Source code for pysisyphus.drivers.afir

# [1]
#     Exploring transition state structures for intramolecular pathways
#     by the artificial force induced reaction method
#     Maeda, Morokuma et al, 2013

import itertools as it
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from rmsd import kabsch_rmsd
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.optimize import least_squares

from pysisyphus.calculators.AFIR import AFIR, AFIRPath
from pysisyphus.config import OUT_DIR_DEFAULT
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG
from pysisyphus.cos.NEB import NEB
from pysisyphus.drivers.opt import run_opt
from pysisyphus.elem_data import COVALENT_RADII as CR
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers import pick_image_inds
from pysisyphus.intcoords.helpers import get_bond_difference
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_pair_covalent_radii
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup_fast import find_bonds
from pysisyphus.xyzloader import make_xyz_str

#                        #
#  Multi-component AFIR  #
#       MC-AFIR          #
#                        #

[docs]def generate_random_union(geoms, offset=1.0, copy=True): assert 2 <= len(geoms) <= 6 # Center, rotate and displace from origin acoording to approximate radius # and an offset. # Displace along +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z. Affords at max 6 fragments. axis_inds = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2) randomized = list() for i, geom in enumerate(geoms): if copy: geom = geom.copy() geom.rotate() step_size = geom.approximate_radius() + offset step = np.zeros(3) axis = axis_inds[i] # Alternate between negative and positive direction along x/y/z step[axis] = (-1) ** i * step_size geom.coords3d += step[None, :] randomized.append(geom) union = reduce(lambda geom1, geom2: geom1 + geom2, randomized) return union
[docs]def relax_afir_path(atoms, cart_coords, calc_getter, images=15, out_dir=None): image_inds = pick_image_inds(cart_coords, images=images) images = [Geometry(atoms, cart_coords[i]) for i in image_inds] # Relax last image opt_kwargs = { "dump": True, "prefix": "last", "out_dir": out_dir, } last_image = images[-1] last_image_backup = last_image.copy() run_opt(last_image, calc_getter, opt_key="rfo", opt_kwargs=opt_kwargs) _, broken = get_bond_difference(last_image, last_image_backup) if broken: return cos_kwargs = {} cos = NEB(images, **cos_kwargs) cos_opt_kwargs = { "align": True, "dump": True, "max_cycles": 30, "out_dir": out_dir, } run_opt(cos, calc_getter, opt_key="lbfgs", opt_kwargs=cos_opt_kwargs)
[docs]def run_mc_afir_paths(geoms, calc_getter, num=5, gamma=None, t=None, T=298.15): assert gamma or t, "Either parameter gamme of time t must be given!" # Set up list of fragments i = 0 fragments = list() for geom in geoms: atom_num = len(geom.atoms) fragments.append(np.arange(atom_num) + i) i += atom_num unions = [generate_random_union(geoms, copy=True) for _ in range(num)] # with open("unions.trj", "w") as handle: # handle.write("\n".join([union.as_xyz() for union in unions])) afir_paths = list() for i, union in enumerate(unions): out_dir = Path(f"out_{i:03d}") union_backup = union.copy() # Preoptimize union, so we start from an actual minimum union_opt_kwargs = { "prefix": "union", "out_dir": out_dir, } run_opt(union, calc_getter, opt_key="rfo", opt_kwargs=union_opt_kwargs) afir_path = multicomponent_afir( union, calc_getter, fragments, gamma=gamma, out_dir=out_dir ) afir_paths.append(afir_path) formed, broken = get_bond_difference(union, union_backup) if formed or broken: relax_afir_path( union.atoms, afir_path.cart_coords, calc_getter, out_dir=out_dir )
[docs]def multicomponent_afir(geom, calc_getter, fragments, gamma, out_dir=None): actual_calc = calc_getter(out_dir=out_dir / OUT_DIR_DEFAULT) def afir_calc_getter(): afir_calc = AFIR( actual_calc, fragment_indices=fragments, gamma=gamma, out_dir=out_dir ) return afir_calc opt_kwargs = { "dump": True, "out_dir": out_dir, "prefix": "afir", "max_cycles": 200, } opt_result = run_opt(geom, afir_calc_getter, opt_key="rfo", opt_kwargs=opt_kwargs) opt = opt_result.opt afir_path = AFIRPath( atoms=geom.atoms, cart_coords=np.array(opt.cart_coords), energies=np.array(opt.true_energies), forces=np.array(opt.true_forces), opt_is_converged=opt.is_converged, ) return afir_path
[docs]def analyze_afir_path(energies): energies = np.array(energies) # min_ind = energies.argmin() max_ind = energies.argmax() local_minima = list() local_maxima = list() stationary_points = list() for i, en in enumerate(energies[1:-1], 1): prev_en = energies[i - 1] next_en = energies[i + 1] if is_minimum := prev_en > en < next_en: local_minima.append(i) if is_ts := prev_en < en > next_en: local_maxima.append(i) if is_minimum or is_ts: stationary_points.append(i) if max_ind in stationary_points: ts_ind = np.where(stationary_points == max_ind)[0][0] prev_min_ind = stationary_points[ts_ind - 1] next_min_ind = stationary_points[ts_ind + 1] sp_inds = [prev_min_ind, max_ind, next_min_ind] else: sp_inds = list() return sp_inds
########################### # # # Single-component AFIR # # SC-AFIR # # # ###########################
[docs]def decrease_distance(coords3d, m, n, frac=0.9): c3d_m = coords3d[m] c3d_n = coords3d[n] dist_vec = c3d_n - c3d_m step = (1 - frac) / 2 * dist_vec c3d_new = coords3d.copy() c3d_new[m] += step c3d_new[n] -= step return c3d_new
[docs]def lstsqs_with_reference(coords3d, ref_coords3d, freeze_atoms=None): """Least-squares w.r.t. reference coordinates while keeping some atoms frozen.""" if freeze_atoms is None: freeze_atoms = [] else: freeze_atoms = list(freeze_atoms) ref_dists = pdist(ref_coords3d) mask = np.ones_like(coords3d[:, 0], dtype=bool) mask[freeze_atoms] = False # All atoms w/o the frozen atoms coords = coords3d[mask].flatten() x0 = coords coords_full = coords3d.copy() def fun(x): # Consider all distances, including distances to the fixed atoms 'm' and 'n'. coords_full[mask] = x.reshape(-1, 3) dists = pdist(coords_full) return dists - ref_dists res = least_squares(fun, x0) opt_coords = res.x coords_full[mask] = opt_coords.reshape(-1, 3) return res, coords_full
[docs]def weight_function(atoms, coords3d, i, j, p=6): cr_sum = sum([CR[atoms[k].lower()] for k in (i, j)]) r_ij = np.linalg.norm(coords3d[i] - coords3d[j]) omega = (cr_sum / r_ij) ** 6 return omega
[docs]def find_candidates(center, bond_sets): center_set = { center, } bonded_to_center = list() for bond in bond_sets: if center not in bond: continue bonded_to_center.append(*set(bond) - center_set) return bonded_to_center
[docs]def automatic_fragmentation( atoms, coords3d, frag1, frag2, cycles=2, p=6, bond_factor=1.25 ): """Automatic fragmentation scheme as described in SC-AFIR paper [1].""" frag1 = set(frag1) frag2 = set(frag2) def w(m, n): """Shortcut for weight function""" return weight_function(atoms, coords3d, m, n, p=p) pairs = list(it.product(frag1, frag2)) weights = [w(m, n) for m, n in pairs] max_weight = max(weights) bonds = find_bonds(atoms, coords3d, bond_factor=bond_factor) bond_sets = [set(bond) for bond in bonds.tolist()] def filter_candidates(candidates, partners, max_weight): to_keep = set() for candidate in candidates: for partner in partners: if candidate == partner: break weight = w(candidate, partner) if weight > max_weight: break else: to_keep.add(candidate) return to_keep def grow_fragment(frag1, frag2): # Find candidates that are bonded to atoms in frag1. Step 2 in [1]. candidates = [find_candidates(m, bond_sets) for m in frag1] # Filter out candidates that are already contained in frag1 candidates = [c for c in it.chain(*candidates) if c not in frag1] # Filter out candidates with weights that are too big. Step 3/4 in [1]. candidates = set(filter_candidates(candidates, frag2, max_weight)) return candidates for _ in range(cycles): f1_candidates = grow_fragment(frag1, frag2) f2_candidates = grow_fragment(frag2, frag1) # Step 5 in [1]. f1_candidates = filter_candidates(f1_candidates, f2_candidates, max_weight) f2_candidates = filter_candidates(f2_candidates, f1_candidates, max_weight) # Step 6 in [1]. frag1.update(f1_candidates) frag2.update(f2_candidates) assert frag1.isdisjoint(frag2), "Overlapping fragments detected!" # Sanity check return frag1, frag2
[docs]def prepare_single_component_afir(geom, m, n, calc_getter, afir_kwargs): """Create perturbed geometry, determine fragments and set AFIR calculator.""" atoms = geom.atoms org_coords3d = geom.coords3d.copy() # Move target atoms closer together along distance vector (decrease distance) decr_coords3d = decrease_distance(geom.coords3d, m, n) # Optimize remaining coordinates using least-squares, while keeping target # atom pair fixed. _, opt_coords3d = lstsqs_with_reference(decr_coords3d.copy(), geom.coords3d, (m, n)) # Determine fragments, using the automated fragmentation frag1, frag2 = automatic_fragmentation(atoms, opt_coords3d, [m], [n]) fragment_indices = [list(frag) for frag in (frag1, frag2)] # Set lstsq-optimized coordinates and created wrapped calculator geom.coords3d = opt_coords3d calc = calc_getter() afir_defaults = { "calculator": calc, "fragment_indices": fragment_indices, "complete_fragments": False, # "ignore_hydrogen": False, # I'm still not sure about this ... } afir_kwargs = afir_kwargs.copy() # Force the use of the determined fragment_indices, by override any # potential user input. afir_kwargs.update(afir_defaults) afir_calc = AFIR(**afir_kwargs) geom.set_calculator(afir_calc) def set_atoms(inds, atom_type="X", mod_atoms=None): if mod_atoms is None: mod_atoms = list(atoms) for i in inds: mod_atoms[i] = atom_type return mod_atoms atoms_target = set_atoms((m, n)) atoms_fragments = set_atoms(frag1) atoms_fragments = set_atoms(frag2, atom_type="Q", mod_atoms=atoms_fragments) atoms_coords3d = { "original": (atoms, org_coords3d), "original w/ target atoms": (atoms_target, org_coords3d), "decreased distance": (atoms, decr_coords3d), "decreased distance w/ target atoms": (atoms_target, decr_coords3d), "lstsq optimized": (atoms, opt_coords3d), "lstsq optimized w/ target atoms": (atoms_target, opt_coords3d), "lstsq optimized w/ fragments": (atoms_fragments, opt_coords3d), } trj = "\n".join( [ make_xyz_str(atoms, BOHR2ANG * coords3d, comment=key) for key, (atoms, coords3d) in atoms_coords3d.items() ] ) return trj
[docs]def coordinates_similar( test_coords3d: NDArray, ref_coords3d: List[NDArray], rmsd_thresh: float = 1e-2 ) -> Tuple[bool, int]: # When the reference coordinates are an empty list. if len(ref_coords3d) == 0: return False, -1 test_centered3d = test_coords3d - test_coords3d.mean(axis=0)[None, :] for i, rcoords3d in enumerate(ref_coords3d): ref_centered3d = rcoords3d - rcoords3d.mean(axis=0)[None, :] rmsd_ = kabsch_rmsd(test_centered3d, ref_centered3d) if rmsd_ <= rmsd_thresh: break else: return False, -1 return True, i
[docs]def geom_similar(test_geom: Geometry, ref_geoms: List[Geometry], **kwargs) -> bool: return coordinates_similar( test_geom.coords3d, [geom.coords3d for geom in ref_geoms], **kwargs )
[docs]def determine_target_pairs( atoms: Tuple[str], coords3d: NDArray, min_: float = 1.25, max_: float = 5.0 ) -> List[Tuple[int]]: """Determine possible target m, n atom pairs for SC-AFIR calculations.""" pair_cov_radii = get_pair_covalent_radii(atoms) pair_dists = pdist(coords3d) quots = pair_dists / pair_cov_radii pair_inds = it.combinations(range(len(atoms)), 2) target_pairs = list() for pair_ind, quot in zip(pair_inds, quots): if not (min_ <= quot <= max_): continue target_pairs.append(pair_ind) return target_pairs
[docs]def determine_target_pairs_for_geom(geom: Geometry, **kwargs) -> List[Tuple[int]]: """Determine possible target m, n atom pairs for SC-AFIR calculations from geom.""" target_pairs = determine_target_pairs(geom.atoms, geom.coords3d, **kwargs) return target_pairs