from typing import List
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pysisyphus.elem_data import COVALENT_RADII as CR
from pysisyphus.intcoords.exceptions import DifferentPrimitivesException
from pysisyphus.intcoords.RedundantCoords import RedundantCoords
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_bond_sets, BOND_FACTOR
from pysisyphus.intcoords.Stretch import Stretch
def get_tangent(prims1, prims2, dihedral_inds, normalize=False):
"""Normalized tangent between primitive internal coordinates.
Tangent pointing from prims1 to prims2 in primitive
internal coordinates, taking into account the periodicity of
dihedral angles.
prims1 : np.array
1d-array of primitive internal coordinates in the order
(stretches, bends, dihedrals).
prims2 : np.array
See prims1.
dihedral_inds : list of int
Dihedral indices in prims1 and prims2.
tangent : np.array
1d array containing the normalized tangent pointing from prims1 to prims2.
tangent = prims2 - prims1
except ValueError:
raise DifferentPrimitivesException
diheds = tangent[dihedral_inds].copy()
diheds_plus = diheds.copy() + 2 * np.pi
diheds_minus = diheds.copy() - 2 * np.pi
bigger = np.abs(diheds) > np.abs(diheds_plus)
diheds[bigger] = diheds_plus[bigger]
bigger = np.abs(diheds) > np.abs(diheds_minus)
diheds[bigger] = diheds_minus[bigger]
tangent[dihedral_inds] = diheds
if normalize:
tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent)
return tangent
def get_step(geom, coords):
assert len(geom.coords) == len(coords)
if geom.coord_type == "cart":
diff = geom.coords - coords
elif geom.coord_type in ("redund", "dlc"):
diff = -get_tangent(
geom.internal.prim_coords, coords, geom.internal.dihedral_inds
raise Exception("Invalid coord_type!")
# Convert to DLC
if geom.coord_type == "dlc":
diff =
return diff
def merge_coordinate_definitions(geom1, geom2):
typed_prims1 = geom1.internal.typed_prims
typed_prims2 = geom2.internal.typed_prims
union = list(set(typed_prims1) | set(typed_prims2))
# Check if internal coordinates that are only present in one of the two
# geometries are valid in the other. If not, we omit these primitives.
redundant = RedundantCoords(geom1.atoms, geom1.cart_coords, typed_prims=union)
valid_typed_prims = redundant.typed_prims
return valid_typed_prims
def get_weighted_bond_mode(weighted_bonds, coords3d, remove_translation=True):
bond_mode = np.zeros_like(coords3d.flatten())
for *indices, weight in weighted_bonds:
_, grad = Stretch._calculate(coords3d, indices, gradient=True)
The gradient gives us the direction into which the bond increases, but
we want that positive weights correspond to bond formation (distance
decrease) and negative weights to bond breaking (distance increase),
so we reverse the sign of the weight.
bond_mode += -weight * grad
if remove_translation:
bm3d = bond_mode.reshape(-1, 3)
bond_mode = (bm3d - bm3d.mean(axis=0)[None, :]).flatten()
bond_mode /= np.linalg.norm(bond_mode)
return bond_mode
def get_weighted_bond_mode_getter(
target_weighted_bonds, bond_factor=1.2, fractional=False
"""Create input for intcoords.helpers.get_weighted_bond_mode.
Compared to the rest of pysisyphus this method uses a slightly lowered
bond factor, so it is more strict regarding what is considered a bond
and what not."""
def func(atoms, coords3d):
bond_sets = [
for bond in get_bond_sets(atoms, coords3d, bond_factor=bond_factor).tolist()
bonds = list()
frac_weights = list()
for tbond in target_weighted_bonds:
*inds, weight = tbond
assert weight != 0.0
tset = set(inds)
Skip target bond if weight is positive (bond is to be formed) and
bond is already present. Similarly, skip when the bond is to be broken
and it is not present.
if (weight > 0 and tset in bond_sets) or (
weight < 0 and tset not in bond_sets
if fractional:
from_, to_ = inds
ref_len = CR[atoms[from_].lower()] + CR[atoms[to_].lower()]
act_len = np.linalg.norm(coords3d[from_] - coords3d[to_])
fw = (act_len / ref_len) ** weight
if fractional:
frac_weights = np.array(frac_weights)
frac_weights /= frac_weights.sum()
frac_weights = frac_weights ** 2
frac_weights /= frac_weights.max()
bonds = [(*inds, fw) for ((*inds, _), fw) in zip(bonds, frac_weights)]
return bonds
return func
def get_bond_difference(geom1, geom2, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR):
"""Return formed and broken bonds when going from geom1 to geom2."""
assert geom1.atoms == geom2.atoms
def as_sets(geom):
bonds = get_bond_sets(geom.atoms, geom.coords3d, bond_factor=bond_factor)
return set([frozenset(b) for b in bonds.tolist()])
def as_lists(bonds):
return [list(b) for b in bonds]
bonds1 = as_sets(geom1)
bonds2 = as_sets(geom2)
formed = as_lists(bonds2 - bonds1)
broken = as_lists(bonds1 - bonds2)
return formed, broken
def verbose_bond_difference(formed, broken, key1, key2, atoms=None):
def atom_bonds(bonds):
if len(bonds) == 0:
ab = ""
elif atoms is not None:
ab = [f"{atoms[from_]}{from_}-{atoms[to_]}{to_}" for from_, to_ in bonds]
ab = bonds
return ab
def pos(bonds):
"""Plural or singular?"""
return ("", "is") if (len(bonds) == 1) else ("s", "are")
sf, verbf = pos(formed)
sb, verbb = pos(broken)
# return (
# f"{key1}->{key2}: "
# f"{len(formed)} bond{sf} formed {atom_bonds(formed)}, "
# f"{len(broken)} bond{sb} broken {atom_bonds(broken)}."
# )
return (
f"{len(formed)} bond{sf} formed {atom_bonds(formed)}",
f"{len(broken)} bond{sb} broken {atom_bonds(broken)}",
def get_bond_differences_verbose(
geom1, geom2, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR, key1="geom1", key2="geom2"
formed, broken = get_bond_difference(geom1, geom2, BOND_FACTOR)
fverb, bverb = verbose_bond_difference(
formed, broken, key1, key2, atoms=geom1.atoms
return formed, broken, fverb, bverb
def interfragment_distance(
frag1: List[int], frag2: List[int], coords3d: NDArray
) -> float:
def mean_coords(frag):
frag_coords = coords3d[frag]
mean = frag_coords.mean(axis=0)
return mean
frag1_mean = mean_coords(frag1)
frag2_mean = mean_coords(frag2)
interfrag_dist = float(np.linalg.norm(frag1_mean - frag2_mean))
return interfrag_dist