Source code for pysisyphus.wrapper.jmol

import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.config import get_cmd
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import interpolate_colors

TPL_BASE = """

function _setModelState() {{

    Spacefill 0.0;

    frank off;
    font frank 16.0 SansSerif Plain;
    select *;
    set fontScaling false;
    background white
    frank off
    set showhydrogens True;



    "load {cube_fn}"
    + TPL_BASE
    + """
isosurface cutoff {isoval} sign {colors} "{cube_fn}"
write image pngt "{png_fn}"

[docs]def call_jmol(spt_str, show=False): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".spt") as spt_handle: spt_handle.write(spt_str) spt_handle.flush() jmol_cmd = [get_cmd("jmol"), "-n",] if show: del jmol_cmd[1] proc = subprocess.Popen( jmol_cmd, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) proc.wait() stdout = stderr = return stdout, stderr
[docs]def render_cdd_cube(cdd_cube, isoval=0.002, orient=""): png_fn = Path(cdd_cube).with_suffix(".png") spt = CUBE_TPL.format( orient=orient, cube_fn=cdd_cube, isoval=isoval, colors="red blue", png_fn=png_fn, ) with open("jmol.spt", "w") as handle: handle.write(spt) stdout, stderr = call_jmol(spt) return png_fn
[docs]def render_geom_and_charges(geom, point_charges): point_charges = point_charges.copy() point_charges[:, :3] *= BOHR2ANG charges = point_charges[:, -1] cr = np.array((255, 0, 0)) # red cw = np.array((255, 255, 255)) # white cb = np.array((0, 0, 255)) # blue chrg_min = charges.min() chrg_max = charges.max() print( f"charges:\n{np.array2string(point_charges, precision=4)}\n" f"min(charges): {chrg_min: .4f}\nmax(charges): {chrg_max: .4f}\n" ) c1 = cb if chrg_min < 0.0 else cw c2 = cr if chrg_max > 0.0 else cw rgb_colors, _ = interpolate_colors(charges, c1, c2) # Dump geometry to temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".xyz") as tmp_xyz: tmp_xyz.write(geom.as_xyz()) tmp_xyz.flush() spt = f"load {};\n" for i, ((x, y, z, pc), (r, g, b)) in enumerate(zip(point_charges, rgb_colors)): id_ = f"chrg{i}" spt += ( f"isosurface {id_} center {{{x} {y} {z}}} sphere 0.25;\n" f"color ${id_} [{r} {g} {b}];\n" ) print(f"SPT:\n\n{spt}") call_jmol(spt, show=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": cdd = "/scratch/turbontos/11_bz_pure/image_000.005.S_004_CDD.cub" render_cdd_cube(cdd)