Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.ConicalIntersection

# [1]
#     Updated Branching Plane for Finding Conical Intersections without Coupling
#     Derivative Vectors
#     Maeda, Ohno, Morokuma, 2010

from copy import deepcopy
import dataclasses
from math import sqrt
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import hash_args

[docs] def update_y(x, x_prev, y_prev): """Update approximate coupling derivative vector y.""" y_prev_x = x_prev_x = y = (y_prev_x * x_prev - x_prev_x * y_prev) / sqrt(y_prev_x**2 + x_prev_x**2) return y
[docs] def get_P(x, y): """Projector to project out components in branching plane.""" I = np.eye(x.size) x_ = x / np.linalg.norm(x) y_ = y / np.linalg.norm(y) P = I - np.outer(x_, x_) - np.outer(y_, y_) return P
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class CIQuantities: energy1: float gradient1: np.ndarray energy2: float gradient2: np.ndarray energy_diff: float gradient_diff: np.ndarray gradient_mean: np.ndarray P: np.ndarray # Difference gradient vector x: np.ndarray # Derivative coupling vector y: np.ndarray energy: float forces: np.ndarray hessian: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs] def savez(self, fn): kwargs = dataclasses.asdict(self) np.savez(fn, **kwargs)
[docs] class ConicalIntersection(Calculator): """Calculator for conical intersection optimization. Based on [1]. """ def __init__(self, calculator1, calculator2, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.calculator1 = calculator1 self.calculator2 = calculator2 self.x_prev = None self.y_prev = None self.ciq_store = dict()
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): """Energy of calculator 1.""" results = self.calculator1.get_energy(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) self.calc_counter += 1 return results
[docs] def get_ci_quantities(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): """Relavent quantities including branching plane and projector P.""" hash_ = hash_args(atoms, coords, *prepare_kwargs.values(), precision=6) if hash_ in self.ciq_store: ciq = self.ciq_store[hash_] self.log(f"Returning cached CI quantities for hash='{hash_}'.") return ciq else: self.log(f"Calculating CI quantities for hash='{hash_}'.") res1 = self.calculator1.get_forces(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) energy1 = res1["energy"] gradient1 = -res1["forces"] res2 = self.calculator2.get_forces(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) energy2 = res2["energy"] gradient2 = -res2["forces"] # Energy difference energy_diff = energy1 - energy2 # Difference Gradient vector DGV gradient_diff = gradient1 - gradient2 # Gradient mean gradient_mean = (gradient1 + gradient2) / 2 # x vector; unit vector parallel to DGV x = gradient_diff / np.linalg.norm(gradient_diff) # Initialize y when it is not yet set ... if self.y_prev is None: y = gradient_mean / np.linalg.norm(gradient_mean) # ... or update it in later calculations else: y = update_y(x, self.x_prev, self.y_prev) # Orthogonalize against x y -= * x # And renormalize y /= np.linalg.norm(y) # Projector to remove components along x and y (in BP) from gradient. # Eq. (7) in [1]. P = get_P(x, y) self.log(f"ΔE={energy_diff:.6f} au ({energy_diff*AU2KJPERMOL:.2f} kJ mol⁻¹)") # Store vectors for next calculation self.x_prev = x self.y_prev = y gradient_diff_dash = 2 * energy_diff * x # Eq. (6) in [1]. forces = -(gradient_diff_dash + ciq = CIQuantities( energy1=energy1, gradient1=gradient1, energy2=energy2, gradient2=gradient2, energy_diff=energy_diff, gradient_diff=gradient_diff, gradient_mean=gradient_mean, P=P, x=x, y=y, energy=energy1, forces=forces, ) self.ciq_store[hash_] = deepcopy(ciq) return ciq
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): """Projected gradient for CI optimization.""" ciq = self.get_ci_quantities(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) ciq.savez(self.make_fn("ci_quantities.npz")) self.calc_counter += 1 return { "energy":, "forces": ciq.forces, }
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): """Projected Hessian.""" ciq = self.get_ci_quantities(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs) hessian1 = self.calculator1.get_hessian(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs)[ "hessian" ] hessian2 = self.calculator2.get_hessian(atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs)[ "hessian" ] hessian_mean = (hessian1 + hessian2) / 2 hessian_proj = ciq.hessian = hessian_proj ciq.savez(self.make_fn("ci_quantities.npz")) self.calc_counter += 1 return { "energy":, "forces": ciq.forces, "hessian": hessian_proj, }