Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.ONIOMv2

# [1]
#     Dapprich, Frisch, 1998
# [2]
#     Clemente, Frisch, 2010
# Not implemented in pysisyphus
# [2]
#     QM/QM ONIOM EE based on Mulliken charges
#     Hratchian, Raghavachari, 2008
# [3]<Paste>
#     QM/QM ONIOM EE based on Löwdin charges
#     Mayhall, Hratchian, 2010
# [4]
#     Overview on hybrid methods
# [5]
#     Electronic embedding charge redistribution
#     Lin, Truhlar 2004
# Excited state ONIOM
# [5]
# [6]

import itertools as it
import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from pysisyphus.calculators import (
from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator
from pysisyphus.elem_data import COVALENT_RADII as CR
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import full_expand
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_bond_sets
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup_fast import get_bond_vec_getter

    "composite": Composite,
    "g16": Gaussian16,
    "openmolcas": OpenMolcas.OpenMolcas,
    "mopac": MOPAC,
    "obabel": OBabel,
    "orca": ORCA.ORCA,
    "orca5": ORCA5.ORCA5,
    "psi4": Psi4,
    "turbomole": Turbomole,
    "xtb": XTB.XTB,
    # "pypsi4": PyPsi4,
    "pyxtb": PyXTB.PyXTB,
    from pysisyphus.calculators.PySCF import PySCF

    CALC_DICT["pyscf"] = PySCF
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, OSError):
    # print("Error importing PySCF in ONIOMv2")

Link = namedtuple("Link", "ind parent_ind atom g")

[docs] def get_g_value(atom, parent_atom, link_atom): cr, pcr, lcr = [CR[a.lower()] for a in (atom, parent_atom, link_atom)] # Ratio between sum of CR_atom and CR_link with sum of CR_atom CR_parent_atom. # See [1] Sect. 2.2 page 5. g = (cr + lcr) / (cr + pcr) return g
[docs] def cap_fragment(atoms, coords, fragment, link_atom="H", g=None): coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) fragment_set = set(fragment) # Determine bond(s) that connect fragment with the rest bonds = get_bond_sets(atoms, coords3d) bond_sets = [set(b) for b in bonds] # Find all bonds that involve one atom of model. These bonds # connect the model to the real geometry. We want to cap these # bonds. break_bonds = [b for b in bond_sets if len(b & fragment_set) == 1] # Put capping atoms at every bond to break. # The model fragment size corresponds to the length of the union of # the model set and the atoms in break_bonds. capped_frag = fragment_set.union(*break_bonds) capped_inds = list(sorted(capped_frag)) # Index map between the new model geometry and the original indices # in the real geometry. atom_map = { model_ind: real_ind for real_ind, model_ind in zip(capped_inds, range(len(capped_inds))) } links = list() for bb in break_bonds: to_cap = bb - fragment_set assert len(to_cap) == 1 ind = list(bb - to_cap)[0] parent_ind = tuple(to_cap)[0] if g is None: g = get_g_value(atoms[ind], atoms[parent_ind], link_atom) link = Link(ind=ind, parent_ind=parent_ind, atom=link_atom, g=g) links.append(link) return atom_map, links
[docs] def atom_inds_to_cart_inds(atom_inds): stencil = np.array((0, 1, 2), dtype=int) size_ = len(atom_inds) cart_inds = np.tile(stencil, size_) + np.repeat(atom_inds, 3) * 3 return cart_inds
[docs] class ModelDummyCalc: def __init__(self, model, cap=False): # , all_atoms, all_coords): self.model = model self.cap = cap
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords): energy = self.model.get_energy(atoms, coords, cap=self.cap) results = {"energy": energy} return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords): # if self.parent_name is not None: # raise Exception("Currently, this does not work for Models with a parent!") energy, forces = self.model.get_forces(atoms, coords, cap=self.cap) forces_ = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3)) # The redistribution below only works withouth parent, as otherwise # the numer of atoms on the RHS and LHS differ. forces_[: len(atoms) - len(self.model.links)] = forces.reshape(-1, 3)[ self.model.atom_inds ] results = {"energy": energy, "forces": forces_.flatten()} return results
# def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords): # energy, hessian = self.model.get_hessian(atoms, coords, cap=False) # results = {"energy": energy, "hessian": hessian} # return results
[docs] class Model: def __init__( self, name, calc_level, calc, parent_name, parent_calc_level, parent_calc, atom_inds, parent_atom_inds, use_link_atoms=True, ): = name self.calc_level = calc_level self.calc = calc self.parent_name = parent_name self.parent_calc_level = parent_calc_level self.parent_calc = parent_calc self.atom_inds = list(atom_inds) # parent_atom_inds may be None try: self.parent_atom_inds = list(parent_atom_inds) except TypeError: self.parent_atom_inds = None self.use_link_atoms = use_link_atoms self.links = list() self.capped = False self.J = None self.log(f"Created model '{self}' with {len(self.atom_inds)} atoms.")
[docs] def log(self, message=""): logger = logging.getLogger("calculator") logger.debug(self.__str__() + " " + message)
[docs] def capped_atoms_coords(self, all_atoms, all_coords): assert self.capped, "Did you forget to call create_links()?" org_atom_num = len(self.atom_inds) c3d = all_coords.reshape(-1, 3) capped_atoms = [all_atoms[i] for i in self.atom_inds] # Initialize empty coordinate array capped_coords = np.zeros((self.capped_atom_num, 3)) # Copy non-capped coordinates capped_coords[:org_atom_num] = c3d[self.atom_inds] for i, link in enumerate(self.links): capped_atoms.append(link.atom) r1 = c3d[link.ind] r3 = c3d[link.parent_ind] r2 = r1 + link.g * (r3 - r1) capped_coords[org_atom_num + i] = r2 return capped_atoms, capped_coords
[docs] def create_bond_vec_getters(self, atoms): link_parent_inds = [link.parent_ind for link in self.links] no_bonds_with = [ [ link.ind, ] for link in self.links ] self.log( f"Model has {len(link_parent_inds)} link atom hosts: {link_parent_inds}" ) covalent_radii = [CR[atom.lower()] for atom in atoms] self.get_bond_vecs = get_bond_vec_getter( atoms, covalent_radii, link_parent_inds, no_bonds_with, )
[docs] def get_jacobian(self): try: # Shape of Jacobian is (model + link, real). TypeError will be raised # when self.parent_atom_inds is None. jac_shape = ( len(self.atom_inds) * 3 + len(self.links) * 3, len(self.parent_atom_inds) * 3, ) except TypeError: return None J = np.zeros(jac_shape) # Stencil for diagonal elements of 3x3 submatrix stencil = np.array((0, 1, 2), dtype=int) size_ = len(self.atom_inds) model_rows = np.arange(size_ * 3) # When more than two layers are present the inner layers aren't directly # embedded in the outermost layer. This means parent_inds does not begin # at 0, but with a higher index. So we need a map of the actual indices # (not starting at 0) to the indices in the Jacobian which start at 0. atom_inds = [self.parent_atom_inds.index(ind) for ind in self.atom_inds] ind_map = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.atom_inds, atom_inds)} model_cols = atom_inds_to_cart_inds(atom_inds) J[model_rows, model_cols] = 1 # Link atoms link_start = model_rows.max() + 1 for i, (ind, parent_ind, atom, g) in enumerate(self.links): rows = link_start + i * 3 + stencil cols = ind_map[ind] * 3 + stencil J[rows, cols] = 1 - g try: parent_cols = self.parent_atom_inds.index(parent_ind) * 3 + stencil J[rows, parent_cols] = g # Raised when link atom is not coupled to layer above, but # to a layer higher above. except ValueError: pass return J
[docs] def get_sparse_jacobian(self): try: # Shape of Jacobian is (model + link, real). TypeError will be raised # when self.parent_atom_inds is None. jac_shape = ( len(self.atom_inds) * 3 + len(self.links) * 3, len(self.parent_atom_inds) * 3, ) except TypeError: return None # Stencil for diagonal elements of 3x3 submatrix stencil = np.array((0, 1, 2), dtype=int) ones = np.ones_like(stencil) size_ = len(self.atom_inds) model_rows = np.arange(size_ * 3) # When more than two layers are present the inner layers aren't directly # embedded in the outermost layer. This means parent_inds does not begin # at 0, but with a higher index. So we need a map of the actual indices # (not starting at 0) to the indices in the Jacobian which start at 0. atom_inds = [self.parent_atom_inds.index(ind) for ind in self.atom_inds] ind_map = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.atom_inds, atom_inds)} model_cols = atom_inds_to_cart_inds(atom_inds) jac_rows = model_rows.tolist() jac_cols = model_cols.tolist() jac_data = np.ones_like(jac_cols).tolist() # Link atoms link_start = model_rows.max() + 1 for i, (ind, parent_ind, atom, g) in enumerate(self.links): rows = (link_start + i * 3 + stencil).tolist() cols = (ind_map[ind] * 3 + stencil).tolist() jac_rows += rows jac_cols += cols jac_data += (ones - g).tolist() try: parent_cols = ( self.parent_atom_inds.index(parent_ind) * 3 + stencil ).tolist() jac_rows += rows jac_cols += parent_cols jac_data += np.full_like(parent_cols, g, dtype=float).tolist() # Raised when link atom is not coupled to layer above, but # to a layer higher above. except ValueError: pass J = sparse.csr_matrix((jac_data, (jac_rows, jac_cols)), shape=jac_shape) return J
[docs] def get_energy( self, atoms, coords, point_charges=None, parent_correction=True, cap=True ): self.log("Energy calculation") if cap: catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) else: catoms = atoms ccoords = coords prepare_kwargs = { "point_charges": point_charges, } self.log("Calculation at layer level") results = self.calc.get_energy(catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs) energy = results["energy"] # Calculate correction if parent layer is present and it is requested if (self.parent_calc is not None) and parent_correction: self.log("Calculation at parent layer level") parent_results = self.parent_calc.get_energy( catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs ) parent_energy = parent_results["energy"] energy -= parent_energy elif not parent_correction: self.log("No parent correction!") return energy
[docs] def get_forces( self, atoms, coords, point_charges=None, parent_correction=True, cap=True ): self.log("Force calculation") # catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) if cap: catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) else: catoms = atoms ccoords = coords prepare_kwargs = { "point_charges": point_charges, } self.log("Calculation at layer level") results = self.calc.get_forces(catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs) # These forces can contain contributions from link atoms. forces = results["forces"] energy = results["energy"] # Redistribute link atom forces onto the two link atom hosts using the # Jacobian J. Afterwards, the forces will have the shape of the parent-forces. if self.J is not None: # forces = # f^T J = (J^T f)^T # The transpose of the term in brackets can be ignored here, as numpy # does not distinguish between f and f^T for a 1d-array. forces = self.J.T @ forces # Calculate correction if parent layer is present and it is requested if (self.parent_calc is not None) and parent_correction: self.log("Calculation at parent layer level") parent_results = self.parent_calc.get_forces( catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs ) parent_forces = parent_results["forces"] parent_energy = parent_results["energy"] # Correct energy and forces energy -= parent_energy forces -= self.J.T @ parent_forces elif not parent_correction: self.log("No parent correction!") return energy, forces
[docs] def get_hessian( self, atoms, coords, point_charges=None, parent_correction=True, cap=True ): self.log("Hessian calculation") # catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) if cap: catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) else: catoms = atoms ccoords = coords prepare_kwargs = { "point_charges": point_charges, } self.log("Calculation at layer level") # results = self.calc.get_hessian(catoms, ccoords, prepare_kwargs) results = self.calc.get_hessian(catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs) hessian = results["hessian"] energy = results["energy"] if self.J is not None: # hessian = hessian = (self.J.T @ hessian) @ self.J # Calculate correction if parent layer is present and it is requested if (self.parent_calc is not None) and parent_correction: self.log("Calculation at parent layer level") parent_results = self.parent_calc.get_hessian( catoms, ccoords, **prepare_kwargs ) parent_hessian = parent_results["hessian"] parent_energy = parent_results["energy"] # Correct energy and hessian energy -= parent_energy # hessian -= hessian -= (self.J.T @ parent_hessian) @ self.J elif not parent_correction: self.log("No parent correction!") return energy, hessian
# def get_delta_S(self, atoms, coords): # self.log("ΔS calculation") # catoms, ccoords = self.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) # # Parent calculator # E_parent_real = self.parent_calc.get_energy(atoms, coords)["energy"] # self.parent_calc.reset() # E_parent_model = self.parent_calc.get_energy(catoms, ccoords)["energy"] # S_low = E_parent_real - E_parent_model # self.log(f"S_low={S_low:.6f} au") # print(f"S_low={S_low:.6f} au") # # High level calculator # E_high_real = self.calc.get_energy(atoms, coords)["energy"] # self.calc.reset() # E_high_model = self.calc.get_energy(catoms, ccoords)["energy"] # S_high = E_high_real - E_high_model # self.log(f"S_high={S_high:.6f} au") # print(f"S_high={S_high:.6f} au") # delta_S = S_low - S_high # self.log(f"ΔS={delta_S:.6f} au") # print(f"ΔS={delta_S:.6f} au") # return delta_S
[docs] def parse_charges(self): charges = self.calc.parse_charges() try: parent_charges = self.parent_calc.parse_charges() except AttributeError: parent_charges = None return charges, parent_charges
[docs] def as_geom(self, all_atoms, all_coords): capped_atoms, capped_coords3d = self.capped_atoms_coords(all_atoms, all_coords) geom = Geometry(capped_atoms, capped_coords3d) dummy_calc = self.as_calculator() geom.set_calculator(dummy_calc) return geom
[docs] def as_calculator(self, cap=False): return ModelDummyCalc(self, cap=cap)
def __str__(self): # return ( # f"Model({}, {len(self.atom_inds)} atoms, " # f"level={self.calc_level}, parent_level={self.parent_calc_level})" # ) return f"{}_{self.calc_level}" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def get_embedding_charges(embedding, layer, parent_layer, coords3d): # Only consider charges that belong to atoms in the parent # layer. Otherwise this would result in additonal charges at # the same positions as the atoms we would like to calculate. if "electronic" in embedding: assert ( len(parent_layer) == 1 ), "Multicenter ONIOM in intermediate layer is not supported!" parent_model = parent_layer[0] parent_inds = parent_model.atom_inds point_charges, _ = parent_model.parse_charges() layer_inds = set(*it.chain([model.atom_inds for model in layer])) # Determine indices of atoms that are in the parent layer, but # not in the current layer only_parent_inds = list(set(parent_inds) - layer_inds) del_charge_inds = list() all_redist_coords_charges = list() # Here, redistributed and scaled charges are calculated. In the EE-RC and EE-RCD # schemes the link atom parent (LAP) charges are divided by the number of bonds # connected to the LAP minus 1. They are put halfway along theses bonds. # See [5] for a discussion. # EE-RC and EE-RCD are very similar. The block below handles calculations that # are common to both methods, e.g. calculation of the redistributed charges and # their coordinates. # # This will be executed for 'electronic_rc' and 'electronic_rcd' if "electronic_rc" in embedding: # Collect charges for models in a layer, e.g., for multicenter ONIOM. for model in layer: redist_coords_charges = list() single_redist_charges = list() # Determine bonds, connected to link parent. link_host_bond_vecs, bonded_inds = model.get_bond_vecs( coords3d, return_bonded_inds=True ) # Determine link atoms links = model.links for link, bond_vecs in zip(links, link_host_bond_vecs): parent_ind = link.parent_ind # Presence of a link atom implies a bond. assert len(bond_vecs) > 0 # *parent_coords, parent_charge = point_charges[link.parent_ind] # parent_charge = ee_charges[parent_ind] parent_charge = point_charges[parent_ind] parent_coords = coords3d[parent_ind] bond_num = len(bond_vecs) redist_charge = parent_charge / bond_num single_redist_charges.append(redist_charge) # Put modified charges halfway on the bonds redist_coords = parent_coords + bond_vecs / 2 redist_coords_charges.extend( [(*coords, redist_charge) for coords in redist_coords] ) del_charge_inds.append(parent_ind) redist_coords_charges = np.array(redist_coords_charges) # Redistributed charges and dipoles to preserve the M1-M2 bond dipoles. See [5]. if embedding == "electronic_rcd": # Multiply all redistributed charges by 2 redist_coords_charges[:, -1] *= 2 # Substract original redistributed charge from M2 charges for binds, src in zip(bonded_inds, single_redist_charges): point_charges[binds] -= src # Gather redistributed charges of separate models (centers) all_redist_coords_charges.extend(redist_coords_charges) assert len(del_charge_inds) == len(set(del_charge_inds)), ( "It seems that one parent hosts multiple link atoms. I did not think about " "cases like that yet!" ) # Only keep charges that are not on link atom hosts/parents keep_mask = [opi for opi in only_parent_inds if opi not in del_charge_inds] kept_point_charges = point_charges[keep_mask] kept_coords3d = coords3d[keep_mask] kept_coords_point_charges = np.concatenate( (kept_coords3d, kept_point_charges[:, None]), axis=1 ) # Join unmodified charges and redistributed charges if len(all_redist_coords_charges) > 0: kept_coords_point_charges = np.concatenate( (kept_coords_point_charges, all_redist_coords_charges), axis=0 ) return kept_coords_point_charges
[docs] class LayerCalc: def __init__(self, models, total_size, parent_layer_calc=None): self.models = models self.parent_layer_calc = parent_layer_calc self.total_size = total_size # atoms in the total system self.models_str = ", ".join([str(model) for model in self.models]) @property def mult(self): mults = [model.calc.mult for model in self.models] mult0 = mults[0] assert all([mult == mult0 for mult in mults]) return mult0 @mult.setter def mult(self, mult): for model in self.models: model.calc.mult = mult @property def charge(self): charges = [model.calc.mult for model in self.models] charge0 = charges[0] assert all([charge == charge0 for charge in charges]) return charge0 @charge.setter def charge(self, charge): for model in self.models: model.calc.charge = charge
[docs] def run_calculations(self, atoms, coords, method): results = [getattr(model, method)(atoms, coords) for model in self.models] return results
[docs] @staticmethod def energy_from_results(model_energies, parent_energy=None): energy = sum(model_energies) if parent_energy is not None: energy += parent_energy return energy
[docs] def do_parent(self, with_parent): return (self.parent_layer_calc is not None) and with_parent
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, with_parent=True): model_energies = self.run_calculations(atoms, coords, "get_energy") if self.do_parent(with_parent): parent_result = self.parent_layer_calc.get_energy( atoms, coords, with_parent=True ) parent_energy = parent_result["energy"] else: parent_energy = None energy = self.energy_from_results(model_energies, parent_energy) return {"energy": energy}
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, with_parent=True): full_forces = np.zeros((self.total_size, 3)) model_energies = list() for model in self.models: model_energy, model_forces = model.get_forces( atoms, coords, parent_correction=True ) model_energies.append(model_energy) full_forces[model.parent_atom_inds] = model_forces.reshape(-1, 3) forces = full_forces.flatten() if self.do_parent(with_parent): parent_result = self.parent_layer_calc.get_forces( atoms, coords, with_parent=True ) parent_energy = parent_result["energy"] parent_forces = parent_result["forces"] forces += parent_forces else: parent_energy = None energy = self.energy_from_results(model_energies, parent_energy) results = { "energy": energy, "forces": forces, } return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, with_parent=True): hessian = np.zeros((self.total_size*3, self.total_size*3)) model_energies = list() for model in self.models: model_energy, model_hessian = model.get_hessian( atoms, coords, parent_correction=True ) model_energies.append(model_energy) try: inds = 3*model.parent_atom_inds[:, None] + np.arange(3) hessian[inds, inds] += model_hessian except TypeError: hessian += model_hessian if self.do_parent(with_parent): parent_result = self.parent_layer_calc.get_hessian( atoms, coords, with_parent=True ) parent_energy = parent_result["energy"] parent_hessian = parent_result["hessian"] hessian += parent_hessian else: parent_energy = None energy = self.energy_from_results(model_energies, parent_energy) result = { "energy": energy, "hessian": hessian, } return result
def __str__(self): return f"LayerCalc({self.models_str})" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class ONIOM(Calculator): embeddings = { "": "", "electronic": "Electronic embedding", "electronic_rc": "Electronic embedding with redistributed charges", "electronic_rcd": "Electronic embedding with redistributed charges and dipoles", }
[docs] def __init__( self, calcs, models, geom, layers=None, embedding="", real_key="real", use_link_atoms=True, *args, **kwargs, ): """ layer: list of models len(layer) == 1: normal ONIOM, len(layer) >= 1: multicenter ONIOM. model: (sub)set of all atoms that resides in a certain layer and has a certain calculator. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if embedding is None: embedding = "" assert ( embedding in self.embeddings.keys() ), f"Valid embeddings are: {self.embeddings.keys()}" self.embedding = embedding assert real_key not in models, f'"{real_key}" must not be defined in "models"!' assert real_key in calcs, f'"{real_key}" must be defined in "calcs"!' self.use_link_atoms = use_link_atoms # Expand index-lists in models for model in models.values(): if ".." in model["inds"]: model["inds"] = full_expand(model["inds"]) # When no ordering of layers is given we try to guess it from # the size of the respective models. It's probably a better idea # to always specify the layer ordering though ;) if layers is None: self.log( "No explicit layer ordering specified! Determining layer " "hierarchy from model sizes. This does not support multi-" "center ONIOM!" ) as_list = [(key, val) for key, val in models.items()] # Determine hierarchy of models, from biggest to smallest model layers = [ key for key, val in sorted( as_list, key=lambda model: -len(model[1]["inds"]) ) ] assert real_key not in layers, f'"{real_key}" must not be defined in "layers"!' ############ # # # LAYERS # # # ############ # Add real model and layer as they are missing right now. The real # layer is always the last layer. The real layer is always calculated # by the 'realkey'-calculator. layers = [real_key] + layers models[real_key] = { "calc": real_key, "inds": list(range(len(geom.atoms))), } self.log(f"Layer-ordering from big to small: {layers}") # Single-model layers will be given as strings. As we also support # multicenter-ONIOM there may also be layers that are given as lists # that contain multiple models per layer. # Now we convert the single-model layers to lists of length 1, so # every layer is a list. layers = [ [ layer, ] if isinstance(layer, str) else layer for layer in layers ] self.layer_num = len(layers) assert self.layer_num > 1, "ONIOM with only 1 layer requested. Aborting!" ############ # # # MODELS # # # ############ # Create mapping between model and its parent layer. Actually # this is a bit hacky right now, as the mapping should not be between # model and parent layer, but between model and parent model. # This way we expect the parent layer to have the same calculator # throughout, so multicenter ONIOM with different calculators # in all but the smallest layer (highest level) is not well defined. # # If multicenter ONIOM in an intermediate layer is useful may # be another question to be answered ;). self.model_parent_layers = dict() for i, layer in enumerate(layers[1:]): self.model_parent_layers.update({model: i for model in layer}) model_keys = list(it.chain(*layers)) cur_calc_num = 0 def get_calc(calc_key, base_name=None): """Helper function for easier generation of calculators with incrementing calc_number.""" nonlocal cur_calc_num kwargs = calcs[calc_key].copy() type_ = kwargs.pop("type") kwargs["calc_number"] = cur_calc_num if base_name is not None: kwargs["base_name"] = base_name calc = CALC_DICT[type_](**kwargs) cur_calc_num += 1 return calc # Create models and required calculators. self.models = list() self.layers = [list() for _ in layers] for model_key in model_keys: model_calc_key = models[model_key]["calc"] model_base_name = f"{model_key}_{model_calc_key}" model_calc = get_calc(model_calc_key, base_name=model_base_name) # Update parent information try: parent_layer_ind = self.model_parent_layers[model_key] parent_layer = layers[parent_layer_ind] parent_calc_keys = set( [models[model_key]["calc"] for model_key in parent_layer] ) assert len(parent_calc_keys) == 1, ( "It seems you are trying to run a multicenter ONIOM setup in " "an intermediate layer with different calculators. This is " "not supported right now." ) parent_name = parent_layer[0] parent_calc_key = models[parent_name]["calc"] parent_base_name = f"{model}_parent" parent_calc = get_calc(parent_calc_key, base_name=parent_base_name) parent_atom_inds = models[parent_name]["inds"] except KeyError: parent_name = parent_calc_key = parent_calc = parent_atom_inds = None parent_layer_ind = -1 model = Model( name=model_key, calc_level=model_calc_key, calc=model_calc, atom_inds=models[model_key]["inds"], use_link_atoms=self.use_link_atoms, # parent_name=parent_name, parent_calc_level=parent_calc_key, parent_calc=parent_calc, parent_atom_inds=parent_atom_inds, ) self.models.append(model) self.layers[parent_layer_ind + 1].append(model) self.log("Created all ONIOM layers:") for model in self.models: self.log("\t" + str(model)) # Create link atoms [model.create_links(geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords) for model in self.models] # Create functions to calculate bond vectors with link atom hosts [model.create_bond_vec_getters(geom.atoms) for model in self.models] # And do a quick sanity check assert ( len(self.models[0].links) == 0 ), "There must not be any links in the 'real' layer!" # Look for link atoms that appear in two adjacent layers. In such situations # the higher layer is coupled to a layer two levels below. This may be a bad # idea. for i, (lower_model, model) in enumerate( zip(self.models[:-1], self.models[1:]) ): lower_links = lower_model.links links = model.links same_links = [link for link in links if link in lower_links] if same_links: print(f"Found {len(same_links)} link(s) that appear(s) in two layers!") for j, link in enumerate(same_links): print(f"\t{j:02d}: {link}") print( f"Your current setup couples layer '{}' to " f"layer '{self.models[i-1].name}' two levels below! " "This is probably a bad idea!" ) self.log( f"Created ONIOM calculator with {self.layer_num} layers and " f"{len(self.models)} models." ) self.layer_calcs = list() for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): try: parent_layer_calc = self.layer_calcs[-1] except IndexError: parent_layer_calc = None layer_calc = LayerCalc( models=layer, total_size=len(geom.atoms), parent_layer_calc=parent_layer_calc, ) self.layer_calcs.append(layer_calc)
@property def model_iter(self): try: # A layer may contain several models model_iter = it.chain(*[layer for layer in self.layers]) except AttributeError: model_iter = list() return model_iter @property def mult(self): mults = [model.calc.mult for model in self.model_iter] mult0 = mults[0] assert all([mult == mult0 for mult in mults]) return mult0 @mult.setter def mult(self, mult): for model in self.model_iter: model.calc.mult = mult @property def charge(self): charges = [model.calc.charge for model in self.model_iter] charge0 = charges[0] return charge0 @charge.setter def charge(self, charge): for model in self.model_iter: model.calc.charge = charge
[docs] def run_calculations(self, atoms, coords, method): self.log(f"{self.embeddings[self.embedding]} ONIOM calculation") all_results = list() for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): point_charges = None # Calculate embedding charges, if required if self.embedding and (i > 0): parent_layer = self.layers[i - 1] coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3) point_charges = get_embedding_charges( self.embedding, layer, parent_layer, coords3d ) self.log( f"Polarizing calculation in layer {i} ({layer}) by " f"charges from layer {i-1} ({self.layers[i-1]})." ) ee_charge_sum = point_charges[:, -1].sum() self.log(f"sum(charges)={ee_charge_sum:.4f}") # Enable for debugging # from pysisyphus.wrapper.jmol import render_geom_and_charges # if len(layer) == 1: # model = layer[0] # tmp_atoms, tmp_coords = model.capped_atoms_coords(atoms, coords) # render_geom_and_charges( # Geometry(tmp_atoms, tmp_coords), point_charges # ) results = [ getattr(model, method)(atoms, coords, point_charges=point_charges) for model in layer ] all_results.extend(results) self.calc_counter += 1 return all_results
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords): self.log("run_calculation() called. Doing simple energy calculation!") return self.get_energy(atoms, coords)
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords): all_energies = self.run_calculations(atoms, coords, "get_energy") energy = sum(all_energies) return { "energy": energy, }
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords): all_results = self.run_calculations(atoms, coords, "get_forces") energies, forces_ = zip(*all_results) forces_ = [np.array(f).reshape(-1, 3) for f in forces_] energy = sum(energies) forces = forces_[0] # first layer has shape of the total system for mdl, f in zip(self.models[1:], forces_[1:]): forces[mdl.parent_atom_inds] += f return { "energy": energy, "forces": forces.flatten(), }
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords): all_results = self.run_calculations(atoms, coords, "get_hessian") energies, hessians = zip(*all_results) energy = sum(energies) hessian = hessians[0] # first layer has shape of the total system for mdl, h in zip(self.models[1:], hessians[1:]): inds = atom_inds_to_cart_inds(mdl.parent_atom_inds) # Keep in mind that we modify hessians[0] in place hessian[inds[:, None], inds[None, :]] += h return { "energy": energy, "hessian": hessian, }
[docs] def atom_inds_in_layer(self, index, exclude_inner=False): """Returns list of atom indices in layer at index. Atoms that also appear in inner layer can be excluded on request. Parameters ---------- index : int pasd exclude_inner : bool, default=False, optional Whether to exclude atom indices that also appear in inner layers. Returns ------- atom_indices : list List containing the atom indices in the selected layer. """ layer = self.layers[index] atom_inds = list(it.chain(*[model.atom_inds for model in layer])) if exclude_inner and (index < len(self.layers) - 1): lower_inds = self.atom_inds_in_layer(index + 1) # Drop indices that appear in inner layers atom_inds = [i for i in atom_inds if i not in lower_inds] return atom_inds
[docs] def get_layer_calc(self, layer_ind): return self.layer_calcs[layer_ind]
[docs] def calc_layer(self, atoms, coords, index, parent_correction=True): layer = self.layers[index] assert len(layer) == 1, "Multicenter not yet supported!" (model,) = layer result = model.get_forces(atoms, coords, parent_correction=parent_correction) return result