Source code for pysisyphus.drivers.barriers

from pathlib import Path
from time import time

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.config import T_DEFAULT, p_DEFAULT
from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import highlight_text, standard_state_corr
from pysisyphus.TablePrinter import TablePrinter
from pysisyphus.thermo import print_thermoanalysis

[docs]def do_endopt_ts_barriers( ts_geom, left_geoms, right_geoms=None, left_fns=None, right_fns=None, do_thermo=False, T=T_DEFAULT, p=p_DEFAULT, calc_getter=None, solv_calc_getter=None, do_standard_state_corr=False, ): print(highlight_text("Barrier heights after end optimization(s)")) print() # Only allow standard state correction when solvent calculator is specified. do_ssc = do_standard_state_corr and (solv_calc_getter is not None) ssc = standard_state_corr(T=T, p=p) if do_ssc else 0.0 if right_geoms is None: right_geoms = [] if left_fns is None: left_fns = ["" for geom in left_geoms] if right_fns is None: right_fns = ["" for geom in right_geoms] ts_fn = "TS" ts_atom_num = len(ts_geom.atoms) def drop_total_geom(geoms): atom_nums = [len(geom.atoms) for geom in geoms] tot_atom_num = sum(atom_nums) total_geom = None if tot_atom_num > ts_atom_num: total_ind = atom_nums.index(max(atom_nums)) total_geom = geoms[total_ind] geoms = [geom for i, geom in enumerate(geoms) if i != total_ind] return geoms, total_geom left_geoms, left_total_geom = drop_total_geom(left_geoms) right_geoms, right_total_geom = drop_total_geom(right_geoms) def tot_atom_num(geoms): return sum([len(geom.atoms) for geom in geoms]) left_atom_num = tot_atom_num(left_geoms) assert left_atom_num == ts_atom_num, ( f"Atom number mismatch between TS ({ts_atom_num} atoms) and " f"left side ({left_atom_num} atoms)! Aborting barrier calculation" ) right_tot_atom_num = tot_atom_num(right_geoms) assert (right_tot_atom_num == ts_atom_num) or (right_tot_atom_num == 0) def get_energy(geom, base_name): try: except AttributeError: try: geom.set_calculator(calc_getter(base_name=base_name)) except TypeError: raise Exception( f"Energy isn't set at '{base_name}' geometry " "and no 'calc_getter' was supplied!\nPlease either set " "the desired quantities (energy/(Hessian)) or supply " "a 'calc_getter' to calculate them." ) return def get_energies(geoms, base_name): return [ get_energy(geom, f"{base_name}_{i:02d}") for i, geom in enumerate(geoms) ] en_key = "energy" ts_energy = get_energy(ts_geom, "ts") left_energies = get_energies(left_geoms, "left") right_energies = get_energies(right_geoms, "right") def zeros(geoms): return np.zeros(len(geoms)) # Gibbs free energies if do_thermo: en_key = "free energy" def get_thermo(geom, title, is_ts=False): thermo = geom.get_thermoanalysis(geom, T=T, p=p) print_thermoanalysis(thermo, geom=geom, is_ts=is_ts, level=1, title=title) print() return thermo ts_thermo = get_thermo(ts_geom, "TS", is_ts=True) ts_dG = ts_thermo.dG left_thermos = [get_thermo(geom, fn) for geom, fn in zip(left_geoms, left_fns)] left_dGs = [thermo.dG for thermo in left_thermos] right_thermos = [ get_thermo(geom, fn) for geom, fn in zip(right_geoms, right_fns) ] right_dGs = [thermo.dG for thermo in right_thermos] else: ts_dG = 0.0 left_dGs = zeros(left_geoms) right_dGs = zeros(right_geoms) def get_solv_correction(geom, fn=None, name=None): fn = str(fn) if fn is not None: infix = f"'{Path(fn).name: >40s}'" else: atom_num = len(geom.atoms) infix = f"{atom_num} atoms" print(f"Solvated calculation for {infix} ...", end="") start = time() solv_calc_kwargs = {} if name is not None: solv_calc_kwargs["base_name"] = f"solv_{name}" solv_energy = solv_calc_getter(**solv_calc_kwargs).get_energy( geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords )["energy"] dur = time() - start print(f" finished in {dur:.1f} s.") # Add standard state correction. ssc will be 0.0 if, disabled. return solv_energy, (solv_energy - + ssc def get_solv_corrections(geoms, fns, name): return zip( *[get_solv_correction(geom, fn, name) for geom, fn in zip(geoms, fns)] ) if solv_calc_getter is not None: print(highlight_text("Calculations with solvent model", level=1) + "\n") ts_solv_energy, ts_solv_corr = get_solv_correction(ts_geom, ts_fn, "ts") left_solv_energies, left_solv_corrs = get_solv_corrections( left_geoms, left_fns, "left" ) right_solv_energies, right_solv_corrs = get_solv_corrections( right_geoms, right_fns, "right" ) print() # Use zeros, so we can add the term later. else: ts_solv_corr = 0.0 left_solv_corrs = zeros(left_geoms) right_solv_corrs = zeros(right_geoms) # Calculate total contributions for both sides left_dG = sum(left_dGs) right_dG = sum(right_dGs) left_solv_corr = sum(left_solv_corrs) right_solv_corr = sum(right_solv_corrs) ts_energy_corr = ts_energy + ts_solv_corr + ts_dG left_energy_corr = sum(left_energies) + left_dG + left_solv_corr right_energy_corr = sum(right_energies) + right_dG + right_solv_corr energies_corr = [left_energy_corr, ts_energy_corr] # TS is always only 1 geometry geom_nums = [len(left_geoms), 1] fns = ["Left", "TS"] if right_geoms: energies_corr.append(right_energy_corr) geom_nums.append(len(right_geoms)) fns.append("Right") max_len = max(len(s) for s in fns) def print_table(table, header, width=15): col_fmts = ["str"] + (len(header) - 1) * ["float"] tp = TablePrinter(header, col_fmts, width=width, sub_underline=False) tp.print_header() for fn, row in zip(all_fns, table.T): fn = str(fn) # fns may be PosixPath etc. fn_cut = fn[:6] + "..." + fn[-6:] if (len(fn) > width) else fn tp.print_row((fn_cut, *row)) print() all_fns = left_fns + [ts_fn] + right_fns # Electronic energies all_energies = np.concatenate((left_energies, [ts_energy], right_energies)) to_stack = [all_energies] gas_titles = ["File", "E_el"] if do_thermo: # Thermochemical corrections all_dGs = np.concatenate((left_dGs, [ts_dG], right_dGs)) # Free Gibbs energies in the gas phase all_Gs_gas = all_energies + all_dGs to_stack += [all_dGs, all_Gs_gas] gas_titles += ["dG_gas", "G_gas"] gas_table = np.stack(to_stack) print("All tabulated quantities are given in au.\n") print_table(gas_table, gas_titles) full_titles = gas_titles if solv_calc_getter is not None: all_solv_energies = np.concatenate( (left_solv_energies, [ts_solv_energy], right_solv_energies) ) all_solv_corrs = np.concatenate( (left_solv_corrs, [ts_solv_corr], right_solv_corrs) ) to_stack = [all_energies, all_solv_energies, all_solv_corrs] solv_titles = ["File", "E_el", "E_solv", "dG_solv"] if do_thermo: all_Gs_sol = all_Gs_gas + all_solv_corrs to_stack += [all_Gs_sol] solv_titles += ["G_sol"] solv_table = np.stack(to_stack) if do_ssc: print("dG_solv includes a correction for change of standard state.\n") print_table(solv_table, solv_titles) full_titles += solv_titles[2:] energies_corr = np.array(energies_corr) energies_corr -= energies_corr.min() min_ind = energies_corr.argmin() energies_corr *= AU2KJPERMOL print(highlight_text("Barriers", level=1)) print() print(f"Temperature: {T:.2f} K") print(f"Pressure: {p:.1f} Pa\n") print("Corrections:") print(f"Change of standard-state: {do_ssc}, {ssc*AU2KJPERMOL:.2} kJ mol⁻¹") print(f" Solvent: {solv_calc_getter is not None}") print(f" Thermochemistry: {do_thermo}") print() def print_geoms_fns(geoms, fns): for i, (geom, fn) in enumerate(zip(geoms, fns)): fn_name = Path(fn).name print(f"\t{i}: {fn_name} ({geom}, {len(geom.atoms)} atoms)") def get_geom_key(geoms): return "geometry" if len(geoms) == 1 else "geometries" print(f"Left {get_geom_key(left_geoms)}:") print_geoms_fns(left_geoms, left_fns) print("TS geometry:") print_geoms_fns((ts_geom,), ("",)) if right_geoms: print(f"Right {get_geom_key(right_geoms)}:") print_geoms_fns(right_geoms, right_fns) print() print(f"Minimum {en_key} of {energies_corr[min_ind]} kJ mol⁻¹ at '{fns[min_ind]}'.") print() for fn, en, gnum in zip(fns, energies_corr, geom_nums): geom_str = "geometry" if gnum == 1 else "geometries" is_sum = " " if gnum == 1 else "Σ" print(f"\t{is_sum}{fn:>{max_len}s}: {en:>8.2f} kJ mol⁻¹ ({gnum} {geom_str})") print()