import re
import numpy as np
from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG
def make_xyz_str(atoms, coords, comment=""):
"""Expects coordinates in Angstrom!"""
assert len(atoms) == len(coords)
atoms = [a.capitalize() for a in atoms]
coord_fmt = "{: 14.8f}"
line_fmt = "{:>3s} " + " ".join(
* 3
body = [line_fmt.format(a, *xyz) for a, xyz in zip(atoms, coords)]
body = "\n".join(body)
return f"{len(atoms)}\n{comment}\n{body}"
def make_xyz_str_au(atoms, coords3d, comment=""):
"""Excpects coordinates in atomic units/Bohr!"""
return make_xyz_str(atoms, coords3d * BOHR2ANG, comment=comment)
def make_trj_str(atoms, coords_list, comments=None):
if comments is None:
comments = ["" for _ in coords_list]
xyz_strings = [
make_xyz_str(atoms, coords, comment)
for coords, comment in zip(coords_list, comments)
return "\n".join(xyz_strings)
def coords_to_trj(trj_fn, atoms, coords_list, comments=None):
coords = np.array(coords_list)
coords = coords.reshape(-1, len(atoms), 3) * BOHR2ANG
trj_str = make_trj_str(atoms, coords, comments)
with open(trj_fn, "w") as handle:
return trj_fn
def make_trj_str_from_geoms(geoms, comments=None, energy_comments=False):
atoms = geoms[0].atoms
coords_list = [geom.coords3d * BOHR2ANG for geom in geoms]
if energy_comments and comments is None:
comments = [str(geom._energy) for geom in geoms]
elif comments is not None:
assert len(comments) == len(geoms)
return make_trj_str(atoms, coords_list, comments)
def write_geoms_to_trj(geoms, fn, comments=None):
trj_str = make_trj_str_from_geoms(geoms, comments)
with open(fn, "w") as handle:
def split_xyz_str(xyz_str):
X -1.2 1.4 0.0
X 2.0 4.0 0.0
float_ = r"([\+\d\-\.]+)"
header_re = re.compile(r"(\d+)")
# Also allow numbers instead of element symbols
coord_re = re.compile(rf"[0-9a-zA-Z]+\s+{float_}\s+{float_}\s+{float_}")
lines = [l.strip() for l in xyz_str.strip().split("\n")]
lines_remaining = len(lines)
cur_line = 0
valid_xyz_strs = list()
while lines_remaining:
header_mobj = header_re.match(lines[cur_line])
expect_lines = int(header_mobj[1])
slice_ = slice(
cur_line + 2, cur_line + 2 + expect_lines
) # lgtm [py/hash-unhashable-value]
check_lines = lines[slice_]
assert len(check_lines) == expect_lines
assert all([coord_re.match(line.strip()) for line in check_lines])
valid_xyz_strs.append(str(expect_lines) + "\n\n" + "\n".join(check_lines))
lines_read = expect_lines + 2
lines_remaining -= lines_read
cur_line += lines_read
atoms_coords = [parse_xyz_str(_, with_comment=False) for _ in valid_xyz_strs]
return atoms_coords
def parse_xyz_str(xyz_str, with_comment):
"""Parse a xyz string.
xyz_str : str
The contents of a .xyz file.
with_comment : bool
Return comment line if True.
atoms : list
List of length N (N = number of atoms) holding the
element symbols.
coords: np.array
An array of shape (N, 3) holding the xyz coordinates.
comment_line : str, optional
Comment line if with_comment argument was True.
xyz_lines = xyz_str.strip().split("\n")
comment_line = xyz_lines[1]
# Only consider the first four items on a line
atom_num = int(xyz_lines[0])
atoms_present = len(xyz_lines) - 2
assert (
len(xyz_lines) == atom_num + 2
), f"Expected {atom_num} atoms, but found only {atoms_present}!"
atoms_coords = [
line.strip().split()[:4] for line in xyz_str.strip().split("\n")[2:]
atoms, coords = zip(*[(a, c) for a, *c in atoms_coords])
coords = np.array(coords, dtype=float)
if with_comment:
return atoms, coords, comment_line
return atoms, coords
def parse_xyz_file(xyz_fn, with_comment=False):
with open(xyz_fn) as handle:
xyz_str =
return parse_xyz_str(xyz_str, with_comment)
def parse_trj_file(trj_fn, with_comments=False):
with open(trj_fn) as handle:
trj_str =
return parse_trj_str(trj_str, with_comments)
def parse_trj_str(trj_str, with_comments=False):
trj_lines = trj_str.strip().split("\n")
number_of_atoms = int(trj_lines[0].strip())
xyz_lines = number_of_atoms + 2
# Split the trj file in evenly sized strings
xyz_strs = [
"\n".join(trj_lines[i : i + xyz_lines])
for i in range(0, len(trj_lines), xyz_lines)
xyzs = [parse_xyz_str(xyz_str, with_comments) for xyz_str in xyz_strs]
assert len(xyzs) == (len(trj_lines) / xyz_lines)
return xyzs