Source code for pysisyphus.optimizers.gdiis

# [1]
#     Pulay, 1984
# [2]
#     Stabilized GDIIS
#     Farkas, Schlegel, 2002
# [3]
#     GEDIIS/Hybrid method
#     Li, Frisch, 2006
# [4]
#     Sim-GEDIIS using hessian information
#     Moss, Li, 2008

from collections import namedtuple
import logging

import autograd.numpy as anp
from autograd import grad
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

    # Looser cutoffs
    2: 0.80,
    3: 0.75,
    # Original cutoffs, as published in [2]
    # 2: 0.97,
    # 3: 0.84,
    4: 0.71,
    5: 0.67,
    6: 0.62,
    7: 0.56,
    8: 0.49,
    9: 0.41,
DIISResult = namedtuple("DIISResult", "coeffs coords forces energy N type")

logger = logging.getLogger("optimizer")

[docs]def log(msg): logger.debug(msg)
[docs]def valid_diis_direction(diis_step, ref_step, use): ref_direction = ref_step / np.linalg.norm(ref_step) diis_direction = diis_step / np.linalg.norm(diis_step) cos = diis_direction @ ref_direction return (cos >= COS_CUTOFFS[use]) and (cos >= 0)
[docs]def from_coeffs(vec, coeffs): return np.sum(coeffs[:, None] * vec[::-1][: len(coeffs)], axis=0)
[docs]def diis_result(coeffs, coords, forces, energy=None, prefix=""): diis_coords = from_coeffs(coords, coeffs) diis_forces = from_coeffs(forces, coeffs) diis_result = DIISResult( coeffs=coeffs, coords=diis_coords, forces=diis_forces, energy=energy, N=len(coeffs), type=f"{prefix}DIIS", ) log(f"\tUsed {len(coeffs)} error vectors for {prefix}DIIS.") log("") return diis_result
[docs]def gdiis(err_vecs, coords, forces, ref_step, max_vecs=5, test_direction=True): # Scale error vectors so the smallest norm is 1 norms = np.linalg.norm(err_vecs, axis=1) err_vecs = err_vecs / norms.min() valid_coeffs = None for use in range(2, min(max_vecs, len(err_vecs)) + 1): log(f"Trying GDIIS with {use} previous cycles.") use_vecs = np.array(err_vecs[::-1][:use]) A = np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", use_vecs, use_vecs) try: coeffs = np.linalg.solve(A, np.ones(use)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: log("LinAlgError when solving GDIIS matrix.") break # Scale coeffs so that their sum equals 1 coeffs_norm = np.linalg.norm(coeffs) valid_coeffs_norm = coeffs_norm <= 1e8 log(f"\tError vectors are linearly independent: {valid_coeffs_norm}") coeffs /= np.sum(coeffs) coeffs_str = np.array2string(coeffs, precision=4) log(f"\tGDIIS coefficients: {coeffs_str}") # Uncomment these lines and break here to only do the basic check # for linear dependency above. # valid_coeffs = coeffs # break # Check degree of extra- and interpolation. pos_sum = abs(coeffs[coeffs > 0].sum()) neg_sum = abs(coeffs[coeffs < 0].sum()) valid_sums = (pos_sum <= 15) and (neg_sum <= 15) log(f"\tSum of positive coefficients: {pos_sum:.2f}") log(f"\tSum of negative coefficients: {neg_sum:.2f}") log(f"\tSums are valid: {valid_sums}") # Calculate GDIIS step for comparison to the reference step diis_coords = from_coeffs(coords, coeffs) diis_step = diis_coords - coords[-1] valid_length = np.linalg.norm(diis_step) <= (10 * np.linalg.norm(ref_step)) log(f"\tGDIIS step has valid length: {valid_length}") # Compare directions of GDIIS- and reference step valid_direction = ( True if (not test_direction) else valid_diis_direction(diis_step, ref_step, use) ) log(f"\tGDIIS step has valid direction: {valid_direction}") gdiis_valid = ( valid_sums and valid_coeffs_norm and valid_direction and valid_length ) log(f"\tGDIIS step is valid: {gdiis_valid}") if not gdiis_valid: break # Update valid DIIS coefficients valid_coeffs = coeffs log("") if valid_coeffs is None: return None # if len(valid_coeffs) is 2: # print("GDIIS with only 2 cycles. Skipping! Return None") # return None return diis_result(valid_coeffs, coords, forces, prefix="G")
[docs]def gediis(coords, energies, forces, hessian=None, max_vecs=3): use = min(len(coords), max_vecs) R = coords[::-1][:use] E = np.ravel(energies[::-1][:use]) f = forces[::-1][:use] assert len(R) == len(E) == len(f) log(f"Trying GEDIIS with {use} previous cycles.") # Precompute values so they can be reused in fun() Rifi = np.einsum("ik,ik->i", R, f) Rjfi = np.einsum("jk,ik->ji", R, f) def x2c(x): return x ** 2 / (x ** 2).sum() # def fun(xs): # """Naive implementation with loops.""" # cs = x2c(xs) # first = (cs*E).sum() # sec = 0. # for i, ci in enumerate(cs): # for j, cj in enumerate(cs): # sec += ci * cj * (f[j] - f[i]) @ (R[i] - R[j]) # return first - 1/2 * sec # def fun(xs): # """Recalculation of all values in every call.""" # cs = x2c(xs) # return anp.sum(cs*E) - anp.einsum("i,j,jk,ik", cs, cs, R, f) + anp.einsum("i,ij,ij", cs, R, f) # Using precomputed values from above in 'fun()' if hessian is None: def fun(xs): """Eq. (6) from [3].""" cs = x2c(xs) return ( anp.sum(cs * E) - anp.sum(anp.outer(cs, cs) * Rjfi) + (cs * Rifi).sum() ) else: hessian_inv = np.linalg.pinv(hessian, rcond=1e-6) # It doesn't matter if we use forces or gradients, as the signs will cancel. # gHig = 0.5 * np.einsum("ki,ji,ki->k", f, hessian_inv, f) gHig = np.einsum("ki,ji,ki->k", f, hessian_inv, f) def fun(xs): """Eq. (5) from [4].""" cs = x2c(xs) # Consider the hessian in the first term return ( 0.5 * anp.sum(cs * gHig) - anp.sum(anp.outer(cs, cs) * Rjfi) + (cs * Rifi).sum() ) # def fun(xs): # cs = x2c(xs) # cRjfi = anp.einsum("j,jk,ik->ji", cs, R, f).sum(axis=0) # return anp.sum( # cs * (E + cRjfi + Rifi) # ) jac = grad(fun) x0 = np.ones(use) / use res = minimize(fun, x0=x0, jac=jac) # , tol=1e-7) # print(res) # print("final x", res.x) # x = res.x # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() coeffs = None if res.success: coeffs = x2c(res.x) en_ = log(f"\tOptimization converged!") coeff_str = np.array2string(coeffs, precision=4) log(f"\tCoefficients: {coeff_str}") # en_ = (E * coeffs).sum() # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if (hessian is None) and (en_ >= E[0]): print( f"GEDIIS converged, but proposed energy is above current energy! Returning None" ) return None return diis_result(coeffs, coords, forces, energy=en_, prefix="GE")