import itertools as it
import logging
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from pysisyphus.elem_data import COVALENT_RADII as CR
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import log, timed
from pysisyphus.intcoords.valid import bend_valid, dihedral_valid
logger = logging.getLogger("internal_coords")
def get_max_bond_dists(atoms, bond_factor, covalent_radii=None):
if covalent_radii is None:
cr = CR
cr = {atom: covrad for atom, covrad in zip(atoms, covalent_radii)}
unique_atoms = set(atoms)
atom_pairs = it.combinations_with_replacement(unique_atoms, 2)
max_bond_dists = {
frozenset((from_, to_)): bond_factor * (cr[from_] + cr[to_])
for from_, to_ in atom_pairs
return max_bond_dists
def find_bonds(
atoms, coords3d, covalent_radii=None, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR, min_dist=0.1
atoms = [atom.lower() for atom in atoms]
c3d = coords3d.reshape(-1, 3)
if covalent_radii is None:
covalent_radii = [CR[atom] for atom in atoms]
cr = np.array(covalent_radii)
max_bond_dists = get_max_bond_dists(atoms, bond_factor, covalent_radii=cr)
radii = bond_factor * (cr.copy() + max(cr))
kdt = KDTree(c3d)
res, dists = kdt.query_radius(c3d, radii, return_distance=True)
bonds_ = list()
for i, (atom, bonds, dists_) in enumerate(zip(atoms, res, dists)):
fsets = [frozenset((atom, atoms[a])) for a in bonds]
ref_dists = np.array([max_bond_dists[fset] for fset in fsets])
keep = np.logical_and(dists_ <= ref_dists, min_dist <= dists_)
for to_ in bonds[keep]:
bonds_.append(frozenset((i, to_)))
bonds = np.array([tuple((from_, to_)) for from_, to_ in set(bonds_)])
return bonds
def find_bonds_for_geom(geom, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR):
return find_bonds(geom.atoms, geom.coords3d, geom.covalent_radii)
def get_bond_vec_getter(
atoms, covalent_radii, bonds_for_inds, no_bonds_with=None, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR
max_bond_dists = get_max_bond_dists(
atoms, bond_factor, covalent_radii=covalent_radii
max_bond_dists_for_inds = [
np.array([max_bond_dists[frozenset((atoms[ind], atom_))] for atom_ in atoms])
for ind in bonds_for_inds
if no_bonds_with is None:
# List of empty lists
no_bonds_with = [[] * len(bonds_for_inds)]
# Set it to a negative value, so the calculated distance, which is always positive
# can't be smaller than this value.
for mbd, nbw in zip(max_bond_dists_for_inds, no_bonds_with):
mbd[nbw] = -1
all_inds = np.arange(len(atoms))
def get_bond_vecs(coords, return_bonded_inds=False):
coords3d = coords.reshape(-1, 3)
all_bond_vecs = list()
all_bonded_inds = list()
for ind, max_dists in zip(bonds_for_inds, max_bond_dists_for_inds):
distance_vecs = coords3d - coords3d[ind]
distances = np.linalg.norm(distance_vecs, axis=1)
# Set 0.0 distance of atom with itself to a high value to not form
# and ind-ind bond.
distances[ind] = 10_000
bond_mask = distances <= max_dists
if return_bonded_inds:
return all_bond_vecs, all_bonded_inds
return all_bond_vecs
return get_bond_vecs
def get_bend_candidates(bonds):
"""Also yields duplicates [a, b, c] and [c, b, a]."""
bond_dict = {}
bonds = [tuple(bond) for bond in bonds]
# Construct a dictionary holding neighbours for a given atom.
for from_, to_ in bonds:
bond_dict.setdefault(from_, list()).append(to_)
bond_dict.setdefault(to_, list()).append(from_)
for bond in bonds:
from_, to_ = bond
# Look up neighbours of from_ and to_ in the dictionary
from_neighs = set(bond_dict[from_]) - set((to_,))
to_neighs = set(bond_dict[to_]) - set((from_,))
bend_candidates = [(neigh,) + bond for neigh in from_neighs] + [
bond + (neigh,) for neigh in to_neighs
yield from bend_candidates
def find_bends(coords3d, bonds, min_deg, max_deg, logger=None):
bend_set = set()
for indices in get_bend_candidates(bonds):
if (
(not bend_valid(coords3d, indices, min_deg, max_deg))
or (indices in bend_set)
or (indices[::-1] in bend_set)
return [list(bend) for bend in bend_set]
def find_dihedrals(coords3d, bonds, bends, max_deg, logger=None):
bond_dict = {}
bonds = [tuple(bond) for bond in bonds]
for from_, to_ in bonds:
bond_dict.setdefault(from_, list()).append(to_)
bond_dict.setdefault(to_, list()).append(from_)
dihedral_set = set()
for bend in bends:
bend = tuple(bend)
from_, central, to_ = bend
from_neighs = set(bond_dict[from_]) - set((to_, central))
to_neighs = set(bond_dict[to_]) - set((from_, central))
dihedral_candidates = [(neigh,) + bend for neigh in from_neighs] + [
bend + (neigh,) for neigh in to_neighs
for indices in dihedral_candidates:
if not dihedral_valid(coords3d, indices, deg_thresh=max_deg):
return [list(dihedral) for dihedral in dihedral_set]
def find_bonds_bends(geom, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR, min_deg=15, max_deg=175):
log(logger, "Starting detection of bonds and bends.")
bonds = find_bonds_for_geom(geom, bond_factor=bond_factor)
log(logger, f"Found {len(bonds)} bonds.")
bends = find_bends(geom.coords3d, bonds, min_deg=min_deg, max_deg=max_deg)
log(logger, f"Found {len(bends)} bends.")
return bonds, bends
def find_bonds_bends_dihedrals(geom, bond_factor=BOND_FACTOR, min_deg=15, max_deg=175):
log(logger, f"Detecting bonds, bends and dihedrals for {len(geom.atoms)} atoms.")
bonds, bends = find_bonds_bends(
geom, bond_factor=bond_factor, min_deg=min_deg, max_deg=max_deg
proper_dihedrals = find_dihedrals(geom.coords3d, bonds, bends, max_deg)
log(logger, f"Found {len(proper_dihedrals)} proper dihedrals.")
return bonds, bends, proper_dihedrals