 0 self.fig = None = None
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords): self.energy_calcs += 1 x, y, z = coords energy = self.scale * self.V(x, y) return { "energy": energy, }
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords): self.forces_calcs += 1 x, y, z = coords dVdx = self.dVdx(x, y) dVdy = self.dVdy(x, y) dVdz = np.zeros_like(dVdx) forces = self.scale * -np.array((dVdx, dVdy, dVdz)) results = { "forces": forces, } results.update(self.get_energy(atoms, coords)) return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords): self.hessian_calcs += 1 x, y, z = coords dVdxdx = self.dVdxdx(x, y) dVdxdy = self.dVdxdy(x, y) dVdydy = self.dVdydy(x, y) hessian = self.scale * np.array( ((dVdxdx, dVdxdy, 0), (dVdxdy, dVdydy, 0), (0, 0, 0)) ) results = { "hessian": hessian, } results.update(self.get_energy(atoms, coords)) return results
[docs] def statistics(self): return ( f"Energy calculations: {self.energy_calcs}, Force calculations: " f"{self.forces_calcs}, Hessian calculations: {self.hessian_calcs}" )
[docs] def plot(self, levels=None, show=False, **figkwargs): if not self.fig or not self.fig, = plt.subplots(**figkwargs) x = np.linspace(*self.xlim, 100) y = np.linspace(*self.ylim, 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = np.full_like(X, 0) pot_coords = np.stack((X, Y, Z)) pot = self.get_energy(self.fake_atoms, pot_coords)["energy"] if levels is None: if self.levels is None: levels = np.linspace(pot.min(), pot.max(), 35) else: levels = self.levels # Draw the contourlines of the potential contours =, Y, pot, levels) # Avoid duplicated colorbars if len(self.fig.axes) == 1: self.fig.colorbar(contours) if show:
[docs] def plot3d( self, levels=None, show=False, zlim=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, resolution=100, rcount=50, ccount=50, nan_above=None, init_view=None, colorbar=False, **figkwargs, ): self.fig = plt.figure(**figkwargs) = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") x = np.linspace(*self.xlim, resolution) y = np.linspace(*self.ylim, resolution) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = np.full_like(X, 0) pot_coords = np.stack((X, Y, Z)) pot = self.get_energy(self.fake_atoms, pot_coords)["energy"] if nan_above: pot[pot > nan_above] = np.nan if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(pot) if vmax is None: vmax = 0.125 * np.nanmax(pot) surf = X, Y, pot, rcount=rcount, ccount=ccount, cmap=cm.coolwarm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ) if zlim is not None:*zlim) if colorbar: cb = self.fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.45, pad=0.0) cb.set_label("f(x,y)") if init_view:*init_view) if show: return X, Y, pot
[docs] def plot_eigenvalue_structure(self, grid=50, levels=None, show=False): self.plot(levels=levels) xs = np.linspace(*self.xlim, grid) ys = np.linspace(*self.ylim, grid) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) z = list() for x_, y_ in zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten()): H = self.get_hessian(self.fake_atoms, (x_, y_, 0))["hessian"] w, v = np.linalg.eigh(H) z.append(1 if (w < 0).any() else 0) Z = np.array(z).reshape(X.shape), Y, Z, cmap=cm.Reds) if show:
[docs] def plot_coords(self, xs, ys, enum=True, show=False, title=None): self.plot(), ys, "o-") if enum: for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):, (x, y)) if title: self.fig.suptitle(title) if show:
[docs] def plot_opt(self, opt, *args, **kwargs): xs, ys = np.array(opt.coords).T[:2] self.plot_coords(xs, ys, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_geoms(self, geoms, **kwargs): coords = np.array([geom.coords for geom in geoms]) xs, ys = coords.T[:2] self.plot_coords(xs, ys, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_irc(self, irc, *args, **kwargs): xs, ys = irc.all_coords.T[:2] self.plot_coords(xs, ys, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def anim_opt( self, opt, energy_profile=False, colorbar=False, figsize=(8, 6), show=False ): try: min_ = self.levels.min() max_ = self.levels.max() num = self.levels.size levels = (min_, max_, num) except TypeError: levels = None anim = AnimPlot( self.__class__(), opt, xlim=self.xlim, ylim=self.ylim, levels=levels, energy_profile=energy_profile, colorbar=colorbar, figsize=figsize, ) anim.animate() if show: return anim
[docs] def anim_coords(self, coords, interval=50, show=False, title_func=None): self.plot() steps = range(len(coords)) scatter =*coords[0][:2], s=20) def func(frame): if title_func: scatter.set_offsets(coords[frame][:2]) self.animation = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, func, frames=steps, interval=interval ) if show:
[docs] @classmethod def get_geom( cls, coords, atoms=("X",), V_str=None, calc_kwargs=None, geom_kwargs=None ): if calc_kwargs is None: calc_kwargs = dict() if geom_kwargs is None: geom_kwargs = dict() geom = Geometry(atoms, coords, **geom_kwargs) if V_str: calc_kwargs["V_str"] = V_str geom.set_calculator(cls(**calc_kwargs)) return geom
[docs] def get_path(self, num, minima_inds=None): between = num - 2 inds = 0, 1 if minima_inds is not None: inds = minima_inds initial_ind, final_ind = inds initial_geom = self.get_geom(self.minima[initial_ind]) final_geom = self.get_geom(self.minima[final_ind]) geoms = interpolate(initial_geom, final_geom, between=between) for geom in geoms: # Creating new instances can be really slow when the sympy calls # need some time. For now we just reuse the current calculator... # geom.set_calculator(self.__class__()) geom.set_calculator(self) return geoms
[docs] def get_geoms_from_stored_coords( self, coords_list, i=None, calc_kwargs=None, geom_kwargs=None ): if calc_kwargs is None: calc_kwargs = dict() if geom_kwargs is None: geom_kwargs = dict() geoms = [ self.get_geom(coords, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, geom_kwargs=geom_kwargs) for coords in coords_list ] if i is not None: return geoms[i] else: return geoms
[docs] def get_minima(self, i=None, calc_kwargs=None, geom_kwargs=None): return self.get_geoms_from_stored_coords( self.minima, i=i, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, geom_kwargs=geom_kwargs )
[docs] def get_saddles(self, i=None, calc_kwargs=None, geom_kwargs=None): return self.get_geoms_from_stored_coords( self.saddles, i=i, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, geom_kwargs=geom_kwargs )