Source code for pysisyphus.drivers.precon_pos_rot

# [1]
#     Habershon, 2021

prp a901cdfacc579eb63b193cbc9043212e8b57746f
pysis 340ab6105ac4156f0613b4d0e8f080d9f195530c
do_trans accidentally disabled in transtorque

from functools import reduce
import itertools as it

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators import (
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers import align_coords
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import highlight_text
from pysisyphus.init_logging import init_logging
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_fragments, get_bond_sets
from pysisyphus.xyzloader import coords_to_trj, make_xyz_str


[docs]class SteepestDescent: def __init__( self, geom, max_cycles=1000, max_step=0.05, rms_force=0.05, rms_force_only=True, prefix=None, dump=False, print_mod=25, ): self.geom = geom self.max_cycles = max_cycles self.max_step = max_step self.rms_force = rms_force self.rms_force_only = rms_force_only self.prefix = prefix self.dump = dump self.print_mod = print_mod self.all_coords = np.zeros((max_cycles, self.geom.coords.size))
[docs] def run(self): coords = self.geom.coords.copy() to_dump = [] for i in range(self.max_cycles): self.all_coords[i] = coords.copy() if self.dump and (i % 100) == 0: to_dump.append(self.geom.as_xyz(cart_coords=coords)) results = self.geom.get_energy_and_forces_at(coords) forces = results["forces"] norm = np.linalg.norm(forces) rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(forces ** 2)) if rms <= self.rms_force: print(f"Converged in cycle {i}. Breaking.") break if i > 0: beta = / step = forces + beta * self.prev_step else: step = forces.copy() # step = forces.copy() step *= min(self.max_step / np.abs(step).max(), 1) if i % self.print_mod == 0: print( f"{i:03d}: |forces|={norm: >12.6f} " f"rms(forces)={np.sqrt(np.mean(forces**2)): >12.6f} " f"|step|={np.linalg.norm(step): >12.6f}" ) coords += step self.prev_step = step self.prev_forces = forces self.geom.coords = coords self.all_coords = self.all_coords[: i + 1] if to_dump: with open("optimization.trj", "w") as handle: handle.write("\n".join(to_dump))
[docs]def get_fragments_and_bonds(geoms): if isinstance(geoms, Geometry) or len(geoms) == 1: geom = geoms atoms = geom.atoms coords3d = geom.coords3d bonds = [frozenset(bond) for bond in get_bond_sets(atoms, coords3d)] fragments = get_fragments(atoms, coords3d.flatten(), bond_inds=bonds) frag_inds = list(it.chain(*fragments)) if len(frag_inds) != len(atoms): all_inds = list(range(len(atoms))) missing_inds = set(all_inds) - set(frag_inds) for mi in missing_inds: fragments.append(frozenset((mi,))) frag_bonds = [ list(filter(lambda bond: bond <= frag, bonds)) for frag in fragments ] # frag_atoms = [[a for i, a in enumerate(atoms) if i in frag] for frag in fragments] # Assert that we do not have any interfragment bonds assert reduce((lambda x, y: x + len(y)), frag_bonds, 0) == len(bonds) union_geom = geom.copy(coord_type="cart") else: # Form union, determine consistent new indices for all atoms and calculate bonds raise Exception() # return fragments, frag_bonds, set(bonds), frag_atoms return fragments, frag_bonds, set(bonds), union_geom
[docs]def get_rot_mat(coords3d_1, coords3d_2, center=False): coords3d_1 = coords3d_1.copy().reshape(-1, 3) coords3d_2 = coords3d_2.copy().reshape(-1, 3) def _center(coords3d): return coords3d - coords3d.mean(axis=0) if center: coords3d_1 = _center(coords3d_1) coords3d_2 = _center(coords3d_2) tmp_mat = U, W, Vt = np.linalg.svd(tmp_mat) rot_mat = # Avoid reflections if np.linalg.det(rot_mat) < 0: U[:, -1] *= -1 rot_mat = return rot_mat
[docs]def get_steps_to_active_atom_mean( frag_lists, iter_frag_lists, ind_dict, coords3d, skip=True ): frag_num = len(frag_lists) steps = np.zeros((frag_num, 3)) for m, frag_m in enumerate(frag_lists): step_m = np.zeros(3) for n, _ in enumerate(iter_frag_lists): if skip and m == n: continue active_inds = ind_dict[(n, m)] if len(active_inds) == 0: continue step_m += coords3d[active_inds].mean(axis=0) step_m /= frag_num steps[m] = step_m return steps
[docs]def report_frags(rgeom, pgeom, rfrags, pfrags, rbond_diff, pbond_diff): for name, geom in (("Reactant(s)", rgeom), ("Product(s)", pgeom)): print(f"{name}: {geom}\n\n{geom.as_xyz()}\n") def get_frag_atoms(geom, frag): atoms = geom.atoms return [atoms[i] for i in frag] for name, geom, frags in (("reactant", rgeom, rfrags), ("product", pgeom, pfrags)): print(f"{len(frags)} Fragment(s) in {name} image:\n") for frag in frags: frag_atoms = get_frag_atoms(geom, frag) frag_coords = geom.coords3d[list(frag)] frag_xyz = make_xyz_str(frag_atoms, frag_coords * BOHR2ANG) print(frag_xyz + "\n") def print_bonds(geom, bonds): for from_, to_ in bonds: from_atom, to_atom = [geom.atoms[i] for i in (from_, to_)] print(f"\t({from_: >3d}{from_atom} - {to_: >3d}{to_atom})") print("Bonds broken in reactant image:") print_bonds(rgeom, rbond_diff) print() print("Bonds formed in product image:") print_bonds(pgeom, pbond_diff) print()
[docs]def report_mats(name, mats): for (m, n), indices in mats.items(): print(f"{name}({m}, {n}): {indices}") print()
[docs]def center_fragments(frag_list, geom): c3d = geom.coords3d for frag in frag_list: mean = c3d[frag].mean(axis=0) c3d[frag] -= mean[None, :]
[docs]def get_which_frag(frags): which_frag = dict() for frag_ind, frag in enumerate(frags): which_frag.update({atom_ind: frag_ind for atom_ind in frag}) return which_frag
[docs]def form_A(frags, which_frag, formed_bonds): """Construct the A-matrices. AR[(m, n)] (AP[(m, n)]) contains the subset of atoms in Rm (Pm) that forms bonds with Rn (Pn). """ A = dict() for m, n in formed_bonds: key = (which_frag[m], which_frag[n]) A.setdefault(key, list()).append(m) A.setdefault(key[::-1], list()).append(n) return A
CONFIG = { "s2_hs_kappa": 1.0, "s4_hs_kappa": 50.0, "s4_v_kappa": 1.0, "s4_w_kappa": 1.0, "s5_v_kappa": 1.0, "s5_w_kappa": 3.0, "s5_hs_kappa": 10.0, "s5_z_kappa": 2.0, "s5_trans": True, "s5_rms_force": 0.01, }
[docs]def precon_pos_rot(reactants, products, prefix=None, config=CONFIG): c = config if prefix is None: prefix = "" def make_fn(fn): return prefix + fn rfrags, rfrag_bonds, rbonds, runion = get_fragments_and_bonds(reactants) pfrags, pfrag_bonds, pbonds, punion = get_fragments_and_bonds(products) pbond_diff = pbonds - rbonds # Present in product(s) rbond_diff = rbonds - pbonds # Present in reactant(s) involved_atoms = set(tuple(it.chain(*pbond_diff))) involved_atoms |= set(tuple(it.chain(*rbond_diff))) which_rfrag = get_which_frag(rfrags) which_pfrag = get_which_frag(pfrags) rfrag_lists = [list(frag) for frag in rfrags] pfrag_lists = [list(frag) for frag in pfrags] report_frags(runion, punion, rfrags, pfrags, rbond_diff, pbond_diff) def form_C(m_frags, n_frags): """Construct the C-matrices. Returns a dict with (m, n) keys, containing the respective unions of rectant fragment n and product fragment m. """ C = dict() for m, m_frag in enumerate(m_frags): for n, n_frag in enumerate(n_frags): C[(m, n)] = list(m_frag & n_frag) return C CR = form_C(rfrags, pfrags) assert len(set(it.chain(*CR.values()))) == len(runion.atoms) CP = {(n, m): union for (m, n), union in CR.items()} print("CR(m, n), subset of atoms in molecule Rn which are in Pm after reaction.") report_mats("CR", CR) print("CP(m, n), subset of atoms in molecule Pn which are in Rm before reaction.") report_mats("CP", CP) def form_B(C): """Construct the B-matrices. Returns a dict with (m, n) keys, containing the respective subsets of C[(m, n)] that acutally participate in bond-breaking/forming. """ B = dict() for (m, n), union in C.items(): key = (m, n) B.setdefault(key, set()) B[key] |= set(union) & involved_atoms for k, v in B.items(): B[k] = list(v) return B BR = form_B(CR) BP = form_B(CP) print( "BR(m, n), subset of atoms in CRnm actually involved in bond forming/breaking." ) report_mats("BR", BR) print( "BP(m, n), subset of atoms in CPnm actually involved in bond forming/breaking." ) report_mats("BP", BP) AR = form_A(rfrags, which_rfrag, pbond_diff) AP = form_A(pfrags, which_pfrag, rbond_diff) print("AR(m, n), subset of atoms in Rm that form bonds to atoms in Rn.") report_mats("AR", AR) print( "AP(m, n), subset of atoms in Pm which had bonds with Pn (formerly bonded in R)." ) report_mats("AP", AP) def form_G(A): G = dict() for (m, n), inds in A.items(): G.setdefault(m, set()) G[m] |= set(inds) for k, v in G.items(): G[k] = list(v) assert len(v) > 0 return G GR = form_G(AR) # GP = form_G(AP) print(f"GR: {GR}") # print(f"GP: {GP}") # Initial, centered, coordinates and 5 stages r_coords = np.zeros((6, runion.coords.size)) p_coords = np.zeros((6, punion.coords.size)) def backup_coords(stage): assert 0 <= stage < 6 r_coords[stage] = runion.coords.copy() p_coords[stage] = punion.coords.copy() """ STAGE 1 Initial positioning of reactant and product molecules """ # Center fragments at their geometric average center_fragments(rfrag_lists, runion) center_fragments(pfrag_lists, punion) backup_coords(0) # Translate reactant molecules alphas = get_steps_to_active_atom_mean( rfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, AR, runion.coords3d ) for rfrag, alpha in zip(rfrag_lists, alphas): runion.coords3d[rfrag] += alpha # Translate product molecules betas = get_steps_to_active_atom_mean( pfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, BR, punion.coords3d, skip=False ) sigmas = get_steps_to_active_atom_mean( pfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, CR, punion.coords3d, skip=False ) bs_half = (betas + sigmas) / 2 for pfrag, bsh in zip(pfrag_lists, bs_half): punion.coords3d[pfrag] += bsh backup_coords(1) print() """ STAGE 2 Intra-image Inter-molecular Hard-Sphere forces """ print(highlight_text("Stage 2, Hard-Sphere Forces")) s2_hs_kappa = c["s2_hs_kappa"] def hardsphere_sd_opt(geom, frag_lists, title): print(highlight_text(title, level=1)) calc = HardSphere(geom, frag_lists, kappa=s2_hs_kappa) geom.set_calculator(calc) opt_kwargs = { "max_cycles": 1000, "max_step": 0.5, "rms_force": 0.05, } opt = SteepestDescent(geom, **opt_kwargs) hardsphere_sd_opt(runion, rfrag_lists, "Reactants") hardsphere_sd_opt(punion, pfrag_lists, "Products") backup_coords(2) print() """ STAGE 3 Initial orientation of molecules """ print(highlight_text("Stage 3, Initial Orientation")) # Rotate R fragments if len(rfrag_lists) > 1: alphas = get_steps_to_active_atom_mean( rfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, AR, runion.coords3d ) gammas = np.zeros_like(alphas) for m, rfrag in enumerate(rfrag_lists): Gm = GR[m] gammas[m] = runion.coords3d[Gm].mean(axis=0) r_means = np.array([runion.coords3d[frag].mean(axis=0) for frag in rfrag_lists]) for m, rfrag in enumerate(rfrag_lists): gm = r_means[m] rot_mat = get_rot_mat(gammas[m] - gm, alphas[m] - gm) rot_coords = (runion.coords3d[rfrag] - gm).dot(rot_mat) runion.coords3d[rfrag] = rot_coords + gm - rot_coords.mean(axis=0) Ns = [0] * len(pfrag_lists) for (m, n), CPmn in CP.items(): Ns[m] += len(CPmn) # Rotate P fragments for m, pfrag in enumerate(pfrag_lists): pc3d = punion.coords3d[pfrag] gm = pc3d.mean(axis=0) r0Pm = pc3d - gm[None, :] mu_Pm = np.zeros_like(r0Pm) N = Ns[m] for n, rfrag in enumerate(rfrag_lists): # Skip rotation of 1-atom fragments if len(rfrag) == 1: continue CPmn = CP[(m, n)] RPmRn = get_rot_mat( punion.coords3d[CPmn], runion.coords3d[CPmn], center=True ) print(f"m={m}, n={n}, len(CPmn)={len(CPmn)}") # Eq. (A2) in [1] r0Pmn = np.einsum("ij,jk->ki", RPmRn, r0Pm.T) mu_Pm += len(CPmn) ** 2 / N * r0Pmn rot_mat = get_rot_mat(r0Pm, mu_Pm, center=True) rot_coords = punion.coords3d[pfrag] = rot_coords + gm - rot_coords.mean(axis=0) backup_coords(3) print() """ STAGE 4 Alignment of reactive atoms This stage involves three forces: hard-sphere forces and two kinds of average translational (^t) and rotational (^r) forces (v and w, (A3) - (A5) in [1]). v^t and v^r arise from atoms in A^Rnm and A^Rmn, that is atoms that participate in bond forming/breaking in R. The translational force is usually attractive, which is counteracted by the repulsive hard-sphere forces. """ print(highlight_text("Stage 4, Alignment Of Reactive Atoms")) def composite_sd_opt(geom, keys_calcs, title, rms_force=0.05): print(highlight_text(title, level=1)) final = " + ".join([k for k in keys_calcs.keys()]) calc = Composite(final, keys_calcs=keys_calcs) geom.set_calculator(calc) opt_kwargs = { "max_step": 0.05, "max_cycles": 2000, "rms_force": rms_force, } opt = SteepestDescent(geom, **opt_kwargs) def get_vr_trans_torque(kappa=1.0, do_trans=True): return TransTorque( rfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, AR, AR, kappa=kappa, do_trans=do_trans ) def r_weight_func(m, n, a, b): """As required for (A5) in [1].""" return 1 if a in BR[(m, n)] else 0.5 def get_wr_trans_torque(kappa=1.0, do_trans=True): return TransTorque( rfrag_lists, pfrag_lists, CR, CP, weight_func=r_weight_func, skip=False, b_coords3d=punion.coords3d, kappa=kappa, do_trans=do_trans, ) def get_vp_trans_torque(kappa=1.0, do_trans=True): return TransTorque( pfrag_lists, pfrag_lists, AP, AP, kappa=kappa, do_trans=do_trans ) def p_weight_func(m, n, a, b): """As required for (A5) in [1].""" return 1 if a in BP[(m, n)] else 0.5 def get_wp_trans_torque(kappa=1.0, do_trans=True): return TransTorque( pfrag_lists, rfrag_lists, CP, CR, weight_func=p_weight_func, skip=False, b_coords3d=runion.coords3d, kappa=kappa, do_trans=do_trans, ) s4_hs_kappa = c["s4_hs_kappa"] s4_v_kappa = c["s4_v_kappa"] s4_w_kappa = c["s4_w_kappa"] vr_trans_torque = get_vr_trans_torque(kappa=s4_v_kappa) wr_trans_torque = get_wr_trans_torque(kappa=s4_w_kappa) r_keys_calcs = { "hardsphere": HardSphere(runion, rfrag_lists, kappa=s4_hs_kappa), "v": vr_trans_torque, "w": wr_trans_torque, } composite_sd_opt(runion, r_keys_calcs, "Reactants") vp_trans_torque = get_vp_trans_torque(kappa=s4_v_kappa) wp_trans_torque = get_wp_trans_torque(kappa=s4_w_kappa) p_keys_calcs = { "hardsphere": HardSphere(punion, pfrag_lists, kappa=s4_hs_kappa), "v": vp_trans_torque, "w": wp_trans_torque, } composite_sd_opt(punion, p_keys_calcs, "Products") backup_coords(4) print() """ STAGE 5 Refinement of atomic positions using further hard-sphere forces. """ print(highlight_text("Stage 5, Refinement")) s5_v_kappa = c["s5_v_kappa"] s5_w_kappa = c["s5_w_kappa"] s5_hs_kappa = c["s5_hs_kappa"] s5_z_kappa = c["s5_z_kappa"] s5_trans = c["s5_trans"] s5_rms_force = c["s5_rms_force"] vr_trans_torque = get_vr_trans_torque(kappa=s5_v_kappa, do_trans=s5_trans) wr_trans_torque = get_wr_trans_torque(kappa=s5_w_kappa, do_trans=s5_trans) zr_aa_trans_torque = AtomAtomTransTorque(runion, rfrag_lists, AR, kappa=s5_z_kappa) r_keys_calcs = { "v": vr_trans_torque, "w": wr_trans_torque, "hardsphere": HardSphere(runion, rfrag_lists, kappa=s5_hs_kappa), "z": zr_aa_trans_torque, } composite_sd_opt(runion, r_keys_calcs, "Reactants", rms_force=s5_rms_force) vp_trans_torque = get_vp_trans_torque(kappa=s5_v_kappa, do_trans=s5_trans) wp_trans_torque = get_wp_trans_torque(kappa=s5_w_kappa, do_trans=s5_trans) zp_aa_trans_torque = AtomAtomTransTorque(punion, pfrag_lists, AP, kappa=s5_z_kappa) p_keys_calcs = { "v": vp_trans_torque, "w": wp_trans_torque, "hardsphere": HardSphere(punion, pfrag_lists, kappa=s5_hs_kappa), "z": zp_aa_trans_torque, } composite_sd_opt(punion, p_keys_calcs, "Products", rms_force=s5_rms_force) backup_coords(5) print() with open(make_fn("s5.trj"), "w") as handle: handle.write("\n".join([geom.as_xyz() for geom in (runion, punion)])) def dump_stages(fn, atoms, coords_list): align_coords(coords_list) comments = [f"Stage {i}" for i in range(coords_list.shape[0])] fn = make_fn(fn) coords_to_trj(fn, atoms, coords_list, comments=comments) dump_stages("r_coords.trj", runion.atoms, r_coords) dump_stages("p_coords.trj", punion.atoms, p_coords) runion.set_calculator(None) punion.set_calculator(None) return runion, punion
[docs]def run_precontr(reactant_geom, product_geom, **kwargs): print( highlight_text("Preconditioning of Translation & Rotation") + "\n\nPlease cite\n" ) return precon_pos_rot(reactant_geom, product_geom, **kwargs)