Source code for pysisyphus.intcoords.Rotation

# [1]
#     Lee-Ping Wang, 2016

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.intcoords.Primitive import Primitive
from pysisyphus.linalg import eigvec_grad, rot_quaternion

[docs] def compare_to_geometric(c3d, ref_c3d, dR, dF, dqdx, dvdx, atol=1e-14): from geometric.rotate import get_R_der, get_F_der, get_q_der, get_expmap_der dR_ref = get_R_der(c3d, ref_c3d) np.testing.assert_allclose(dR, dR_ref) dF_ref = get_F_der(c3d, ref_c3d) np.testing.assert_allclose(dF.reshape(-1, 3, 4, 4), dF_ref) dq_ref = get_q_der(c3d, ref_c3d) np.testing.assert_allclose(dqdx.T.flatten(), dq_ref.flatten(), atol=atol) dvdx_ref = get_expmap_der(c3d, ref_c3d) np.testing.assert_allclose(dvdx.T.flatten(), dvdx_ref.flatten(), atol=atol)
[docs] class Rotation(Primitive): """See (II. Theory) in [1], Eq. (3) - (14)""" index = None def __init__(self, indices, *args, ref_coords3d, **kwargs): kwargs["cache"] = False kwargs["calc_kwargs"] = ("index", "ref_coords3d") super().__init__(indices, *args, **kwargs) self.ref_coords3d = ref_coords3d.reshape(-1, 3).copy() @staticmethod def _weight(atoms, coords3d, indices, f_damping): return 1 @staticmethod def _calculate(coords3d, indices, gradient=False, index=0, ref_coords3d=None): w, v_, c3d, ref_c3d = rot_quaternion(coords3d[indices], ref_coords3d[indices]) quat = v_[:, -1] # Eigenvector sign is ambigous. Force first item to be positive, # similar to geomeTRIC code. if quat[0] < 0.0: quat *= -1 # Eq. (8) in [1]. # v = 2 * q_i * (cos⁻¹(q_0) / sqrt(1 - q_0 ** 2) # # As q_0 approaches 1, the denominator becomes very small, and dividing # by this small number results in numerical instability. # # According to wolframalpha v(q_0) limit approaches 2 for q_0 = 1. # # input: limit of (2 * arccos(x) / sqrt(1-x**2)) # output: lim v(x) for x -> 1 becomes 2. q0 = quat[0] if abs(q0 - 1.0) <= 1e-8: prefac = 2 - 2 / 3 * (q0 - 1) dvdq0 = -2 / 3 else: arccos_q0 = np.arccos(q0) diff = 1 - q0 ** 2 prefac = 2 * arccos_q0 / np.sqrt(diff) dvdq0 = 2 * q0 * arccos_q0 / diff ** 1.5 - 2 / diff # Exponential map v = prefac * quat[1:] if gradient: # Gradient of correlation matrix y1, y2, y3 = ref_c3d.T dR = np.zeros((*c3d.shape, 3, 3)) dR[:, 0, 0, 0] = y1 dR[:, 0, 0, 1] = y2 dR[:, 0, 0, 2] = y3 # dR[:, 1, 1, 0] = y1 dR[:, 1, 1, 1] = y2 dR[:, 1, 1, 2] = y3 # dR[:, 2, 2, 0] = y1 dR[:, 2, 2, 1] = y2 dR[:, 2, 2, 2] = y3 dR11, dR12, dR13, dR21, dR22, dR23, dR31, dR32, dR33 = dR.reshape(-1, 9).T # Gradient of F matrix. Construct full matrix, as we have to do a dot # product later on. dF = np.zeros((ref_c3d.size, 4, 4)) dF[:, 0, 0] = dR11 + dR22 + dR33 dF[:, 0, 1] = dR23 - dR32 dF[:, 0, 2] = dR31 - dR13 dF[:, 0, 3] = dR12 - dR21 # dF[:, 1, 0] = dF[:, 0, 1] dF[:, 1, 1] = dR11 - dR22 - dR33 dF[:, 1, 2] = dR12 + dR21 dF[:, 1, 3] = dR13 + dR31 # dF[:, 2, 0] = dF[:, 0, 2] dF[:, 2, 1] = dF[:, 1, 2] dF[:, 2, 2] = -dR11 + dR22 - dR33 dF[:, 2, 3] = dR23 + dR32 # dF[:, 3, 0] = dF[:, 0, 3] dF[:, 3, 1] = dF[:, 1, 3] dF[:, 3, 2] = dF[:, 2, 3] dF[:, 3, 3] = -dR11 - dR22 + dR33 # Quaternion gradient dqdx = eigvec_grad(w, v_, ind=-1, mat_grad=dF) dvdq = np.zeros((3, 4)) dvdq[:, 0] = dvdq0 * quat[1:] dvdq[:, 1:] = np.diag((prefac, prefac, prefac)) # Gradient of exponential map from chain rule. # See bottom-left on 214108-3 in [1], after Eq. (11). dvdx = np.einsum("ji,ik->jk", dvdq, dqdx) # compare_to_geometric(c3d, ref_c3d, dR, dF, dqdx, dvdx) row = np.zeros_like(coords3d) if index is None: return v, dvdx.reshape(3, -1) row[indices] = dvdx[index].reshape(-1, 3) return v[index], row.flatten() return v[index] @staticmethod def _jacobian(coords3d, indices, index=0, ref_coords3d=None): """Not implemented!""" size = len(indices) * 3 return np.zeros(size * size)
[docs] class RotationA(Rotation): index = 0
[docs] class RotationB(Rotation): index = 1
[docs] class RotationC(Rotation): index = 2