Source code for pysisyphus.intcoords.DLC

# [1]
#     The generation and use of delocalized internal coordinates in geometry
#     optimization.
#     Baker, 1996

import warnings

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.intcoords import RedundantCoords
from pysisyphus.linalg import gram_schmidt

[docs] class DLC(RedundantCoords): def __init__(self, *args, full_set=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.full_set = full_set self.set_active_set() @property def U(self): return self._U @U.setter def U(self, U): self._U = U @property def constraints(self): return self._constraints @constraints.setter def constraints(self, constraints): warnings.warn( "Currently, constraints are only applied when set via this setter, " "but they are not re-enforced after coordinate rebuilding!" ) self.U = self.U_unconstrained.copy() constraints = np.array(constraints) constraints.flags.writeable = False # Constraint columns should be same length as columns of U. assert constraints.shape[0] == self.U.shape[0] self._constraints = constraints U_constrained = self.get_constrained_U(self._constraints) # Constrained coordinates are now dropped self.U = U_constrained
[docs] def reset_constraints(self): self._constraints = tuple() self.U = self.U_unconstrained
@property def coords(self): return @property def B(self): """Wilson B-Matrix in the non-redundant subspace.""" return
[docs] def project_hessian(self, H): """As we already work in the non-redundant subspace we don't have to project/shift the hessian as we do it for simple redundant internal coordinates.""" return H
[docs] def transform_hessian(self, cart_hessian, int_gradient=None): """Transform Cartesian Hessian to DLC.""" # Transform the DLC gradient to primitive coordinates if int_gradient is not None: prim_gradient = (self.U * int_gradient).sum(axis=1) else: prim_gradient = None H = super().transform_hessian(cart_hessian, prim_gradient) return
[docs] def backtransform_hessian(self, *args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Check if we can just use the parents method.")
[docs] def transform_int_step(self, step, *args, **kwargs): """As the transformation is done in primitive internal coordinates we convert the DLC back to primitive coordinates.""" prim_step = (step * self.U).sum(axis=1) return super().transform_int_step(prim_step, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_active_set(self, B, inv_thresh=None): """See [5] between Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) for advice regarding the threshold.""" if self.weighted: weights = np.array( [prim.weight(self.atoms, self.coords3d) for prim in self.primitives] ) self.log( "Weighting B-matrix:\n" f"\tWeights: {np.array2string(weights, precision=4)}\n" f"\tmax(weights)={weights.max():.4f}, " f"min(weights)={weights.min():.4f}, ({len(weights)} primitives)" ) B = np.diag(weights).dot(B) G = eigvals, eigvectors = np.linalg.eigh(G) if inv_thresh is None: # The singular values of G=B B^T correspond to the square roots of the # eigenvalues of G. # # S = sqrt(w) # w = S**2 # # To stay consistent with the SVD, we derive the eigenvalue threshold from # the SVD threshold. inv_thresh = self.svd_inv_thresh**2 if self.full_set: use_inds = np.full_like(eigvals, False, dtype=bool) dof = 3 * len(self.atoms) - 6 use_inds[-dof:] = True else: use_inds = np.abs(eigvals) > inv_thresh use_eigvals = eigvals[use_inds] min_eigval = use_eigvals.min() self.log( f"Diagonalizing G yielded {use_inds.sum()} DLCs. Smallest eigenvalue " f"is {min_eigval:.4e}" ) return eigvectors[:, use_inds]
[docs] def set_active_set(self): self.U = self.get_active_set(self.B_prim) # Keep a copy of the original active set, in case self.U gets # modified by constraint application. self.U_unconstrained = self.U.copy() self.original_U_shape = self.U_unconstrained.shape self._constraints = tuple()
[docs] def project_primitive_on_active_set(self, prim_ind): prim_vec = np.zeros(self.U.shape[0]) prim_vec[prim_ind] = 1 c_proj = (np.einsum("i,ij->j", prim_vec, self.U) * self.U).sum(axis=1) c_proj /= np.linalg.norm(c_proj) return c_proj
[docs] def get_constrained_U(self, C, thresh=1e-7): # Constraints are organized in columns nconstraints = C.shape[1] U = self.U_unconstrained # See [1], p. 10 (200), right column). # Project constraint vectors into DLC active space C_proj = U.T @ C C_proj = np.einsum("kn,ik->in", C_proj, U, optimize="greedy") # Normalize projected constraint vectors C_proj = C_proj / np.linalg.norm(C_proj, axis=0)[None, :] # Create new array with projected constraint vectors in front V = np.concatenate((C_proj, U), axis=1) # Double transpose because at one point I seemed to think it # is a good idea for the Gram-Schmidt function to work on rows, # instead of columns. orthonormalized = gram_schmidt(V.T, thresh=thresh).T # orthonormalized = gram_schmidt(V.T).T # During Gram-Schmidt a number of columns of U should have # dropped out. They are replaced by the constraint_vecs, so # the total shape of U should not change. assert orthonormalized.shape[1] == self.original_U_shape[1] # Drop constraint vectors that are in front U_proj = orthonormalized[:, nconstraints:] return U_proj
[docs] def freeze_primitives(self, typed_prims): """Freeze primitive internal coordinates. Parameters ---------- typed_prims : iterable of typed primitives Iterable containing typed_primitives, starting with a PrimType and followed by atom indices. """ prim_indices = [self.get_index_of_typed_prim(tp) for tp in typed_prims] not_defined = [ tp for tp, prim_ind in zip(typed_prims, prim_indices) if prim_ind is None ] assert ( None not in prim_indices ), f"Some primitive internals are not defined ({not_defined})!" projected_primitives = np.array( [self.project_primitive_on_active_set(pi) for pi in prim_indices] ).T self.constraints = projected_primitives
[docs] class HDLC(DLC): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["hybrid"] = True super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)