Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.DFTBp

from math import ceil
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import textwrap

import jinja2
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.OverlapCalculator import OverlapCalculator
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG, AU2EV

[docs]def parse_mo(eigvec): coeffs = list() # Skip first line for line in eigvec.split("\n")[1:]: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue line = line.split() if len(line) == 5: line = line[-3:] coeffs.append(line[1]) return coeffs
[docs]def parse_xplusy(text): lines = text.split("\n") size, states = [int(i) for i in lines.pop(0).split()] # Add one for header line block_size = ceil(size / 6) + 1 assert len(lines) == (states * block_size) xpys = list() for i in range(states): block = lines[i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size] _, *rest = block xpy = np.array([line.split() for line in rest], dtype=float) xpys.append(xpy) return size, states, np.array(xpys)
[docs]class DFTBp(OverlapCalculator): conf_key = "dftbp" max_ang_moms = { "mio-ext": { "H": "s", "C": "p", "N": "p", "O": "p", }, } def __init__(self, parameter, *args, slakos=None, root=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert self.mult == 1, "Open-shell not yet supported!" self.parameter = parameter if slakos is None: slakos = self.get_cmd("slakos") self.slakos_prefix = str(slakos) assert (Path(self.slakos_prefix) / self.parameter).exists(), ( f"Expected '{self.parameter}' sub-directory in '{self.slakos_prefix}' " "but could not find it!" ) self.root = root self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd() self.gen_geom_fn = "geometry.gen" self.inp_fn = "dftb_in.hsd" self.out_fn = "dftb.out" self.to_keep = ( "dftb_in.hsd", "detailed.out", self.gen_geom_fn, self.out_fn, "XplusY.DAT", "EXC.DAT", ) self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "forces": self.parse_forces, } self.dftb_tpl = jinja2.Template( textwrap.dedent( """ Geometry = GenFormat { <<< "{{ gen_geom_fn }}" } Hamiltonian = DFTB { Scc = Yes Charge = {{ charge }} SpinPolarisation = {{ spinpol }} SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames { Prefix = "{{ slakos_prefix }}/{{ parameter }}/" Separator = "-" Suffix = ".skf" } MaxAngularMomentum { {%- for atom, ang_mom in max_ang_moms %} {{ atom }} = "{{ ang_mom }}" {%- endfor %} } } ExcitedState { {{ excited_state_str }} } Analysis { {% for anal in analysis %} {{ anal }} {%- endfor %} } ParserOptions { ParserVersion = 8 } """ ).strip() )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gen_str(atoms, coords): gen_fmt_tpl = jinja2.Template( textwrap.dedent( """ {{ atom_num }} C {% for atom in atom_types %}{{ atom }} {% endfor %} {% for type_, x, y, z in types_xyz %} {{ loop.index }} {{type_}} {{x}} {{y}} {{z}} {%- endfor %} """ ).strip() ) atom_num = len(atoms) unique_atoms = tuple(set(atoms)) atom_types = {atom: i for i, atom in enumerate(unique_atoms, 1)} c3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) * BOHR2ANG types_xyz = [(atom_types[atom], x, y, z) for atom, (x, y, z) in zip(atoms, c3d)] gen_str = gen_fmt_tpl.render( atom_num=atom_num, atom_types=unique_atoms, types_xyz=types_xyz, ) return gen_str
[docs] @staticmethod def get_excited_state_str(root, forces=False): if root is None: return "" casida_tpl = jinja2.Template( textwrap.dedent( """ Casida { NrOfExcitations = {{ nstates }} Symmetry = Singlet StateOfInterest = {{ root }} WriteXplusY = Yes {{ es_forces }} } """ ) ) es_forces = "ExcitedStateForces = Yes" if forces else "" es_str = casida_tpl.render( nstates=root + 5, root=root, es_forces=es_forces, ) return es_str
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type): path = self.prepare_path(use_in_run=True) gen_str = self.get_gen_str(atoms, coords) with open(path / self.gen_geom_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(gen_str) analysis = list() if calc_type == "forces": analysis.append("CalculateForces = Yes") if self.root: analysis.extend(("WriteEigenvectors = Yes", "EigenvectorsAsText = Yes")) ang_moms = self.max_ang_moms[self.parameter] max_ang_moms = [(atom, ang_moms[atom]) for atom in set(atoms)] # spinpol = ( # "{}" # if (self.mult == 1) # else f"Colinear {{ UnpairedElectrons = {self.mult-1} }}" # ) spinpol = "{}" es_forces = calc_type == "forces" inp = self.dftb_tpl.render( gen_geom_fn=self.gen_geom_fn, charge=self.charge, spinpol=spinpol, slakos_prefix=self.slakos_prefix, parameter=self.parameter, max_ang_moms=max_ang_moms, excited_state_str=self.get_excited_state_str(self.root, es_forces), analysis=analysis, ) return inp, path
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp, path = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "energy") results =, "energy") return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp, path = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "forces") run_kwargs = { "calc": "forces", "hold": self.track, } results =, **run_kwargs) if self.track: self.calc_counter += 1 self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords, path) if self.track_root(): # Redo the calculation with the updated root results = self.get_forces(atoms, coords) try: shutil.rmtree(path) except FileNotFoundError: self.log(f"'{path}' has already been deleted!") return results
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp, path = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "energy") run_kwargs = { "calc": "energy", "hold": self.track, } results =, **run_kwargs) if self.track: self.calc_counter += 1 self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords, path) return results
[docs] def parse_total_energy(self, text): energy_re = re.compile(r"Total energy:\s*([-\d\.]+)\s*H") exc_energy_re = re.compile(r"Excitation Energy:\s*([\-\.\d]+)\s*H") energy = float([1]) exc_mobj = if exc_mobj: energy += float(exc_mobj[1]) return energy
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): detailed = path / "detailed.out" with open(detailed) as handle: text = results = { "energy": self.parse_total_energy(text), } return results
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_exc_dat(text): exc_re = re.compile("=+(.+)", re.DOTALL) mobj = exc_lines = mobj[1].strip().split("\n") exc_ens = ( np.array([line.strip().split()[0] for line in exc_lines], dtype=float) / AU2EV ) return exc_ens
[docs] def parse_forces(self, path): forces_re = re.compile("Total Forces(.+)Maximal derivative", re.DOTALL) detailed = path / "detailed.out" with open(detailed) as handle: text = mobj = forces = np.array(mobj[1].strip().split(), dtype=float).reshape(-1, 4)[:, 1:] results = { "energy": self.parse_total_energy(text), "forces": forces.flatten(), } return results
[docs] def prepare_overlap_data(self, path): # # Excitation energies # with open(path / "detailed.out") as handle: detailed = gs_energy = self.parse_total_energy(detailed) with open(path / "EXC.DAT") as handle: exc_dat = exc_ens = self.parse_exc_dat(exc_dat) all_energies = np.full(len(exc_ens) + 1, gs_energy) all_energies[1:] += exc_ens # # MO coefficients # with open(path / "eigenvec.out") as handle: eigenvecs = eigenvecs = eigenvecs.split("Eigenvector")[1:] mo_coeffs = np.array([parse_mo(eigvec) for eigvec in eigenvecs], dtype=float) assert mo_coeffs.shape[0] == mo_coeffs.shape[1] # # CI coefficients # electron_re = re.compile(r"Nr. of electrons \(up\):\s*([\d\.]+)") mobj = electrons = int(float(mobj[1])) assert electrons % 2 == 0 occ = electrons // 2 mo_num = mo_coeffs.shape[0] vir = mo_num - occ # X+Y with open(path / "XplusY.DAT") as handle: xpy_text = size, states, xpy = parse_xplusy(xpy_text) ci_coeffs = xpy.reshape(states, occ, vir) assert size == occ * vir return mo_coeffs, ci_coeffs, all_energies