Source code for

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.constants import ANG2BOHR as ANG2BOHR
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry

ZLine = namedtuple(
    "ZLine", "atom rind r aind a dind d", defaults=(None, None, None, None, None, None)

[docs]def geom_from_zmat( zmat, atoms=None, coords3d=None, geom=None, start_at=None, drop_dummy=True, **geom_kwargs ): """Adapted from by Robert Shaw.""" if isinstance(zmat, str): zmat = zmat_from_str(zmat) zmat_atoms = [zline.atom for zline in zmat] # Extend supplied geometry by zmat if geom is not None: atoms = geom.atoms coords3d = geom.coords3d start_at = len(geom.atoms) if atoms is not None: atoms = list(atoms) + zmat_atoms else: atoms = zmat_atoms # Grow coordindate array and assign old coordinates if coords3d is not None: _coords3d = np.zeros((len(coords3d) + len(zmat), 3)) _coords3d[: len(coords3d)] = coords3d coords3d = _coords3d else: coords3d = np.zeros((len(zmat), 3), dtype=float) if atoms or coords3d: assert len(coords3d) == len(atoms) if start_at is None: start_at = 0 for i, zline in enumerate(zmat, start_at): assert all( [ (ind is None) or (ind >= 0) for ind in (zline.rind, zline.aind, zline.dind) ] ), "Found invalid atom index. Atom indices start with 1, not 0!" r = zline.r # First atom is placed at the origin if i == 0: continue # Bond along x-axis elif i == 1: coords3d[i, 0] = r # Angle in xy-plane from polar coordinates elif i == 2: r""" M P <- add \ / u v \ / O """ theta = np.deg2rad(zline.a) # Center O = coords3d[zline.rind] # Bond, pointing away from O to M u = coords3d[zline.aind] - O # Direction of u along x axis (left/right) sign = np.sign(u[0]) # Polar coordinates x = r * np.cos(theta) y = r * np.sin(theta) # Translate from center with correct orientation coords3d[i] = O + (sign * x, sign * y, 0.0) # Dihedral in xyz-space from spherical coordinates else: theta, phi = np.deg2rad((zline.a, zline.d)) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_phi = np.sin(phi) cos_phi = np.cos(phi) x = r * cos_theta y = r * sin_theta * cos_phi z = r * sin_theta * sin_phi r""" M <- add N \ / u v \ / O--w--P """ O = coords3d[zline.rind] P = coords3d[zline.aind] N = coords3d[zline.dind] # Local axis system v_ = P - N v = v_ / np.linalg.norm(v_) w_ = O - P w = w_ / np.linalg.norm(w_) a = np.cross(v, w) a /= np.linalg.norm(a) b = np.cross(a, w) b /= np.linalg.norm(b) coords3d[i] = O - w * x + b * y + a * z if drop_dummy: atoms_ = list() coords3d_ = list() for atom, xyz in zip(atoms, coords3d): if atom.lower() == "x": continue atoms_.append(atom) coords3d_.append(xyz) atoms = atoms_ coords3d = np.array(coords3d_) geom = Geometry(atoms, coords3d, **geom_kwargs) return geom
[docs]def geom_from_zmat_str(text, coord_type="cart", coord_kwargs=None): zmat = zmat_from_str(text) return geom_from_zmat(zmat, coord_type=coord_type, coord_kwargs=coord_kwargs)
[docs]def zmat_from_str(text): def dec(str_): return int(str_) - 1 def to_bohr(str_): return float(str_) * ANG2BOHR def convert(items): funcs = (str, dec, to_bohr, dec, float, dec, float) return [f(item) for f, item in zip(funcs, items)] zmat = list() for line in text.strip().split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue zmat.append(ZLine(*convert(line.split()))) return zmat
[docs]def zmat_from_fn(fn): with open(fn) as handle: text = return zmat_from_str(text)
[docs]def geom_from_zmat_fn(fn, **geom_kwargs): zmat = zmat_from_fn(fn) geom = geom_from_zmat(zmat, **geom_kwargs) return geom