Source code for pysisyphus.modefollow.lanczos

# [1]
#     Comparison of methods for finding saddle points without
#     knowledge of the final states
#     Olsen, Kroes, Henkelman, Arnaldsson, Jonsson, 2004

from import Callable
import logging
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

[docs] def lanczos( ncoords: int, grad_getter: Callable, dx: float = 5e-3, dl: float = 1e-2, guess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, max_cycles: int = 25, reortho: bool = True, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, fix_sign: bool = True, ) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray, bool]: """Lanczos method to determine smallest eigenvalue & -vector. See [1] for description of algorithm. Parameters ---------- ncoords Dimensionality of the problem, e.g., number of rows/columns of the Hessian. grad_getter Function that calculates the gradient for a given displacement. It is NOT called with full coordinates, BUT with a displacement. Calculation of the full coordinates must be handled inside the function. See 'grad_getter()' in 'geom_lanczos()' below. dx Step size for finite differences calculation. dl Eigenvalue convergence threshold. See eq. (8) in [1]. When abs((w_min - w_min_prev) / w_min_prev) < dl, convergence is signalled. guess Initial guess vector for the lowest eigenvector. max_cycles Maximum number of Lanczos cycles. Every cycle requires one gradient calculation. reortho Whether reorthogonalization is carried out. logger Logger object. fix_sign If true the first item of every eigenvector will be >= 0.0, e.g. Returns ------- w_min Smallest eigenvector. eigenvector Normalized eigenvector belonging to the smallest eigenvalue. converged Whether the Lanczos iterations converged. """ assert max_cycles > 0 assert ncoords > 0 assert dx > 0.0 assert dl > 0.0 def log(msg): if logger is not None: logger.debug(msg) log(f"Lanczos Algorithm, convergence when abs(w_quot) <= {dl: 8.4e}") if guess is None: guess = np.random.rand(ncoords) else: guess = np.array(guess) assert guess.size == ncoords guess = guess / np.linalg.norm(guess) r_prev = guess beta_prev = np.linalg.norm(r_prev) q_prev = np.zeros_like(r_prev) alphas = np.empty(max_cycles) betas = np.empty(max_cycles) Q = np.zeros((ncoords, max_cycles)) # Gradient at current coordinates; does not change throughout the iterations. grad_l = grad_getter(np.zeros(ncoords)) w_min_prev = float("nan") for i in range(max_cycles): # Normalize q q = r_prev / beta_prev Q[:, i] = q # Approximate action of Hessian on q (u = Hq) by finite differences. # Eq. (9) and (10) in [1] # Gradient at perturbed coordinates grad_k = grad_getter(dx * q) u = (grad_k - grad_l) / dx # Residue r = u - beta_prev * q_prev alpha = alphas[i] = alpha r -= alpha * q # Reorthogonalization of r against the present Lanczos vectors in Q if reortho: r -= beta = np.linalg.norm(r) betas[i] = beta """ # Construct tri-diagonal matrix T size = i + 1 T = np.zeros((size, size)) diag_inds = np.diag_indices(size) T[diag_inds] = alphas[:size] if size > 1: for j, b in enumerate(betas[:i], 1): k = j - 1 T[j, k] = b T[k, j] = b # Diagonalize T w, v = np.linalg.eigh(T) """ # Earlier versions (up to 63ecd5d810a0f27563ce51a700625bc751220b5c) used # np.linalg.eigh and the "full" T-matrix. But as T is tridiagonal we can # use a specialized function for diagonalization. w, v = sp.linalg.eigh_tridiagonal(d=alphas[: i + 1], e=betas[:i]) w_min = w[0] v_min = v[:, 0] # Form eigenvector belonging to the lowest eigenvalue from linear # combination of Lanczos vectors. eigenvector = (v_min[:, None] * Q.T[: i + 1]).sum(axis=0) eigenvector /= np.linalg.norm(eigenvector) dot = # Check eigenvalue convergence. Eq. (8) in [1] w_diff = w_min - w_min_prev w_quot = w_diff / w_min_prev converged = (i > 0) and abs(w_quot) <= dl # Report current minimum eigenvalue, the quotient and the overlap between # current eigenvector and original guess vector. log( f"Cycle {i: >3d}: w_min={w_min: .6f}, {w_quot=: 12.4e}, v_min·guess={dot: >10.6f}" ) if converged: log("Converged") break # Values for next cycle beta_prev = beta q_prev = q r_prev = r w_min_prev = w_min # Adapt sign, so the first element is >= 0 (positive). if fix_sign: negative = eigenvector[0] <= 0.0 if negative: eigenvector = -eigenvector return w_min, eigenvector, converged
[docs] def geom_lanczos(geom, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps Lanczos algorithm for use with Geometry objects.""" coords = geom.coords.copy() def grad_getter(displacement): results = geom.get_energy_and_forces_at(coords + displacement) return -results["forces"] ncoords = geom.coords.size return lanczos(ncoords, grad_getter, *args, **kwargs)