Source code for pysisyphus.wrapper.mwfn

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.config import get_cmd
from pysisyphus.constants import AU2EV
from pysisyphus.wrapper.exceptions import SegfaultException

logger = logging.getLogger("mwfn")

[docs]def log(msg): logger.debug(msg)
[docs]def wrap_stdin(stdin): return f"<< EOF\n{stdin}\nEOF"
[docs]def call_mwfn(inp_fn, stdin, cwd=None): if cwd is None: cwd = Path(".") mwfn_cmd = get_cmd("mwfn") cmd = [mwfn_cmd, inp_fn] log(f"\n{mwfn_cmd} {inp_fn} {wrap_stdin(stdin)}") proc = Popen( cmd, universal_newlines=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=cwd ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(stdin) if "segmentation fault occurred" in stderr: raise SegfaultException( "Multiwfn segfaulted! Multiwfn seems to have problems " "with systems >= 1000 basis functions. Maybe your system is too big." ) proc.terminate() return stdout, stderr
[docs]def make_cdd(inp_fn, state, log_fn, cwd=None, keep=False, quality=2, prefix="S"): """Create CDD cube in cwd. Parameters ---------- inp_fn : str Filename of a .molden/.fchk file. state : int CDD cubes will be generated up to this state. log_fn : str Filename of the .log file. cwd : str or Path, optional If a different cwd should be used. keep : bool Wether to keep electron.cub and hole.cub, default is False. quality : int Quality of the cube. (1=low, 2=medium, 3=high). """ assert quality in (1, 2, 3) msg = ( f"Requested CDD calculation from Multiwfn for state {state} using " f"{inp_fn} and {log_fn}" ) log(msg) stdin = f"""18 1 {log_fn} {state} 1 {quality} 10 1 11 1 15 0 0 0 q """ stdout, stderr = call_mwfn(inp_fn, stdin, cwd=cwd) if cwd is None: cwd = "." cwd = Path(cwd) cube_fns = ("electron.cub", "hole.cub", "CDD.cub") if not keep: # always keep CDD.cub for fn in cube_fns[:2]: full_path = cwd / fn os.remove(full_path) # Rename cubes according to the current state new_paths = list() for fn in cube_fns: old_path = cwd / fn root, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) new_path = cwd / f"{prefix}_{state:03d}_{root}{ext}" try: shutil.copy(old_path, new_path) os.remove(old_path) new_paths.append(new_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass return new_paths
[docs]def get_mwfn_exc_str(energies, ci_coeffs, dexc_ci_coeffs=None, thresh=1e-3): assert len(energies) == (len(ci_coeffs) + 1), \ "Found too few energies. Is the GS energy missing?" exc_energies = (energies[1:] - energies[0]) * AU2EV # states, occ, virt _, occ_mos, _ = ci_coeffs.shape exc_str = "" mult = 1 log(f"Using dummy multiplicity={mult} in get_mwfn_exc_str") if dexc_ci_coeffs is None: dexc_ci_coeffs = [None] * ci_coeffs.shape[0] def get_exc_lines(ci_coeffs, arrow): exc_lines = list() for (occ, virt), coeff in np.ndenumerate(ci_coeffs): if abs(coeff) < thresh: continue occ_mo = occ + 1 virt_mo = occ_mos + 1 + virt exc_line = f"{occ_mo:>8d} {arrow} {virt_mo} {coeff: .5f}" exc_lines.append(exc_line) return exc_lines for root_, (root_ci_coeffs, root_dexc_ci_coeffs, exc_en) in enumerate( zip(ci_coeffs, dexc_ci_coeffs, exc_energies), 1 ): exc_str += f"Excited State {root_} {mult} {exc_en:.4f}\n" # Excitations (X vector) exc_lines = get_exc_lines(root_ci_coeffs, "->") # De-Excitations (Y vector), if present if root_dexc_ci_coeffs is not None: exc_lines += get_exc_lines(root_dexc_ci_coeffs, "<-") exc_str += "\n".join(exc_lines) exc_str += "\n\n" return exc_str