Source code for pysisyphus.intcoords.Coords

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional, Protocol

from numpy.typing import NDArray

[docs] class CoordSys(Protocol):
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform_forces(self, cart_forces: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Transform Cartesian forces to this coordinate system.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform_hessian( self, cart_hessian: NDArray, int_gradient: Optional[NDArray] ) -> NDArray: """Transform Cartesian Hessian to this coordinate system.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform_int_step( self, step: NDArray, update_constraints: bool = False, pure: bool = False ) -> NDArray: """Transform step in this coordinate system to Cartesians.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def project_hessian(self, hessian: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Project Hessian in the current coordinate system.""" pass
@property @abstractmethod def coords(self) -> NDArray: """Getter for coordinates in this coordinate system.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def coords3d(self) -> NDArray: """Getter for 3d Cartesian coordinates.""" pass @coords3d.setter @abstractmethod def coords3d(self, coords3d: NDArray): """Setter for 3d Cartesian coordinates.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def typed_prims(self) -> List: """List of (primitive) internal coordinates. May be empty, e.g., when the coordinate system is Cartesian.""" pass