Source code for pysisyphus.plot

import argparse
import json
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import textwrap
import warnings

import h5py
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev

from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL, AU2KCALPERMOL, AU2EV
from pysisyphus.config import OUT_DIR_DEFAULT
from pysisyphus.dynamics import Gaussian
from import parse_xyz
from pysisyphus.peakdetect import peakdetect
from pysisyphus.wrapper.jmol import render_cdd_cube

CDD_PNG_FNS = "cdd_png_fns"
Default to kJ mol⁻¹. DE_LABEL and get_en_conv will be overwritten when
run() is executed. Both are still defined here, to make the functions
from importable.
DE_LABEL = r"$\Delta$E / kJ mol⁻¹"

[docs] def get_en_conv(): return AU2KJPERMOL, "kJ mol⁻¹"
[docs] def get_force_unit(coord_type): force_unit = "$E_h$ Bohr⁻¹" if coord_type != "cart": force_unit += " (rad)⁻¹" return force_unit
[docs] def spline_plot_cycles(cart_coords, energies): num_cycles = energies.shape[1] fig, ax = plt.subplots() colors =, 1, num=num_cycles)) # for cycle, color in zip(energies, colors): for i, (cycle, color) in enumerate(zip(energies, colors)): ax.plot(cycle, "o-", color=color) ax.set_title("COS image energies") kwargs = { "ls": ":", "color": "darkgrey", } # Try to spline the last cycle to get an estimate for the spliend HEI try: last_cycle = energies[-1] num_images = last_cycle.size spl = splrep(np.arange(num_images), last_cycle) # Calculate interpolated values x2 = np.linspace(0, num_images, 100) y2 = splev(x2, spl) # Only consider maxima peak_inds, _ = peakdetect(y2, lookahead=2) if not peak_inds: ax.plot(x2, y2) else: peak_inds = np.array(peak_inds)[:, 0].astype(int) peak_xs = x2[peak_inds] peak_ys = y2[peak_inds] ax.plot(x2, y2, peak_xs, peak_ys, "x") for px, py in zip(peak_xs, peak_ys): ax.axhline(y=py, **kwargs) line = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([px, px], [0, py], **kwargs) ax.add_line(line) except TypeError: print("Not enough images for splining!") # Always draw a line at the minimum y=0 ax.axhline(y=0, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("Image") _, en_unit = get_en_conv() ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_cycle(cart_coords, energies): # Plot last_cycle fig, ax = plt.subplots() last_energies = energies[-1].copy() xs = np.arange(len(last_energies)) ax.plot(xs, last_energies, "o-") ax.set_xlabel("Image") ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) ax.set_title(f"COS image energies, (last) cycle {len(energies)-1}") first_image_en = last_energies[0] last_image_en = last_energies[-1] max_en_ind = np.nanargmax(last_energies) max_en = last_energies[max_en_ind] nans = np.isnan(last_energies).sum() if nans: print( f"The COS seems to be not fully grown (yet), {nans} energies are missing." ) print( "Barrier heights using actual energies (not splined) from " f"cycle {energies.shape[0]-1}." ) print(f"\tHighest energy image (HEI) at index {max_en_ind} (0-based)") first_barr = max_en - first_image_en _, en_unit = get_en_conv() print(f"\tBarrier between first image and HEI: {first_barr:.1f} {en_unit}") last_barr = max_en - last_image_en print(f"\tBarrier between last image and HEI: {last_barr:.1f} {en_unit}") return fig, ax
[docs] def anim_cos(cart_coords, energies): num_cycles = cart_coords.shape[0] # Also do an animation min_ = np.nanmin(energies) max_ = np.nanmax(energies) coord_diffs = np.linalg.norm(cart_coords - cart_coords[0][0], axis=2) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Initial energies lines = ax.plot(coord_diffs[0], energies[0], "o-") y_max = max_ - min_ ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_xlabel("Coordinate differences / Bohr") ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) def update_func(i): fig.suptitle("Cycle {}".format(i)) lines[0].set_xdata(coord_diffs[i]) lines[0].set_ydata(energies[i]) def animate(): animation = FuncAnimation( fig, update_func, frames=num_cycles, interval=250, ) return animation anim = animate() return anim, fig, ax
[docs] def load_h5(h5_fn, h5_group, datasets=None, attrs=None): if datasets is None: datasets = list() if attrs is None: attrs = list() with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: group = handle[h5_group] atoms = group.attrs["atoms"] cur_cycle = group.attrs["cur_cycle"] coord_size = group.attrs["coord_size"] num_cycles = cur_cycle + 1 image_nums = group["image_nums"][:num_cycles].astype(int) image_inds = group["image_inds"][:num_cycles].astype(int) _datasets = dict() for ds in datasets: try: _datasets[ds] = group[ds][:num_cycles] except KeyError: print(f"Could not load dataset '{ds}' from HDF5 file.") _attrs = dict() for a in attrs: try: _attrs[a] = group.attrs[a] except KeyError: print(f"Could not load attribute '{a}' from HDF5 file.") en_conv, _ = get_en_conv() if "energies" in _datasets: ens = _datasets["energies"] ens -= ens.min() ens *= en_conv try: # We can't use coord_size because coord_type may be != cart and then # coord_size gives the number of internals. cart_shape = (num_cycles, -1, 3 * len(atoms)) _datasets["cart_coords"] = _datasets["cart_coords"].reshape(cart_shape) except KeyError: pass try: # Here we can use coord_size because forces will always be in the same # coordinate system as the actual coordinates. _datasets["forces"] = _datasets["forces"].reshape((num_cycles, -1, coord_size)) except KeyError: pass def sort_by_image(arr): by_image = np.full_like(arr, np.nan) for cyc, (img_ind, img_num) in enumerate(zip(image_inds, image_nums)): img_ind = img_ind[:img_num] by_image[cyc, img_ind] = arr[cyc, :img_num] return by_image for k, v in _datasets.items(): _datasets[k] = sort_by_image(v) # Also copy requested attributes into dictionary _datasets.update(_attrs) return _datasets
[docs] def plot_cos_energies(h5_fn="optimization.h5", h5_group="opt"): results = load_h5( h5_fn, h5_group, datasets=("cart_coords", "energies"), attrs=("is_cos",) ) cart_coords = results["cart_coords"] energies = results["energies"] assert results["is_cos"] # Splined last cycle and plot of all cycles fig_, ax_ = spline_plot_cycles( cart_coords, energies ) # lgtm [py/unused-local-variable] # Plot last cycle fig_last, ax_last = plot_cycle( cart_coords, energies ) # lgtm [py/unused-local-variable] # Plot animation anim, fig_anim, ax_anim = anim_cos( cart_coords, energies ) # lgtm [py/unused-local-variable]
[docs] def plot_cos_forces(h5_fn="optimization.h5", h5_group="opt", last=15): results = load_h5( h5_fn, h5_group, datasets=( "energies", "forces", ), attrs=("is_cos", "coord_type", "max_force_thresh", "rms_force_thresh"), ) cycles = len(results["energies"]) last_cycles = np.arange(cycles)[-last:] energies = results["energies"][-last:] forces = results["forces"][-last:] coord_type = results["coord_type"] assert results["is_cos"] last_axis = forces.ndim - 1 max_ = np.nanmax(np.abs(forces), axis=last_axis) rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(forces**2, axis=last_axis)) hei_indices = energies.argmax(axis=1) force_unit = get_force_unit(coord_type) fmt = ".6f" print("HEI forces in E_h / a0") for i, hei_index in enumerate(hei_indices): cycle = last_cycles[i] hei_max = max_[i, hei_index] hei_rms = rms[i, hei_index] print( f"\tCycle {cycle:03d}: max(forces)={hei_max:{fmt}}, rms(forces)={hei_rms:{fmt}}" ) fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(sharex=True, nrows=2) def plot(ax, data, title): num = data.shape[0] alphas = np.linspace(0.125, 1, num=num) colors =, 1, num=num)) colors[-1] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # use red for latest cycle for row, color, alpha in zip(data, colors, alphas): ax.plot(row, "o-", color=color, alpha=alpha) ax.set_ylabel(force_unit) ax.set_yscale("log") if title: ax.set_title(title) plot(ax0, max_, "max(perp. forces)") plot(ax1, rms, "rms(perp. forces)") try: ax0.axhline(results["max_force_thresh"], ls="--", c="k", label="Conv. thresh.") ax0.legend() ax1.axhline(results["rms_force_thresh"], ls="--", c="k", label="Conv. thresh.") ax1.legend() except KeyError: print("Could not find max/rms entries for force threshold on HDF5 file!") ax1.set_xlabel("Image") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_all_energies(h5): with h5py.File(h5) as handle: energies = handle["all_energies"][:] roots = handle["roots"][:] flips = handle["root_flips"][:] ovlp_type = handle.attrs["ovlp_type"] ovlp_with = handle.attrs["ovlp_with"] print(f"Overlap type: '{ovlp_type}', overlaps with: '{ovlp_with}'.") print(f"Found a total of {len(roots)} steps.") print(f"{flips} root flips occured.") energies -= energies.min() energies *= AU2EV # Don't plot steps where flips occured # energies = np.concatenate((energies[0][None,:], energies[1:,:][~flips]), axis=0) energies_ = list() roots_ = list() steps = list() for i, root_flip in enumerate(flips[:-1]): if root_flip: print(f"Root flip occured between {i} and {i+1}.") continue print(f"Using step {i}") energies_.append(energies[i]) roots_.append(roots[i]) steps.append(i) # Don't append last step if a root flip occured there. if not flips[-1]: energies_.append(energies[-1]) roots_.append(roots[-1]) steps.append(i + 1) else: print("Root flip occured in the last step. Not showing the last step.") energies = np.array(energies_) roots = np.array(roots_) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, state in enumerate(energies.T): ax.plot(steps, state, "o-", label=f"State {i:03d}") ax.legend(loc="lower center", ncol=3) ax.set_title(f"'{ovlp_type}' overlaps with '{ovlp_with}'") ax.set_xlabel("Cycle") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$E / eV") root_ens = [s[r] for s, r in zip(energies, roots)] ax.plot(steps, root_ens, "--k") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_md(h5_group="run"): with h5py.File("md.h5", "r") as handle: group = handle[h5_group] steps = group["step"][:] ens = group["energy_tot"][:] ens_conserved = group["energy_conserved"][:] Ts = group["T"][:] T_avgs = group["T_avg"][:] # coords = group["cart_coords"][:] # velocities = group["velocity"][:] dt = group.attrs["dt"] T_target = group.attrs["T_target"] _, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True) dts = steps * dt en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() ens *= en_conv mean = ens.mean() ens -= mean ax0.plot(dts, ens) ax0.axhline(0, ls="--", c="k") ax0.set_ylabel(r"$E - \overline{E}$ / " + en_unit) ax0.set_title("Energy") ens_conserved *= en_conv mean_conserved = ens_conserved.mean() ens_conserved -= mean_conserved ax1.plot(dts, ens_conserved) ax1.axhline(0, ls="--", c="k") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$E_\text{cons.} - \overline{E}_\text{cons.}$ / " + en_unit) ax1.set_title("Conserved quantity") ax2.plot(dts, Ts, label="Current") ax2.plot(dts, T_avgs, ls="--", c="orange", label="Average") ax2.axhline(T_target, ls="--", c="k", label="Target") ax2.legend() ax2.set_title(f"mean(T) = {Ts.mean():.2f} K") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta t$ / fs") ax2.set_ylabel("T / K") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_gau(gau_fns, num=50): print("Assuming constant Gaussian s & w!") assert ( 0 < len(gau_fns) < 3 ), "Currently, only plotting of 1 or 2 collective variables is possible!" gaussians = list() centers = list() grids = list() for gau_fn in gau_fns: gau_data = np.loadtxt(gau_fn) gau_centers = gau_data[:, 3] _, s, w, _ = gau_data[0] gau = Gaussian(w=w, s=s) print(f"Successfully loaded '{gau_fn}' with w={w:.6f}, s={s:.6f}") gaussians.append(gau) min_ = gau_centers.min() max_ = gau_centers.max() diff = abs(max_ - min_) centers.append(gau_centers) grid = np.linspace(min_, max_, num=num) grids.append(grid) print(f"\tmin={min_:.4f}, max={max_:.4f}, Δ={diff:.4f}") def eval_gaussians(coords): value = 0.0 for i, gau in enumerate(gaussians): value += gau.value(coords=coords[i], x0=centers[i]) return value fig, ax = plt.subplots() en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() if len(gau_fns) == 1: grid = grids[0] ens = -np.array([eval_gaussians(x) for x in grid[:, None]]) * en_conv ens -= ens.min() ax.plot(grid, ens) ax.set_xlabel(f"CV0, {gau_fns[0]}") ax.set_ylabel(rf"$\Delta F$ / {en_unit}") elif len(gau_fns) == 2: grid0, grid1 = grids X, Y = np.meshgrid(grid0, grid1) xy_flat = np.stack((X.flatten(), Y.flatten()), axis=1) ens = ( -np.array([eval_gaussians(xy) for xy in xy_flat]).reshape(num, num) * en_conv ) ens -= ens.min() levels = np.linspace(ens.min(), 0.75 * ens.max(), num=15) # contour = ax.contour(X, Y, ens, levels=levels) _ = ax.contourf(X, Y, ens, levels=levels) # plt.clabel(contour, inline=True, fmt="%1.1f", fontsize=10, colors="white", levels=levels) ax.set_xlabel(f"CV0, {gau_fns[0]}") ax.set_ylabel(f"CV1, {gau_fns[1]}")
[docs] def plot_overlaps(h5, thresh=0.1): with h5py.File(h5, "r") as handle: overlaps = handle["overlap_matrices"][:] roots = handle["roots"][:] calculated_roots = handle["calculated_roots"][:] ref_cycles = handle["ref_cycles"][:] ref_roots = handle["ref_roots"][:] try: ovlp_type = handle.attrs["ovlp_type"] ovlp_with = handle.attrs["ovlp_with"] # The old way is handled below. Newer pysis versions store ovlp_type/ovlp_with # in attrs. except KeyError: ovlp_type = handle["ovlp_type"][()].decode() ovlp_with = handle["ovlp_with"][()].decode() try: cdd_img_fns = handle["cdd_imgs"][:] except KeyError: print(f"Couldn't find image data in '{h5}'.") try: with open(CDD_PNG_FNS) as handle: cdd_img_fns = print(f"Found image data in '{CDD_PNG_FNS}'") except FileNotFoundError: cdd_img_fns = None cdd_imgs = None if cdd_img_fns is not None: try: cdd_imgs = [mpimg.imread(fn) for fn in cdd_img_fns] except FileNotFoundError: png_paths = [Path(fn.decode()).name for fn in cdd_img_fns] cdd_imgs = [mpimg.imread(fn) for fn in png_paths] print(f"Found rendered {len(cdd_imgs)} CDD images.") overlaps[np.abs(overlaps) < thresh] = np.nan print(f"Overlap type: {ovlp_type}") print(f"Overlap with: {ovlp_with}") print(f"Found {len(overlaps)} overlap matrices.") print(f"Roots: {roots}") print(f"Reference cycles: {ref_cycles}") print(f"Reference roots: {ref_roots}") print() print("Key-bindings:") print("i: switch between current and first cycle.") print("e: switch between current and last cycle.") fig, ax = plt.subplots() n_states = overlaps[0].shape[0] def draw(i): fig.clf() if cdd_imgs is not None: ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(122) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1 = None o = np.abs(overlaps[i]) ax.imshow(o, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax.grid(color="#CCCCCC", linestyle="--", linewidth=1) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(n_states, dtype=int)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(n_states, dtype=int)) # set_ylim is needed, otherwise set_yticks drastically shrinks the plot ax.set_ylim(n_states - 0.5, -0.5) ax.set_xlabel("new roots") ax.set_ylabel("reference roots") for (l, k), value in np.ndenumerate(o): if np.isnan(value): continue value_str = f"{abs(value):.2f}" ax.text(k, l, value_str, ha="center", va="center") j, k = ref_cycles[i], i + 1 ref_root = ref_roots[i] ref_ind = ref_root - 1 if ovlp_type == "wf": ref_ind += 1 old_root = calculated_roots[i + 1] new_root = roots[i + 1] ref_overlaps = o[ref_ind] argmax = np.nanargmax(ref_overlaps) xy = (argmax - 0.5, ref_ind - 0.5) highlight = Rectangle(xy, 1, 1, fill=False, color="red", lw=4) ax.add_artist(highlight) if ax1: ax1.imshow(cdd_imgs[i]) fig.suptitle( f"overlap {i:03d}\n" f"{ovlp_type} overlap between {j:03d} and {k:03d}\n" f"old root: {old_root}, new root: {new_root}" ) fig.canvas.draw() draw(0) i = 0 i_backup = i i_last = len(overlaps) - 1 def press(event): nonlocal i nonlocal i_backup if event.key == "left": i = max(0, i - 1) elif event.key == "right": i = min(i_last, i + 1) # Switch between current and first cycle elif event.key == "i": if i == 0: # Restore previous cycle i = i_backup else: # Save current i and jump to the first cycle/image i_backup = i i = 0 # Switch between current and last cycle elif event.key == "e": if i == i_last: # Restore previous cycle i = i_backup else: # Save current i and jump to the first cycle/image i_backup = i i = i_last else: return draw(i) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", press) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def render_cdds(h5): with h5py.File(h5) as handle: cdd_cubes = handle["cdd_cubes"][:].astype(str) orient = handle["orient"][()].decode() cdd_cubes = [Path(cub) for cub in cdd_cubes] print(f"Found {len(cdd_cubes)} CDD cube filenames in {h5}") # Check if cubes exist non_existant_cubes = [cub for cub in cdd_cubes if not cub.exists()] existing_cubes = [str(cub) for cub in set(cdd_cubes) - set(non_existant_cubes)] if any(non_existant_cubes): print("Couldn't find cubes:") print("\n".join(["\t" + str(cub) for cub in non_existant_cubes])) print("Dropping full path and looking only for cube names.") cub_names = [ for cub in non_existant_cubes] _ = [cub for cub in cub_names if Path(cub).exists()] existing_cubes = existing_cubes + _ cdd_cubes = existing_cubes # Create list of all final PNG filenames png_fns = [Path(cube).with_suffix(".png") for cube in cdd_cubes] # Check which cubes are already rendered png_stems = [png.stem for png in png_fns if png.exists()] print(f"{len(png_stems)} cubes seem already rendered.") # Only render cubes that are not yet rendered cdd_cubes = [cube for cube in cdd_cubes if Path(cube).stem not in png_stems] print(f"Rendering {len(cdd_cubes)} CDD cubes.") for i, cube in enumerate(cdd_cubes): print(f"Rendering cube {i+1:03d}/{len(cdd_cubes):03d}") _ = render_cdd_cube(cube, orient=orient) joined = "\n".join([str(fn) for fn in png_fns]) with open(CDD_PNG_FNS, "w") as handle: handle.write(joined) print("Rendered PNGs:") print(joined) print(f"Wrote list of rendered PNGs to '{CDD_PNG_FNS}'")
[docs] def plot_afir(h5_fn="afir.h5", h5_group="afir"): h5_fns = (h5_fn, Path(OUT_DIR_DEFAULT) / h5_fn) for h5_fn in h5_fns: print(f"Trying to open '{h5_fn}' ... ", end="") try: with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: group = handle[h5_group] cycles = group.attrs["cur_cycle"] + 1 afir_ens = group["energy"][:cycles] true_ens = group["true_energy"][:cycles] afir_forces = group["forces"][:cycles] true_forces = group["true_forces"][:cycles] print("done.") break except FileNotFoundError: print("file not found.") continue en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() afir_ens *= en_conv afir_ens -= afir_ens.min() true_ens *= en_conv true_ens -= true_ens.min() afir_forces = np.linalg.norm(afir_forces, axis=1) true_forces = np.linalg.norm(true_forces, axis=1) fig, (en_ax, forces_ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) style1 = "r--" style2 = "g--" style3 = "bo-" l1 = en_ax.plot(afir_ens, style1, label="AFIR") l2 = en_ax.plot(true_ens, style2, label="True") en_ax2 = en_ax.twinx() l3 = en_ax2.plot(true_ens + afir_ens, style3, label="Sum") en_ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="blue") lines = l1 + l2 + l3 labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines] en_ax.legend(lines, labels, loc=0) en_ax.set_title("Energies") en_ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) forces_ax.set_title("||Forces||") l1 = forces_ax.plot(afir_forces, style1, label="AFIR") l2 = forces_ax.plot(true_forces, style2, label="True") forces_ax2 = forces_ax.twinx() l3 = forces_ax2.plot(true_forces + afir_forces, style3, label="Sum") forces_ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="blue") lines = l1 + l2 + l3 labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines] forces_ax.legend(lines, labels, loc=0) forces_ax.set_xlabel("Cycle") forces_ax.set_ylabel("$E_h$ Bohr⁻¹") peak_inds, _ = peakdetect(true_ens, lookahead=2) if peak_inds: print("Peaks:") print(f"\tCycle: Energy / {en_unit}") print() for at, energy in peak_inds: print(f"\t{at}: {energy:.2f}") try: peak_xs, peak_ys = zip(*peak_inds) highest = np.argmax(peak_ys) en_ax.scatter(peak_xs, peak_ys, s=100, marker="X", c="k", zorder=10) en_ax.scatter( peak_xs[highest], peak_ys[highest], s=150, marker="X", c="k", zorder=10 ) en_ax.axvline(peak_xs[highest], c="k", ls="--") forces_ax.axvline(peak_xs[highest], c="k", ls="--") except ValueError: print("Peak-detection failed!") # fig.legend(loc="upper right") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--h5_fn", default="overlap_data.h5") parser.add_argument("--h5_group", default="opt", help="HDF5 group to plot.") parser.add_argument("--orient", default="") parser.add_argument( "--kcal", action="store_true", help="Use kcal mol⁻¹ instead of kJ mol⁻¹." ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "--cosforces", "--cf", action="store_true", help="Plot image forces along a COS.", ) group.add_argument( "--cosens", "--ce", action="store_true", help="Plot COS energies." ) group.add_argument( "--all_energies", "-a", action="store_true", help="Plot ground and excited state energies from 'overlap_data.h5'.", ) group.add_argument( "--afir", action="store_true", help="Plot AFIR and true -energies and -forces from an AFIR calculation.", ) group.add_argument("--opt", action="store_true", help="Plot optimization progress.") group.add_argument("--irc", action="store_true", help="Plot IRC progress.") group.add_argument("--overlaps", "-o", action="store_true") group.add_argument("--render_cdds", action="store_true") group.add_argument("--h5_list", default=None, help="List groups in HDF5 file.") group.add_argument("--md", action="store_true", help="Plot MD.") group.add_argument("--gau", nargs="*") group.add_argument("--scan", action="store_true") group.add_argument( "--calcs", action="store_true", help=( "Plot energy-values from JSON results, produced from plain calculations." ), ) group.add_argument( "--trj", help="Plot energy values from the comments of a " ".trj file." ) return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs] def plot_opt(h5_fn="optimization.h5", h5_group="opt"): with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: try: group = handle[h5_group] except KeyError: groups = list(handle.keys()) groups_str = "\t" + "\n\t".join(groups) print( f"Could not find group '{h5_group}'!\nAvailable groups are:\n{groups_str}\n" f"Use '--h5_group [group]' to plot a different group." ) if groups: group = handle[groups[0]] print(f"Using first group '{group}'.") else: return cur_cycle = group.attrs["cur_cycle"] is_cos = group.attrs["is_cos"] is_converged = group.attrs["is_converged"] coord_type = group.attrs["coord_type"] ens = group["energies"][:cur_cycle] max_forces = group["max_forces"][:cur_cycle] rms_forces = group["rms_forces"][:cur_cycle] max_force_thresh = group.attrs["max_force_thresh"] rms_force_thresh = group.attrs["rms_force_thresh"] en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() ens -= ens.min() ens *= en_conv if is_cos: text = textwrap.wrap( "COS optimization detected. Plotting total energy of all images " "in every cycle. Results from optimizing growing COS methods can " "be plotted but the plots are not really useful as the varying " "number of images is not considered.", width=80, ) print("\n".join(text)) ens = ens.sum(axis=1) force_unit = get_force_unit(coord_type) ax_kwargs = { "marker": "o", } fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True) ax0.plot(ens, **ax_kwargs) ax0.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) ax1.plot(max_forces, **ax_kwargs) ax1.axhline(max_force_thresh, c="k", ls="--", label="Threshold") ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_title("max(forces)") ax1.set_ylabel(force_unit) ax1.legend() ax2.plot(rms_forces, **ax_kwargs) ax2.axhline(rms_force_thresh, c="k", ls="--", label="Threshold") ax2.set_yscale("log") ax2.set_title("rms(forces)") ax2.set_xlabel("Cycle") ax2.set_ylabel(force_unit) ax2.legend() title = f"{h5_fn}/{h5_group}, converged={is_converged}" fig.suptitle(title, y=0.999) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_irc(): cwd = Path(".") pattern = "*irc_data.h5" h5s = list(cwd.glob(pattern)) if len(h5s) == 0: print(f"Couldn't find any HDF5 files matching {pattern}!") return for h5 in h5s: type_ ="_")[0] title = f"{type_.capitalize()} IRC data" _ = plot_irc_h5(h5, title)
[docs] def plot_irc_h5(h5, title=None): print(f"Reading IRC data {h5}") with h5py.File(h5, "r") as handle: mw_coords = handle["mw_coords"][:] energies = handle["energies"][:] gradients = handle["gradients"][:] rms_grad_thresh = handle["rms_grad_thresh"][()] try: ts_index = handle["ts_index"][()] except KeyError: ts_index = None try: coordinate = handle["lengths"][:] except KeyError: coordinate = None sizes = [dataset.shape[0] for dataset in (mw_coords, energies, gradients)] size0 = sizes[0] assert all([size == size0 for size in sizes]) print(f"\tFound {size0} IRC points") en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() energies -= energies[0] energies *= en_conv if coordinate is None: if ts_index is None: warnings.warn("Trying to guess ts_index!") if "forward" in str(h5).lower(): ts_index = 0 elif "backward" in str(h5).lower(): ts_index = -1 elif "finished" in str(h5).lower(): en_argmax = energies.argmax() grad_argmin = np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=1).argmin() if en_argmax == grad_argmin: ts_index = int(en_argmax) else: raise Exception( f"Energy maximum is at index {en_argmax}, but minimum of " f"norm(gradient) is at index {grad_argmin}. Could not " "determine ts index!" ) else: raise Exception("Couldn't guess ts_index!") print(f"Using {ts_index} for {h5}") ts_mw_coords = mw_coords[ts_index] signs = np.ones(size0) signs[ts_index:] *= -1 coordinate = signs * np.linalg.norm(ts_mw_coords - mw_coords, axis=1) rms_grads = np.sqrt(np.mean(gradients**2, axis=1)) max_grads = np.abs(gradients).max(axis=1) fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True) plt_kwargs = { "linestyle": "-", "marker": "o", } ax0.plot(coordinate, energies, **plt_kwargs) ax0.set_title("energy change") ax0.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) ax1.plot(coordinate, rms_grads, **plt_kwargs) ax1.axhline(rms_grad_thresh, linestyle="--", color="k") ax1.set_title("rms(gradient)") ax1.set_ylabel("$E_h$ Bohr⁻¹") ax2.plot(coordinate, max_grads, **plt_kwargs) ax2.set_title("max(gradient)") ax2.set_xlabel("IRC / amu$^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ Bohr") ax2.set_ylabel("$E_h$ Bohr⁻¹") if ts_index: x = coordinate[ts_index] for ax, arr in ((ax0, energies), (ax1, rms_grads), (ax2, max_grads)): xy = (x, arr[ts_index]) ax.annotate("TS", xy, fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") if title: fig.suptitle(title) else: fig.tight_layout() return fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2)
[docs] def plot_scan(dat_fn=None): if dat_fn is None: dat_fns = Path(".").glob("*relaxed_scan.dat") else: dat_fns = (dat_fn,) en_conv, _ = get_en_conv() for fn in dat_fns: data = np.loadtxt(fn) print(f"Found {len(data)} scan points on '{fn}'.") vals, energies = data.T energies -= energies.min() energies *= en_conv fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(vals, energies, "o-") ax.set_xlabel("Scanned coordinate") for ind in (0, [-1]): ax.axhline(energies[ind], c="k", ls=":") ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) ax.set_title( fig.tight_layout() print(f"Created plot for '{fn}'")
[docs] def plot_calculations(): cwd = Path("qm_calcs") if not cwd.exists(): cwd = Path(".") pattern = "*.results.json" print(f"Using {cwd=} to look for '{pattern}'") jsons = list(sorted(cwd.glob(pattern))) datas = list() for i, fn in enumerate(jsons): with open(fn, "r") as handle: data = json.load(handle) print(f"Loaded {fn}") datas.append(data) energies = [data["energy"] for data in datas] energies = np.array(energies) energies -= energies.min() en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() energies *= en_conv xs = np.arange(len(energies)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xs, energies, "o-") for i, en in enumerate(energies): ax.annotate(text=str(i), xy=(i + 0.05, en + 1.0)) ax.set_xlabel("Step") ax.set_ylabel(f"ΔE / {en_unit}") ax.set_xlim(0, xs[-1]) fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_trj_energies(trj): """Parse comments of .xyz/.trj as energies and plot.""" atoms_coords, comments = parse_xyz(trj, with_comment=True) try: energies = np.array(comments, dtype=float) except ValueError as err: print("Could not convert comments to energies!\n") raise err en_conv, en_unit = get_en_conv() energies -= energies.min() energies *= en_conv fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(energies) highlights = [0, energies.argmax(), energies.size - 1] highlight_ens = energies[highlights] ax.scatter(highlights, highlight_ens, s=50) ax.set_xlabel("Step") ax.set_ylabel(DE_LABEL) ax.set_title(trj)
[docs] def list_h5_groups(h5_fn): with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: groups = list(handle.keys()) print(f"Found {len(groups)} groups in '{h5_fn}'\n") for i, grp in enumerate(groups): print(f"\t{i:02d}: {grp}") if groups: print("\nAvailable groups can be selected by '--h5_group [name]'.")
[docs] def run(): args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) h5_fn = Path(args.h5_fn) global get_en_conv def get_en_conv(): if args.kcal: conv, label = AU2KCALPERMOL, "kcal mol⁻¹" else: conv, label = AU2KJPERMOL, "kJ mol⁻¹" return conv, label global DE_LABEL DE_LABEL = rf"$\Delta$E / {get_en_conv()[1]}" if args.all_energies or args.overlaps: if not h5_fn.exists(): if (tmp_fn := Path(OUT_DIR_DEFAULT) / h5_fn).exists(): h5_fn = tmp_fn print(f"Loading overlap data from '{h5_fn}'.") # Optimization if args.h5_list: list_h5_groups(args.h5_list) if args.opt: plot_opt(h5_group=args.h5_group) # COS specific elif args.cosens: plot_cos_energies(h5_group=args.h5_group) elif args.cosforces: plot_cos_forces(h5_group=args.h5_group) # AFIR elif args.afir: plot_afir() # IRC related elif args.irc: plot_irc() # Overlap calculator related elif args.all_energies: plot_all_energies(h5=h5_fn) elif args.overlaps: plot_overlaps(h5=h5_fn) # MD related elif plot_md() elif args.gau: plot_gau(args.gau) elif args.scan: plot_scan() elif args.calcs: plot_calculations() elif args.render_cdds: render_cdds(h5=h5_fn) elif args.trj: plot_trj_energies(args.trj)
if __name__ == "__main__": run()