Source code for pysisyphus.cos.GrowingString

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev

from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL
from pysisyphus.intcoords.exceptions import (
from pysisyphus.cos.ChainOfStates import ChainOfStates
from pysisyphus.cos.GrowingChainOfStates import GrowingChainOfStates

# [1]
#     Peters, 2004
# [2]
#     Zimmerman, 2013

[docs]class GrowingString(GrowingChainOfStates): def __init__( self, images, calc_getter, perp_thresh=0.05, param="equi", reparam_every=2, reparam_every_full=3, reparam_tol=None, reparam_check="rms", max_micro_cycles=5, reset_dlc=True, climb=False, **kwargs, ): assert len(images) >= 2, "Need at least 2 images for GrowingString." if len(images) > 2: images = [images[0], images[-1]] print("More than 2 images given. Will only use first and last image!") if climb: climb = "one" super().__init__(images, calc_getter, climb=climb, **kwargs) self.perp_thresh = perp_thresh self.param = param self.reparam_every = int(reparam_every) self.reparam_every_full = int(reparam_every_full) assert ( self.reparam_every >= 1 and self.reparam_every_full >= 1 ), "reparam_every and reparam_every_full must be positive integers!" if reparam_tol is not None: self.reparam_tol = float(reparam_tol) assert self.reparam_tol > 0 else: self.reparam_tol = 1 / (self.max_nodes + 2) / 2 self.log(f"Using reparametrization tolerance of {self.reparam_tol:.4f}") self.reparam_check = reparam_check assert self.reparam_check in ("norm", "rms") self.max_micro_cycles = int(max_micro_cycles) self.reset_dlc = bool(reset_dlc) left_img, right_img = self.images self.left_string = [ left_img, ] self.right_string = [ right_img, ] # The desired spacing of the nodes in the final string on the # normalized arclength. = 1 / (self.max_nodes + 1) self.reparam_in = reparam_every self._tangents = None self.tangent_list = list() self.perp_forces_list = list() self.coords_list = list() left_frontier = self.get_new_image(self.lf_ind) self.left_string.append(left_frontier) right_frontier = self.get_new_image(self.rf_ind) self.right_string.append(right_frontier) self.new_image_inds = list()
[docs] def get_cur_param_density(self, kind=None): diffs = [ image - self.images[max(i - 1, 0)] for i, image in enumerate(self.images) ] norms = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1) param_density = np.cumsum(norms) self.log(f"Current string length={param_density[-1]:.6f}") # Energy weighted parametrization density if kind == "energy": prev_energies = np.array(self.all_energies[-1]) if len(prev_energies) != len(self.images): return None mean_energies = (prev_energies[1:] + prev_energies[:-1]) / 2 weights = mean_energies - prev_energies.min() # This damps everything a bit. weights = np.sqrt(weights) param_density = [ 0, ] for weight, diff in zip(weights, norms[1:]): assert weight > 0.0 param_density.append(param_density[-1] + weight * diff) param_density = np.array(param_density) param_density /= param_density[-1] return param_density
[docs] def reset_geometries(self, ref_geometry): ref_typed_prims = ref_geometry.internal.typed_prims self.log( f"Resetting image primitives. Got {len(ref_typed_prims)} typed primitives." ) for i in range(3): self.log(f"\tMicro cycle {i:d}") intersect = set(self.images[0].internal.typed_prims) for j, image in enumerate(self.images): image.reset_coords(ref_typed_prims) new_typed_prims = set(image.internal.typed_prims) self.log( f"\tImage {j:02d} now has {len(new_typed_prims)} typed primitives." ) intersect = intersect & new_typed_prims if intersect == set(ref_typed_prims): ref_geometry.reset_coords(intersect) break ref_typed_prims = list(intersect) else: raise Exception("Too many reset cycles!")
[docs] def set_coords(self, image, coords): try: image.coords = coords except RebuiltInternalsException: print("Rebuilt internal coordinates!") self.reset_geometries(image)
[docs] def get_new_image(self, ref_index): """Get new image by taking a step from self.images[ref_index] towards the center of the string.""" new_img = self.images[ref_index].copy( coord_kwargs={ "check_bends": True, } ) if ref_index <= self.lf_ind: tangent_ind = ref_index + 1 insert_ind = tangent_ind else: tangent_ind = ref_index - 1 insert_ind = ref_index tangent_img = self.images[tangent_ind] # (new_img - tangent_img) points from tangent_img towards new_img. # As we want to derive a new image from new_img, we have to step # against this vector, so we have to multiply by -1. # Why don't we just use (tangent_img - new_img) to get the right # direction? In DLC the resulting distance would then be given in # the active set U of tangent_img, but we need it in the active set U # of new_img. # Formulated the other way around the same expression can be used for # all coord types. try: distance = -(new_img - tangent_img) except (DifferentCoordLengthsException, DifferentPrimitivesException): self.reset_geometries(new_img) distance = -(new_img - tangent_img) # The desired step(_length) for the new image be can be easily determined # from a simple rule of proportion by relating the actual distance between # two images to their parametrization density difference on the normalized # arclength and the desired spacing given by # # Δparam_density / distance = / step # step = / Δparam_density * distance cpd = self.get_cur_param_density() # As we always want to step in the direction of 'distance' we just take # the absolute value of the difference, as we are not interested in the # sign. param_dens_diff = abs(cpd[ref_index] - cpd[tangent_ind]) step_length = / param_dens_diff step = step_length * distance new_coords = new_img.coords + step self.set_coords(new_img, new_coords) new_img.set_calculator(self.calc_getter()) ref_calc = self.images[ref_index].calculator try: chkfiles = ref_calc.get_chkfiles() new_img.calculator.set_chkfiles(chkfiles) self.log( "Set checkfiles from calculator of node " f"{ref_index:02d} on calculator of new node." ) except AttributeError: self.log("Calculator doesn't support 'get/set_chkfiles()'") self.images.insert(insert_ind, new_img) self.log(f"Created new image; inserted it before index {insert_ind}.") return new_img
@property def left_size(self): return len(self.left_string) @property def right_size(self): return len(self.right_string) @property def string_size(self): return self.left_size + self.right_size @property def fully_grown(self): """Returns wether the string is fully grown. Don't count the first and last node.""" return not ((self.string_size - 2) < self.max_nodes) @property def nodes_missing(self): """Returns the number of nodes to be grown.""" return (self.max_nodes + 2) - self.string_size @property def lf_ind(self): """Index of the left frontier node in self.images.""" return len(self.left_string) - 1 @property def rf_ind(self): """Index of the right frontier node in self.images.""" return self.lf_ind + 1 @property def full_string_image_inds(self): left_inds = np.arange(self.left_size) right_inds = np.arange(self.max_nodes + 2)[-self.right_size :] image_inds = np.concatenate((left_inds, right_inds)) return image_inds @property def image_inds(self): return self.full_string_image_inds
[docs] def spline(self, tangents=False): if (not tangents) and (self.param == "energy") and self.fully_grown: u = self.get_cur_param_density(kind="energy") else: u = self.get_cur_param_density() reshaped = self.coords.reshape(-1, self.coords_length) # To use splprep we have to transpose the coords. transp_coords = reshaped.transpose() # Spline in batches as scipy can't handle > 11 rows at once tcks, us = zip( *[ splprep(transp_coords[i : i + 9], s=0, k=3, u=u) for i in range(0, len(transp_coords), 9) ] ) return tcks, us
[docs] def reparam_cart(self, desired_param_density): tcks, us = self.spline() # Reparametrize mesh new_points = np.vstack([splev(desired_param_density, tck) for tck in tcks]) # Flatten along first dimension. new_points = new_points.reshape(-1, len(self.images)).T # With a climbing image we ignore the just splined coordinates for the CI # and restore its original coordinates. for index in self.get_climbing_indices(): new_points[index] = self.images[index].coords self.log(f"Skipped reparametrization of climbing image with index {index}") self.coords = new_points.flatten()
# In contrast to self.reparam_dlc() we don't check if the reparametrization # succeeded because it can't fail ;)
[docs] def reparam_dlc(self, desired_param_density, thresh=1e-3): climbing_indices = self.get_climbing_indices() # Reparametrization will take place along the tangent between two # images. The index of the tangent image depends on wether the image # is above or below the desired param_density on the normalized arc. # # The reparametrization is done in micro cycles, until it is converged. cur_param_density = self.get_cur_param_density() self.log(f"Density before reparametrization: {cur_param_density}") for i, reparam_image in enumerate(self.images[1:-1], 1): if i in climbing_indices: self.log(f"Skipped reparametrization of climbing image with index {i}") continue self.log(f"Reparametrizing node {i}") for j in range(self.max_micro_cycles): diff = (desired_param_density - cur_param_density)[i] self.log(f"\t{j}: Δ={diff: .6f}") # Do at least one pass if (j > 0) and (abs(diff) < thresh): break # Negative sign: image is too far right and has to be shifted left. # Positive sign: image is too far left and has to be shifted right. sign = int(np.sign(diff)) # Index of the tangent image. reparam_image will be shifted along # this direction to achieve the desired parametirzation density. tangent_ind = i + sign tangent_image = self.images[tangent_ind] rl = "right" if sign > 0 else "left" self.log(f"\t... shifting {rl} towards image {tangent_ind}") distance = -(reparam_image - tangent_image) param_dens_diff = abs( cur_param_density[tangent_ind] - cur_param_density[i] ) step_length = abs(diff) / param_dens_diff step = step_length * distance reparam_coords = reparam_image.coords + step self.set_coords(reparam_image, reparam_coords) cur_param_density = self.get_cur_param_density() else: self.log( f"Reparametrization of node {i} did not converge after " f"{self.max_micro_cycles} cycles. Breaking!" ) break cpd_str = np.array2string(cur_param_density, precision=4) self.log(f"Param density after reparametrization: {cpd_str}") # This check is disabled at it is not really applicable. While we reparametrize # the images the string size may vary wildly, at least in the beginning. Lets # say after reparametrization the distance vector between image 0 and 1 is of # magnitude 1 and the overall string length is 10. Then image 1 is at 0.1 w.r.t. # the parametrization density. If we reparametrize the remaining images the over- # all string size may be 8, and now image 1 suddenly sits at 1/8 = 0.125, which # may be already above the allowed threshold. # Over time the string size will equilibrate and the desired parametrization # density will actually be realized. # try: # # Dont check climbing images # np.testing.assert_allclose( # np.delete(cur_param_density, climbing_indices), # np.delete(desired_param_density, climbing_indices), # atol=self.reparam_tol # ) # except AssertionError as err: # trj_str = self.as_xyz() # fn = "failed_reparametrization.trj" # with open(fn, "w") as handle: # handle.write(trj_str) # print(f"Wrote coordinates of failed reparametrization to '{fn}'") # raise err # Regenerate active set after reparametrization if self.reset_dlc and not self.fully_grown: [image.internal.set_active_set() for image in self.moving_images] self.log(f"Created new DLCs for {len(self.images)} string images.") elif self.reset_dlc: self.log("Skipping creation of new DLCs, as string is already fully grown.")
[docs] def get_tangent(self, i): # Simple tangent, pointing at each other, for the frontier images. if not self.fully_grown and i in (self.lf_ind, self.rf_ind): next_ind = i + 1 if (i <= self.lf_ind) else i - 1 tangent = self.images[next_ind] - self.images[i] tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) else: tangent = super().get_tangent(i, kind="upwinding") return tangent
@ChainOfStates.forces.getter def forces(self): if self._forces is None: self.calculate_forces() indices = range(len(self.images)) # In constrast to NEB calculations we only use the perpendicular component # of the force, without any spring forces. A desired image distribution is # achieved via periodic reparametrization. perp_forces = np.array([self.get_perpendicular_forces(i) for i in indices]) self.perp_forces_list.append(perp_forces.copy().flatten()) # Add climbing forces total_forces = self.set_climbing_forces(perp_forces) self._forces = total_forces.flatten() return self._forces
[docs] def reparametrize(self): reparametrized = False # If this counter reaches 0 reparametrization will occur. self.reparam_in -= 1 self.new_image_inds = list() # Check if new images can be added for incomplete strings. if not self.fully_grown: perp_forces = self.perp_forces_list[-1].reshape(len(self.images), -1) # Calculate norm and rms of the perpendicular force for every # node/image on the string. to_check = { "norm": np.linalg.norm(perp_forces, axis=1), "rms": np.sqrt(np.mean(perp_forces**2, axis=1)), } self.log( f"Checking frontier node convergence, threshold={self.perp_thresh:.6f}" ) # We can add a new node if the norm/rms of the perpendicular force is below # the threshold. def converged(i): cur_val = to_check[self.reparam_check][i] is_converged = cur_val <= self.perp_thresh conv_str = ", converged" if is_converged else "" self.log( f"\tnode {i:02d}: {self.reparam_check}(perp_forces)={cur_val:.6f}" f"{conv_str}" ) return is_converged # New images are added with the same coordinates as the frontier image. # We force reparametrization by setting self.reparam_in to 0 to get sane # coordinates for the new image(s). if converged(self.lf_ind): # Insert at the end of the left string, just before the # right frontier node. new_left_frontier = self.get_new_image(self.lf_ind) self.new_image_inds.append(self.left_size) self.left_string.append(new_left_frontier) self.log("Added new left frontier node.") self.reparam_in = 0 # If an image was just grown in the left substring the string may now # be fully grown, so we reavluate 'self.fully_grown' here. if (not self.fully_grown) and converged(self.rf_ind): # Insert at the end of the right string, just before the # current right frontier node. new_right_frontier = self.get_new_image(self.rf_ind) self.new_image_inds.append(self.left_size) self.right_string.append(new_right_frontier) self.log("Added new right frontier node.") self.reparam_in = 0 self.log(f"New image indices: {self.new_image_inds}") self.log( f"Current string size is {self.left_size}+{self.right_size}=" f"{self.string_size}. There are still {self.nodes_missing} " "nodes to be grown." if not self.fully_grown else "String is fully grown." ) if self.reparam_in > 0: self.log( "Skipping reparametrization. Next reparametrization in " f"{self.reparam_in} cycles." ) else: # Prepare image reparametrization desired_param_density = * self.full_string_image_inds pd_str = np.array2string(desired_param_density, precision=4) self.log(f"Desired param density: {pd_str}") # Reparametrize images. if self.coord_type == "cart": self.reparam_cart(desired_param_density) elif self.coord_type == "dlc": self.reparam_dlc(desired_param_density, thresh=self.reparam_tol) else: raise Exception("How did you get here?") self.reparam_in = ( self.reparam_every_full if self.fully_grown else self.reparam_every ) reparametrized = True # Writing is deactivated, as this does not respect an out_dir or # something similar. # with open("reparametrized.trj", "w") as handle: # handle.write(self.as_xyz()) return reparametrized
[docs] def get_additional_print(self): size_str = f"{self.left_size}+{self.right_size}" if self.fully_grown: size_str = " Full" size_info = f"String={size_str: >5s}" energies = np.array(self.all_energies[-1]) barrier = (energies.max() - energies[0]) * AU2KJPERMOL barrier_info = f"(E_hei-E_0)={barrier:6.1f} kJ/mol" hei_ind = energies.argmax() hei_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.all_true_forces[-1][hei_ind]) hei_info = f"norm(forces_true,hei)={hei_norm:.6f} E_h/a_0" hei_str = f"HEI={hei_ind+1:02d}/{energies.size:02d}" strs = ( size_info, hei_str, barrier_info, hei_info, ) return "\t" + " ".join(strs)