import logging
import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import log
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_bond_sets
from pysisyphus.intcoords import RedundantCoords
from pysisyphus.intcoords.PrimTypes import PrimTypes
logger = logging.getLogger("internal_coords")
def augment_bonds(geom, root=0, proj=False):
assert geom.coord_type != "cart"
log(logger, "Trying to augment bonds.")
hessian = geom.cart_hessian
energy =
except AttributeError:
energy = None
func = find_missing_bonds_by_projection if proj else find_missing_strong_bonds
missing_bonds = func(geom, hessian, root=root)
if missing_bonds:
aux_bond_pt = PrimTypes.AUX_BOND
missing_aux_bonds = [(aux_bond_pt, *mbond) for mbond in missing_bonds]
print("\t@Missing bonds:", missing_bonds)
new_geom = Geometry(geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords,
coord_kwargs={"define_prims": missing_aux_bonds,},
new_geom.set_calculator(geom.calculator) = energy
new_geom.cart_hessian = hessian
return new_geom
return geom
def find_missing_strong_bonds(geom, hessian, bond_factor=1.7, thresh=0.3,
# Define only bonds
red = RedundantCoords(geom.atoms, geom.cart_coords,
bond_factor=bond_factor, bonds_only=True)
cur_bonds = set([frozenset(b) for b in geom.internal.bond_atom_indices])
# Transform cartesian hessian to bond hessian
bond_hess = red.transform_hessian(hessian)
# Determine transisiton vector
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(bond_hess)
# There are probably no bonds missing if there are no negative eigenvalues
if sum(eigvals < 0) == 0:
return list()
trans_vec = eigvecs[:, root]
# Find bonds that strongly contribute to the selected transition vector
strong = np.abs(trans_vec) > thresh
strong_bonds = np.array(red.bond_atom_indices)[strong]
strong_bonds = set([frozenset(b) for b in strong_bonds])
# Check which strong bonds are missing from the currently defiend bonds
missing_bonds = strong_bonds - cur_bonds
missing_bonds = [tuple(_) for _ in missing_bonds]
return missing_bonds
def find_missing_bonds_by_projection(geom, hessian, bond_factor=2.0, bond_thresh=0.35,
concerted_thresh=0.35, root=0):
def array2set(arr):
return set([tuple(_) for _ in arr])
bonds_present = array2set(geom.internal.bond_atom_indices)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(hessian)
# There are probably no bonds missing if there are no negative eigenvalues
if sum(eigvals < 0) == 0:
return list()
trans_vec = eigvecs[:, root]
c3d = geom.coords3d
bond_vec_empty = np.zeros_like(c3d)
unique_bonds = array2set(get_bond_sets(geom.atoms, c3d, bond_factor=bond_factor))
unique_bonds -= bonds_present
unique_bonds = np.array(list(unique_bonds))
bond_vecs = list()
concerted_vecs = list()
for m, k in unique_bonds:
displ = c3d[k] - c3d[m]
displ /= np.linalg.norm(displ)
# Bond
bond = bond_vec_empty.copy()
bond[k] = displ
bond[m] = -displ
# Concerted movement
conc = bond_vec_empty.copy()
conc[k] = displ
conc[m] = displ
def reshape(arr):
return np.array(arr).reshape(-1, trans_vec.size)
bond_vecs = reshape(bond_vecs)
concerted_vecs = reshape(concerted_vecs)
def overlaps(arr):
return np.abs(
bond_ovlps = overlaps(bond_vecs)
concerted_ovlps = overlaps(concerted_vecs)
unique_bonds = np.array(unique_bonds)
missing_bonds = unique_bonds[bond_ovlps > bond_thresh]
missing_concerted = unique_bonds[concerted_ovlps > concerted_thresh]
missing_inds = array2set(missing_bonds) | array2set(missing_concerted)
return missing_inds