Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.Turbomole

from math import sqrt
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import pyparsing as pp

from pysisyphus.calculators.OverlapCalculator import OverlapCalculator
from pysisyphus.calculators.parser import (

[docs]class Turbomole(OverlapCalculator): conf_key = "turbomole" def __init__(self, control_path, root=None, double_mol_path=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.control_path = Path(control_path) self.root = root self.double_mol_path = double_mol_path if self.double_mol_path: self.double_mol_path = Path(self.double_mol_path) # Check if the overlap matrix will be printed and assert # that no SCF iterations are done. if self.double_mol_path: with open(self.double_mol_path / "control") as handle: text = assert"\$intsdebug\s*sao", text) and r"\$scfiterlimit\s*0", text ), ("Please set " "$intsdebug sao and $scfiterlimit 0 !") self.to_keep = ( "control", "mos", "alpha", "beta", "out", "ciss_a", "ucis_a", "gradient", "sing_a", "__ccre*", "exstates", "coord", "mwfn_wf:wavefunction.molden", "", "pc_gradients", "nprhessian", ) self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "force": self.parse_force, "hessian": self.parse_hessian, "double_mol": self.parse_double_mol, "noparse": lambda path: None, } # Turbomole uses the 'control' file implicitly self.inp_fn = "" self.out_fn = "turbomole.out" # MO coefficient files self.mos = None self.alpha = None self.beta = None # Prepare base_cmd with open(self.control_path / "control") as handle: text = scf_cmd = "dscf" second_cmd = "grad" # Check for RI if ("$rij" in text) or ("$rik" in text): scf_cmd = "ridft" second_cmd = "rdgrad" self.log("Found RI calculation.") self.uhf = "$uhf" in text self.set_occ_and_mo_nums(text) assert not (("$exopt" in text) and ("$ricc2" in text)), ( "Found $exopt and $ricc2 in the control file! $exopt is used " "for TD-DFT/TDA gradients whereas $ricc2 with 'geoopt ...' " "leads to ricc2 gradients. Please delete one of the keywords!" ) = False self.td_vec_fn = None self.ricc2 = False self.ricc2_opt = False # Check for excited state calculation if "$exopt" in text: exopt_re = r"\$exopt\s*(\d+)" self.root = int(, text)[1]) second_cmd = "egrad" self.prepare_td(text) = True elif "$soes" in text: second_cmd = "escf" = True self.prepare_td(text) elif ("$ricc2" in text) and ("$excitations" in text): self.ricc2 = True self.ricc2_opt = "geoopt" in text second_cmd = "ricc2" self.prepare_td(text) self.root = self.get_ricc2_root(text) self.frozen_mos = int("implicit core=\s*(\d+)", text)[1]) self.log(f"Found {self.frozen_mos} frozen orbitals.") if self.track: assert or self.ricc2, ( "track=True can only be used " "in connection with excited state calculations." ) # Right now this can't handle a root flip from some excited state # to the ground state ... Then we would need grad/rdgrad again, # instead of egrad. self.scf_cmd = scf_cmd self.second_cmd = second_cmd # Setup several cmds, depending on the calc type def get_cmd(cmd): return ";".join((self.scf_cmd, cmd)) if self.energy_cmd = get_cmd("escf") self.forces_cmd = get_cmd("egrad") self.hessian_cmd = "not_yet_implemented" elif self.ricc2: ricc2_cmd = get_cmd("ricc2") self.energy_cmd = ricc2_cmd self.forces_cmd = ricc2_cmd self.hessian_cmd = "not_yet_implemented" else: self.energy_cmd = self.scf_cmd self.forces_cmd = get_cmd(second_cmd) self.hessian_cmd = get_cmd("aoforce") self.log(f"Prepared commands:") self.log(f"\tEnergy cmd: " + self.energy_cmd) self.log(f"\tForces cmd: " + self.forces_cmd) self.log(f"\tHessian cmd: " + self.hessian_cmd) if or self.ricc2: assert self.root is not None, ( "No root set! Either include '$exopt' for TDA/TDDFT or 'geoopt' for ricc2 " "in the control or supply a value for 'root'!" )
[docs] def set_occ_and_mo_nums(self, text): # Determine number of basis functions nbf_re = r"nbf\(AO\)=(\d+)" nbf = int(, text)[1]) self.occ_mos = None self.virt_mos = None # Determine number of occupied orbitals if not self.uhf: occ_re = r"closed shells\s+(\w)\s*\d+-(\d+)" self.occ_mos = int(, text)[2]) self.log(f"Found {self.occ_mos} occupied MOs.") # Number of spherical basis functions. May be different from CAO # Determine number of virtual orbitals self.virt_mos = nbf - self.occ_mos else: alpha_re = r"alpha shells\s+(\w)\s*\d+-(\d+)" alpha_mos = int(, text)[2]) self.log(f"Found {alpha_mos} occupied alpha MOs.") beta_re = r"beta shells\s+(\w)\s*\d+-(\d+)" beta_mos = int(, text)[2]) self.log(f"Found {beta_mos} occupied beta MOs.")
[docs] def get_ricc2_root(self, text): regex = r"geoopt.+?state=\((.+?)\)" mobj =, text) if not mobj: root = None elif mobj[1] == "x": root = 0 else: assert mobj[1].startswith("a "), "symmetry isn't supported!" root = int(mobj[1][-1]) return root
[docs] def prepare_td(self, text): self.log("Preparing for excited state (gradient) calculations") self.td_vec_fn = None self.ci_coeffs = None self.mo_inds = None
[docs] def prepare_point_charges(self, point_charges): """$point_charges <x> <y> <z> <q> """ lines = [f"{x:.12} {y:.12f} {z:.12f} {q:.12f}" for x, y, z, q in point_charges] return "$point_charges\n\t" + "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type, point_charges=None): """To rectify this we have to construct the basecmd dynamically and construct it ad hoc. We could set a RI flag in the beginning and select the correct scf binary here from it. Then we select the following binary on demand, e.g. aoforce or rdgrad or egrad etc.""" valid_calc_types = ("energy", "force", "double_mol", "noparse", "hessian") if calc_type not in valid_calc_types: raise Exception( f"Invalid calc_type '{calc_type}'! Supported " f"calc_types are '{valid_calc_types}'." ) path = self.prepare_path(use_in_run=True) if calc_type == "double_mol": copy_from = self.double_mol_path else: copy_from = self.control_path # Copy everything from the reference control_dir into this path # Use self.control_path for all calculations except the double # molecule calculation. """Maybe we shouldn't copy everything because it may give convergence problems? Right now we use the initial MO guess generated in the reference path for all images along the path.""" for glob in copy_from.glob("./*"): shutil.copy(glob, path) xyz_str = self.prepare_xyz_string(atoms, coords) with open(path / "", "w") as handle: handle.write(xyz_str) # Write coordinates coord_str = self.prepare_turbo_coords(atoms, coords) coord_fn = path / "coord" with open(coord_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(coord_str) # Copy MO coefficients from previous cycle with this calculator # if present. if self.mos: shutil.copy(self.mos, path / "mos") self.log(f"Using {self.mos} as MO guess.") elif self.alpha and self.beta: shutil.copy(self.alpha, path / "alpha") shutil.copy(self.beta, path / "beta") self.log(f"Using {self.alpha} and {self.beta} as MO guesses.") if self.td_vec_fn: # The suffix contains the true name with a leading # dot, that we drop. td_vec_fn = self.td_vec_fn.suffix[1:] shutil.copy(self.td_vec_fn, path / td_vec_fn) self.log(f"Using '{self.td_vec_fn}' as escf guess.") root_log_msg = f"with current root information: {self.root}" if self.root and repl = f"$exopt {self.root}" self.sub_control(r"\$exopt\s*(\d+)", f"$exopt {self.root}", root_log_msg) self.log(f"Using '{repl}'") # Adapt number of roots # roots_number_repl = "\$soes\s+a\s+(\d+)" # self.sub_control(roots_number_repl, # f"$soes\n a {self.roots_number}", # "with number of roots to be calculated: " # f"{self.roots_number}" # ) if self.root and self.ricc2: repl = f"state=(a {self.root})" self.sub_control( r"state=\(a\s+(?P<state>\d+)\)", f"state=(a {self.root})", root_log_msg ) self.log(f"Using '{repl}' for geoopt.") if point_charges is not None: charge_num = len(point_charges) pc_str = self.prepare_point_charges(point_charges) self.sub_control( r"\$end", pc_str + "\n$end", f"appended {charge_num} point charges" ) # Activate calculation of gradients on point charges self.sub_control(r"\$drvopt", "$drvopt\npoint charges\n") # Write point charge gradients to file self.sub_control( r"\$end", "$point_charge_gradients file=pc_gradients\n$end" ) if calc_type == "hessian": self.append_control("$noproj\n$nprhessian file=nprhessian")
[docs] def sub_control(self, pattern, repl, log_msg="", **kwargs): path = self.path_already_prepared assert path self.log(f"Updating control file in '{path}' {log_msg}") control_path = path / "control" with open(control_path) as handle: text = text = re.sub(pattern, repl, text, **kwargs) with open(control_path, "w") as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def append_control(self, to_append, log_msg="", **kwargs): self.sub_control(r"\$end", f"{to_append}\n$end", log_msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_pal_env(self): env_copy = os.environ.copy() env_copy["PARA_ARCH"] = "SMP" env_copy["PARNODES"] = str(self.pal) env_copy["SMPCPUS"] = str(self.pal) return env_copy
[docs] def store_and_track(self, results, func, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): if self.track: prev_run_path = self.last_run_path self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords) # Redo the calculation with the updated root if self.track_root(): self.calc_counter += 1 results = func(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) self.last_run_path = prev_run_path try: shutil.rmtree(self.last_run_path) except FileNotFoundError: self.log(f"'{self.last_run_path}' has already been deleted!") return results
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "energy", **prepare_kwargs) kwargs = { "calc": "energy", "shell": True, "hold": self.track, "env": self.get_pal_env(), "cmd": self.energy_cmd, } results =, **kwargs) results = self.store_and_track( results, self.get_energy, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs ) return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, cmd=None, **prepare_kwargs): self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "force", **prepare_kwargs) if cmd is None: cmd = self.forces_cmd kwargs = { "calc": "force", "shell": True, # To allow chained commands like 'ridft; rdgrad' "hold": self.track, # Keep the files for WFOverlap "env": self.get_pal_env(), "cmd": cmd, } # Use inp=None because we don't use any dedicated input besides # the previously prepared control file and the current coords. results =, **kwargs) results = self.store_and_track( results, self.get_forces, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs ) return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): if or self.ricc2: raise Exception("ricc2 or TD-DFT/TDA hessian not yet supported!") self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "hessian", **prepare_kwargs) kwargs = { "calc": "hessian", "shell": True, # To allow chained commands like 'ridft; rdgrad' "hold": self.track, "env": self.get_pal_env(), "cmd": self.hessian_cmd, } results =, **kwargs) results = self.store_and_track( results, self.get_hessian, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs ) return results
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords): """Basically some kind of dummy method that can be called to execute Turbomole with the stored cmd of this calculator.""" self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, "noparse") kwargs = { "calc": "noparse", "shell": True, # "hold": self.track, # Keep the files for WFOverlap "env": self.get_pal_env(), } results =, **kwargs) if self.track: self.store_overlap_data(atoms, coords) return results
[docs] def run_double_mol_calculation(self, atoms, coords1, coords2): if not self.double_mol_path: self.log( "Skipping double molecule calculations as double mol " "path is not specified.!" ) return None self.log("Running double molecule calculation") double_atoms = atoms + atoms double_coords = np.hstack((coords1, coords2)) self.prepare_input(double_atoms, double_coords, "double_mol") kwargs = { "calc": "double_mol", "shell": True, "keep": False, "hold": True, "cmd": self.scf_cmd, "env": self.get_pal_env(), } results =, **kwargs) return results
[docs] def parse_double_mol(self, path): """Parse a double molecule overlap matrix from Turbomole output to be used with WFOWrapper.""" with open(path / self.out_fn) as handle: text = regex = r"OVERLAP\(SAO\)\s+-+([\d\.E\-\s*\+]+)\s+-+" ovlp_str =, text)[1] ovlp = np.array(ovlp_str.strip().split(), dtype=np.float64) mo_num = self.occ_mos + self.virt_mos double_mo_num = 2 * mo_num full_ovlp = np.zeros((double_mo_num, double_mo_num)) full_ovlp[np.tril_indices(double_mo_num)] = ovlp double_mol_S = full_ovlp[mo_num:, :mo_num] return double_mol_S
[docs] def parse_mos(self): pass
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): with open(path / self.out_fn) as handle: text = en_regex = re.compile(r"Total energy\s*:?\s*=?\s*([\d\-\.]+)", re.IGNORECASE) tot_ens = en_regex.findall(text) if # Drop ground state energy that is repeated tot_en = tot_ens[1:][self.root] elif self.ricc2 and self.ricc2_opt: results = parse_turbo_gradient(path) tot_en = results["energy"] elif self.ricc2 and not self.ricc2_opt: raise Exception("Implement me!") else: tot_en = tot_ens[0] tot_en = float(tot_en) return { "energy": tot_en, }
[docs] def parse_force(self, path): results = parse_turbo_gradient(path) return results
[docs] def parse_hessian(self, path, fn=None): if fn is None: fn = path / "nprhessian" with open(fn) as handle: text = split = text.strip().split() assert split[0] == "$nprhessian" assert split[-1] == "$end" def is_float(str_): return "." in str_ hess_items = [item for item in split if is_float(item)] coord_num = int(sqrt(len(hess_items))) assert coord_num ** 2 == len(hess_items) hessian = np.array(hess_items, dtype=float).reshape(-1, coord_num) energy = self.parse_energy(path)["energy"] results = { "energy": energy, "hessian": hessian, } return results
[docs] def parse_td_vectors(self, text): """For TDA calculations only the X vector is present in the ciss_a/etc. file. In TDDFT calculations there are twise as much items compared with TDA. The first half corresponds to (X+Y) and the second half to (X-Y). X can be calculated as X = ((X+Y)+(X-Y))/2. Y is then given as Y = (X+Y)-X. The normalization can then by checked as np.concatenate((X, Y)).dot(np.concatenate((X, -Y))) and should be 1.""" def to_float(s, loc, toks): match = toks[0].replace("D", "E") return float(match) float_ = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".-D+").setParseAction(to_float) integer = pp.Word(pp.nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0])) float_chrs = pp.nums + "D.+-" float_20 = pp.Word(float_chrs, exact=20).setParseAction(to_float) title = pp.Literal("$title") symmetry = pp.Literal("$symmetry") + pp.Word(pp.alphanums).setResultsName( "symmetry" ) tensor_dim = pp.Literal("$tensor space dimension") + integer.setResultsName( "tensor_dim" ) scfinstab = pp.Literal("$scfinstab") + pp.Word(pp.alphanums).setResultsName( "scfinstab" ) subspace_dim = pp.Literal( "$current subspace dimension" ) + integer.setResultsName("subspace_dim") converged = pp.Literal("$current iteration converged") eigenpairs = pp.Literal("$eigenpairs") eigenpair = pp.Group( integer.setResultsName("state") + pp.Literal("eigenvalue =") + float_.setResultsName("eigenvalue") + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(float_20)).setResultsName("vector") ) end = pp.Literal("$end") parser = ( title + symmetry + tensor_dim + scfinstab + subspace_dim + converged + eigenpairs + pp.OneOrMore(eigenpair).setResultsName("eigenpairs") + end ) result = parser.parseString(text) states = result["subspace_dim"] eigenpairs = result["eigenpairs"] eigenpair_list = [eigenpairs[i].asDict() for i in range(states)] return eigenpair_list
[docs] def parse_cc2_vectors(self, ccre): with open(ccre) as handle: text = coeffs = parse_turbo_ccre0_ascii(text) coeffs = coeffs.reshape(-1, self.virt_mos) eigenpairs_full = np.zeros((self.occ_mos, self.virt_mos)) eigenpairs_full[self.frozen_mos :, :] = coeffs from_inds, to_inds = np.where(np.abs(eigenpairs_full) > 0.1) # for i, (from_, to_) in enumerate(zip(from_inds, to_inds)): # sq = eigenpairs_full[from_, to_]**2 # print(f"{from_+1:02d} -> {to_+self.occ_mos+1:02d}: {sq:.2%}") # print() return eigenpairs_full
[docs] def parse_gs_energy(self): """Several places are possible: $subenergy from control file total energy from turbomole.out Final MP2 energy from turbomole.out with ADC(2) Final CC2 energy from turbomole.out with CC(2) """ float_re = r"([\d\-\.E]+)" regexs = [ # CC2 ground state energy ("out", r"Final CC2 energy\s*:\s*" + float_re, 0), # ADC(2) ground state energy ("out", r"Final MP2 energy\s*:\s*" + float_re, 0), ("control", r"\$subenergy.*$\s*" + float_re, re.MULTILINE), # DSCF ground state energy ("out", r"total energy\s*=\s*" + float_re, 0), # From egrad when a rootflip occured. Then only the excited # state calculation will be redone and the ground state calculation # won't be present in the out-file. ("out", r"Ground state\s*?Total energy:\s+" + float_re, re.MULTILINE), ] for file_attr, regex, flag in regexs: regex_ = re.compile(regex, flags=flag) with open(getattr(self, file_attr)) as handle: text = mobj = try: gs_energy = float(mobj[1]) self.log( f"Parsed ground state energy from '{file_attr}' using " f"regex '{regex[:11]}'." ) return gs_energy except TypeError: continue raise Exception("Couldn't parse ground state energy!")
[docs] def prepare_overlap_data(self, path): # Parse eigenvectors from escf/egrad calculation gs_energy = self.parse_gs_energy() if self.second_cmd != "ricc2": self.log(f"Reading CI coefficients from '{self.td_vec_fn}'.") with open(self.td_vec_fn) as handle: text = ci_coeffs = self.parse_td_vectors(text) exc_energies = [cc["eigenvalue"] for cc in ci_coeffs] ci_coeffs = [cc["vector"] for cc in ci_coeffs] all_energies = np.full(len(exc_energies) + 1, gs_energy) all_energies[1:] += exc_energies # Parse eigenvectors from ricc2 calculation else: ci_coeffs = [self.parse_cc2_vectors(ccre) for ccre in self.ccres] with open(self.exstates) as handle: exstates_text = exc_energies_by_model = parse_turbo_exstates(exstates_text) # Drop CCS and take energies from whatever model was used exc_energies = [ (model, exc_ens) for model, exc_ens in exc_energies_by_model if model != "CCS" ] assert len(exc_energies) == 1 model, exc_energies = exc_energies[0] all_energies = np.full(len(exc_energies) + 1, gs_energy) all_energies[1:] += exc_energies self.log("Parsing of all energies for ricc2 is not yet implemented!") ci_coeffs = np.array(ci_coeffs) states = ci_coeffs.shape[0] X_len = self.occ_mos * self.virt_mos if ci_coeffs.shape[1] == (2 * X_len): self.log("TDDFT calculation with X and Y vectors present. ") X = ci_coeffs[:, :X_len] Y = ci_coeffs[:, X_len:] else: X = ci_coeffs Y = np.zeros_like(X) ci_shape = (states, self.occ_mos, self.virt_mos) X = X.reshape(ci_shape) Y = Y.reshape(ci_shape) self.log(f"Reading MO coefficients from '{self.mos}'.") with open(self.mos) as handle: text = mo_coeffs = parse_turbo_mos(text) self.log(f"Reading electronic energies from '{self.out}'.") return mo_coeffs, X, Y, all_energies
[docs] def keep(self, path): kept_fns = super().keep(path) self.out = kept_fns["out"] self.control = kept_fns["control"] if self.uhf: self.alpha = kept_fns["alpha"] self.beta = kept_fns["beta"] else: self.mos = kept_fns["mos"] # Maybe copy more files like the vectors from egrad # sing_a, trip_a, dipl_a etc. assert "ucis_a" not in kept_fns, "Implement for UKS TDA" if self.track: if td_key_present = [ k for k in ("ciss_a", "sing_a", "ucis_a") if k in kept_fns ][0] self.td_vec_fn = kept_fns[td_key_present] elif self.ricc2: self.ccres = kept_fns["ccres"] self.exstates = kept_fns["exstates"] else: raise Exception("Something went wrong!") self.mwfn_wf = kept_fns["mwfn_wf"]
[docs] def run_after(self, path): # Convert binary CCRE0 files to ASCII for easier parsing for ccre in path.glob("CCRE0-*"): cmd = f"ricctools -dump {}".split() result = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) result.wait() if self.make_molden(path) # With ricc2 we probably have a frozen core that we have to disable # temporarily before creating the molden file. Afterwards we restore # the original control file with the frozen core. elif self.ricc2: # Backup original control file ctrl_backup = path / "control.backup" shutil.copy(path / "control", ctrl_backup) # We have to remove line with implicit core in the control file with open(path / "control") as handle: text = lines = text.split("\n") lines = [l for l in lines if "implicit core" not in l] with open(path / "control", "w") as handle: handle.write("\n".join(lines)) self.make_molden(path) # Restore control backup shutil.copy(ctrl_backup, path / "control")
[docs] def make_molden(self, path): cmd = "tm2molden norm".split() fn = "wavefunction.molden" stdin = f"""{fn} """ res = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=path, universal_newlines=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = res.communicate(stdin) res.terminate()
[docs] def get_chkfiles(self): if self.uhf: chkfiles = { "alpha": self.alpha, "beta": self.beta, } else: chkfiles = { "mos": self.mos, } return chkfiles
[docs] def set_chkfiles(self, chkfiles): try: if self.uhf: alpha = chkfiles["alpha"] beta = chkfiles["beta"] self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.log(f"Set chkfile '{alpha}' and '{beta}' as alpha and beta.") else: mos = chkfiles["mos"] self.mos = mos self.log(f"Set chkfile '{mos}' as mos.") except KeyError: self.log("Found no chkfile information in chkfiles!")
def __str__(self): return "Turbomole calculator"