Source code for pysisyphus.modefollow.davidson

# [1]
#     Neugebauer, Reiher 2002
# [2]

from collections import namedtuple
import sys

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import eigval_to_wavenumber
from pysisyphus.Geometry import get_trans_rot_projector
from pysisyphus.modefollow.NormalMode import NormalMode
from pysisyphus.TablePrinter import TablePrinter

DavidsonResult = namedtuple(
    "cur_cycle converged final_modes qs nus mode_inds res_rms",

[docs]def forces_fin_diff(forces_getter, coords, b, step_size): plus = forces_getter(coords + b) minus = forces_getter(coords - b) fd = (minus - plus) / (2 * step_size) return fd
[docs]def block_davidson( cart_coords, masses, forces_getter, guess_modes, lowest=None, trial_step_size=0.01, hessian_precon=None, max_cycles=25, res_rms_thresh=1e-4, start_precon=5, remove_trans_rot=True, print_level=1, ): num = len(guess_modes) B_full = np.zeros((len(guess_modes[0]), num * max_cycles)) S_full = np.zeros_like(B_full) I = np.eye(cart_coords.size) masses_rep = np.repeat(masses, 3) msqrt = np.sqrt(masses_rep) # Projector to remove translation and rotation P = get_trans_rot_projector(cart_coords, masses, full=True) guess_modes = [ NormalMode( / msqrt, masses_rep) for mode in guess_modes ] col_fmts = "int int int float_short float str".split() header = ("#", "subspace size", "mode", "ṽ / cm⁻¹", "rms(r)", "Conv") fmts_update = {"float_short": "{: >11.2f}"} table = TablePrinter(header, col_fmts, width=11, fmts_update=fmts_update) if print_level == 1: table.print_header() b_prev = np.array([mode.l_mw for mode in guess_modes]).T for i in range(max_cycles): # Add new basis vectors to B matrix b = np.array([mode.l_mw for mode in guess_modes]).T from_ = i * num to_ = (i + 1) * num B_full[:, from_:to_] = b # Estimate action of Hessian by finite differences. for j in range(num): mode = guess_modes[j] # Get a step size in mass-weighted coordinates that results # in the desired 'trial_step_size' in not-mass-weighted coordinates. mw_step_size = mode.mw_norm_for_norm(trial_step_size) # Actual step in non-mass-weighted coordinates step = trial_step_size * mode.l S_full[:, from_ + j] = ( # Convert to mass-weighted coordinates forces_fin_diff(forces_getter, cart_coords, step, mw_step_size) / msqrt ) # Views on columns that are actually set B = B_full[:, :to_] S = S_full[:, :to_] # Calculate and symmetrize approximate hessian Hm = Hm = (Hm + Hm.T) / 2 # Diagonalize small Hessian w, v = np.linalg.eigh(Hm) # Approximations to exact eigenvectors in current cycle approx_modes = (v * B[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1).T # Calculate overlaps between previous root and the new approximate # normal modes for root following. if lowest is None: # 2D overlap array. approx_modes in row, b_prev in columns. overlaps = np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", approx_modes, b_prev) mode_inds = np.abs(overlaps).argmax(axis=0) else: mode_inds = np.arange(lowest) b_prev = approx_modes[mode_inds].T # Eq. (7) in [1] residues = (v * (S[:, :, None] - w * B[:, :, None])).sum(axis=1) # Determine preconditioner matrix # # Use supplied matrix if hessian_precon is not None: precon_mat = hessian_precon # Reconstruct Hessian, but only start after some cycles elif i >= start_precon: precon_mat = # No preconditioning if no matrix was supplied or we are in an early cycle. else: precon_mat = None # Construct new basis vector from residuum of selected mode b = np.zeros_like(b_prev) for j, mode_ind in enumerate(mode_inds): r = residues[:, mode_ind] if precon_mat is not None: # Construct actual preconditioner X X = np.linalg.pinv(precon_mat - w[mode_ind] * I, rcond=1e-8) b[:, j] = else: b[:, j] = r # Project out translation and rotation from new mode guess if remove_trans_rot: b = # Orthogonalize new vectors against preset vectors b = np.linalg.qr(np.concatenate((B, b), axis=1))[0][:, -num:] # New NormalMode from non-mass-weighted displacements guess_modes = [NormalMode(b_ / msqrt, masses_rep) for b_ in b.T] # Calculate wavenumbers nus = eigval_to_wavenumber(w) # Check convergence criteria max_res = np.abs(residues).max(axis=0) res_rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(residues ** 2, axis=0)) converged = res_rms < res_rms_thresh # Print progress if requested if print_level == 2: print(f"Cycle {i:02d}") print("\t # | ṽ / cm⁻¹| rms(r) | max(|r|) ") print("\t------------------------------------------") for j, (nu, rms, mr) in enumerate(zip(nus, res_rms, max_res)): sel_str = "*" if (j in mode_inds) else " " conv_str = "✓" if converged[j] else "" print( f"\t{j:02d}{sel_str} | {nu:> 10.2f} | {rms:.8f} | {mr:.8f} {conv_str}" ) print() elif print_level == 1: for j in mode_inds: conv_str = "✓" if converged[j] else "✗" table.print_row((i, B.shape[1], j, nus[j], res_rms[j], conv_str)) # Convergence is signalled using only the roots we are actually interested in modes_converged = all(converged[mode_inds]) if modes_converged: if print_level > 0: print(f"\tDavidson procedure converged in {i+1} cycles!") if lowest is not None: nus_str = np.array2string(nus[mode_inds], precision=2) print(f"\tLowest {lowest} wavenumbers: {nus_str} cm⁻¹") neg_nus = sum(nus[mode_inds] < 0) type_ = "minimum" if (neg_nus == 0) else f"saddle point of index {neg_nus}" print(f"\tThis geometry seems to be a {type_} on the PES.") break sys.stdout.flush() result = DavidsonResult( cur_cycle=i, converged=modes_converged, final_modes=guess_modes, qs=approx_modes, nus=nus, mode_inds=mode_inds, res_rms=res_rms, ) return result
[docs]def geom_davidson(geom, *args, **kwargs): def forces_getter(cart_coords): return geom.get_energy_and_cart_forces_at(cart_coords)["forces"] return block_davidson(geom.cart_coords, geom.masses, forces_getter, *args, **kwargs)