Source code for pysisyphus.helpers_pure

from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from enum import Enum
import itertools as it
import json
import logging
import math
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
import re
import uuid
import time
from typing import Any, Optional

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
import psutil

from pysisyphus.config import p_DEFAULT, T_DEFAULT
from pysisyphus.constants import AU2J, BOHR2ANG, C, R, AU2KJPERMOL, NA

"""Functions defined here don't import anything from pysisyphus, besides
the constants module, but only from the stdlib and from third parties."""


[docs] def eigval_to_wavenumber(ev): # This approach seems numerically more unstable # conv = AU2J / (AMU2KG * BOHR2M ** 2) / (2 * np.pi * 3e10)**2 # w2nu = np.sign(ev) * np.sqrt(np.abs(ev) * conv) # The two lines below are adopted from Psi4 and seem more stable, # compared to the approach above. conv = np.sqrt(NA * AU2J * 1.0e19) / (2 * np.pi * C * BOHR2ANG) w2nu = np.sign(ev) * np.sqrt(np.abs(ev)) * conv return w2nu
[docs] def hash_arr(arr, precision=HASH_PREC): str_ = np.array2string(arr, precision=precision) return hash(str_)
[docs] def hash_args(*args, precision=HASH_PREC): hashes = list() for arg in args: try: hash_ = hash(arg) except TypeError: hash_ = hash_arr(arg, precision=precision) hashes.append(hash_) return hash(tuple(hashes))
[docs] def log(logger, msg, level=logging.DEBUG): if logger is not None: logger.log(level, msg)
[docs] def sort_by_central(set1, set2): """Determines a common index in two sets and returns a length 3 tuple with the central index at the middle position and the two terminal indices as first and last indices.""" central_set = set1 & set2 union = set1 | set2 assert len(central_set) == 1 terminal1, terminal2 = union - central_set (central,) = central_set return (terminal1, central, terminal2), central
[docs] def merge_sets(fragments): """Merge a list of iterables.""" # Hold the final fragments that can't be merged further, as they # contain distinct atoms. fragments = [frozenset(frag) for frag in fragments] merged = list() while len(fragments) > 0: popped = fragments.pop(0) # Look for an intersection between the popped unmerged fragment # and the remaining unmerged fragments. for frag in fragments: if popped & frag: fragments.remove(frag) # If a intersecting unmerged fragment is found merge # both fragments and append them at the end. fragments.append(popped | frag) break else: # Add the unmerged fragment into merged if it doesn't # intersect with any other unmerged fragment. merged.append(popped) return merged
[docs] def remove_duplicates(seq): tuples = [tuple(itm) for itm in seq] seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [itm for itm in tuples if not (itm in seen or seen_add(itm))]
[docs] class OrderedEnum(Enum): def __ge__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value >= other.value return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value > other.value return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value <= other.value return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value < other.value return NotImplemented def __str__(self): return
[docs] def timed(logger=None): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end = time.time() duration = end - start msg = f"Execution of '{func.__name__}' took {duration:.2f} s." if logger is not None: log(logger, msg) else: print(msg) return result return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def get_input(data, prompt, lbl_func=None): if lbl_func is None: lbl_func = lambda _: _ labels = [lbl_func(d) for d in data] print(prompt) while True: for i, l in enumerate(labels): print(f"{i: >3d}: {l}") try: inp = int(input("Selection: ")) if not (0 <= inp < len(labels)): raise ValueError break except ValueError: print("Invalid input!") print() return data[inp]
[docs] def expand(to_expand): if any([isinstance(to_expand, cls) for cls in (list, tuple, np.ndarray)]): return to_expand elif ".." in to_expand: start, end = [int(i) for i in to_expand.split("..")] return list(range(start, end)) # Numbers else: return [int(to_expand)]
[docs] def full_expand(to_expand): try: split = to_expand.strip().split(",") expanded = list(it.chain(*[expand(te) for te in split])) except AttributeError: try: expanded = list(to_expand) except TypeError: expanded = [ to_expand, ] return expanded
[docs] def file_or_str(*args, method=False, mode="r", exact=False, add_exts=False): exts = args if add_exts: exts = exts + tuple([f".{ext}" for ext in exts if not ext.startswith(".")]) def inner_func(func): def wrapped(inp, *args, **kwargs): if method: obj = inp inp, *args = args try: p = Path(inp) looks_like_file = exts and ( (p.suffix in exts) or (exact and in exts) ) # TypeError will be raised when bytes were already read from a file except TypeError: looks_like_file = False if looks_like_file and p.is_file(): with open(p, mode=mode) as handle: inp = elif looks_like_file and not p.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"{inp} looks like a file/path, but it does not exist!" ) if method: res = func(obj, inp, *args, **kwargs) else: res = func(inp, *args, **kwargs) return res return wrapped return inner_func
[docs] def recursive_update(d, u): """Recursive update of d with keys/values from u. From """ if u is None: return d # Best I can do is ... secretly transform hierarchical input # to old-style flat input. # # Try to transform new-style hierarchical input # to the old-style flat input. If this new-style proves useful # and everything is refactored accordingly the try/except could # be dropped. But now everything is still in the old-style. try: keys = list(u["type"].keys()) if len(keys) == 1: key = keys[0] kwargs = u["type"][key] u["type"] = key try: u.update(kwargs) # Raised when kwargs is None, e.g., the input is hierarchical, # but no further keywords are provided for the given type. except TypeError: pass # Raised when u has no "type" key except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: pass for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, d[k] = recursive_update(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d
[docs] def recursive_extract( inp_dict: dict, target_key: str, prev_keys: Optional[tuple[str]] = None ) -> dict[tuple[str], Any]: """Recursively extract given key from a dict. Can also handle dict of dicts, e.g., different calculation results from a MultiCalc in run.run_calculations.""" if prev_keys is None: prev_keys = tuple() joined_key = prev_keys + (target_key,) target_dict = dict() try: target_dict[joined_key] = inp_dict[target_key] except KeyError: pass for key, value in inp_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): target_dict.update(recursive_extract(value, target_key, prev_keys + (key,))) return target_dict
[docs] def report_isotopes(geom, affect_str): if (geom.isotopes is not None) and len(geom.isotopes) > 0: print(f"Different isotopes were requested! This will affect {affect_str}.") atoms = geom.atoms masses = geom.masses for atom_ind, _ in geom.isotopes: print(f"\tAtom {atom_ind}{atoms[atom_ind]}: {masses[atom_ind]:.6f} au") print()
[docs] def report_frozen_atoms(geom): if hasattr(geom, "freeze_atoms") and len(geom.freeze_atoms) > 0: print(f"Coordinates of {len(geom.freeze_atoms)} atoms are frozen:") atoms = geom.atoms coords3d = geom.coords3d * BOHR2ANG fmt = " >12.8f" for atom_ind in geom.freeze_atoms: atom = atoms[atom_ind] x, y, z = coords3d[atom_ind] print(f"\t{atom_ind:03d} {atom} {x:{fmt}} {y:{fmt}} {z:{fmt}}") print()
[docs] def highlight_text(text, width=80, level=0): levels = { # horizontal # vertical # corner 0: ("#", "#", "#"), 1: ("-", "|", "+"), } full_length = len(text) + 4 pad_len = width - full_length pad_len = (pad_len - (pad_len % 2)) // 2 pad = " " * pad_len hchar, vchar, cornerchar = levels[level] full_row = cornerchar + (hchar * (full_length - 2)) + cornerchar highlight = ( f"""{pad}{full_row}\n{pad}{vchar} {text.upper()} {vchar}\n{pad}{full_row}""" ) return highlight
[docs] def interpolate_colors(values, c1, c2, num=32): """Expects two RGB colors c1 and c2.""" c_diff = c2 - c1 step = c_diff / (num - 1) colors = (c1 + np.arange(num)[:, None] * step).astype(int) # Map value interval onto interval range(num) # y = m*x + n val_min = values.min() val_max = values.max() m = abs((num - 1) / (val_min - val_max)) n = -m * val_min inds = np.around(m * values + n).astype(int) rgb_colors = colors[inds] hex_colors = [f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" for r, g, b in rgb_colors] return rgb_colors, hex_colors
[docs] def get_molecular_radius(coords3d, min_offset=0.9452): coords3d = coords3d.copy() mean = coords3d.mean(axis=0) coords3d -= mean[None, :] distances = np.linalg.norm(coords3d, axis=1) # When this function is utilized in a HardSphere calculator # the radii will be at least '2 * (2 * std)' apart, # as the std-offset will be added two times to all radii. std = max(min_offset, np.std(distances)) radius = distances.mean() + 2 * std return radius
[docs] def filter_fixture_store(test_name): def inner_function(function): def wrapper(fixture_store): rb = fixture_store["results_bag"] filtered = { "results_bag": {k: v for k, v in rb.items() if k.startswith(test_name)} } return function(filtered) return wrapper return inner_function
[docs] def get_clock(): ref = time.time() def clock(msg=""): nonlocal ref now = time.time() dur = now - ref ref = now print(f"{msg: >32}, {dur:.3f} s since last call!") return clock
[docs] def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """ for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n]
[docs] def describe(arr): shape = arr.shape min_ = arr.min() max_ = arr.max() mean = np.mean(arr) median = np.median(arr) var = np.var(arr) fmt = ".4f" return ( f"shape={shape}, min={min_:{fmt}}, mean={mean:{fmt}}, " f"median={median:{fmt}}, max={max_:{fmt}}, variance={var:.4e}" )
[docs] def touch(fn): try: Path(fn).touch() except IsADirectoryError: pass
[docs] def approx_float( num: float, expected: float, abs_tol: float = 1e-6, rel_tol: float = 1e-12 ) -> bool: def pos_or_none(num, name): assert (num > 0.0) or (num is None), f"{name} must be positive or None!" pos_or_none(abs_tol, "Absolute tolerance") pos_or_none(rel_tol, "Relative tolerance") assert abs_tol or rel_tol if rel_tol is None: rel_tol = 0.0 rel_tol = rel_tol * expected tolerance = max(abs_tol, rel_tol) return abs(num - expected) <= tolerance
_CONV_FUNCS = { # First item in value converts to JSON dumpable type, # second items converts from JSON to original type. "energy": (lambda en: float(en), lambda en: float(en)), "all_energies": ( lambda all_energies: all_energies.tolist(), lambda all_energies: np.array(all_energies, dtype=float), ), "forces": ( lambda forces: forces.tolist(), lambda forces: np.array(forces, dtype=float).flatten(), ), "hessian": ( lambda hessian: hessian.tolist(), lambda hessian: np.array(hessian, dtype=float), ), }
[docs] def results_to_json(results): conv_results = {key: _CONV_FUNCS[key][0](val) for key, val in results.items()} return json.dumps(conv_results)
[docs] def json_to_results(as_json): results = { key: _CONV_FUNCS[key][1](val) for key, val in json.loads(as_json).items() } return results
[docs] def standard_state_corr(T=T_DEFAULT, p=p_DEFAULT, n=1): """dG for change of standard state from gas to solution of 1 mol/l""" Vm = n * R * T / p # in m³ Vm_litres = Vm * 1000 dG = R * T * math.log(Vm_litres) / 1000 # kJ mol⁻¹ dG_au = dG / AU2KJPERMOL return dG_au
[docs] def check_mem(mem, pal, avail_frac=0.85, logger=None): virt_mem = psutil.virtual_memory() mb_available = virt_mem.available * avail_frac / 1024 / 1024 mb_requested = mem * pal msg = f"{mb_available:.2f} MB memory available, {mb_requested:.2f} MB requested." if mb_requested > mb_available: mb_corr = int(mb_available / pal) msg += f" Too much memory requested. Using smaller value of {mb_corr} MB." else: mb_corr = mem log(logger, msg) return mb_corr
[docs] def get_ratio(str_: str, comp_str: str) -> str: """See""" return SequenceMatcher(None, str_, comp_str).ratio()
[docs] def find_closest_sequence(str_: str, comp_strs: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, float]: ratios = [get_ratio(str_, comp_str) for comp_str in comp_strs] argmax = np.argmax(ratios) max_ratio = ratios[argmax] best_match = comp_strs[argmax] return (best_match, max_ratio)
[docs] def increment_fn(org_fn: str, suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Append, or increase a suffixed counter on a given filename. If no counter is present it will be set to zero. Otherwise it is incremented by one. >>> increment_fn("opt", "rebuilt") 'opt_rebuilt_000' >>> increment_fn("opt") 'opt_000' >>> increment_fn("opt_rebuilt_000", "rebuilt") 'opt_rebuilt_001' Parameters ---------- org_fn The original, unaltered filename. suffix Optional suffix to be append. Returns ------- incr_fn Modified filename with optional suffix and incremented counter. """ if suffix is not None and len(suffix) > 0: suffix = f"_{suffix}" else: suffix = "" # Check if prefix is present regex = re.compile(rf"(.+)({suffix}_(\d+))") if mobj := regex.match(org_fn): org_fn, _, counter = mobj.groups() counter = int(counter) counter += 1 else: counter = 0 incr_fn = f"{org_fn}{suffix}_{counter:03d}" return incr_fn
[docs] def get_box(coords3d, offset=0.0): mins = coords3d.min(axis=0) maxs = coords3d.max(axis=0) box = np.stack((mins, maxs), axis=1) box[:, 0] -= offset box[:, 1] += offset return box
[docs] def molecular_volume( coords3d: NDArray[float], vdw_radii: NDArray[float], n_trial: int = 10_000, offset: float = 1.0, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Monte-Carlo estimate of molecular volume using Van der Waals spheres. Cartesian coordinates and VdW-radii are expected in Bohr! """ box = get_box(coords3d, offset=offset) edges = np.diff(box, axis=1).flatten() box_volume = abs( # print(f"Box with volume {box_volume:.2f} a0³ and dimensions\n{box}") def trial_points(n): tps = np.random.rand(n, 3) box_min = box[:, 0] return box_min + tps * edges tps = trial_points(n=n_trial) dists = np.linalg.norm(coords3d[:, None, :] - tps, axis=2) below_radius = dists <= vdw_radii[:, None] below_radius = below_radius.sum() ratio = below_radius / n_trial mol_vol = ratio * box_volume # a0³ / Molecule mol_vol_ang3 = mol_vol * BOHR2ANG**3 # ų / Molecule molar_vol = mol_vol_ang3 * NA * 1e-24 # l/mol return mol_vol, mol_vol_ang3, molar_vol
[docs] def get_cubic_crystal(l, n=2, atom="Na"): coords3d = list() atoms = list() for xn in range(-n, n + 1): for yn in range(-n, n + 1): for zn in range(-n, n + 1): coords3d.append((l * xn, l * yn, l * zn)) atoms.append(atom) coords3d = np.array(coords3d) return atoms, coords3d
# Unicode subscript characters for numbers _NUM_SUBSCRIPTS = {str(i): chr(int(f"0x208{i}", 16)) for i in range(10)}
[docs] def to_subscript_num(num): return "".join([_NUM_SUBSCRIPTS[c] for c in str(num)])
[docs] def to_sets(iterable): return set([frozenset(i) for i in iterable])
[docs] def cache_arrays(sources, dest): dest_path = Path(dest).with_suffix(".npz") def cache_decorator(func): def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): if dest_path.exists(): npzfile = np.load(dest_path) arrays = tuple([npzfile[src] for src in sources]) else: arrays = func(*args, **kwargs) assert len(arrays) == len(sources) kwds = {src: arr for src, arr in zip(sources, arrays)} np.savez(dest_path, **kwds) return arrays return wrapped_func return cache_decorator
[docs] def estimate(gen, elems): tot_dur = 0.0 for i in range(1, elems + 1): start = time.time() elem = next(gen) dur = time.time() - start tot_dur += dur ran_ratio = i / elems elems_left = elems - i dur_per_elem = tot_dur / i est_dur = dur_per_elem * elems_left est_dur_min = est_dur / 60 print(f"{ran_ratio: >8.2%} finished ... {est_dur_min: >8.2f} min left") yield elem
[docs] def get_random_path(stem=""): if stem != "": stem += "_" while (path := Path(f"{stem}{uuid.uuid1()}")).exists(): pass return path
[docs] def kill_dir(path): """Innocent function remove a directory. It must contain only files and no other directories. So this won't do too much damage hopefully. """ for fn in Path(path).iterdir(): fn.unlink() path.rmdir()
[docs] def rms(arr: np.ndarray) -> float: """Root mean square Returns the root mean square of the given array. Parameters ---------- arr : iterable of numbers Returns ------- rms : float Root mean square of the given array. """ return np.sqrt(np.mean(arr**2))
SPIN_LABELS = { 1: "S", 2: "D", 3: "T", 4: "Q", 5: "5", 6: "6", }
[docs] def get_state_label(mult: int, state_ind: int, default="?"): spin_label = SPIN_LABELS.get(mult, default) return f"{spin_label}_{state_ind:d}"
[docs] def argsort(iterable): return [i for i, _ in sorted(enumerate(iterable), key=lambda i_item: i_item[1])]