Source code for pysisyphus.calculators.Psi4

import re
import textwrap

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.calculators.Calculator import Calculator

[docs] class Psi4(Calculator): conf_key = "psi4" def __init__( self, method, basis, to_set=None, to_import=None, pcm="iefpcm", solvent=None, write_fchk=False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.method = method self.basis = basis self.to_set = {} if to_set is None else dict(to_set) self.to_import = [] if to_import is None else list(to_import) self.pcm = pcm self.solvent = solvent self.write_fchk = write_fchk self.inp_fn = "psi4.inp" self.out_fn = "psi4.out" self.to_keep = ("inp", "psi4.out", "grad.npy", "hessian.npy") self.parser_funcs = { "energy": self.parse_energy, "grad": self.parse_grad, "hessian": self.parse_hessian, } self.base_cmd = self.get_cmd() self.inp = textwrap.dedent( """ {to_import} molecule mol{{ {xyz} {charge} {mult} no_reorient no_com symmetry c1 }} set_num_threads({pal}) memory {mem} MB {basis} {to_set} {pcm} {method} {fchk} """ )
[docs] def get_fchk_str(self): fchk_str = "" if self.write_fchk: fchk_fn = self.make_fn("wfn.fchk") fchk_str = ( "fchk_writer = psi4.FCHKWriter(wfn)\n" f"fchk_writer.write('{fchk_fn}')" ) return fchk_str
[docs] def prepare_input(self, atoms, coords, calc_type): xyz = self.prepare_coords(atoms, coords) calc_types = { "energy": "E, wfn = energy('{}', return_wfn=True)", # Right now we don't need the wavefunction # "grad": "G, wfn = gradient('{}', return_wfn=True)\n" \ # "G_arr = np.array(G)\n" \ # "'grad', G_arr)", # "hessian": "H, wfn = hessian('{}', return_wfn=True)\n" \ # "H_arr = np.array(H)\n" \ # "'hessian', H_arr)", "grad": "G, wfn = gradient('{}', return_wfn=True)\n" "G_arr = np.array(G)\n" "'grad', G_arr)", "hessian": "H, wfn = hessian('{}', return_wfn=True)\n" "H_arr = np.array(H)\n" "'hessian', H_arr)", } method = calc_types[calc_type].format(self.method) wfn_path = self.make_fn("wfn.npy") method += f"\nWavefunction.to_file(wfn, '{wfn_path}')" method += "\nprint('PARSE ENERGY:'," set_strs = [f"set {key} {value}" for key, value in self.to_set.items()] set_strs = "\n".join(set_strs) import_strs = [f"import {mod}" for mod in self.to_import] import_strs = "\n".join(import_strs) # Basis section basis = self.basis # Construct more complex basis input if isinstance(basis, dict): # Check if a global basis is given for all atoms. This must come # first, otherwise Psi4 throws an error. basis_lines = [ "basis {", ] try: basis_lines.append(f"assign {basis['assign']}") except KeyError: pass # Add remaining lines basis_lines.extend( [ f"assign {atms} {bas}" for atms, bas in basis.items() if atms != "assign" ] ) basis_lines.append("}") basis = "\n".join(basis_lines) # Use set when self.basis is a string else: basis = f"set basis {basis}" # PCM section pcm = "" if self.solvent: pcm = textwrap.dedent( f""" set pcm true pcm = {{ Medium {{ SolverType = {self.pcm} Solvent = {self.solvent} }} Cavity {{ Type = GePol }} }} """ ) inp = self.inp.format( xyz=xyz, charge=self.charge, mult=self.mult, basis=basis, to_import=import_strs, to_set=set_strs, pcm=pcm, method=method, pal=self.pal, mem=self.mem, fchk=self.get_fchk_str(), ) # inp = "\n".join([line.strip() for line in inp.split("\n")]) return inp
[docs] def get_energy(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "energy" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type) results =, calc="energy") return results
[docs] def get_forces(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "grad" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type) results =, calc="grad") return results
[docs] def get_hessian(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): calc_type = "hessian" inp = self.prepare_input(atoms, coords, calc_type) results =, calc="hessian") return results
[docs] def run_calculation(self, atoms, coords, **prepare_kwargs): return self.get_energy(atoms, coords)
[docs] def parse_energy(self, path): with open(path / "psi4.out") as handle: text = en_regex = re.compile(r"PARSE ENERGY: ([\d\-\.]+)") mobj = result = {"energy": float(mobj[1])} return result
[docs] def parse_grad(self, path): gradient = np.load(path / "grad.npy") forces = -gradient.flatten() result = { "forces": forces, } result.update(self.parse_energy(path)) return result
[docs] def parse_hessian(self, path): hessian = np.load(path / "hessian.npy") result = { "hessian": hessian, } result.update(self.parse_energy(path)) return result
def __str__(self): return f"Psi4({})"