import abc
from collections import namedtuple
import functools
import logging
from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional
import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import log as hp_log
class LineSearchConverged(Exception):
def __init__(self, alpha):
self.alpha = alpha
class LineSearchNotConverged(Exception):
LineSearchResult = namedtuple(
"converged alpha f_new g_new f_evals df_evals dphi0",
# defaults=( None, None, None, None, None, None),
LSCondition = Literal["armijo", "wolfe", "strong_wolfe"]
class LineSearch(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(
p: np.ndarray,
x0: np.ndarray,
f: Callable,
df: Callable,
alpha_init: Optional[float] = None,
f0: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
g0: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
cond: LSCondition = "armijo",
c1: float = 0.1,
c2: float = 0.9,
max_cycles: int = 10,
alpha_min: float = 1e-6,
logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None,
"""Abstract line search base class.
Derived line search classes can either be instantiated from a
search direction p and the other required arrays and callables,
OR from a geometry object, a search direction p and other kwargs.
In the latter case the appropriate arguments are derived automatically
from the geometry object. Please see the from_geom() method definition.
This is realized via functools.singledispatchmethod.
HagerZhang(p, x0, f, ...) or HagerZhang(geometry, p, ...)
Choice of variable names (p, c1, c2, ...) is adapted from
"Nocedal & Wright - Numerical Optimization".
1d numpy array containing the step direction, along which the
line search is carried out.
1d array of initial coordinates, from where the line search is started.
Callable taking a 1d coordinate array as argument, returning
the corresponding energy.
Callable taking a 1d coordinate array as argument, returning
the corresponding 1d gradient array.
Optional, positive float. Initial step scaling value alpha.
Optional, scalar energy value at x0.
Optional, 1d gradient array at x0.
Condition to be fulfilled by the line search. Must be one of
'armijo', 'wolfe', 'strong_wolfe'.
Optional, positive float controlling the strictness of the selected
condition. Must fullfil 0.0 < c1 < c2 < 1.0
Optional, positive float controlling the strictness of the selected
condition. Must fullfil 0.0 < c1 < c2 < 1.0. Depending on the condition
c2 may be unused.
Optional, positive integer controlling the maximum number of
cycles in one line search.
Optional, positive float value giving the smallest allowed alpha
value, before the line search is aborted.
# Mandatory arguments
self.p = p
self.x0 = x0
self.f = f
self.df = df
# Optional arguments
self.alpha_init = alpha_init
self.f0 = f0
self.g0 = g0
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.max_cycles = max_cycles
self.alpha_min = alpha_min
self.logger = logger
# Store calculated energies & gradients
self.alpha_fs = {}
self.alpha_dfs = {}
self.f_evals = 0
self.df_evals = 0
self.dphis = {}
self.cond_funcs = {
"armijo": self.sufficiently_decreased,
"wolfe": self.wolfe_condition,
"strong_wolfe": self.strong_wolfe_condition,
self.can_eval_cond_funcs = {
"armijo": lambda alpha: alpha in self.alpha_fs,
"wolfe": self.got_alpha_phi_dphi,
"strong_wolfe": self.got_alpha_phi_dphi,
self.cond_func = self.cond_funcs[cond]
self.can_eval_cond_func = self.can_eval_cond_funcs[cond]
def from_geom(self, geom: Geometry, p: np.ndarray, **kwargs: dict):
"""Construct LineSearch from geometry object and search direction."""
assert geom.calculator is not None, "Geometry must have a calculator!"
"x0": geom.coords.copy(),
"f": lambda coords: geom.get_energy_at(coords),
"df": lambda coords: -geom.get_energy_and_forces_at(coords)["forces"],
# Set initial energy and gradient if not already given and present at the geometry
if "f0" not in kwargs and geom.has_energy:
kwargs["f0"] =
if "g0" not in kwargs and geom.has_forces:
kwargs["g0"] = geom.gradient
return self.__init__(p, **kwargs)
def log(self, message, level=logging.DEBUG):
hp_log(self.logger, message, level)
def prepare_line_search(self):
if self.f0 is None:
self.phi0 = self.get_phi_dphi("f", 0)
self.phi0 = self.f0
self.alpha_fs[0.0] = self.f0
if self.g0 is None:
self.dphi0 = self.get_phi_dphi("g", 0)
self.dphi0 =
self.alpha_dfs[0.0] = self.g0
def check_alpha(self, alpha):
if (alpha != 0.0) and (np.isnan(alpha) or (alpha < self.alpha_min)):
raise LineSearchNotConverged()
def _phi(self, alpha):
alpha = float(alpha)
f_alpha = self.alpha_fs[alpha]
except KeyError:
self.log(f"\tEvaluating energy for alpha={alpha:.6f}")
f_alpha = self.f(self.x0 + alpha * self.p)
self.f_evals += 1
self.alpha_fs[alpha] = f_alpha
return f_alpha
def _dphi(self, alpha):
alpha = float(alpha)
df_alpha = self.alpha_dfs[alpha]
dphi_ =
except KeyError:
self.log(f"\tEvaluating gradient for alpha={alpha:.6f}")
df_alpha = self.df(self.x0 + alpha * self.p)
self.df_evals += 1
self.alpha_dfs[alpha] = df_alpha
dphi_ =
self.dphis[alpha] = dphi_
return dphi_
def got_alpha_phi_dphi(self, alpha):
return (alpha in self.alpha_fs) and (alpha in self.alpha_dfs)
def get_phi_dphi(self, what, alpha, check=True):
"""Wrapper that handles function/gradient evaluations."""
alpha = float(alpha)
whats = "f g fg".split()
assert what in whats
calc_funcs = {
"f": self._phi,
"g": self._dphi,
result = [calc_funcs[w](alpha) for w in what]
# Check if we got both phi and dphi for alpha now. If so we
# can check if the chosen condition (Wolfe/approx. Wolfe) is
# satisfied.
if (
and (alpha > 0.0)
and self.can_eval_cond_func(alpha)
and self.cond_func(alpha)
self.log(f"Line search condition is satisfied for α={alpha:.6f}.")
raise LineSearchConverged(alpha)
# Dont return a list if only f or g was requested.
if len(what) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result
def get_fg(self, what, alpha):
"""Lookup raw function/gradient values for a given alpha."""
whats = "f g fg".split()
assert what in whats
lookups = {
"f": self.alpha_fs,
"g": self.alpha_dfs,
result = [lookups[w][alpha] for w in what]
if len(what) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result
def sufficiently_decreased(self, alpha):
"""Sufficient decrease/Armijo condition."""
return self._phi(alpha) <= (self.phi0 + self.c1 * alpha * self.dphi0)
def curvature_condition(self, alpha):
return self._dphi(alpha) >= self.c2 * self.dphi0
def strong_curvature_condition(self, alpha):
return abs(self._dphi(alpha)) <= -self.c2 * self.dphi0
def wolfe_condition(self, alpha):
"""Normal, not strong, Wolfe condition."""
return self.sufficiently_decreased(alpha) and self.curvature_condition(alpha)
def strong_wolfe_condition(self, alpha):
"""Strong wolfe condition."""
return self.sufficiently_decreased(alpha) and self.strong_curvature_condition(
def run_line_search(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self):
# Normal termination
self.log(f"Starting {self.__class__.__name__} line search.")
alpha = self.run_line_search()
# Termination in get_phi_dphi
except LineSearchConverged as lsc:
alpha = lsc.alpha
# Failed LineSearch
except LineSearchNotConverged:
alpha = None
result = LineSearchResult(
# The gradient at the endpoint of the line search may not
# have been evaluted, but the function value was always
# evaluated, except when the line search did not converge.
f_new=self.alpha_fs.get(alpha, None),
g_new=self.alpha_dfs.get(alpha, None),
return result