import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.intcoords.Torsion import Torsion
class DummyTorsion(Torsion):
def __init__(self, indices, *args, fix_inner=True, **kwargs):
self.fix_inner = fix_inner
kwargs["calc_kwargs"] = ("fix_inner",)
super().__init__(indices, *args, **kwargs)
self.log("DummyTorsion is never checked for collinear atoms!")
def get_fourth_coords(coords3d, indices, r=1.889, theta=90):
M N <- add
\ /
u v
\ /
m, o, p, n = indices
_, O_, P_ = indices
# Center
P = coords3d[P_]
# Bond, pointing away from O to M
u = coords3d[O_] - P
# Direction of u along x axis (left/right)
sign = np.sign(u[0])
# Polar coordinates
x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)
# Translate from center with correct orientation
fourth_coords = P + (sign * x, sign * y, 0.0)
return fourth_coords
def get_coords3d_and_indices_ext(coords3d, indices):
fourth_coords = DummyTorsion.get_fourth_coords(coords3d, indices)
fourth_ind = len(coords3d)
coords3d_ext = np.zeros((len(coords3d) + 1, 3))
coords3d_ext[:fourth_ind] = coords3d
coords3d_ext[fourth_ind] = fourth_coords
indices_ext = indices + [fourth_ind]
return coords3d_ext, indices_ext
def _weight(*args, **kwargs):
return 1
def _calculate(coords3d, indices, gradient=False, fix_inner=False):
coords3d_ext, indices_ext = DummyTorsion.get_coords3d_and_indices_ext(
coords3d, indices
results = Torsion._calculate(coords3d_ext, indices_ext, gradient=gradient)
if gradient:
val, grad = results
# Remove entries that belong to the dummy atom.
grad = grad[:-3]
# Zero out contributions of the inner two atoms in the torsion.
# So basically only the atom at the first index moves.
# This usually degrades optimization convergence.
if fix_inner:
grad.reshape(-1, 3)[indices_ext[1:3]] = 0.0
return val, grad.flatten()
return results