Source code for pysisyphus.linalg

from math import cos, sin, sqrt
from typing import Callable, Literal

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

[docs]def gram_schmidt(vecs, thresh=1e-8): def proj(v1, v2): return / ortho = [ vecs[0], ] for v1 in vecs[1:]: tmp = v1.copy() for v2 in ortho: tmp -= proj(v2, v1) * v2 norm = np.linalg.norm(tmp) # Don't append linear dependent vectors, as their norm will be # near zero. Renormalizing them to unity would lead to numerical # garbage and to erronous results later on, when we orthgonalize # against this 'arbitrary' vector. if norm <= thresh: continue ortho.append(tmp / norm) return np.array(ortho)
[docs]def orthogonalize_against(mat, vecs, max_cycles=5, thresh=1e-10): """Orthogonalize rows of 'mat' against rows in 'vecs' Returns a (modified) copy of mat. """ omat = mat.copy() for _ in range(max_cycles): max_overlap = 0.0 for row in omat: for ovec in vecs: row -= * ovec # Remaining overlap overlap = np.sum(, row)) max_overlap = max(overlap, max_overlap) if max_overlap < thresh: break else: raise Exception(f"Orthogonalization did not succeed in {max_cycles} cycles!") return omat
[docs]def perp_comp(vec, along): """Return the perpendicular component of vec along along.""" return vec - * along
[docs]def make_unit_vec(vec1, vec2): """Return unit vector pointing from vec2 to vec1.""" diff = vec1 - vec2 return diff / np.linalg.norm(diff)
[docs]def svd_inv(array, thresh, hermitian=False): U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(array, hermitian=hermitian) keep = S > thresh S_inv = np.zeros_like(S) S_inv[keep] = 1 / S[keep] return
[docs]def get_rot_mat(abc=None): # Euler angles if abc is None: abc = np.random.rand(3) * np.pi * 2 a, b, c = abc R = np.array( ( ( cos(a) * cos(b) * cos(c) - sin(a) * sin(c), -cos(a) * cos(b) * sin(c) - sin(a) * cos(c), cos(a) * sin(b), ), ( sin(a) * cos(b) * cos(c) + cos(a) * sin(c), -sin(a) * cos(b) * sin(c) + cos(a) * cos(c), sin(a) * sin(b), ), (-sin(b) * cos(c), sin(b) * sin(c), cos(b)), ) ) return R
[docs]def get_rot_mat_for_coords(coords3d_1, coords3d_2): coords3d_1 = coords3d_1.copy() coords3d_2 = coords3d_2.copy() centroid_1 = coords3d_1.mean(axis=0) centroid_2 = coords3d_2.mean(axis=0) coords3d_1 -= centroid_1[None, :] coords3d_2 -= centroid_2[None, :] tmp = U, W, Vt = np.linalg.svd(tmp) rot_mat = if np.linalg.det(rot_mat) < 0: U[:, -1] *= -1 rot_mat = return coords3d_1, coords3d_2, rot_mat
[docs]def eigvec_grad(w, v, ind, mat_grad): """Gradient of 'ind'-th eigenvector. dv_i / dx_i = (w_i*I - mat)⁻¹ dmat/dx_i v_i """ eigval = w[ind] eigvec = v[:, ind] w_diff = eigval - w w_inv = np.divide( 1.0, w_diff, out=np.zeros_like(w_diff).astype(float), where=w_diff != 0.0 ) assert np.isfinite(w_inv).all() pinv = wh = return wh
[docs]def cross3(a, b): """10x as fast as np.cross for two 1d arrays of size 3.""" return np.array( ( a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0], ) )
[docs]def norm3(a): """5x as fas as np.linalg.norm for a 1d array of size 3.""" return sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2])
[docs]def finite_difference_hessian( coords: npt.NDArray[float], grad_func: Callable[[npt.NDArray[float]], npt.NDArray[float]], step_size: float = 1e-2, acc: Literal[2, 4] = 2, ) -> npt.NDArray[float]: """Numerical Hessian from central finite gradient differences. See central differences in for the different accuracies. """ accuracies = { 2: ((-0.5, -1), (0.5, 1)), # 2 calculations 4: ((1 / 12, -2), (-2 / 3, -1), (2 / 3, 1), (-1 / 12, 2)), # 4 calculations } accs_avail = list(accuracies.keys()) assert acc in accs_avail size = coords.size fd_hessian = np.zeros((size, size)) zero_step = np.zeros(size) coeffs = accuracies[acc] for i, _ in enumerate(coords): step = zero_step.copy() step[i] = step_size def get_grad(factor, displ): displ_coords = coords + step * displ grad = grad_func(displ_coords) return factor * grad grads = [get_grad(factor, displ) for factor, displ in coeffs] fd = np.sum(grads, axis=0) / step_size fd_hessian[i] = fd # Symmetrize fd_hessian = (fd_hessian + fd_hessian.T) / 2 return fd_hessian