Source code for pysisyphus.tsoptimizers.RSPRFOptimizer

# See [1]
#         Banerjee, 1985
#     [2]
#         Heyden, 2005
#     [3]
#         Baker, 1985
#     [4]
#         Besalu, 1998

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.tsoptimizers.TSHessianOptimizer import TSHessianOptimizer

[docs]class RSPRFOptimizer(TSHessianOptimizer):
[docs] def optimize(self): energy, gradient, H, eigvals, eigvecs, resetted = self.housekeeping() self.update_ts_mode(eigvals, eigvecs) # Transform gradient to eigensystem of hessian gradient_trans = # Minimize energy along all modes, except the TS-mode min_indices = [i for i in range(gradient_trans.size) if i != self.root] # Get line search steps, if requested. ip_step_trans, gradient_trans = self.step_and_grad_from_line_search( energy, gradient_trans, eigvecs, min_indices ) """In the RS-(P)RFO method we have to scale the matrices with alpha. Unscaled matrix (Eq. 8) in [1]: (H g) (x) (S 0) (x) = lambda (g+ 0) (1) (0 1) (1) with S = alpha * Identity matrix and multiplying from the left with the inverse of the scaling matrix (1/alpha 0) (0 1) we get (1/alpha 0) (H g) (x) (x) = lambda (0 1) (g+ 0) (1) (1) eventually leading to the scaled matrix: (H/alpha g/alpha) (x) (x) = lambda . (g+ 0) (1) (1) """ alpha = self.alpha0 for mu in range(self.max_micro_cycles): self.log(f"RS-PRFO micro cycle {mu:02d}, alpha={alpha:.6f}") # Maximize energy along the chosen TS mode. The matrix is hardcoded # as 2x2, so only first-order saddle point searches are supported. H_aug_max = self.get_augmented_hessian( eigvals[[self.root]], gradient_trans[[self.root]], alpha ) step_max, eigval_max, nu_max, self.prev_eigvec_max = self.solve_rfo( H_aug_max, "max", prev_eigvec=self.prev_eigvec_max ) step_max = step_max[0] # Minimize energy along all modes, but the TS mode. H_aug_min = self.get_augmented_hessian( eigvals[min_indices], gradient_trans[min_indices], alpha ) step_min, eigval_min, nu_min, self.prev_eigvec_min = self.solve_rfo( H_aug_min, "min", prev_eigvec=self.prev_eigvec_min ) # Calculate overlap between directions over the course of the micro cycles # if mu == 0: # TODO: convert back to original space # ref_step_max = step_max.copy() # ref_step_min = step_min.copy() min_norm = np.linalg.norm(step_min) max_norm = np.linalg.norm(step_max) self.log(f"norm(step_max)={max_norm:.6f}") self.log(f"norm(step_min)={min_norm:.6f}") self.log(f"norm(step_max)/norm(step_min)={max_norm/min_norm:.2%}") # Calculate overlaps with originally proposed step in mu == 0 # TODO: convert back to original space # max_ovlp = ref_step_max @ step_max # min_ovlp = ref_step_min @ step_min # As of Eq. (8a) of [4] max_eigval and min_eigval also # correspond to: # max_eigval = -forces_trans[self.root] * max_step # min_eigval = -forces_trans[min_indices].dot(min_step) # Create the full PRFO step step = np.zeros_like(gradient_trans) step[self.root] = step_max step[min_indices] = step_min step_norm = np.linalg.norm(step) self.log(f"norm(step)={step_norm:.6f}") inside_trust = step_norm <= self.trust_radius if inside_trust: self.log( "Restricted step satisfies trust radius of " f"{self.trust_radius:.6f}" ) self.log( f"Micro-cycles converged in cycle {mu:02d} with " f"alpha={alpha:.6f}!" ) break # Derivative of the squared step w.r.t. alpha # max subspace dstep2_dalpha_max = ( 2 * eigval_max / (1 + step_max ** 2 * alpha) * gradient_trans[self.root] ** 2 / (eigvals[self.root] - eigval_max * alpha) ** 3 ) # min subspace dstep2_dalpha_min = ( 2 * eigval_min / (1 + * alpha) * np.sum( gradient_trans[min_indices] ** 2 / (eigvals[min_indices] - eigval_min * alpha) ** 3 ) ) dstep2_dalpha = dstep2_dalpha_max + dstep2_dalpha_min # Update alpha alpha_step = ( 2 * (self.trust_radius * step_norm - step_norm ** 2) / dstep2_dalpha ) alpha += alpha_step # Right now the step is still given in the Hessians eigensystem. We # transform it back now. step += ip_step_trans step = step_norm = np.linalg.norm(step) # With max_micro_cycles = 1 the RS part is disabled and the step # probably isn't scaled correctly in the one micro cycle. # In this case we use a naive scaling if the step is too big. if (self.max_micro_cycles == 1) and (step_norm > self.trust_radius): step = step / step_norm * self.trust_radius self.log(f"norm(step)={np.linalg.norm(step):.6f}") # Eq. (6) from [4] seems erronous ... the prediction is usually only ~50% # of the actual change ... # predicted_energy_change = 1/2 * (eigval_max / nu_max**2 + eigval_min / nu_min**2) # self.predicted_energy_changes.append(predicted_energy_change) self.predicted_energy_changes.append(self.rfo_model(gradient, self.H, step)) self.log("") return step