Source code for pysisyphus.optimizers.guess_hessians

# [1]
#     Lindh, 1995
# [2]
#     Fischer, Almlöf, 1992
# [3]
#     Swart, Bickelhaupt, 2006
# [4]
#     Lee-Ping Wang 2016
# [5]
#      Reliable Transition State Searches Integrated with the Growing String Method
#      Zimmerman, 2013

from math import exp
import itertools as it
from typing import Literal, Optional
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from pysisyphus.calculators.XTB import XTB
from pysisyphus.cos.ChainOfStates import ChainOfStates
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.intcoords.PrimTypes import PrimTypes as PT, Bonds, Bends, Dihedrals
from pysisyphus.intcoords.setup import get_pair_covalent_radii
from import save_hessian
from pysisyphus.optimizers.hessian_updates import (

HessInit = Literal[
    "calc", "unit", "fischer", "lindh", "simple", "swart", "xtb", "xtb1", "xtbff"

# See [4], last sentences of III.
CART_F = 0.05
# Default force constants
    PT.BOND: 0.5,
    PT.AUX_BOND: 0.1,
    PT.BEND: 0.2,
    PT.LINEAR_BEND: 0.1,
    PT.OUT_OF_PLANE: 0.1,

[docs] def simple_guess(geom): """Default force constants.""" h_diag = [DEFAULT_F[type_] for type_, *_ in geom.internal.typed_prims] return np.diag(h_diag)
[docs] def improved_guess(geom, bond_func, bend_func, dihedral_func): H_guess = simple_guess(geom) for i, (pt, *indices) in enumerate(geom.internal.typed_prims): if pt in Bonds: f_func = bond_func elif pt in Bends: f_func = bend_func elif pt in Dihedrals: f_func = dihedral_func else: continue try: new_f = f_func(indices) except ValueError: new_f = DEFAULT_F[pt] H_guess[i, i] = new_f return H_guess
[docs] def fischer_guess(geom): cdm = pdist(geom.coords3d) pair_cov_radii = get_pair_covalent_radii(geom.atoms) # For the dihedral force constants we also have to count the number # of bonds formed with the centrals atoms of the dihedral. central_atoms = [inds[1:3] for inds in geom.internal.dihedral_atom_indices] bond_factor = geom.internal.bond_factor bond_mat = squareform(cdm <= (pair_cov_radii * bond_factor)) tors_atom_bonds = dict() for a, b in central_atoms: # Substract 2, as we don't want the bond between a and b, # but this bond will be in both rows of the bond_mat. bond_sum = bond_mat[a].sum() + bond_mat[b].sum() - 2 tors_atom_bonds[(a, b)] = bond_sum dist_mat = squareform(cdm) pair_cov_radii_mat = squareform(pair_cov_radii) def h_bond(indices): a, b = indices[:2] r_ab = dist_mat[a, b] r_ab_cov = pair_cov_radii_mat[a, b] return 0.3601 * exp(-1.944 * (r_ab - r_ab_cov)) def h_bend(indices): b, a, c = indices r_ab = dist_mat[a, b] r_ac = dist_mat[a, c] r_ab_cov = pair_cov_radii_mat[a, b] r_ac_cov = pair_cov_radii_mat[a, c] return 0.089 + 0.11 / (r_ab_cov * r_ac_cov) ** (-0.42) * exp( -0.44 * (r_ab + r_ac - r_ab_cov - r_ac_cov) ) def h_dihedral(indices): c, a, b, d = indices r_ab = dist_mat[a, b] r_ab_cov = pair_cov_radii_mat[a, b] bond_sum = max(tors_atom_bonds[(a, b)], 0) return 0.0015 + 14.0 * bond_sum**0.57 / (r_ab * r_ab_cov) ** 4.0 * exp( -2.85 * (r_ab - r_ab_cov) ) H = improved_guess( geom, bond_func=h_bond, bend_func=h_bend, dihedral_func=h_dihedral ) return H
[docs] def lindh_style_guess(geom, ks, rhos): """Approximate force constants according to Lindh.[1] Bonds: k_ij = k_r * rho_ij Bends: k_ijk = k_b * rho_ij * rho_jk Dihedrals: k_ijkl = k_d * rho_ij * rho_jk * rho_kl """ def k_func(indices): rho_product = 1 inds_len = len(indices) for i, ind in enumerate(indices[:-1], 1): i1, i2 = ind, indices[i] rho_product *= rhos[i1, i2] k = ks[inds_len] * rho_product return k H = improved_guess(geom, bond_func=k_func, bend_func=k_func, dihedral_func=k_func) return H
[docs] def get_lindh_alpha(atom1, atom2): first_period = "h", "he" if (atom1 in first_period) and (atom2 in first_period): return 1.0 elif (atom1 in first_period) or (atom2 in first_period): return 0.3949 else: return 0.28
[docs] def lindh_guess(geom): """Slightly modified Lindh model hessian as described in [1]. Instead of using the tabulated r_ref,ij values from [1] we will use the 'true' covalent radii as pyberny. The tabulated r_ref,ij value for two carbons (2nd period) is 2.87 Bohr. Carbons covalent radius is ~ 1.44 Bohr, so 2*1.44 Bohr = 2.88 Bohr which fits nicely with the tabulate value. If values for elements > 3rd are requested the alpha values for the 3rd period will be (re)used. """ atoms = [a.lower() for a in geom.atoms] alphas = [get_lindh_alpha(a1, a2) for a1, a2 in it.combinations(atoms, 2)] pair_cov_radii = get_pair_covalent_radii(geom.atoms) cdm = pdist(geom.coords3d) rhos = squareform(np.exp(alphas * (pair_cov_radii**2 - cdm**2))) ks = { 2: 0.45, # Stretches/bonds 3: 0.15, # Bends/angles 4: 0.005, # Torsions/dihedrals } return lindh_style_guess(geom, ks, rhos)
[docs] def swart_guess(geom): pair_cov_radii = get_pair_covalent_radii(geom.atoms) cdm = pdist(geom.coords3d) rhos = squareform(np.exp(-cdm / pair_cov_radii + 1)) ks = { 2: 0.35, 3: 0.15, 4: 0.005, } return lindh_style_guess(geom, ks, rhos)
[docs] def xtb_hessian(geom, gfn=None): calc = geom.calculator xtb_kwargs = {"charge": calc.charge, "mult": calc.mult, "pal": calc.pal} if gfn is not None: xtb_kwargs["gfn"] = gfn xtb_calc = XTB(**xtb_kwargs) geom_ = geom.copy() geom_.set_calculator(xtb_calc) return geom_.hessian
[docs] def get_guess_hessian( geometry: Geometry, hessian_init: HessInit, int_gradient: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, cart_gradient: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, h5_fn: Optional[str] = None, ): """Obtain/calculate (model) Hessian. For hessian_init="calc" the Hessian will be in the coord_type of the geometry, otherwise a Hessian in primitive internals will be returned. """ model_hessian = hessian_init in ("fischer", "lindh", "simple", "swart") target_coord_type = geometry.coord_type # Recreate geometry with internal coordinates if needed if model_hessian and (geometry.coord_type == "cart"): geometry = geometry.copy(coord_type="redund") hess_funcs = { # Calculate true hessian "calc": lambda: (geometry.hessian, "calculated exact"), # Unit hessian "unit": lambda: (np.eye(geometry.coords.size), "unit"), # Fischer model hessian "fischer": lambda: (fischer_guess(geometry), "Fischer"), # Lindh model hessian "lindh": lambda: (lindh_guess(geometry), "Lindh"), # Simple (0.5, 0.2, 0.1) model hessian "simple": lambda: (simple_guess(geometry), "simple"), # Swart model hessian "swart": lambda: (swart_guess(geometry), "Swart"), # XTB hessian using GFN-2 "xtb": lambda: (xtb_hessian(geometry, gfn=2), "GFN2-XTB"), # XTB hessian using GFN-1 "xtb1": lambda: (xtb_hessian(geometry, gfn=1), "GFN1-XTB"), # XTB hessian using GFN-FF "xtbff": lambda: (xtb_hessian(geometry, gfn="ff"), "GFN-FF"), } try: H, hess_str = hess_funcs[hessian_init]() except KeyError: # Only cartesian hessians can be loaded if str(hessian_init).endswith(".h5"): with h5py.File(hessian_init, "r") as handle: cart_hessian = handle["hessian"][:] else: cart_hessian = np.loadtxt(hessian_init) geometry.cart_hessian = cart_hessian # Use the previously set hessian in whatever coordinate system we # actually employ. H = geometry.hessian hess_str = "saved" if (h5_fn is not None) and (hessian_init == "calc"): save_hessian(h5_fn, geometry) if model_hessian and target_coord_type == "cart": if cart_gradient is not None: int_gradient = geometry.internal.transform_forces(cart_gradient) H = geometry.internal.backtransform_hessian(H, int_gradient=int_gradient) return H, hess_str
[docs] def ts_hessian(hessian, coord_inds, damp=0.25): """According to [3]""" inds = list(coord_inds) # Use a copy as diag returns only a read-only view diag = np.diag(hessian).copy() # Reverse sign of reaction coordinates and damp them diag[inds] = -1 * damp * diag[inds] ts_hess = np.diag(diag) # Set off-diagonal elements for i, j in it.combinations(inds, 2): # fi = force_constants[i] # fj = force_constants[j] fi = diag[i] fj = diag[j] f = -((2 * fi * fj) ** 0.5) ts_hess[i, j] = f ts_hess[j, i] = f return ts_hess
[docs] def damped_bfgs_hessian(all_coords, all_forces, min_diff=1e-6): """Cartesian Hessian via BFGS update. Parameters ---------- coords 2d array of Cartesian coordinates with shape (ncycles, ncoords). all_forces 2d array of Cartesian forces with shape(ncycles, ncoords). diff Positive float. Neglect coordinate/gradient pairs when the norm of the coordinate difference is below this threshold. Returns ------- H Approximated damped BFGS obtained from coordinate and gradient differences. """ assert min_diff > 0.0 _, ncoords = all_coords.shape assert len(all_coords.shape) == 2 assert all_coords.shape == all_forces.shape coord_diffs = np.diff(all_coords, axis=0) diffs = np.linalg.norm(coord_diffs, axis=1) grad_diffs = -np.diff(all_forces, axis=0) H = np.eye(ncoords) for s, diff, y in zip(coord_diffs, diffs, grad_diffs): if diff <= min_diff: continue # TODO: this function could be generalized to support different Hessian # updates, as several of them have the same api (H, dx (s), dg (y)) dH, _ = damped_bfgs_update(H, s, y) H += dH return H
[docs] def ts_hessian_from_cos(cos: ChainOfStates, ts_image_index: int) -> np.ndarray: """Build approximate TS-Hessian from COS image. Based on the approach outlined in [5]. First, a Hessian is build by repeatedly applying multiple damped BFGS updates to an identitiy matrix. Then the curvature along the tangent vector at the chosen COS image is modified.""" nimages = cos.nimages full_cycles = cos.get_full_cycles() all_cart_coords = cos.all_cart_coords all_true_forces = cos.all_true_forces all_coords = np.array([all_cart_coords[i] for i in full_cycles]) all_forces = np.array([all_true_forces[i] for i in full_cycles]) ncycles = all_coords.shape[0] all_coords = all_coords.reshape(ncycles, nimages, -1) all_forces = all_forces.reshape(ncycles, nimages, -1) image_coords = all_coords[:, ts_image_index] image_forces = all_forces[:, ts_image_index] # Estimate positive semi-definite Hessian at selected image index H0 = damped_bfgs_hessian(image_coords, image_forces) last_cycle = full_cycles[-1] energies = cos.all_energies[last_cycle] image_coords = all_cart_coords[last_cycle] # Estimate curvature at selected image index C = curvature_at_image(ts_image_index, energies, image_coords) if C >= 0.0: warnings.warn( f"Calculated curvature={C:.6f} image {ts_image_index} is not negative!" ) tangent = cos.get_tangent(ts_image_index) # Update that introduces transition vector with negative curvature. dH, _ = curvature_tangent_update(H0, C, tangent) H = H0 + dH return H