Source code for pysisyphus.optimizers.PreconLBFGS

from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from typing import Literal, Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

from pysisyphus.calculators import Dimer
from pysisyphus.cos.GrowingNT import GrowingNT
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.line_searches import *
from pysisyphus.optimizers.closures import bfgs_multiply
from pysisyphus.optimizers.Optimizer import Optimizer
from pysisyphus.optimizers.precon import precon_getter, PreconKind

LineSearch = Literal["armijo", "armijo_fg", "strong_wolfe", "hz", None, False]

[docs]class PreconLBFGS(Optimizer):
[docs] def __init__( self, geometry: Geometry, alpha_init: float = 1.0, history: int = 7, precon: bool = True, precon_update: int = 1, precon_getter_update: Optional[int] = None, precon_kind: PreconKind = "full", max_step_element: Optional[float] = None, line_search: LineSearch = "armijo", c_stab: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Preconditioned limited-memory BFGS optimizer. See pysisyphus.optimizers.precon for related references. Parameters ---------- geometry Geometry to be optimized. alpha_init Initial scaling factor for the first trial step in the excplicit line search. history History size. Keep last 'history' steps and gradient differences. precon Wheter to use preconditioning or not. precon_update Recalculate preconditioner P in every n-th cycle with the same topology. precon_getter_update Recalculate topology for preconditioner P in every n-th cycle. It is usually sufficient to only determine the topology once at the beginning. precon_kind What types of primitive internal coordinates to consider in the preconditioner. max_step_element Maximum component of the absolute step vector when no line search is carried out. line_search Whether to use explicit line searches and if so, which kind of line search. c_stab Regularization constant c in (H + cI)⁻¹ in atomic units. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the Optimizer baseclass. """ if precon: assert geometry.coord_type in ( "cart", "cartesian", ), "Preconditioning makes only sense with 'coord_type: cart|cartesian'" # Set before calling the superclass constructor so we can use the value # in _set_opt_restart_info. self.history = history super().__init__(geometry, **kwargs) self.alpha_init = alpha_init self.precon = precon # Disable preconditioning for 1 atom species, e.g., analytical potentials if self.precon and (self.geometry.cart_coords.size == 3): self.precon = None self.precon_update = precon_update self.precon_getter_update = precon_getter_update self.precon_kind = precon_kind self.P = None try: is_dimer = isinstance(self.geometry.calculator, Dimer) # COS objectes may not have a calculator except AttributeError: is_dimer = False go_uphill = is_dimer or isinstance(self.geometry, GrowingNT) if c_stab is None: self.log("No c_stab specified.") if go_uphill: c_stab = 0.103 # 1 eV/Ų self.log( "Found climbing calculation. Using higher regularization " f"c_stab={c_stab:.4f} au/bohr**2." ) else: c_stab = 0.0103 # 0.1 eV/Ų self.c_stab = float(c_stab) self.log(f"Using c_stab={self.c_stab:.6f}") if max_step_element is None and go_uphill: max_step_element = 0.25 self.log( f"Found climbing calculation. Using max_step_element={max_step_element:.2f}" ) elif max_step_element is None and line_search in (None, False): max_step_element = 0.2 self.max_step_element = max_step_element # Disable linesearch if max_step_element is set if self.max_step_element is not None: self.log( f"max_step_element={max_step_element:.6f} given. Setting " "line_search to 'None'." ) line_search = None self.line_search = line_search ls_cls = { "armijo": Backtracking, "armijo_fg": partial(Backtracking, use_grad=True), "strong_wolfe": StrongWolfe, "hz": HagerZhang, None: None, False: None, } self.line_search_cls = ls_cls[self.line_search] if not self.restarted: self.grad_diffs = deque(maxlen=self.history) self.steps_ = deque(maxlen=self.history) self.f_evals = 0 self.df_evals = 0
[docs] def get_precon_getter(self): return precon_getter( self.geometry, c_stab=self.c_stab, kind=self.precon_kind, logger=self.logger )
[docs] def prepare_opt(self): if self.precon: self.precon_getter = self.get_precon_getter()
def _get_opt_restart_info(self): opt_restart_info = { "c_stab": self.c_stab, "grad_diffs": np.array(self.grad_diffs).tolist(), "steps_": np.array(self.steps_).tolist(), "precon_kind": self.precon_kind, "f_evals": self.f_evals, "df_evals": self.df_evals, } return opt_restart_info def _set_opt_restart_info(self, opt_restart_info): self.grad_diffs = deque( [np.array(gd) for gd in opt_restart_info["grad_diffs"]], maxlen=self.history ) self.steps_ = deque( [np.array(cd) for cd in opt_restart_info["steps_"]], maxlen=self.history ) self.c_stab = opt_restart_info["c_stab"] self.precon_kind = opt_restart_info["precon_kind"] self.precon_getter = self.get_precon_getter() self.f_evals = opt_restart_info["f_evals"] self.df_evals = opt_restart_info["df_evals"]
[docs] def scale_max_element(self, step, max_step_element): max_element = np.abs(step).max() if max_element > max_step_element: step *= max_step_element / max_element return step
[docs] def optimize(self): forces = self.geometry.forces energy = self.forces.append(forces) self.energies.append(energy) norm = np.linalg.norm(forces) if not self.is_cos: fmt = " >12.6f" self.log(f" Current energy={energy:{fmt}} au") if self.cur_cycle > 0: prev_energy = self.energies[-2] self.log(f"Previous energy={prev_energy:{fmt}} au") self.log(f" ΔE={energy-prev_energy:{fmt}} au") self.log(f"norm(forces)={norm:.6f}") # Check for preconditioner getter update if ( self.precon_getter_update and self.cur_cycle > 0 and self.cur_cycle % self.precon_getter_update == 0 ): self.precon_getter = self.get_precon_getter() self.log("Calculated new preconditioner getter") # If requested, construct preconditioner if self.precon and (self.cur_cycle % self.precon_update == 0): self.P = self.precon_getter(self.geometry.coords) self.log("Calculated new preconditioner P") # Determine step direction # Preconditioned LBFGS in later cycles if self.cur_cycle > 0: self.grad_diffs.append(-forces - -self.forces[-2]) self.steps_.append(self.steps[-1]) step = bfgs_multiply(self.steps_, self.grad_diffs, forces, P=self.P) # Preconditioned steepest descent in cycle 0 elif self.precon: step = spsolve(self.P, forces) # Steepest descent w/o preconditioner in cycle 0 else: step = forces step_norm = np.linalg.norm(step) self.log(f"norm(unscaled step)={step_norm:.6f} au") # Determine step length if self.line_search_cls is not None: kwargs = { "geometry": self.geometry, "p": step, "f0": energy, "g0": -forces, "alpha_init": self.alpha_init, } line_search = self.line_search_cls(**kwargs) line_search_result = try: alpha = line_search_result.alpha step *= alpha f_evals = line_search_result.f_evals df_evals = line_search_result.df_evals self.log( f"Evaluated {f_evals} energies and {df_evals} gradients in line search." ) self.f_evals += f_evals self.df_evals += df_evals except TypeError: self.log("Line search did not converge!") step = self.scale_max_element(step, self.max_step_element) else: step = self.scale_max_element(step, self.max_step_element) step_norm = np.linalg.norm(step) self.log(f"norm(step)={step_norm:.6f} au") return step