Source code for pysisyphus.irc.IRC


import logging
from math import ceil, log
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys

import h5py
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG, AU2KJPERMOL
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers import check_for_end_sign, rms
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import (
from pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ import cubic_displ, third_deriv_fd, cubic_displ_for_h5
from pysisyphus.irc.Instanton import T_crossover_from_eigval
from import save_third_deriv
from pysisyphus.optimizers.guess_hessians import get_guess_hessian
from pysisyphus.TablePrinter import TablePrinter
from pysisyphus.xyzloader import make_trj_str, make_xyz_str

[docs]class IRC: valid_displs = ("energy", "length", "energy_cubic")
[docs] def __init__( self, geometry, step_length=0.1, max_cycles=125, downhill=False, forward=True, backward=True, root=0, hessian_init=None, displ="energy", displ_energy=1e-3, displ_length=0.1, displ_third_h5=None, rms_grad_thresh=1e-3, hard_rms_grad_thresh=None, energy_thresh=1e-6, imag_below=0.0, force_inflection=True, check_bonds=True, out_dir=".", prefix="", dump_fn="irc_data.h5", dump_every=5, ): """Base class for IRC calculations. Parameters ---------- geometry : Geometry Transtion state geometry, or initial geometry for downhill run. step_length : float, optional Step length in unweighted coordinates. max_cycles : int, optional Positive integer, controlloing the maximum number of IRC steps taken in a direction (forward/backward/downhill). downhill : bool, default=False Downhill run from a non-stationary point with non-vanishing gradient. Disables forward and backward runs. forward : bool, default=True Integrate IRC in positive s direction. backward : bool, default=True Integrate IRC in negative s direction. root : int, default=0 Use n-th root for initial displacement from TS. hessian_init : str, default=None Path to Hessian HDF5 file, e.g., from a previous TS calculation. displ: str, one of ("energy", "length", "energy_cubic") Controlls initial displacement from the TS. 'energy' assumes a quadratic model, from which a step length for a given energy lowering (see 'displ_energy') is determined. 'length' corresponds to a displacement along the transition vector. 'energy_cubic' considers 3rd derivatives of the energy along the transition vector. displ_energy : float, default=1e-3 Required energy lowering from the TS in au (Hartree). Used with 'displ: energy|energy_cubic'. displ_length : float, default=0.1 Step length along the transition vector. Used only with 'displ: length'. displ_third_h5: str, optional Path to HDF5 file containing 3rd derivative information. Used with 'displ: energy_cubic'. rms_grad_thresh : float, default=1e-3, Convergence is signalled when to root mean square of the unweighted gradient is less than or equal to this value energy_thresh : float, default=1e-6, Signal convergence when the energy difference between two points is equal to or less than 'energy_thresh'. imag_below : float, default=0.0 Require the wavenumber of the imaginary mode to be below the given threshold. If given, it should be a negative number. force_inflection : bool, optional Don't indicate convergence before passing an inflection point. check_bonds : bool, optional, default=True Report whether bonds are formed/broken along the IRC, w.r.t the TS. out_dir : str, optional Dump everything into 'out_dir' directory instead of the CWD. prefix : str, optional Short string that is prepended to all files that are created by this class, e.g., trajectories and HDF5 dumps. dump_fn : str, optional Base name for the HDF5 files. dump_every : int, optional Dump to HDF5 every n-th cycle. """ assert step_length > 0, "step_length must be positive" assert max_cycles > 0, "max_cycles must be positive" self.logger = logging.getLogger("irc") self.geometry = geometry self.atoms = self.geometry.atoms assert self.geometry.coord_type == "cart" report_isotopes(self.geometry, "the IRC") self.step_length = step_length self.max_cycles = max_cycles self.downhill = downhill # Disable forward/backward when downhill is set self.forward = not self.downhill and forward self.backward = not self.downhill and backward self.root = root if hessian_init is None: hessian_init = "calc" if not self.downhill else "unit" self.hessian_init = hessian_init self.displ = displ assert ( self.displ in self.valid_displs ), f"'displ: {self.displ}' not in {self.valid_displs}" self.displ_energy = float(displ_energy) self.displ_length = float(displ_length) self.displ_third_h5 = displ_third_h5 self.rms_grad_thresh = float(rms_grad_thresh) self.hard_rms_grad_thresh = hard_rms_grad_thresh self.energy_thresh = float(energy_thresh) assert imag_below <= 0.0 self.imag_below = imag_below self.force_inflection = force_inflection self.check_bonds = check_bonds self.out_dir = out_dir self.out_dir = Path(self.out_dir) if not self.out_dir.exists(): os.mkdir(self.out_dir) self.prefix = f"{prefix}_" if prefix else prefix self.dump_fn = dump_fn self.dump_every = int(dump_every) # Determine bonds at TS self.ts_bond_sets = self.geometry.bond_sets self.ref_bond_sets = {} self._m_sqrt = np.sqrt(self.geometry.masses_rep) self.all_energies = list() self.all_coords = list() self.all_gradients = list() self.all_mw_coords = list() self.all_mw_gradients = list() # step length dE max(|grad|) rms(grad) col_fmts = "int float float float float".split() header = ("Step", "IRC length", "dE / au", "max(|grad|)", "rms(grad)") self.table = TablePrinter(header, col_fmts) self.cycle_places = ceil(log(self.max_cycles, 10))
[docs] def get_path_for_fn(self, fn): return self.out_dir / f"{self.prefix}{fn}"
@property def coords(self): return self.geometry.coords @coords.setter def coords(self, coords): self.geometry.coords = coords @property def mw_coords(self): return self.geometry.mw_coords @mw_coords.setter def mw_coords(self, mw_coords): self.geometry.mw_coords = mw_coords @property def energy(self): return @property def gradient(self): return self.geometry.gradient @property def mw_gradient(self): return self.geometry.mw_gradient # @property # def mw_hessian(self): # # TODO: This can be removed when the mw_hessian property is updated # # in # return self.geometry.mw_hessian
[docs] def log(self, msg): # self.logger.debug(f"step {self.cur_cycle:03d}, {msg}") self.logger.debug(msg)
@property def m_sqrt(self): return self._m_sqrt
[docs] def unweight_vec(self, vec): return self.m_sqrt * vec
[docs] def mass_weigh_hessian(self, hessian): return self.geometry.mass_weigh_hessian(hessian)
[docs] def prepare(self, direction): self.direction = direction self.converged = False self.energy_increased = False self.energy_converged = False self.past_inflection = not self.force_inflection self.irc_energies = list() # Not mass-weighted self.irc_coords = list() self.irc_gradients = list() # Mass-weighted self.irc_mw_coords = list() self.irc_mw_gradients = list() self.ref_bond_sets = self.ts_bond_sets.copy() # Over the course of the IRC the hessian may get updated. # Copying the initial hessian here ensures a clean start in combined # forward and backward runs. Otherwise we may accidentally use # the updated hessian from the end of the first run for the second # run. self.mw_hessian = self.mass_weigh_hessian(self.init_hessian) trj_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(f"{direction}_irc.trj") self.trj_handle = open(trj_fn, "w") # We don't need an initial displacement when going downhill if self.downhill: return # Do inital displacement from the TS if direction == "forward": initial_step = self.init_displ_plus elif direction == "backward": initial_step = self.init_displ_minus else: raise Exception("Invalid direction='{direction}'!") self.coords = self.ts_coords + initial_step if self.displ in ("energy", "energy_cubic"): actual_energy = actual_lowering = self.ts_energy - actual_energy diff = self.displ_energy - actual_lowering def en_str(en): return f"{en: .4f} au ({en*AU2KJPERMOL: .2f} kJ mol⁻¹)" print( f"Requested energy lowering: {en_str(self.displ_energy)}\n" f" Actual energy lowering: {en_str(actual_lowering)}\n" f" Δ: {en_str(diff)}" ) if actual_lowering < 0.0: print("Displaced geometry is higher in energy compared to TS!") print("\n") sys.stdout.flush() initial_step_length = np.linalg.norm(initial_step) f"Did inital step of length {initial_step_length:.4f} " "from the TS." )
[docs] def initial_displacement(self): """Returns non-mass-weighted steps in +s and -s direction for initial displacement from the TS. Earlier version only returned one step, that was later multiplied by either 1 or -1, depending on the desired IRC direction (forward/backward). The current implementation directly returns two steps for forward and backward direction. Whereas for plus and minus steps for displ 'length' and displ 'energy' step_plus = -step_minus is valid, it is not valid for dipsl 'energy_cubic' anymore. The latter step is formed as x(ds) = ds * v0 + ds**2 * v1 so x(ds) != -x(ds) as ds * v0 + ds**2 * v1 != -ds * v0 - ds**2 * v1 . So, all required step are formed directly and later used as appropriate. See """ mw_hessian = self.geometry.mass_weigh_hessian(self.init_hessian) if self.coords.size > 3: proj_hessian, P = self.geometry.eckart_projection(mw_hessian, return_P=True) # Don't project single atom species and analytical potentials else: proj_hessian = mw_hessian P = np.eye(self.coords.size) eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(proj_hessian) mw_cart_displs = cart_displs = nus = eigval_to_wavenumber(eigvals) nu_root = nus[self.root] assert nu_root <= self.imag_below, ( f"Wavenumber {nu_root:.2f} cm⁻¹ of imaginary mode {self.root} is above " f"the threshold of {self.imag_below:.2f} cm⁻¹." ) neg_inds = eigvals < -1e-8 assert sum(neg_inds) > 0, "The hessian does not have any negative eigenvalues!" min_eigval = eigvals[self.root] min_nu = nus[self.root] T_c = T_crossover_from_eigval(min_eigval) min_msg = ( f"Transition vector is mode {self.root} with wavenumber {min_nu:.2f} cm⁻¹.\n" f"Crossover temperature T_c: {T_c:.2f} K" ) # Doing it this way hurts ... I'll have to improve my logging game... self.log(min_msg) print(min_msg) # Mass-weighted mw_trans_vec = mw_cart_displs[:, self.root] self.mw_transition_vector = mw_trans_vec # Not mass-weighted trans_vec = cart_displs[:, self.root] self.transition_vector = trans_vec / np.linalg.norm(trans_vec) if self.downhill: mw_step_plus = mw_step_minus = np.zeros_like(self.transition_vector) msg = "Downhill run. No initial displacement from the TS." elif self.displ == "length": msg = "Using length-based initial displacement from the TS." mw_step_plus = self.displ_length * mw_trans_vec mw_step_minus = -mw_step_plus elif self.displ == "energy": # Calculate the length of the initial step away from the TS to initiate # the IRC/MEP. We assume a quadratic potential and calculate the # displacement for a given energy lowering. # dE = (k*dq**2)/2 (dE = energy lowering, k = eigenvalue corresponding # to the transition vector/imaginary mode, dq = step length) # dq = sqrt(dE*2/k) # See 10.1021/ja00295a002 and 10.1063/1.462674 # 10.1002/jcc.540080808 proposes 3 kcal/mol as initial energy lowering msg = ( f"Energy-based (ΔE={self.displ_energy} au) initial displacement from " "the TS using 2rd derivatives." ) step_length = np.sqrt(self.displ_energy * 2 / np.abs(min_eigval)) # This calculation is derived from the mass-weighted hessian, so we # have to multiply this step length with the mass-weighted # mode and un-weigh it. mw_step_plus = step_length * mw_trans_vec mw_step_minus = -mw_step_plus elif self.displ == "energy_cubic": if self.displ_third_h5: self.log(f"Loaded 3rd derivative data from '{self.displ_third_h5}'") mw_step_plus, mw_step_minus = cubic_displ_for_h5( self.displ_third_h5, -self.displ_energy ) else: Gv, third_deriv_res = third_deriv_fd(self.geometry, mw_trans_vec) h5_fn = self.get_path_for_fn("third_deriv.h5") save_third_deriv(h5_fn, self.geometry, third_deriv_res, H_mw=mw_hessian) mw_step_plus, mw_step_minus = cubic_displ( proj_hessian, eigvecs[:, self.root], min_eigval, Gv, -self.displ_energy, ) mw_step_plus = mw_step_minus = msg = ( f"Energy-based (ΔE={self.displ_energy} au) initial displacement from " "the TS using 3rd derivatives." ) else: raise Exception(f"self.displ={self.displ} is invalid!") step_plus = mw_step_plus / self.m_sqrt step_minus = mw_step_minus / self.m_sqrt self.log(msg) print(msg) print( "Initial step lengths (not mass-weighted):\n" f"\t Forward: {np.linalg.norm(step_plus):.4f} au\n" f"\tBackward: {np.linalg.norm(step_minus):.4f} au" ) return step_plus, step_minus
[docs] def get_conv_fact(self, mw_grad, min_fact=2.0): # Numerical integration of differential equations requires a step length and/or # we have to terminate the integration at some point, e.g. when the desired # step length is reached. IRCs are integrated in mass-weighted coordinates, # but self.step_length is given in unweighted coordinates. Unweighting a step # in mass-weighted coordinates will reduce its norm as we divide by sqrt(m). # # If we want to do an Euler-integration we have to decide on a step size # when a desired integration length is to be reached in a given number of steps. # [3] proposes using Δs/250 with a maximum of 500 steps, so something like # Δs/(max_steps / 2). It seems we can't use this because (at # least for the systems I tested) this will lead to a step length that is too # small, so the predictor Euler-integration will fail to converge in the # prescribed number of cycles. It fails because simply dividing the desired # step length in unweighted coordinates does not take into account the mass # dependence. Such a step size is appropriate for integrations in unweighted # coordinates, but not when using mass-weighted coordinates. # # We determine a conversion factor from comparing the magnitudes (norms) of # the mass-weighted and un-mass-weighted gradients. This takes into account # which atoms are actually moving, so it should be a good guess. norm_mw_grad = np.linalg.norm(mw_grad) norm_grad = np.linalg.norm(self.unweight_vec(mw_grad)) conv_fact = norm_grad / norm_mw_grad conv_fact = max(min_fact, conv_fact) self.log(f"Un-weighted / mass-weighted conversion factor {conv_fact:.4f}") return conv_fact
[docs] def report_bonds(self, prefix, bonds): if len(bonds) == 0: return plural = "s" if len(bonds) > 1 else "" bond_strs = list() for from_, to_ in bonds: from_atom = self.atoms[from_] to_atom = self.atoms[to_] bond_strs.append(f"[{from_atom}{from_}-{to_atom}{to_}]") bonds_str = ", ".join(bond_strs) self.table.print(f"Bond{plural} {prefix}: {bonds_str}")
[docs] def irc(self, direction): self.log(highlight_text(f"IRC {direction}", level=1)) self.cur_direction = direction self.prepare(direction) # Calculate gradient self.gradient self.irc_energies.append( # Non mass-weighted self.irc_coords.append(self.coords) self.irc_gradients.append(self.gradient) # Mass-weighted self.irc_mw_coords.append(self.mw_coords) self.irc_mw_gradients.append(self.mw_gradient) self.table.print_header() for self.cur_cycle in range(self.max_cycles): self.log(highlight_text(f"IRC step {self.cur_cycle:03d}") + "\n") # Dump current coordinates to trj comment = f"{direction} IRC, step {self.cur_cycle}" coords_str = make_xyz_str( self.atoms, BOHR2ANG * self.coords.reshape((-1, 3)), comment ) self.trj_handle.write(coords_str + "\n") self.trj_handle.flush() self.log(f"Current energy: {} au") # # Take IRC step. # self.step() # Calculate gradient and energy on the new geometry # Non mass-weighted self.log("Calculating energy and gradient at new geometry.") self.irc_coords.append(self.coords) self.irc_gradients.append(self.gradient) self.irc_energies.append( # Mass-weighted self.irc_mw_coords.append(self.mw_coords) self.irc_mw_gradients.append(self.mw_gradient) rms_grad = rms(self.gradient) # Only update once if not self.past_inflection: self.past_inflection = rms_grad >= self.rms_grad_thresh _ = "" if self.past_inflection else "not yet" self.log(f"(rms(grad) > threshold) {_} fullfilled!") irc_length = np.linalg.norm(self.irc_mw_coords[0] - self.irc_mw_coords[-1]) dE = self.irc_energies[-1] - self.irc_energies[-2] max_grad = np.abs(self.gradient).max() row_args = (self.cur_cycle, irc_length, dE, max_grad, rms_grad) self.table.print_row(row_args) try: # The derived IRC classes may want to do some printing add_info = self.get_additional_print() self.table.print(add_info) except AttributeError: pass if self.check_bonds: cur_bond_sets = self.geometry.bond_sets formed = cur_bond_sets - self.ref_bond_sets broken = self.ref_bond_sets - cur_bond_sets self.report_bonds("formed", formed) self.report_bonds("broken", broken) # Update bond sets to avoid repeated reporting of bond topology changes self.ref_bond_sets -= broken self.ref_bond_sets |= formed # union last_energy = self.irc_energies[-2] this_energy = self.irc_energies[-1] break_msg = "" self.energy_increased = this_energy > last_energy self.energy_converged = abs(last_energy - this_energy) <= self.energy_thresh if self.converged: break_msg = "Integrator indicated convergence!" elif self.past_inflection and (rms_grad <= self.rms_grad_thresh): break_msg = "rms(grad) converged!" self.converged = True elif ( self.hard_rms_grad_thresh and (not self.past_inflection) and (rms_grad <= self.hard_rms_grad_thresh) ): break_msg = "rms(grad) below hard threshold." # TODO: Allow some threshold? elif self.energy_increased: break_msg = "Energy increased!" elif self.energy_converged: break_msg = "Energy converged!" self.converged = True dumped = (self.cur_cycle % self.dump_every) == 0 if dumped: dump_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(f"{direction}_{self.dump_fn}") self.dump_data(dump_fn) if break_msg: self.table.print(break_msg) break if check_for_end_sign(): break self.log("") sys.stdout.flush() else: print("IRC steps exceeded. Stopping.") print() if direction == "forward": self.irc_energies.reverse() self.irc_coords.reverse() self.irc_gradients.reverse() self.irc_mw_coords.reverse() self.irc_mw_gradients.reverse() if not dumped: self.dump_data(dump_fn) self.cur_direction = None self.trj_handle.close()
[docs] def set_data(self, prefix): energies_name = f"{prefix}_energies" coords_name = f"{prefix}_coords" grad_name = f"{prefix}_gradients" mw_coords_name = f"{prefix}_mw_coords" mw_grad_name = f"{prefix}_mw_gradients" setattr(self, coords_name, self.irc_coords) setattr(self, grad_name, self.irc_gradients) setattr(self, mw_coords_name, self.irc_mw_coords) setattr(self, mw_grad_name, self.irc_mw_gradients) setattr(self, energies_name, self.irc_energies) self.all_energies.extend(getattr(self, energies_name)) self.all_coords.extend(getattr(self, coords_name)) self.all_gradients.extend(getattr(self, grad_name)) self.all_mw_coords.extend(getattr(self, mw_coords_name)) self.all_mw_gradients.extend(getattr(self, mw_grad_name)) setattr(self, f"{prefix}_is_converged", self.converged) setattr(self, f"{prefix}_energy_increased", self.energy_increased) setattr(self, f"{prefix}_energy_converged", self.energy_converged) setattr(self, f"{prefix}_cycle", self.cur_cycle) self.dump_ends(".", prefix, getattr(self, mw_coords_name))
[docs] def report_conv_thresholds(self): threshs = [ f"\t rms(|gradient|) <= {self.rms_grad_thresh:.6f} E_h a_0⁻¹", f"\t Δenergy <= {self.energy_thresh:.6f} E_h", ] # Drop hard rms grad item if self.hard_rms_grad_thresh is not None: threshs.insert( 1, f"\thard rms(|gradient|) <= {self.hard_rms_grad_thresh:.6f} E_h a_0⁻¹", ) print( "Convergence thresholds (non mass-weighted gradient):\n" + "\n".join(threshs) + "\n" )
[docs] def run(self): self.report_conv_thresholds() # Calculate data at TS and create backup self.ts_coords = self.coords.copy() self.ts_mw_coords = self.mw_coords.copy() print("Calculating energy and gradient at TS.") self.ts_gradient = self.gradient.copy() self.ts_mw_gradient = self.mw_gradient.copy() self.ts_energy = ts_grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.ts_gradient) ts_grad_max = np.abs(self.ts_gradient).max() ts_grad_rms = rms(self.ts_gradient) self.log( "Transition state (TS):\n" f"\t energy={self.ts_energy:.6f} au\n" f"\tnorm(grad)={ts_grad_norm:.6f}\n" f"\t max(grad)={ts_grad_max:.6f}\n" f"\t rms(grad)={ts_grad_rms:.6f}" ) self.init_hessian, hess_str = get_guess_hessian( self.geometry, self.hessian_init, cart_gradient=self.ts_gradient, h5_fn=self.get_path_for_fn(f"hess_init_irc.h5"), ) self.log(f"Initial hessian: {hess_str}") # For forward/backward runs from a TS we need an intial displacement, # calculated from the transition vector (imaginary mode) of the TS # hessian. If we need/want a Hessian for a downhill run from a # non-stationary point (with non-vanishing gradient) depends on the # actual IRC integrator (e.g. EulerPC and LQA need a Hessian). if not self.downhill: self.init_displ_plus, self.init_displ_minus = self.initial_displacement() print( "IRC length in mw. coords, max(|grad|) and rms(grad) in " "unweighted coordinates." ) if self.forward: print("\n" + highlight_text("IRC - Forward") + "\n") self.irc("forward") self.set_data("forward") # Add TS/starting data self.all_energies.append(self.ts_energy) self.all_coords.append(self.ts_coords) self.all_gradients.append(self.ts_gradient) self.all_mw_coords.append(self.ts_mw_coords) self.all_mw_gradients.append(self.ts_mw_gradient) self.ts_index = len(self.all_energies) - 1 if self.backward: print("\n" + highlight_text("IRC - Backward") + "\n") self.irc("backward") self.set_data("backward") if self.downhill: print("\n" + highlight_text("IRC - Downhill") + "\n") self.irc("downhill") self.set_data("downhill") self.all_mw_coords = np.array(self.all_mw_coords) self.all_energies = np.array(self.all_energies) self.postprocess() if not self.downhill: self.dump_ends(".", "finished", trj=True) # Dump the whole IRC to HDF5 dump_fn = self.get_path_for_fn("finished_" + self.dump_fn) self.dump_data(dump_fn, full=True) # Convert to arrays [ setattr(self, name, np.array(getattr(self, name))) for name in "all_energies all_coords all_gradients " "all_mw_coords all_mw_gradients".split() ] # Right now self.all_mw_coords is still in mass-weighted coordinates. # Convert them to un-mass-weighted coordinates. self.all_mw_coords_umw = self.all_mw_coords / self.m_sqrt
[docs] def postprocess(self): pass
[docs] def dump_ends(self, path, prefix, coords=None, trj=False): if coords is None: coords = self.all_mw_coords coords = coords.copy() coords /= self.m_sqrt coords = coords.reshape(-1, len(self.atoms), 3) * BOHR2ANG if trj: trj_string = make_trj_str(self.atoms, coords, comments=self.all_energies) trj_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(f"{prefix}_irc.trj") with open(trj_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(trj_string) first_coords = coords[0] first_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(f"{prefix}") with open(first_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(make_xyz_str(self.atoms, first_coords)) last_coords = coords[-1] first_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(f"{prefix}") with open(first_fn, "w") as handle: handle.write(make_xyz_str(self.atoms, last_coords))
[docs] def get_irc_data(self): data_dict = { "energies": np.array(self.irc_energies, dtype=float), "coords": np.array(self.irc_coords, dtype=float), "gradients": np.array(self.irc_gradients, dtype=float), "mw_coords": np.array(self.irc_mw_coords, dtype=float), "mw_gradients": np.array(self.irc_mw_gradients, dtype=float), } return data_dict
[docs] def get_full_irc_data(self): data_dict = { "energies": np.array(self.all_energies, dtype=float), "coords": np.array(self.all_coords, dtype=float), "gradients": np.array(self.all_gradients, dtype=float), "mw_coords": np.array(self.all_mw_coords, dtype=float), "mw_gradients": np.array(self.all_mw_gradients, dtype=float), "ts_index": np.array(self.ts_index, dtype=int), } return data_dict
[docs] def dump_data(self, dump_fn=None, full=False): get_data = self.get_full_irc_data if full else self.get_irc_data data_dict = get_data() data_dict.update( { "atoms": np.array(self.atoms, dtype="S"), "rms_grad_thresh": np.array(self.rms_grad_thresh), } ) if dump_fn is None: dump_fn = self.get_path_for_fn(self.dump_fn) with h5py.File(dump_fn, "w") as handle: for key, val in data_dict.items(): handle.create_dataset(name=key, dtype=val.dtype, data=val)
[docs] def get_endpoint_and_ts_geoms(self): assert not self.downhill, "Downhill is not yet handled" first = self.all_coords[0] last = self.all_coords[-1] ts = self.ts_coords.copy() geoms = [Geometry(self.atoms, coords) for coords in (first, ts, last)] return geoms