Source code for pysisyphus.tsoptimizers.TSHessianOptimizer

from typing import Optional

import h5py
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import log
from pysisyphus.intcoords.augment_bonds import augment_bonds
from pysisyphus.intcoords.PrimTypes import normalize_prim_input, normalize_prim_inputs
from pysisyphus.optimizers import poly_fit
from pysisyphus.optimizers.guess_hessians import ts_hessian, HessInit
from pysisyphus.optimizers.HessianOptimizer import HessianOptimizer, HessUpdate
from pysisyphus.optimizers.Optimizer import get_data_model, get_h5_group

[docs]class TSHessianOptimizer(HessianOptimizer): """Optimizer to find first-order saddle points.""" valid_updates = ("bofill", "ts_bfgs", "ts_bfgs_org", "ts_bfgs_rev")
[docs] def __init__( self, geometry: Geometry, root: int = 0, hessian_ref: Optional[str] = None, prim_coord=None, rx_coords=None, rx_mode=None, hessian_init: HessInit = "calc", hessian_update: HessUpdate = "bofill", hessian_recalc_reset: bool = True, max_micro_cycles: int = 50, trust_radius: float = 0.3, trust_max: float = 0.5, augment_bonds: bool = False, min_line_search: bool = False, max_line_search: bool = False, assert_neg_eigval: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Baseclass for transition state optimizers utilizing Hessian information. Several arguments expect a typed primitive or an iterable of typed primitives. A typed primitive is specified as (PrimType, int, int, ...), e.g., for a bond between atoms 0 and 1: (BOND, 0, 1) or for a bend between the atom triple 0, 1, 2 as (BEND, 0, 1, 2). Parameters ---------- geometry Geometry to be optimized. root Index of imaginary mode to maximize along. hessian_ref Filename pointing to a pysisyphus HDF5 Hessian. prim_coord : typed_prim Select initial root/imaginary mode by overlap with this internal coordinate. rx_coords : iterable of (typed_prim) Construct imaginary mode comprising the given typed prims by modifying a model Hessian. rx_mode : iterable of (typed_prim, phase_factor) Select initial root by overlap with a mode constructed from the given typed primitives. hessian_init Type of initial model Hessian. hessian_update Type of Hessian update. Defaults to BFGS for minimizations and Bofill for saddle point searches. hessian_recalc_reset Whether to skip Hessian recalculation after reset. Undocumented. max_micro_cycles Maximum number of RS iterations. trust_radius Initial trust radius in whatever unit the optimization is carried out. trust_max Maximum trust radius. augment_bonds Try to derive additional streching coordinates from the imaginary mode. min_line_search Carry out line search along the imaginary mode. max_line_search Carry out line search in the subspace that is minimized. assert_neg_eigval Check for the existences for at least one significant negative eigenvalue. If enabled and no negative eigenvalue is present the optimization will be aborted. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the HessianOptimizer/Optimizer baseclass. """ assert ( hessian_update in self.valid_updates ), f"Invalid Hessian update. Please chose from: {self.valid_updates}!" super().__init__( geometry, hessian_init=hessian_init, hessian_update=hessian_update, trust_radius=trust_radius, trust_max=trust_max, hessian_recalc_reset=hessian_recalc_reset, **kwargs, ) self.root = int(root) self.hessian_ref = hessian_ref try: with h5py.File(self.hessian_ref, "r") as handle: self.hessian_ref = handle["hessian"][:] _ = self.geometry.coords.size expected_shape = (_, _) shape = self.hessian_ref.shape # Hessian is not yet converted to the correct coordinate system if # coord_type != cart. assert ( self.geometry.coord_type == "cart" ), "hessian_ref with internal coordinates are not yet supported." assert shape == expected_shape, ( f"Shape of reference Hessian {shape} doesn't match the expected " f"shape {expected_shape} of the Hessian for the current coordinates!" ) except OSError as err: self.log( f"Tried to load reference Hessian from '{self.hessian_ref}' " "but the file could not be found." ) self.hessian_ref = None except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: self.log(f"No reference Hessian provided.") # Select initial root according to highest contribution of 'prim_coord' if prim_coord is not None: prim_coord = normalize_prim_input(prim_coord)[0] self.prim_coord = prim_coord # Construct initial imaginary mode according the primitive internals in # 'rx_coords' by modifying a model Hessian. if rx_coords is not None: rx_coords = normalize_prim_inputs(rx_coords) self.rx_coords = rx_coords # Construct initial imaginary mode from the given inputs while respecting # the given weight/phase factors. self.rx_mode = rx_mode # Bond augmentation is only useful with calculated hessians self.augment_bonds = augment_bonds and (self.hessian_init == "calc") self.min_line_search = min_line_search self.max_line_search = max_line_search self.assert_neg_eigval = assert_neg_eigval self.ts_mode = None self.max_micro_cycles = max_micro_cycles self.prim_contrib_thresh = 0.05 self.alpha0 = 1
[docs] def prepare_opt(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.augment_bonds: self.geometry = augment_bonds(self.geometry, root=self.root) # Update data model and HD5 shapes, as the number of coordinates # may have changed. if self.dump: self.data_model = get_data_model( self.geometry, self.is_cos, self.max_cycles ) self.h5_group = get_h5_group( self.h5_fn, self.h5_group_name, self.data_model ) # Calculate/set initial hessian super().prepare_opt(*args, **kwargs) # Assume a guess hessian when not calculated. This hessian has to be # modified according to the assumed reaction coordinates. if self.hessian_init != "calc" and (self.rx_coords is not None): assert self.geometry.coord_type != "cart", ( "Using a modified guess Hessian for TS-optimizations is " "only supported in redundand internal coordinates " "(coord_type=redund)" ) prim_inds = [ self.geometry.internal.get_index_of_typed_prim(rxc) for rxc in self.rx_coords ] missing_prim_inds = [ self.rx_coords[i] for i, _ in enumerate(prim_inds) if _ is None ] assert len(missing_prim_inds) == 0, ( "Some of the requested reaction coordinates are not defined: " f"{missing_prim_inds}" ) self.H = ts_hessian(self.H, coord_inds=prim_inds) # Determiniation of initial mode either by using a provided # reference hessian, or by using a supplied root. eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(self.H) neg_inds = eigvals < -self.small_eigval_thresh self.log_negative_eigenvalues(eigvals, "Initial ") self.log("Determining initial TS mode to follow uphill.") # Select an initial TS-mode by highest overlap with eigenvectors from # reference Hessian. if self.prim_coord: prim_ind = self.geometry.internal.get_index_of_typed_prim(self.prim_coord) if prim_ind is None: raise Exception(f"Primitive internal {self.prim_coord} is not defined!") # Select row of eigenvector-matrix that corresponds to this coordinate prim_row = eigvecs[prim_ind] big_contribs = np.abs(prim_row) > self.prim_contrib_thresh # Only consider negative eigenvalues big_contribs = np.bitwise_and(big_contribs, neg_inds) # Holds the indices of the modes to consider big_inds = np.arange(prim_row.size)[big_contribs] try: max_contrib_ind = big_inds[np.abs(prim_row[big_contribs]).argmax()] except ValueError as err: print( "No imaginary mode with significant contribution " f"(>{self.prim_contrib_thresh:.3f}) of primitive internal " f"{self.prim_coord} found!" ) raise err self.root = max_contrib_ind contrib_str = "\n".join( [ f"\t{ind:03d}: {contrib:.4f}" for ind, contrib in zip(big_inds, np.abs(prim_row)[big_contribs]) ] ) self.log( "Highest absolute contribution of primitive internal coordinate " f"{self.prim_coord} in mode {self.root:02d}." ) self.log( f"Absolute contributions > {self.prim_contrib_thresh:.04f}" f"\n{contrib_str}" ) used_str = f"contribution of primitive coordinate {self.prim_coord}" elif self.hessian_ref is not None: eigvals_ref, eigvecs_ref = np.linalg.eigh(self.hessian_ref) self.log_negative_eigenvalues(eigvals_ref, "Reference ") assert eigvals_ref[0] < -self.small_eigval_thresh ref_mode = eigvecs_ref[:, 0] overlaps = np.einsum("ij,j->i", eigvecs.T, ref_mode) ovlp_str = np.array2string(overlaps, precision=4) self.log( "Overlaps between eigenvectors of current Hessian " f"TS mode from reference Hessian:" ) self.log(f"\t{ovlp_str}") self.root = np.abs(overlaps).argmax() print( "Highest overlap between reference TS mode and " f"eigenvector {self.root:02d}." ) used_str = "overlap with reference TS mode" # Construct an approximate initial mode according to user input # and calculate overlaps with the current eigenvectors. elif self.rx_mode is not None: self.log(f"Constructing reference mode, according to user input") assert self.geometry.coord_type != "cart" mode = np.zeros_like(self.geometry.coords) int_ = self.geometry.internal for typed_prim, val in self.rx_mode: typed_prim = normalize_prim_input(typed_prim)[0] ind = int_.get_index_of_typed_prim(typed_prim) mode[ind] = val self.log(f"\tIndex {ind} (coordinate {typed_prim}) set to {val:.4f}") mode /= np.linalg.norm(mode) mode_str = np.array2string(mode, precision=2) self.log(f"Final, normalized, reference mode: {mode_str}") # Calculate overlaps in non-redundant subspace by zeroing overlaps # in the redundant subspace. small_inds = np.abs(eigvals) < self.small_eigval_thresh # Take absolute value, because sign of eigenvectors is ambiguous. ovlps = np.abs(np.einsum("ij,i->j", eigvecs, mode)) ovlps[small_inds] = 0.0 self.root = np.argmax(ovlps) used_str = "overlap with user-generated mode" else: used_str = f"root={self.root}" self.log(f"Used {used_str} to select inital TS mode.") # This is currently commented out, as we can also start from # the convex region of the PES and maximize along a mode with # an initially positive eigenvalue. # # Check if the selected mode (root) is a sensible choice. # # small_eigval_thresh is positive and we dont take the absolute value # of the eigenvalues. So we multiply small_eigval_thresh to get a # negative number. # assert eigvals[self.root] < -self.small_eigval_thresh, ( # "Expected negative eigenvalue! Eigenvalue of selected TS-mode " # f"{self.root:02d} is above the the threshold of " # f"{self.small_eigval_thresh:.6e}!" # ) # Select an initial TS-mode by root index. self.root may have been # modified by using a reference hessian. self.ts_mode = eigvecs[:, self.root] self.ts_mode_eigval = eigvals[self.root] self.log( f"Using root {self.root:02d} with eigenvalue " f"{self.ts_mode_eigval:.6f} as TS mode.\n" )
[docs] def update_ts_mode(self, eigvals, eigvecs): neg_eigval_inds = eigvals < -self.small_eigval_thresh neg_num = neg_eigval_inds.sum() self.log_negative_eigenvalues(eigvals) # When we left the convex region of the PES we only compare to other # imaginary modes ... is this a bad idea? Maybe we should use all modes # for the overlaps?! if self.ts_mode_eigval < 0 and neg_num > 0: infix = "imaginary " ovlp_eigvecs = eigvecs[:, :neg_num] eigvals = eigvals[:neg_num] # When the eigenvalue corresponding to the TS mode has been negative once, # we should not lose all negative eigenvalues. If this happens something went # wrong and we crash :) elif self.assert_neg_eigval and neg_num == 0: raise AssertionError( "Need at least 1 negative eigenvalue for TS optimization." ) # Use all eigenvectors for overlaps when the eigenvalue corresponding to the TS # mode is still positive. else: infix = "" ovlp_eigvecs = eigvecs # Select new TS mode according to biggest overlap with previous TS mode. self.log(f"Overlaps of previous TS mode with current {infix}mode(s):") ovlps = np.abs(np.einsum("ij,i->j", ovlp_eigvecs, self.ts_mode)) for i, ovlp in enumerate(ovlps): self.log(f"\t{i:02d}: {ovlp:.6f}") max_ovlp_ind = np.argmax(ovlps) max_ovlp = ovlps[max_ovlp_ind] self.log(f"Highest overlap: {max_ovlp:.6f}, mode {max_ovlp_ind}") self.log(f"Maximizing along TS mode {max_ovlp_ind}.") self.root = max_ovlp_ind self.ts_mode = ovlp_eigvecs.T[self.root] self.ts_mode_eigval = eigvals[self.root]