Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.Gaussian16

from collections import namedtuple
import io
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import textwrap

import numpy as np
import pyparsing as pp

from pysisyphus.calculators.OverlapCalculator import OverlapCalculator
from pysisyphus.constants import AU2EV, BOHR2ANG
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import file_or_str

[docs]class Gaussian16(OverlapCalculator): conf_key = "gaussian16" def __init__( self, route, gbs="", gen="", keep_chk=False, stable="", fchk=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.route = route.lower() invalid_keywords = ("symmetry", "nosymm", "force", "opt", "freq", "irc") invalid_kws_given = [kw for kw in invalid_keywords if kw in self.route] assert ( not invalid_kws_given ), f"Invalid keywords given in route: {invalid_kws_given}. Please remove them." self.gbs = gbs assert "@" not in gbs, "Give only the path to the .gbs file, " "without the @!" self.gen = gen self.keep_chk = keep_chk self.stable = stable self.fchk = fchk keywords = { kw: option for kw, option in [self.parse_keyword(kw) for kw in self.route.split()] } exc_keyword = [key for key in "td tda cis".split() if key in keywords] self.root = None self.nstates = None if exc_keyword: self.exc_key = exc_keyword[0] exc_dict = keywords[self.exc_key] self.nstates = int(exc_dict["nstates"]) try: self.root = int(exc_dict["root"]) except KeyError: self.root = 1 self.log("No explicit root was specified! Using root=1 as default!") # Collect remaining options if specified self.exc_args = { k: v for k, v in exc_dict.items() if k not in ("nstates", "root") } # Delete exc keyword, as we build it later on self.route = re.sub(r"((?:td|cis|tda).+?(:?\s|$))", "", self.route) self.to_keep = ("com", "fchk", "log", "dump_635r", "") if self.keep_chk: self.to_keep += (".chk",) self.fn_base = "gaussian16" self.inp_fn = f"{self.fn_base}.com" self.out_fn = f"{self.fn_base}.log" self.chk_fn = f"{self.fn_base}.chk" self.dump_base_fn = f"{self.fn_base}_rwfdump" self.gaussian_input = """ %nproc={pal} %mem={mem}MB {chk_link0} {add_link0} #P {calc_type} {route} {exc} # Symmetry=None {reuse_data} title {charge} {mult} {coords} {gen}{gbs} """ self.gaussian_input = textwrap.dedent(self.gaussian_input) self.parser_funcs = { "force": self.parse_force, "hessian": self.parse_hessian, "stable": self.parse_stable, "noparse": lambda path: None, "double_mol": self.parse_double_mol, } self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd("cmd") self.formchk_cmd = self.get_cmd("formchk") self.unfchk_cmd = self.get_cmd("unfchk") self.rwfdump_cmd = self.get_cmd("rwfdump") self.log( f"Using commands: g16={self.base_cmd}, formchk={self.formchk_cmd}, " f"unfchk={self.unfchk_cmd}, rwfdump={self.rwfdump_cmd}" )
[docs] def make_exc_str(self): # Ground state calculation if not self.root: return "" root = f"root={self.root}" nstates = f"nstates={self.nstates}" pair2str = lambda k, v: f"{k}" + (f"={v}" if v else "") arg_str = ",".join([pair2str(k, v) for k, v in self.exc_args.items()]) exc_str = f"{self.exc_key}=({root},{nstates},{arg_str})" return exc_str
[docs] def reuse_data(self, path): # Nothing to reuse if no fchk or chk present if (self.fchk is None) and not hasattr(self, "chk"): return "" new_chk = path / self.chk_fn prev_fchk = new_chk.with_suffix(".fchk") shutil.copy(self.fchk, prev_fchk) cmd = f"{self.unfchk_cmd} {prev_fchk}".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path) self.log(f"Using MO guess from '{self.fchk}'.") reuse_str = "guess=read" # Also try to reuse information of previous TD calculation # if self.nstates and hasattr(self, "chk"): # DISABLED for now, as gaussian also resorts the states # internally, which then messes up our internal numbering # of states. # shutil.copy(self.chk, new_chk) # reuse_str += " td=read" # self.log("Using td=read") return reuse_str
[docs] def make_gbs_str(self): if self.gbs: return f"@{self.gbs}" else: return ""
[docs] def prepare_input( self, atoms, coords, calc_type, did_stable=False, point_charges=None ): path = self.prepare_path(use_in_run=True) xyz_str = self.prepare_xyz_string(atoms, coords) with open(path / "", "w") as handle: handle.write(xyz_str) coords = self.prepare_coords(atoms, coords) kwargs = { "pal": self.pal, "mem": self.pal * self.mem, "chk_link0": f"%chk={self.chk_fn}", "add_link0": "", "route": self.route, # td/tda/cis(...) "exc": self.make_exc_str(), # guess=read td=read "reuse_data": self.reuse_data(path), "calc_type": calc_type, "charge": self.charge, "mult": self.mult, "coords": coords, "gbs": self.make_gbs_str(), "gen": self.gen, } if calc_type == "double_mol": update = { "chk_link0": "", "add_link0": "%KJob L302 1", "route": self.route + " iop(3/33=1) geom=notest", "calc_type": "", "reuse_data": "", "exc": "", } kwargs.update(update) # stable and td/tda can't be used together, so we omit the # td/tda string here if "stable" in calc_type.lower(): kwargs["exc"] = "" # after a stability analysis we already got a converged wavefuntion # and we dont want to 'optimize' it any further if did_stable: kwargs["route"] += " scf=maxcycles=0" if point_charges is not None: kwargs["route"] += " charge" point_charges = point_charges.copy() point_charges[:, :3] *= BOHR2ANG with io.StringIO() as handle: np.savetxt(handle, point_charges, fmt="%16.10f") pc_str = handle.getvalue() # Append point charges to coords kwargs["coords"] += "\n\n" + pc_str inp = self.gaussian_input.format(**kwargs) return inp
[docs] def make_fchk(self, path): cmd = f"{self.formchk_cmd} {self.chk_fn}".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path) self.log("Created .fchk")
[docs] def run_rwfdump(self, path, rwf_index, chk_path=None): if chk_path is None: chk_path = path / self.chk_fn dump_fn = path / f"{self.dump_base_fn}_dump_{rwf_index}" cmd = f"rwfdump {chk_path} {dump_fn} {rwf_index}".split() self.log(f"Dumped {rwf_index} from .chk.") return dump_fn
[docs] def run_after(self, path): chk_path = path / self.chk_fn if not chk_path.exists(): self.log("No .chk file found.") return # Create the .fchk file so we can keep it and parse it later on. self.make_fchk(path) if self.track: self.run_rwfdump(path, "635r") self.nmos, self.roots = self.parse_log(path / self.out_fn)
[docs] def parse_keyword(self, text): word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "-" + "/") keyword = word.setResultsName("keyword") equals = pp.Literal("=") option = pp.Group( word + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(equals)) + pp.Optional(word, default="") + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(",")) ) options = ( pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(equals)) + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional("(")) + pp.OneOrMore(option) + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(")")) ).setResultsName("options") parser = keyword + pp.Optional(options, default=[]) result = parser.parseString(text) as_dict = result.asDict() kw = as_dict["keyword"] opt_dict = {key: value for key, value in as_dict["options"]} return kw, opt_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_fchk(fchk_path, keys): with open(fchk_path) as handle: text = def to_float(s, loc, toks): return float(toks[0]) # Matches -4.10693837E-16 and 1.60184209E-15 float_ = pp.Word(pp.nums + "+-E.").setParseAction(to_float) # Start with Empty so we can progessively build the # parser for all keys. parser = pp.Empty() def parser_for_key(key): return pp.Group( pp.Suppress(pp.SkipTo(key)) + key + pp.restOfLine + pp.ZeroOrMore(float_) ) for key in keys: parser += parser_for_key(key) results = parser.parseString(text) results_dict = {} for key, res in zip(keys, results): # This handles scalar entries like # Total Energy [...] R -9.219940072302333E+01 if len(res) == 2: results_dict[key] = float(res[-1].split()[-1]) # This handles matrices like # Cartesian Gradient [...] R N= 9 \ # [Matrix entries] if len(res) > 2: results_dict[key] = np.array(res[2:]) return results_dict
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): results = self.get_forces(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) del results["forces"] return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): did_stable = False if self.stable: is_stable = self.run_stable(atoms, coords) self.log(f"Wavefunction is now stable: {is_stable}") did_stable = True inp = self.prepare_input( atoms, coords, "force", did_stable=did_stable, **prepare_kwargs ) kwargs = { "calc": "force", } results =, **kwargs) if self.track: self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords) if self.track_root(): # Redo the calculation with the updated root results = self.get_forces(atoms, coords) return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "freq", **prepare_kwargs) kwargs = { "calc": "hessian", } results =, **kwargs) return results
[docs] def run_stable(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, self.stable, **prepare_kwargs) self.log(f"Running stability analysis with {self.stable}") kwargs = { "calc": "stable", } results =, **kwargs) return results
[docs] def parse_stable(self, path): log_path = path / self.out_fn with open(log_path) as handle: text = instab_re = "wavefunction.*instability.*" instab_mobj =, text) if instab_mobj: self.log("Found instability!") stable_re = "wavefunction is stable" mobj =, text) is_stable = bool(mobj) return is_stable
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "", **prepare_kwargs) kwargs = { "calc": "noparse", } results =, **kwargs) if self.track: self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords) self.track_root() self.log( "This track_root() call is a bit superfluous as the " "as the result is ignored :)" ) return results
[docs] def run_double_mol_calculation(self, atoms, coords1, coords2): self.log("Running double molecule calculation") double_atoms = atoms + atoms double_coords = np.hstack((coords1, coords2)) inp = self.prepare_input(double_atoms, double_coords, "double_mol") kwargs = { "calc": "double_mol", "keep": False, "inc_counter": False, "run_after": False, } double_mol_ovlps =, **kwargs) return double_mol_ovlps
[docs] def parse_tddft(self, path): with open(path / self.out_fn) as handle: text = td_re = r"Excited State\s*\d+:\s*[\.\w\?-]+\s*([\d\.-]+?)\s*eV" matches = re.findall(td_re, text) assert len(matches) == self.nstates # Excitation energies in eV exc_energies = np.array(matches, dtype=np.float) # Convert to Hartree exc_energies /= AU2EV return exc_energies
@file_or_str(".log", method=True) def parse_log(self, text): def parse(text, regex, func): mobj =, text) return func(mobj[1]) # Depending on wether we did the calculation with td=read or not # roots will be at a different value. Without reading the CI coeffs # from the checkpoint Gaussian will calculate four times as much roots # as requested in the first iterations of the calculation. This will # lead to a much higher number of expected number of CI-coefficients # when parsing the 635r dump later on. roots_re = r"Root\s+(\d+)" roots = np.array(re.findall(roots_re, text), dtype=int).max() # NBasis= 16 NAE= 12 NBE= 12 NFC= 6 NFV= 0 basis_re = "NBasis=(.+)NAE=(.+)NBE=(.+)NFC=(.+)NFV=(.+)" basis_mobj =, text) basis_funcs, alpha, beta, _, _ = [int(n) for n in basis_mobj.groups()] a_occ = alpha b_occ = beta a_vir = basis_funcs - a_occ b_vir = basis_funcs - b_occ restricted = alpha == beta act_re = "NROrb=(.*)NOA=(.*)NOB=(.*)NVA=(.*)NVB=(.*)" act_mobj =, text) _, a_act, b_act, _, _ = [int(n) for n in act_mobj.groups()] a_core = a_occ - a_act b_core = b_occ - b_act NMOs = namedtuple( "NMOs", "a_core, a_occ a_act a_vir " "b_core b_occ b_act b_vir " "restricted", ) nmos = NMOs( a_core, a_occ, a_act, a_vir, b_core, b_occ, b_act, b_vir, restricted ) self.log(str(nmos)) return nmos, roots
[docs] def parse_635r_dump(self, dump_path, roots, nmos): self.log(f"Parsing 635r dump '{dump_path}'") with open(dump_path) as handle: text = regex = r"read left to right\):\s*(.+)" mobj =, text, re.DOTALL) arr_str = mobj[1].replace("D", "E") # Drop the first 12 items as they are always 0 tmp = np.array(arr_str.split()[12:], dtype=np.float64) # the core electrons are frozen in TDDFT/TDA expected = (nmos.a_act * nmos.a_vir + nmos.b_act * nmos.b_vir) * roots * 2 self.log( f"Expecting {expected} ci coefficients in {dump_path}. " f"There are {tmp.size} items (including eigenvalues)." ) coeffs = tmp[:expected] # 1. dim: X+Y, X-Y -> 2 # 2. dim: roots -> variable, usually higher than Nstates as gaussian # calculates more roots in the first iteration of TDDFT # 3. dim: alpha, beta -> 2 # The remainder depends on the number of alpha and beta electrons. # The vectors are given for active orbs. x virt. obs that is the # core orbitals are neglected. if nmos.restricted: XpY, XmY = coeffs.reshape(2, roots, 2, -1) X = 0.5 * (XpY + XmY) # Within a TDA calculation XpY and XmY are the same and # Y will only contain zeros. Y = XpY - X # In the unrestricted case we can't use 2 for the 3. dimension anymore # (same number of alpha and beta electrons). The sizes for the respective # spins would be (a_act*a_vir) and (b_act*b_vir). else: raise Exception("Unrestricted not supported yet!") # Shapes of X and Y # 1. dim: roots (more than initially requested) -> variable # 2. dim: alpha, beta -> 2 # 3. dim: act. x virt. -> variable # xpy_fn = f"{dump_fn}_XpY" #, XpY) # xmy_fn = f"{dump_fn}_XmY" #, XmY) # x_fn = f"{dump_fn}_X" #, X) # As we only handle restricted calculations for now the alpha # and beta part are identical. So we only keep the alpha part. if self.nmos.restricted: # Drop beta part and restrict to the requested states X = X[: self.nstates, 0, :] Y = Y[: self.nstates, 0, :] X_full = np.zeros((self.nstates, nmos.a_occ, nmos.a_vir)) X_full[:, nmos.a_core :] = X.reshape(-1, nmos.a_act, nmos.a_vir) Y_full = np.zeros((self.nstates, nmos.a_occ, nmos.a_vir)) Y_full[:, nmos.a_core :] = Y.reshape(-1, nmos.a_act, nmos.a_vir) return X_full, Y_full
[docs] def prepare_overlap_data(self, path): # Parse X eigenvector from 635r dump X, Y = self.parse_635r_dump(self.dump_635r, self.roots, self.nmos) # From, Examples tab, Normalization: # # 'For closed shell calculations, the sum of the squares of the # expansion coefficients is normalized to total 1/2 (as the beta # coefficients are not shown).' # # Right now we only deal with restricted calculatios, so alpha == beta # and we ignore beta. So we are lacking a factor of sqrt(2). Another # option would be to normalize all states to 1. # ci_coeffs *= 2**0.5 # Parse mo coefficients from .fchk file and write a 'fake' turbomole # mos file. keys = ( "SCF Energy", "Alpha Orbital Energies", "Alpha MO coefficients", "ETran state values", ) scf_key, mo_energies_key, mo_key, exc_key = keys fchk_dict = self.parse_fchk(self.fchk, keys=keys) mo_coeffs = fchk_dict[mo_key] mo_energies = fchk_dict[mo_energies_key] mo_coeffs = mo_coeffs.reshape(-1, mo_energies.size) gs_energy = fchk_dict[scf_key] exc_data = fchk_dict[exc_key].reshape(-1, 16) exc_energies = exc_data[:, 0] all_energies = np.zeros(len(exc_energies) + 1) all_energies[0] = gs_energy all_energies[1:] += exc_energies return mo_coeffs, X, Y, all_energies
[docs] def parse_force(self, path): results = {} keys = ("SCF Energy", "Total Energy", "Cartesian Gradient") fchk_path = Path(path) / f"{self.fn_base}.fchk" fchk_dict = self.parse_fchk(fchk_path, keys) results["energy"] = fchk_dict["SCF Energy"] results["forces"] = -fchk_dict["Cartesian Gradient"] if self.nstates: # This sets the proper excited state energy in the # results dict and also stores all energies. exc_energies = self.parse_tddft(path) # G16 root input is 1 based, so we substract 1 to get # the right index here. root_exc_en = exc_energies[self.root - 1] gs_energy = fchk_dict["SCF Energy"] # Add excitation energy to ground state energy. results["energy"] += root_exc_en # Create a new array including the ground state energy # to save the energies of all states. all_ens = np.full(len(exc_energies) + 1, gs_energy) all_ens[1:] += exc_energies results["all_energies"] = all_ens return results
[docs] def parse_hessian(self, path): keys = ( "Total Energy", "Cartesian Gradient", "Cartesian Force Constants", ) fchk_path = Path(path) / f"{self.fn_base}.fchk" fchk_dict = self.parse_fchk(fchk_path, keys=keys) en_key, grad_key, hess_key = keys grad = fchk_dict[grad_key] tril_hess = fchk_dict[hess_key] tril_inds = np.tril_indices(grad.size) full_hessian = np.zeros((grad.size, grad.size)) full_hessian[tril_inds] = tril_hess triu_inds = np.triu_indices(grad.size, k=1) full_hessian[triu_inds] = full_hessian.T[triu_inds] results = { "energy": fchk_dict[en_key], "forces": -grad, "hessian": full_hessian, } return results
[docs] def parse_double_mol(self, path, out_fn=None): def repl_double(s, loc, toks): return toks[0].replace("D", "E") if out_fn is None: out_fn = self.out_fn with open(path / out_fn) as handle: text = # Number of basis functions in the double molecule nbas = int("NBasis =\s*(\d+)", text)[1]) assert nbas % 2 == 0 # Gaussian prints columns of a triangular matrix including # the diagonal backup_white = pp.ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") int_ = pp.Suppress(pp.Word(pp.nums)) float_ = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".D+-").setParseAction(repl_double) nl = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal("\n")) header = pp.OneOrMore(int_) + nl line = int_ + pp.OneOrMore(float_) + nl block = pp.Group(header + pp.OneOrMore(~header + line)) parser = pp.Suppress( pp.SkipTo("*** Overlap *** \n", include=True) ) + pp.OneOrMore(block).setResultsName("blocks") result = parser.parseFile(path / out_fn) pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(backup_white) # The full double molecule overlap matrix (square) full_mat = np.zeros((nbas, nbas)) def get_block_inds(block_ind, nbas, cols=5): """Returns the indices as required to assign the matrix printed by Gaussian. Gaussian prints a lower triangle matrix in blocks of five columns each.""" start_row = block_ind * cols start_col = start_row inds = list() for row in range(start_row, nbas): col = start_col while (col <= row) and (col < start_row + cols): inds.append((row, col)) col += 1 return inds for i, block in enumerate(result["blocks"]): rows, cols = zip(*get_block_inds(i, nbas)) full_mat[rows, cols] = block.asList() nbas_single = nbas // 2 """The whole matrix consists of four blocks: Original overlaps of molecule 1 b1 = full_mat[:nbas_single, :nbas_single] Zero, as we only get the lower triangle b2 = full_mat[:nbas_single, nbas_single:] Double molecule overlaps between basis functions of molecule 1 and molecule 2 b3 = full_mat[nbas_single:, :nbas_single] Original overlaps of molecule 2 b4 = full_mat[nbas_single:, nbas_single:] """ double_mol_ovlp = full_mat[nbas_single:, :nbas_single] return double_mol_ovlp
[docs] def parse_charges(self, path=None): if path is None and self.fchk is not None: fchk_path = self.fchk elif path is not None and path.endswith(".fchk"): fchk_path = path elif path is not None: fchk_path = Path(path) / f"{self.fn_base}.fchk" keys = ("Mulliken Charges",) fchk_dict = self.parse_fchk(fchk_path, keys=keys) charges = np.array(fchk_dict["Mulliken Charges"]) return charges
[docs] def keep(self, path): kept_fns = super().keep(path) if self.keep_chk: self.chk = kept_fns[".chk"] try: self.fchk = kept_fns["fchk"] self.mwfn_wf = self.fchk except KeyError: self.log("No .fchk file found!") return if self.track: self.dump_635r = kept_fns["dump_635r"]
[docs] def get_chkfiles(self): return { "fchk": self.fchk, }
[docs] def set_chkfiles(self, chkfiles): try: fchk = chkfiles["fchk"] self.fchk = fchk self.log(f"Set chkfile '{fchk}' as fchk.") except KeyError: self.log("Found no fchk information in chkfiles!")
def __str__(self): return "Gaussian16 calculator"