Source code for pysisyphus.line_searches.LineSearch

import abc
from collections import namedtuple
import logging

import numpy as np

[docs]class LineSearchConverged(Exception): def __init__(self, alpha): self.alpha = alpha
[docs]class LineSearchNotConverged(Exception): pass
LineSearchResult = namedtuple( "LineSearchResult", "converged alpha f_new g_new f_evals df_evals dphi0", # defaults=( None, None, None, None, None, None), )
[docs]class LineSearch(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__( self, p, cond="armijo", x0=None, geometry=None, f=None, df=None, alpha_init=None, f0=None, g0=None, c1=0.1, c2=0.9, max_cycles=10, alpha_min=1e-6, ): self.p = p self.geometry = geometry self.f = f self.df = df geometry_supplied = self.geometry is not None assert geometry_supplied or ( x0 is not None ), "Supply either 'geometry' or the starting coordinates 'x0'!" assert geometry_supplied or (self.f and self.df), ( "Supply either 'geometry' with a calculator or the two functions " "'f' and 'df' to calculate the energy and its gradient!" ) self.x0 = x0 if self.geometry: self.f = lambda coords: self.geometry.get_energy_at(coords) self.df = lambda coords: -self.geometry.get_energy_and_forces_at(coords)[ "forces" ] self.x0 = self.geometry.coords.copy() self.alpha_init = alpha_init self.f0 = f0 self.g0 = g0 self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.max_cycles = max_cycles self.alpha_min = alpha_min # Store calculated energies & gradients self.alpha_fs = {} self.alpha_dfs = {} self.f_evals = 0 self.df_evals = 0 self.dphis = {} self.cond_funcs = { "armijo": self.sufficiently_decreased, "wolfe": self.wolfe_condition, "strong_wolfe": self.strong_wolfe_condition, } self.can_eval_cond_funcs = { "armijo": lambda alpha: alpha in self.alpha_fs, "wolfe": self.got_alpha_phi_dphi, "strong_wolfe": self.got_alpha_phi_dphi, } self.cond_func = self.cond_funcs[cond] self.can_eval_cond_func = self.can_eval_cond_funcs[cond] self.logger = logging.getLogger("optimizer")
[docs] def log(self, message): self.logger.debug(message)
[docs] def check_alpha(self, alpha): if (alpha != 0.0) and (np.isnan(alpha) or (alpha < self.alpha_min)): raise LineSearchNotConverged()
def _phi(self, alpha): alpha = float(alpha) self.check_alpha(alpha) try: f_alpha = self.alpha_fs[alpha] except KeyError: self.log(f"\tEvaluating energy for alpha={alpha:.6f}") f_alpha = self.f(self.x0 + alpha * self.p) self.f_evals += 1 self.alpha_fs[alpha] = f_alpha return f_alpha def _dphi(self, alpha): alpha = float(alpha) self.check_alpha(alpha) try: df_alpha = self.alpha_dfs[alpha] dphi_ = except KeyError: self.log(f"\tEvaluating gradient for alpha={alpha:.6f}") df_alpha = self.df(self.x0 + alpha * self.p) self.df_evals += 1 self.alpha_dfs[alpha] = df_alpha dphi_ = self.dphis[alpha] = dphi_ return dphi_
[docs] def got_alpha_phi_dphi(self, alpha): return (alpha in self.alpha_fs) and (alpha in self.alpha_dfs)
[docs] def get_phi_dphi(self, what, alpha, check=True): """Wrapper that handles function/gradient evaluations.""" alpha = float(alpha) whats = "f g fg".split() assert what in whats calc_funcs = { "f": self._phi, "g": self._dphi, } result = [calc_funcs[w](alpha) for w in what] # Check if we got both phi and dphi for alpha now. If so we # can check if the chosen condition (Wolfe/approx. Wolfe) is # satisfied. if ( check and (alpha > 0.0) and self.can_eval_cond_func(alpha) and self.cond_func(alpha) ): self.log(f"Line search condition is satisfied for α={alpha:.6f}.") raise LineSearchConverged(alpha) # Dont return a list if only f or g was requested. if len(what) == 1: result = result[0] return result
[docs] def get_fg(self, what, alpha): """Lookup raw function/gradient values for a given alpha.""" whats = "f g fg".split() assert what in whats lookups = { "f": self.alpha_fs, "g": self.alpha_dfs, } result = [lookups[w][alpha] for w in what] if len(what) == 1: result = result[0] return result
[docs] def sufficiently_decreased(self, alpha): """Sufficient decrease/Armijo condition.""" return self._phi(alpha) <= (self.phi0 + self.c1 * alpha * self.dphi0)
[docs] def curvature_condition(self, alpha): return self._dphi(alpha) >= self.c2 * self.dphi0
[docs] def strong_curvature_condition(self, alpha): return abs(self._dphi(alpha)) <= -self.c2 * self.dphi0
[docs] def wolfe_condition(self, alpha): """Normal, not strong, Wolfe condition.""" return self.sufficiently_decreased(alpha) and self.curvature_condition(alpha)
[docs] def strong_wolfe_condition(self, alpha): """Strong wolfe condition.""" return self.sufficiently_decreased(alpha) and self.strong_curvature_condition( alpha )
[docs] def run(self): self.prepare_line_search() # Normal termination try: self.log(f"Starting {self.__class__.__name__} line search.") alpha = self.run_line_search() # Termination in get_phi_dphi except LineSearchConverged as lsc: alpha = lsc.alpha # Failed LineSearch except LineSearchNotConverged: alpha = None result = LineSearchResult( converged=bool(alpha), alpha=alpha, # The gradient at the endpoint of the line search may not # have been evaluted, but the function value was always # evaluated, except when the line search did not converge. f_new=self.alpha_fs.get(alpha, None), g_new=self.alpha_dfs.get(alpha, None), f_evals=self.f_evals, df_evals=self.df_evals, dphi0=self.dphi0, ) return result