Source code for pysisyphus.cos.ChainOfStates

from copy import copy
import logging
import sys

from distributed import Client
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, splprep, splev

from pysisyphus.helpers import align_coords, get_coords_diffs
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import hash_arr
from pysisyphus.modefollow import geom_lanczos

# [1]

[docs]class ChainOfStates: logger = logging.getLogger("cos") valid_coord_types = ("cart", "cartesian", "dlc") def __init__( self, images, fix_ends=False, fix_first=True, fix_last=True, climb=False, climb_rms=5e-3, climb_lanczos=False, climb_lanczos_rms=5e-3, climb_fixed=True, energy_min_mix=False, scheduler=None, progress=False, ): assert len(images) >= 2, "Need at least 2 images!" self.images = list(images) self.fix_first = fix_ends or fix_first self.fix_last = fix_ends or fix_last self.fix_ends = fix_ends self.climb = climb self.climb_rms = climb_rms self.climb_lanczos = climb_lanczos self.climb_fixed = climb_fixed self.energy_min_mix = energy_min_mix # Must not be lower than climb_rms self.climb_lanczos_rms = min(self.climb_rms, climb_lanczos_rms) self.scheduler = scheduler self.progress = progress self._coords = None self._forces = None self._energy = None self.counter = 0 self.coords_length = self.images[0].coords.size self.cart_coords_length = self.images[0].cart_coords.size self.zero_vec = np.zeros(self.coords_length) self.coords_list = list() self.forces_list = list() self.all_energies = list() self.all_true_forces = list() self.lanczos_tangents = dict() self.prev_lanczos_hash = None # Start climbing immediateley with climb_rms == -1 self.started_climbing = self.climb_rms == -1 if self.started_climbing: self.log("Will start climbing immediately.") self.started_climbing_lanczos = False self.fixed_climb_indices = None # Use original forces for these images self.org_forces_indices = list() img0 = self.images[0] self.image_atoms = copy(img0.atoms) self.coord_type = img0.coord_type assert ( self.coord_type in self.valid_coord_types ), f"Invalid coord_type! Supported types are: {self.valid_coord_types}" assert all( [img.coord_type == self.coord_type for img in self.images] ), "coord_type of images differ!" try: self.typed_prims = img0.internal.typed_prims except AttributeError: self.typed_prims = None @property def calculator(self): try: calc = self.images[0].calculator except IndexError: calc = None return calc
[docs] def log(self, message): self.logger.debug(f"Counter {self.counter+1:03d}, {message}")
[docs] def get_fixed_indices(self): fixed = list() if self.fix_first: fixed.append(0) if self.fix_last: fixed.append(len(self.images) - 1) return fixed
@property def moving_indices(self): """Returns the indices of the images that aren't fixed and can be optimized.""" fixed = self.get_fixed_indices() return [i for i in range(len(self.images)) if i not in fixed] @property def last_index(self): return len(self.images) - 1 @property def moving_images(self): return [self.images[i] for i in self.moving_indices] @property def max_image_num(self): return len(self.images) @property def image_inds(self): return list(range(self.max_image_num))
[docs] def zero_fixed_vector(self, vector): fixed = self.get_fixed_indices() for i in fixed: vector[i] = self.zero_vec return vector
[docs] def clear(self): self._energy = None self._forces = None self._hessian = None try: self._tangents = None except AttributeError: # TODO: move this to another logging level?! self.log("There are no tangents to reset.")
# @property # def freeze_atoms(self): # image_freeze_atoms = [image.freeze_atoms for image in self.images] # lens = [len(fa) for fa in image_freeze_atoms] # len0 = lens[0] # assert all([len_ == len0 for len_ in lens]) # return image_freeze_atoms[0] @property def atoms(self): atoms_ = self.images[0].atoms return len(self.images) * atoms_
[docs] def set_vector(self, name, vector, clear=False): vec_per_image = vector.reshape(-1, self.coords_length) assert len(self.images) == len(vec_per_image) for i in self.moving_indices: setattr(self.images[i], name, vec_per_image[i]) if clear: self.clear()
@property def coords(self): """Return a flat 1d array containing the coordinates of all images.""" all_coords = [image.coords for image in self.images] self._coords = np.concatenate(all_coords) return self._coords @coords.setter def coords(self, coords): """Distribute the flat 1d coords array over all images.""" self.set_vector("coords", coords, clear=True) @property def cart_coords(self): """Return a flat 1d array containing the cartesian coordinates of all images.""" return np.concatenate([image.cart_coords for image in self.images]) @property def coords3d(self): assert self.images[0].coord_type == "cart" return self.coords.reshape(-1, 3)
[docs] def set_coords_at(self, i, coords): """Called from helpers.procrustes with cartesian coordinates. Then tries to set cartesian coordinate as self.images[i].coords which will raise an error when coord_type != "cart". """ assert self.images[i].coord_type in ("cart", "cartesian"), ( "ChainOfStates.set_coords_at() has to be reworked to support " "internal coordiantes. Try to set 'align: False' in the 'opt' " "section of the .yaml input file." ) if i in self.moving_indices: self.images[i].coords = coords # When dealing with a fixed image don't set coords through the # property, which would result in resetting the image's caluclated # data. Instead assign coords directly. else: self.images[i]._coords = coords
@property def energy(self): self._energy = np.array([ for image in self.images]) return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energies): """This is needed for some optimizers like CG and BFGS.""" assert len(self.images) == len(energies) for i in self.moving_indices: self.images[i].energy = energies[i] self._energy = energies
[docs] def par_image_calc(self, image): image.calc_energy_and_forces() return image
[docs] def set_images(self, indices, images): for ind, image in zip(indices, images): self.images[ind] = image
[docs] def calculate_forces(self): # Determine the number of images for which we have to do calculations. # There may also be calculations for fixed images, as they need an # energy value. But every fixed image only needs a calculation once. images_to_calculate = self.moving_images image_indices = self.moving_indices if self.fix_first and (self.images[0]._energy is None): images_to_calculate = [self.images[0]] + images_to_calculate image_indices = [0] + list(image_indices) if self.fix_last and (self.images[-1]._energy is None): images_to_calculate = images_to_calculate + [self.images[-1]] image_indices = list(image_indices) + [-1] assert len(images_to_calculate) <= len(self.images) # Parallel calculation with dask if self.scheduler: client = self.get_dask_client() self.log(client) image_futures =, images_to_calculate) self.set_images(image_indices, client.gather(image_futures)) # Serial calculation else: for image in images_to_calculate: image.calc_energy_and_forces() # Poor mans progress bar ;) if self.progress: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() if self.progress: print("\r", end="") self.set_zero_forces_for_fixed_images() self.counter += 1 if self.energy_min_mix: # Will be None for calculators that already mix all_energies = np.array([image.all_energies for image in self.images]) energy_diffs = np.diff(all_energies, axis=1).flatten() calc_inds = all_energies.argmin(axis=1) mix_at = [] for i, calc_ind in enumerate(calc_inds[:-1]): next_ind = calc_inds[i + 1] if ( (calc_ind != next_ind) and (i not in self.org_forces_indices) and (i + 1 not in self.org_forces_indices) ): min_diff_offset = energy_diffs[[i, i + 1]].argmin() mix_at.append(i + min_diff_offset) for ind in mix_at: self.images[ind].calculator.mix = True # Recalculate correct energy and forces print( f"Switch after calc_ind={calc_ind} at index {ind}. Recalculating." ) self.images[ind].calc_energy_and_forces() self.org_forces_indices.append(ind) calc_ind = calc_inds[ind] energies = [ for image in self.images] forces = np.array([image.forces for image in self.images]) self.all_energies.append(energies) self.all_true_forces.append(forces) return { "energies": energies, "forces": forces, }
@property def forces(self): self.set_zero_forces_for_fixed_images() forces = [image.forces for image in self.images] self._forces = np.concatenate(forces) self.counter += 1 return self._forces @forces.setter def forces(self, forces): self.set_vector("forces", forces) @property def perpendicular_forces(self): indices = range(len(self.images)) perp_forces = [self.get_perpendicular_forces(i) for i in indices] return np.array(perp_forces).flatten()
[docs] def get_perpendicular_forces(self, i): """[1] Eq. 12""" # Our goal in optimizing a ChainOfStates is minimizing the # perpendicular force. Always return zero perpendicular # forces for fixed images, so that they don't interfere # with the convergence check. if i not in self.moving_indices: return self.zero_vec forces = self.images[i].forces tangent = self.get_tangent(i) perp_forces = forces - * tangent return perp_forces
@property def gradient(self): return -self.forces @gradient.setter def gradient(self, gradient): self.forces = -gradient @property def masses_rep(self): return np.array([image.masses_rep for image in self.images]).flatten() @property def results(self): tmp_results = list() for image in self.images: res = image.results res["coords"] = image.coords res["cart_coords"] = image.cart_coords tmp_results.append(res) return tmp_results
[docs] def set_zero_forces_for_fixed_images(self): """This is always done in cartesian coordinates, independent of the actual coord_type of the images as setting forces only work with cartesian forces.""" zero_forces = np.zeros_like(self.images[0].cart_coords) if self.fix_first: self.images[0].cart_forces = zero_forces self.log("Zeroed forces on fixed first image.") if self.fix_last: self.images[-1].cart_forces = zero_forces self.log("Zeroed forces on fixed last image.")
[docs] def get_tangent( self, i, kind="upwinding", lanczos_guess=None, disable_lanczos=False ): """[1] Equations (8) - (11)""" # Converge to lowest curvature mode at the climbing image. # In the current implementation the given kind may be overwritten when # Lanczos iterations are enabled and there are climbing images. By # setting 'disable_lanczos=True' the provided kind is never overwritten. if ( not disable_lanczos and self.started_climbing_lanczos and (i in self.get_climbing_indices()) ): kind = "lanczos" tangent_kinds = ("upwinding", "simple", "bisect", "lanczos") assert kind in tangent_kinds, "Invalid kind! Valid kinds are: {tangent_kinds}" prev_index = max(i - 1, 0) next_index = min(i + 1, len(self.images) - 1) prev_image = self.images[prev_index] ith_image = self.images[i] next_image = self.images[next_index] # If (i == 0) or (i == len(self.images)-1) then one # of this tangents is zero. tangent_plus = next_image - ith_image tangent_minus = ith_image - prev_image # Handle first and last image if i == 0: return tangent_plus / np.linalg.norm(tangent_plus) elif i == (len(self.images) - 1): return tangent_minus / np.linalg.norm(tangent_minus) # [1], Eq. (1) if kind == "simple": tangent = next_image - prev_image # [1], Eq. (2) elif kind == "bisect": first_term = tangent_minus / np.linalg.norm(tangent_minus) sec_term = tangent_plus / np.linalg.norm(tangent_plus) tangent = first_term + sec_term # Upwinding tangent from [1] Eq. (8) and so on elif kind == "upwinding": prev_energy = ith_energy = next_energy = next_energy_diff = abs(next_energy - ith_energy) prev_energy_diff = abs(prev_energy - ith_energy) delta_energy_max = max(next_energy_diff, prev_energy_diff) delta_energy_min = min(next_energy_diff, prev_energy_diff) # Uphill if next_energy > ith_energy > prev_energy: tangent = tangent_plus # Downhill elif next_energy < ith_energy < prev_energy: tangent = tangent_minus # Minimum or Maximum else: if next_energy >= prev_energy: tangent = ( tangent_plus * delta_energy_max + tangent_minus * delta_energy_min ) # next_energy < prev_energy else: tangent = ( tangent_plus * delta_energy_min + tangent_minus * delta_energy_max ) elif kind == "lanczos": # Calculating a lanczos tangent is costly, so we store the # tangent in a dictionary. The current coordinates are # stringified with precision=4 and then hashed. The tangent # is stored/looked up with this hash. cur_hash = hash_arr(ith_image.coords, precision=4) try: tangent = self.lanczos_tangents[cur_hash] self.log( "Returning previously calculated Lanczos tangent with " f"hash={cur_hash}" ) except KeyError: # Try to use previous Lanczos tangent guess = lanczos_guess if (guess is None) and (self.prev_lanczos_hash is not None): guess = self.lanczos_tangents[self.prev_lanczos_hash] self.log( f"Using tangent with hash={self.prev_lanczos_hash} " "as initial guess for Lanczos algorithm." ) w_min, tangent = geom_lanczos( ith_image, guess=guess, logger=self.logger ) self.lanczos_tangents[cur_hash] = tangent # Update hash self.prev_lanczos_hash = cur_hash tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) return tangent
[docs] def get_tangents(self): return np.array([self.get_tangent(i) for i in range(len(self.images))])
[docs] def as_xyz(self, comments=None): return "\n".join([image.as_xyz() for image in self.images])
[docs] def get_dask_client(self): return Client(self.scheduler)
[docs] def get_hei_index(self, energies=None): """Return index of highest energy image.""" if energies is None: energies = [ for image in self.images] return np.argmax(energies)
[docs] def prepare_opt_cycle(self, last_coords, last_energies, last_forces): """Implements additional logic in preparation of the next optimization cycle. Should be called by the optimizer at the beginning of a new optimization cycle. Can be used to implement additional logic as needed for AdaptiveNEB etc. """ self.coords_list.append(last_coords) self.forces_list.append(last_forces) # Return False if we don't want to climb or are already # climbing. already_climbing = self.started_climbing if self.climb and not already_climbing: self.started_climbing = self.check_for_climbing_start(self.climb_rms) if self.started_climbing: msg = "Starting to climb in next iteration." self.log(msg) print(msg) # Determine climbing index/indices if not set, but requested. if already_climbing and self.climb_fixed and (self.fixed_climb_indices is None): self.fixed_climb_indices = self.get_climbing_indices() already_climbing_lanczos = self.started_climbing_lanczos if ( self.climb_lanczos and self.started_climbing and not already_climbing_lanczos ): self.started_climbing_lanczos = self.check_for_climbing_start( self.climb_lanczos_rms ) if self.started_climbing_lanczos: msg = "Using Lanczos algorithm to converge HEI tangent." self.log(msg) print(msg) return not already_climbing and self.started_climbing
[docs] def rms(self, arr): """Root mean square Returns the root mean square of the given array. Parameters ---------- arr : iterable of numbers Returns ------- rms : float Root mean square of the given array. """ return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(arr)))
[docs] def check_for_climbing_start(self, ref_rms): # Only initiate climbing on a sufficiently converged MEP. # This can be determined from a supplied threshold for the # RMS force (rms_force) or from a multiple of the # RMS force convergence threshold (rms_multiple, default). rms_forces = self.rms(self.forces_list[-1]) # Only start climbing when the COS is fully grown. This # attribute may not be defined in all subclasses, so it # defaults to True here. try: fully_grown = self.fully_grown except AttributeError: fully_grown = True start_climbing = (rms_forces <= ref_rms) and fully_grown return start_climbing
[docs] def get_climbing_indices(self): # Index of the highest energy image (HEI) hei_index = self.get_hei_index() move_inds = self.moving_indices # Don't climb if not yet enabled or requested. if not (self.climb and self.started_climbing): climb_indices = tuple() elif self.fixed_climb_indices is not None: climb_indices = self.fixed_climb_indices _ = "index" if len(climb_indices) == 1 else "indices" self.log(f"Returning fixed climbing {_}.") # Do one image climbing (C1) neb if explicitly requested or # the HEI is the first or last item in moving_indices. elif self.climb == "one" or ((hei_index == 1) or (hei_index == move_inds[-1])): climb_indices = (hei_index,) # We can do two climbing (C2) neb if the highest energy image (HEI) # is in moving_indices but not the first or last item in this list. # elif self.climb != "one" and hei_index in move_inds[1:-1]: elif hei_index in move_inds[1:-1]: # climb_indices = (hei_index-1, hei_index+1) climb_indices = (hei_index,) # Don't climb when the HEI is the first or last image of the whole # NEB. else: climb_indices = tuple() self.log("Want to climb but can't. HEI is first or last image!") # self.log(f"Climbing indices: {climb_indices}") return climb_indices
[docs] def get_climbing_forces(self, ind): climbing_image = self.images[ind] ci_forces = climbing_image.forces tangent = self.get_tangent(ind) climbing_forces = ci_forces - 2 * * tangent return climbing_forces,
[docs] def set_climbing_forces(self, forces): # Avoids calling the other methods with their logging output etc. if not self.started_climbing: return forces for i in self.get_climbing_indices(): climb_forces, climb_en = self.get_climbing_forces(i) forces[i] = climb_forces norm = np.linalg.norm(climb_forces) self.log( f"Climbing with image {i}, E = {climb_en:.6f} au, " f"norm(forces)={norm:.6f}" ) return forces
[docs] def get_splined_hei(self): self.log("Splining HEI") # Interpolate energies cart_coords = align_coords([image.cart_coords for image in self.images]) coord_diffs = get_coords_diffs(cart_coords) self.log(f"\tCoordinate differences: {coord_diffs}") energies = np.array( energies_spline = interp1d(coord_diffs, energies, kind="cubic") x_fine = np.linspace(0, 1, 500) energies_fine = energies_spline(x_fine) # Determine index that yields the highest energy hei_ind = energies_fine.argmax() hei_x = x_fine[hei_ind] self.log(f"Found splined HEI at x={hei_x:.4f}") hei_frac_index = hei_x * (len(self.images) - 1) hei_energy = energies_fine[hei_ind] reshaped = cart_coords.reshape(-1, self.cart_coords_length) # To use splprep we have to transpose the coords. transp_coords = reshaped.transpose() tcks, us = zip( *[ splprep(transp_coords[i : i + 9], s=0, k=3, u=coord_diffs) for i in range(0, len(transp_coords), 9) ] ) # Reparametrize mesh hei_coords = np.vstack( [ # WTF, Black? This looks horrible. splev( [ hei_x, ], tck, ) for tck in tcks ] ) hei_coords = hei_coords.flatten() # Actually it looks like that splined tangents are really bad approximations # to the actual imaginary mode. The Cartesian upwinding tangent is usually # much much better. In 'run_tsopt_from_cos' we actually mix two "normal" tangents # to obtain the HEI tangent. hei_tangent = np.vstack( [ # WTF, Black? This looks horrible. splev( [ hei_x, ], tck, der=1, ) for tck in tcks ] ).T hei_tangent = hei_tangent.flatten() hei_tangent /= np.linalg.norm(hei_tangent) return hei_coords, hei_energy, hei_tangent, hei_frac_index
[docs] def get_image_calc_counter_sum(self): return sum([image.calculator.calc_counter for image in self.images])
[docs] def describe(self): imgs = self.images img = imgs[0] return f"ChainOfStates, {len(imgs)} images, ({img.sum_formula}, {len(img.atoms)} atoms) per image"
def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__